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 Aug 2017 Bongiwe
Fenix Flight
This is a Pregnancy loss Poem that is quite long. I wanted to warn ahead of time in case of triggering topics!

You dont know what its like
To have millions of dreams for the future
and then have them ripped away from you
all in a blink of an eye.

You dont know what its like
to love a tiny human you havent even met yet
just to have to say goodbye
before you even said Hello.

You dont even know what its like
To give birth to your child
just to hear *"she's gone"

and cry like your heart has been ripped out.

You dont know what its like
to go home with empty arms
when all you want to do
is cling to your child.

You dont know what its like
To never hear their first cry
or laugh, or see their first smile
or  hear their first "I love you mommy/Daddy".

You dont know what its like
to feel like you failed your child
when they needed you the most
and hear the words "there is nothing you can do"

You dont know what its like
to hold your child's urn and sob
Sob for the life you never met
sob until there are no more tears left

You dont know what its like
to wake up in the middle of the night
from a horrible nightmare
only to realize it's actually your new reality

You dont know what its like
to feel like there is a hole in your heart
that doesnt seem to ever heal or lessen
but seems to grow deeper with each breath.

You dont know what its like
to be jealous of the people around you
Holding and showing their newborn babies
and Screaming *"ITS NOT FAIR!"

You dont know what its like
To be told *"GOD HAD A REASON"

and wanting to scream
"You're god must be cruel to want my child dead!"

You dont know what its like
To be stuck in so much pain
and watch the world around you move on
Terrified you're child will soon be forgotten by them.

You dont know what its like
to be so Terrified to talk about them
becuase you dont want to make others uncomfortable
But it pains you deeply to be silent

You dont know what its like
to wake up each morning knowing
your baby is no longer with you,
that you have to keep going on without them

And if you know what it is like
I am so Terribly Sorry for your pain
No one and I mean NO ONE
Should have to go through this pain.
I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy
To my Daughter Carole Jean who was born sleeping exactly three months ago today on 5/26/17. Born too early at only 20 weeks and 4 days of my pregnancy. I love you babygirl Now and forever!!

ALSO! I am NOT bashing anyone's belief with the line "Your god must be cruel to want my child dead!" I was very angry and was angry at all the higher powers for taking my child away from me. I am very opened and respectful when it comes to Religion. Everyone has the RIGHT to believe in what makes them happy :-D
 Aug 2017 Bongiwe
Human being
 Aug 2017 Bongiwe
You need to grab my hand and tell me its okay
This place is so cruel And we don't have to stay
Take my worries away and make me believe
That there is beauty left in all the things That I don't see
Am trapped in a cage and you are my key
Come closer hunny, and please set me free
Stand by my side and never let me go
Teach me again how to pass every flow
I wanna feel with you the things I couldn't feel
Cause you are my savior, with you am a human being.
I want so badly to meet the guy that will rock my world upside down, that will make me feel a human again.
Kid brother your birthday is in two days. Yesterday was your party you would be 21 if they didn't stop your heart from beating. Life's hard as usual but i maintain the fact of being harder. Demons negative forces continue to play a huge part in my life leaving me with the thought of death and hope for the day.... I finally got a acoustic i learned three chords haven't touched it since. I wrote a song called change but somehow it still leaves me hopeless for positive energy. I know your safe and happy in your heaven of all the things you ever wanted. Your heaven of light and peace. Until i get there, be my angel and guide me to you.
 Jun 2017 Bongiwe
I will not lie,
I threw myself in, I wanted to drown.
It seemed beautiful,
peacefully blissful,
not having to worry about the;
what if’s of life,
of failures,
of the way, I had botched my life,
the way that the HOPE became my enemy,
the way that life cheated me...with me!

I will not lie,
the only light I saw,
was at the bottom of that floor.
It invited me in.
I told me, "there, I had a house"!
One, where I would forever reign in.
I liked the sound of that….
the knowing that something other than calamity,
of me
…………………………….wanted a part.

I will not lie,
I knew how to swim,
but in that instant…I pretended, I forgot.
The way that I pretended so many other things in my life.
To always have a smile
despite how much it hurt the cracks in my spine.

To have a brave heart, though it had bled out a life time ago.
The way, I can figure out how to solve someone else’s life….without hesitation,
yet, mine was so complex
and any attempt to fix it…was vexing.

Taxing the humanity out of me.
Felt like I was in a different tax bracket,
the bracket where the dejected must pay up,
but Uncle Sam wanted a little more on the side,
but, I had no more sides…
just a pretentious smile
my broken spine.

I will not lie,
I threw myself in
I wanted to drown.
my brained which is wired to survive,
sent a signal to my feet,
and reminded them
___________________PIES con MEMORIA


No voy a mentir,
me lancé, me quería ahogar.
Me parecía fantásticamente hermoso y tentadora la idea,
gozar de paz,
de no tener que preocuparme de los quizás
de los fracasos de la vida,
la manera en que arruine mi vida,
la manera en la que la ESPERANZA se convirtió en mi enemiga,
y que la propia vida conmigo me traicionaba!

No voy a mentir,
la única luz que vi,
fue en la parte inferior de ese piso.
Que me invitó a entrar.
Me dijo, “aquí tienes una casa...¡una donde por siempre reinaras!
Me gusto el sonido de esa idea
... el saber que algo que no fuese la CALAMIDAD, a mi me cortejaba.

No voy a mentir,
¡Yo sabía nadar!
pero en ese instante...
Pretendí, que no sabía.

Así como pretendí tantas cosas en mi vida.
Vestirme siempre de una sonrisa…
cuando al sonreírme me hiriera la espina dorsal.

Pretender que tenía un corazón lleno de valentía,
aun a sabiendas,
que se había desangrado hace un tiempo atrás.

La manera como podía resolver la vida de alguien, sin contrariedad alguna,
más la mía,
la encontraba tan compleja y cualquier intento de arreglarla... espinoso me salía.

Es como si la vida le subía los impuestos a mi humanidad.
Como si estuviese yo en otro tramo de impuestos, por el simple hecho de respirar.
Que el recaudador de impuestos, quería más de lo que podía yo pagar,
Mas ya yo no tenía nada más que dar.
Sólo una pretensiosa sonrisa y mi fraccionada columna vertebral.

No voy a mentir,
al agua me lancé
ahogarme quería.

Pero, mi cerebro,
que está diseñado para la sobrevivencia,
le envió una señal
a mis pies
les recordó


— The End —