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Smile at the world,
See what doesn't happen,
The moon is so sharp
And indifferent in the sky,
The lovers sink as they try
Never knowing each fall
Of smile as they eye.

Smile in the overgrowths,
The wastelands of the mind,
Touch the ghosts at meetings,
They will shock you raw,
White as the moon rages
And the sun, cold burning
Each day as it brands you.

Let go, let your face rest,
There are no smiles real
As you dream them to be,
Let your life be limp as death,
See the waters as they climb,
Up from the muddy tomb,
So few can feel rising.
Lad, so strong and fresh,
My arms stretch in surrender,
Your eyes are drowning mine.

Man, of stone and flesh,
My softness itches, aches for hard,
Two bodies found entwined.

Your touch is remaking my soul,
Tied in the knots that are we,
Your lips are the waters that cut,
The fertile glens that are free.

Dear man, remote, so alive,
Break my locks without cold key,
Free my being with heat, my kind.

Your touch is remaking my soul,
Tied in the knots that are we,
Your lips are the waters that cut,
The fertile glens that are free.

Strange, what species enjoin,
In the darks ever unwinding us,
We are but spirits passing time.
The looking at you
Destroys my mask
And a sun ignites
Heating the blood
That was buried
In window flesh,
Slits break, lid of eyes,
The souls’ shutter.

The breathings with you
Lays me asunder
To bedrooms starry
Where faith succumbs
Only to be reborn
In spooning after love,
The fae body spirals
In positions foetal.

The touching with us
Rakes the ghost moon
Which lies within truths
Dark as reddest rose
Rising in thorny stalk
Where treasure is sunk,
In cavities of chest,
Beat hearts shudder.
 Apr 2018 Brother Jimmy
elephants stomping on my head
laugh as they draw blood
fragmented ideals scatter in the wind
as trampled dreams mix with dust

cemented in 'supposed to'
hiding behind other people's 'shoulds'
jackhammer disappointment
crushes bones with broken boundaries

play me a song
to make it look pretty
and I'll pretend to dance
with you in foggy yesterday's

karaoke soundtracks
to a stranger's tears
that leave the heart blind
tripping acid just to see in forgotten colors

breathing bacteria
from the soles of shoes
wiped on my forehead
as they said, 'hello'

a mosaic of skull puzzles
grouted in the remnants of the ****
left behind as everyone
just walks away

shadows smell clean in dark corners
where colors are left to die
in clouds of expectation
leaving truth buried in the ruble

...of who they thought I was
When you died, I was the last to know.
You lived on in my mind and soul.
You were a force that could not simply go.
Your memory was enough to keep me whole.

I grasp your casket,
Had all my eggs in one basket.
I didn't fear the fall,-
nor time stopping still
I could not hope to see over that hill|
To see that life without you is a slow crawl.

Your body rots with my soul.
You have died and left only no.
You were once all -- but now are a hole.
When I breathe again, your memory will go.
On a brighter note,
the 1000 poems I wrote
to get over you might
change a million
lives someday,
so thank you for
the Heartbreak...
It was probably the
best lecture life's
ever given me...
 Apr 2018 Brother Jimmy
I pine for,
     crescent moons
     and star-peppered skies.

I notice and hear,
     swaying silhouettes
     and whistling night breezes.

I anticipate,
     the expiring hours
     and dew-scented earth.

I only exist in,
     extended silences
     and shattered lenses.

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