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 Oct 2017 Bongiwe
 Oct 2017 Bongiwe
You occupy my thoughts day and night.
All my days are wasted daydreaming about you finally giving me my fairytale ending
& you again,visit me in my dreams. There's no escaping you. It's torturous.
My first heartbreak. How do people do it?move on from the person they thought they'd be with forever?
 Oct 2017 Bongiwe
You're gone.
 Oct 2017 Bongiwe
I haven't done half the things I wanted to do with you.
Haven't made half the memories I wanted us to
And now you're gone and it hurts to  know I'll never get to do the simple things like
Lie on the grass & gaze at the stars with you
I wish we had more time.
 Oct 2017 Bongiwe
Lior Gavra
The moment you forget.
Mind wanders with regret.
Eyes blurred, lose focus.
“What’s my current purpose?”

Is spontaneous enough?
Chasing a dream, tough.
As a child we rushed,
what was all the fuss?

The lost moment finds.
The lost moment unwinds.
The lost moment reminds.
Messes with our minds.

In that moment there is clarity.
We connect with our reality.
Understand humanity.
Endless possibilities.
Test our comfortability.

A chance to breathe.
Rebirth and see.
Are we where
we want to be?

Take that lost moment,
to reset your focus.
To find yourself and
your new found purpose.
 Sep 2017 Bongiwe
 Sep 2017 Bongiwe
What do you do when you're proud of yourself for something you're too embarrassed to tell someone else?

Put those feelings on the shelf;
Top dollar purchase for the ones who sell out.

All my friends are down south,
but I'm northward bound because I just had to get out.

Slipping toward the ending of a tale never told.
Beginning in the middle because the intro's been sold now,
with everything falling apart while the false starts suddenly fall into place.

Keeping the old name but creating a new face.

Hit the dusty trail with a broken-down steed.
Feeding off the fumes of hearts in need while delivering gigantic fistfuls of nothing.

My twisted spirit demands recompense.
(Warranty voided in cases of psychological damage.)
 Sep 2017 Bongiwe
Nat Lipstadt
Why I Always Carry Tissues

To My Children:

I'm laughing at myself,
As I am prone to do because
Why I Always Carry Tissues
Is the title of a poem
I write for you.

There is a story here,
Of parenting, and responsibilties
That transcends yourself, defines me,
Vis-a-vis you,
then and there, and maybe now.

When you were small,
I took you by the hand,
The cement canyons, trails & rivers
of West Eighty Six Street,
Together, we would ford.

Periodically, as Fathers are prone to do,
Your hand, from my hand,
I would release
So you could fall down,
All on your own.

It bemused me that I could see
Three or four paces ahead of thee
Exactly which crack,
Upon which you would trip,
And come crying back to me.

That was then.
And now,
Yes, no more,

But I always had tissues
to dry your eyes
And no surprise,
I still do,
Always will.

These days, they,
more likely used to dry mine,
As I have forded that Styxy river,
When crossed, you spend more of the day,
Liking Back more,
Then looking ahead.

No matter, by right and tradition,
It is still my mission, that
when you need, when you bleed,
as I know you surely shall,
These pocket tissues will be there
Ready, willing and able, fully capable,
of snatching away your tears.

When you need,
When you bleed,
And you surely shall,
These pockets of mine,
Of tissue made,
Are waiting for your tears,
And you, to fill them,
For without them,
Their raison d'etre is unfulfilled.

These used tissues are my history book,
Re the art of loving, and the arch-i-texture of life,
Of tears and hearts,
And concrete spills,
That need knees to be complete.

That is why you will find me, without fail,
Ready, willing and able, holding my
White Badge of Courage at the ready,
Waiting patiently, for my mission to be redeemed,
Missions known as parenting schemes.

The scheme is clear, even if
my tissues you no longer request,
You will let your own babies
fall n' fail, then take their tears
Put them in your pocket,
keep them forever wet,
Like my memories of you
the ones I cherish best...

Perhaps a tradition
We will start,
Unsightly bulges in our pocket rear,
Where we will store our packet of saver-saviors
Removers of our dear one's fears.

If we are truly wise
Those tissued memories
We will keep,
Die among them contented,
Knee-scraped deep
When tears fall...

1. Written in 2008, updated today 7/2013, adding a word here and there.
2. When I wrote this, there were no more babies in my life; now the next generation, a new set of boo-boos
3. Yes, I still, always have tissues on me someplace,
a habit started over thirty years ago,
when my children where toddlers.
4. The poem I love the best.
 Sep 2017 Bongiwe
I don't love you.
I never did.

I merely cherished your presence
I only appreciated your actions
Not you.

You didn't make an impact not
did you make my life any better.
I don't love you.

I don't know why I am crying
Are these tears from a crocodile?
I don't know why can't I sleep
It must be my insomnia.

You, get out of my head.
You, get out of my ears.

I need my release from you.

I don't love you.
Do I?
I was inspired by a short clip which I've watched online.
 Sep 2017 Bongiwe
Did I ever tell you
Why I stopped drinking?
Why I am so terrified
To take a sip alone?
How that one time after class
My heart was broken
And I skipped the glass
And drank straight from the bottle?
How I crumbled into a ball
Under my favorite blanket
My mind screaming through the halls
Fighting off the demons trying to drown me?
Of course I always want to die
That's something I've learned to live with
But never before in my life
Had I known that I could give in.
Yet there I lay crying
Wasted with a racing mind
Begging to give in to dying
But instead I went to sleep.
So when my depression intensifies
And I run to my substances
I am so terrified
So alcohol is the last option.
Because it could be my last decision.
 Sep 2017 Bongiwe
I don’t know if I believe in love but, I believe in you. I believe that your smile is bright enough to light dark rooms. I believe your laugh could be the solution to world peace. I believe that your touch can make my heart start and stop. I believe that you smell like heaven. I believe that your voice could make the world stop or at least mine. I believe that all your imperfections make you perfect. I believe you have the worlds most beautiful eyes. I believe the stars shine at night just so if I lost you id be able to find you. I know you feel like home and when Im lonely I only want you. I know that I was lost without you you were the piece of my I was created to find. I know without you I’m mentally lost and physically broken. I know that without you its hard to breathe and impossible to think of anything but you. That every detail that makes you up your sweaty hands your long arms, your smelly *** feet, your hair and the way you could get lost in it just like your conversations. . I know when I talk to you I never wanna walk away. I know you make me want to go back in time and meet you earlier. You make me wanna hurt you and kiss you all in the same sentence. You make me feel like I could do anything. You make me trip over you every time you look at me. You have made me felt and say some beautiful things . I love how you are you over everything you are the most amazing oxymoron. I know you say the smartest dumbest **** ever and I love it but the question is does that mean I love you.
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