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 Jan 2023 Ayesha
in Jammu: the city of temples, there is a house.

On the other side of Tawi, past the old bridge, i sit in my memory;

she's talking to me, "earn so i can be free," as my heart drowns in summer.

"it's unbearable," i say -- "the weather hasn't been kind to you"

i wait for her to say something but she's busy again - "i have so much to do.. why don't you settle here and make my life easier," she says with a forced smile.

On the other side of Tawi, past the old bridge, i sit in my memory;

perhaps one day i can give her the world, the one she is promised.

here on the foothills of the mighty Himalayas, on the other side of the tunnel, i wonder.

perhaps i can leave while i still can, younger than i remember, or have i been old and it's merely a dream?

have the city swallowed my memories to keep her relevance alive.

is she just a figment of her many tangled roads, the tree sitting on the three hills, and disjointed neighborhoods?

by the river Tawi - where i once spent the evening swimming in the sweet embrace of liquor, and in ***** of a welcoming morrow.

overlooking the new bridge, thinking to myself, 'how beautiful is home today'.

or making out in the backseat of a confidant's car as we travel through the sidhra road, and she says to me, "do you think this will never end?"

and before i can tell her the truth - i see a fleeting glimpse of silver; and there i am -- in tomorrow -- far from the edges of the mighty Himalayas.

i take out my phone, i need to see what time it is, and there on the screen, it says it's 32 degrees of summer in jammu, still -- and i burst into tears.

On the other side of Tawi, past the old bridge, i am my memory.
 Jan 2023 Ayesha

i don't know my favourite
colour or the greatest film
i've seen

i know very little about
this world

i know even less about

everyday i wake up and
write some of it down

and i watch the same
people do the same things
over and over

that's all they

and when they ask me
what my favourite colour

i lie and i tell them that i
enjoy all colours

that my favourite film
is a Clockwork Orange by
Stanley Kubrick

that i read books and
how politicians are ruining
the society

i want them to say
you're so great avi you
know so much about the

i want them to see
more of me so i see
less of them

and more they
see of me the less i

for i know they have
a favourite colour

i know they know
lyrics to their favourite

and they've seen a
movie ten times and
remember all of it

how bored i am
of their constant

their constant

there's no scarcity
of men and women who
think they know things

but have so little
to say

it's better to not
know than be bright
and boring

better to be
miserable and not laugh
than to be so mechanical
and submissive

most people are
not free

because they know
too much

at some point knowing
becomes a permanent

too heavy for any
evolution to repair

that's when you
stop to live and start
to die

and i don't want
to die just yet

and i don't want to
be mundane

i don't want the
answers or want to know
my favourite colour

i simply don't want to
be boring.

 Jan 2023 Ayesha
 Jan 2023 Ayesha

chemical nights
city lights
and the isolation

farming dreams
while they scream
in my head

loneliness eats
and it repeats
in synchronisation

insects crawl
while people talk
in my head

gnarly roads
vapours from smoke
and annihilation

words i write
have already died
in calming insulation

and the rot
has set;

the dark coming down
all over me.

 Jan 2023 Ayesha
~for r, just because~

put her in my mouth and she became my

put myself inside her and she became my
insides out.

spill good words on her belly, licked & laced us together, then came my 

on elbow, she claimed coauthor-ship, demanded her name above        

I smiled, answering most matter-of-factly,
surely they’re your creations, you-a-ruler, procreator, foremost, first,

the ABCedarian

the muse goddess of alphabets, all that is poetic divine mistress to

I’m mortal,
your transcriber, copyist, alphabetically seconded, merest mere,

the ABEcedarian

I’m rudimentary without you, lost midst the masses o’poets nameless.

She snorted, said
“sounds like poetic ******* to me”
but returned to her sleepy heaven,
mumbling most contentedly.
a person who is learning the letters of the alphabet.
a rudimentary beginner in any field of learning.
 Jan 2023 Ayesha
Ashley Kaye
“Write a short poem.”
there’s too much to say,
or been said
yet to be

So swallow the penny
no one keeps them nowadays
August 22, 2019
 Jan 2023 Ayesha
Ashley Kaye
Your beauty may birth from shaved legs
red clown lips, gaudy eyeshadow
flimsy black crumbles beneath
your eyelid
You are ****-sun-kissed;
I am opaque.
Blotches of color
Lighten my smile

cheekbones never as sharp
as your words
July 2019
 Jan 2023 Ayesha
Ashley Kaye
 Jan 2023 Ayesha
Ashley Kaye
fleet bare feet on tile floor
Tip our toes into mythic water
in the grout.

puddles are mere puddles, after all.
Virginity youth intimacy
 Jan 2023 Ayesha
Ashley Kaye
What happens to the peach when June
rolling like a playful child,
succumbs July?
Have we reached the bottom
of the hill?

Or do we roll onward, yellowing to brown?
Riper but never sweeter—-
Bruises from the fall bring with them
new hues
Metaphor :)

Growing up and summer are so closely linked for me.
 Dec 2022 Ayesha
a pebble cracking the mirror
skipping across the body
only to sink into
the core

deeper and darker
the riptide

am i alive?
i’m not so sure

why do we
even try to
codify the mystery

an ocean
a fault line
nothing less
nothing more

all of the gravel
with a smile

lips smacking
on a foreign
i’m so ******* bored
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