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 May 2023 Ayesha
Maya Angelou
Give me your hand

Make room for me
to lead and follow
beyond this rage of poetry.

Let others have
the privacy of
touching words
and love of loss
of love.

For me
Give me your hand.
 Apr 2023 Ayesha
Unhappy Medium
 Apr 2023 Ayesha
The cliff feels nothing;
As the avalanche scores its face.
The deity that frees the snow's mooring;
Is surely safe from its rage.
The mountains conceive naught;
The gods cause gales to whistle.
But man knows too much;
And can do too little.
 Apr 2023 Ayesha
 Apr 2023 Ayesha
brown eyed girl
with sand straight hair
never smiles anymore

brown eyed girl
with sand tan skin
left out on the open shore

seagulls scream
tides sweep in
salt stains drying up her core

feet sink in
the sand is dense
she sinks
and sinks
and sinks some more
 Apr 2023 Ayesha
Delton Peele
 Apr 2023 Ayesha
Delton Peele
When you are wrong ,
You are convinced by yourself.
When you know you are right..  .
Might be right now......
Unfortunately may not be long.. ..
When will we really know .   .
All the lies upon lies
We've been living on.... .
It's one thing to hear an untruth
Then pass it along..
It's another thing to embellish as we do .....
The worst human  kind can do  
Is to know yet fabricate and teach
To escape blame ,for personal gain....
Or to crush hope because you have  none

Mike drop
 Apr 2023 Ayesha
Andrew Rueter
Do you want to be my friend?
What do we do now?
And to what extent?
I know how weird this sounds
but I don't know what's allowed
so I make sure no one's around
before I quietly drown in a bustling town.

Should I say hi
or walk on by
stop and sigh
and wonder why
I let silence rise?

Should I stay or should I go?
I use yellow lines to see the road
I never know how to be en vogue
so I just tell myself I'm free alone
and I don't need a home.

Do these questions have answers?
Is silence a cancer
affecting my candor?

My impropriety
makes me hide inside of me
until the sun's light is bleak
so I start to seek
a friend to defeat
my silent streak
but only silence speaks.
 Mar 2023 Ayesha

she was

the violet

they saw her
on weekends

when she
was lonely

dancing for
the winds

mixed with

she tasted
like silence

mixed with

stronger than

stranger than

she was
she was
she was

 Mar 2023 Ayesha
guy scutellaro
a shadeless lamp
lit her face

" i'll teach you how to dream,"
she told me in her room

broken and beautiful
she was 32
red hair
she had freckles
on her *******
and lost eyes
desperate grey
like a coming storm
offered heartache held in the palm of her hand

her name i can't remember
it was a kind of whiskey
she loved whiskey

she said it again
"i'll teach you how to dream"

but i had surrendered
many times
many years ago
somewhere along
the road
to nowhere

and she passed out during the act
and the rabbit
was dancing in the ditch
so i finished

"don't you get it," i whispered
through her snoring

"we were faded

a long

time ago"

walking out trailor
the saddest place on earth
is sante fe at sunrise
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