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 Aug 2014 Aditi
 Aug 2014 Aditi
you're the blood my heart pumps to every *****.
you fill me up,
you make me feel alive.
you're the oxygen my lung takes in.
you're my destruction,
yet honey you're always my savior too.
you're the missing puzzle piece,
baby without you I'm never complete.
without you I'm filled up with void,
with emptiness.
as if I am made up of only fragile bones,
a beating heart,
but no soul.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Take your time and finish what you have to say
I’ll be here carving our names into the branches of these trees
Those dark clouds are always rolling in
Constantly screaming her name at me
The spiders spin their webs around our necks
Please whisper to me don’t let me forget
Sit with me and watch the whole world fade away
These hollow hands and silence hanging between us
Why can’t we see everything falling apart
It rains again and the spectrum falls down to grey
On these shores we’re sinking we’re falling helpless
We’ve lost ourselves in things we were never meant to feel
I’m the one who fled to the sea looking for safety outside of your hands
Somewhere in the deep
 Aug 2014 Aditi
 Aug 2014 Aditi
hands shaking
and lips trembling
i crave your hips on mine
push into me
and satisfy my lust
your wet lips meet my body
leaving marks
purple and blue
you don't hesitate to claim me yours

my turn too satisfy
my warm tongue meets your neck
leave little trails down your chest
to your hips
all the way down
i will start from bottom to top
form my mouth around you
spread my warmth to your body
won't stop till we're both shaking

push me down and take charge
pin me against the wall
come into me and press against me
lay me on the bed
lick me
move your tongue fast
allow my nails to scratch your back
dig into you
my moans encourage you to go more
driving me insane
making me shake uncontrollably

i pull you up hard
and take all of you in me
matching your thrusts
going as fast as we can
as hard as we can
thrusting our hips
drenched and heated
we melt into each other
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Poetic Artiste
If I unlocked my pages,
Would you read me?

If I showed you my chapters,
Would you remember my details?

If I opened my heart to you,
Would you accept me?

If I let down my walls,
Would you care for me?

If you ripped one of my pages,
Would you mend me?

If you scratched my cover,
Would you heal me?

If you completed me,
Would you toss me out?

If I didn’t intrigue you enough,
Would I be forgotten about?

If I served my purpose,
Would I be kept near forever?

Or would I return to the shelf?
Collecting dust,
Never again to be cherished or touched.
Until the silk of my pages lose their beauty becoming foxed.
As if I were not recently in your arms.
Enjoying the warmth of fingertips slowly turning my leaves,
Adoring the tender gaze set upon me,
While nearing a closing inevitably,
Why should I break my seal for you?
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Eric Pudalov
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Eric Pudalov
this scroll has been
blankened by neglect
its anger has washed clear
the ink that once flowed
its parchment pages
those who pass it by
fail to see
the d y i n g

where is the pen
that will embody
the white space
once again?
This poem was written in about 2 minutes.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
depression is something
so many must deal with
must try to control

you don't lose control
and become depressed
you become depressed
and try not to lose control.

if you stand on that edge
of a high up cliff
to a pit of black
at a bottom you can't see

one foot dangling over
one foot planted on the cliff
one gust of wind
one little blow
can push you back over

that is depression.

holding your hand over a flame
you know it's there
you feel the burning
but you try to fight through
to pull your hand away
to stop the searing in your mind

that is depression.

swimming in the ocean
with slices of flesh
gone from your body
the salt stinging all the time
barely a head above water
a wave pulling you under
when you least expect it

that is depression.

pulling yourself back
from the cliff's edge
snatching your hand away
from the torrid flame
propelling yourself to shore
from the deluge of water

that is taking back control.
 Aug 2014 Aditi
 Aug 2014 Aditi
Be silent, I wish you could just listen
For once, at least to my honest admission
I found stars in your eyes, and fire in your gaze-
I will never ever get it
I wanted to write about you
But it's making me feel tragic
You are the fuel, and the flame
It burns well, but ******* all the same

I hope this gets to you like you got to me
I am up to my ears in unwritten words
I hope to god you understand why I could never breathe
I am up to my ears in unsung verses
I was actually hoping to write something  that made sense but I got angry and annoyed at myself
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