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Jul 2015 · 233
Beware the people
who are all talk and no walk;
I'd much rather walk in silence
and let Time speak for itself.
Jul 2015 · 560
The Meek Shall..
Be kind in the face of hostility:
the show is the best on Earth!
Jul 2015 · 327
Fascism of Academia
"You don't do it like me, so you're doing it wrong.

Only the dead are entitled to their styles."
Jul 2015 · 917
All or Nothing
who is selectively nice
is not a nice person at all.

One who is nice to you
but not to others
is but duplicitous at best.

How One treats waiters, servers, cashiers and strangers
is a better indication of how they really think of others.

*How rampant the internet is with sociopathy!
Jul 2015 · 448
Ilk of Ego
How the Ego doth so love
to cling to such Negativity-
to fester in such irk and ire:
to spawn more of such ilk.

Schadenfreude knows no greater love!
Jul 2015 · 409
Why do we let authoritarians rule?
Why don't we just mock them
as we sit back and enjoy the show?
Jul 2015 · 227
Losers criticize
Winners analyze
Jul 2015 · 226
Make it so
Be careful
not to spend too much time
in the "what if," or "I wish,"
but seek to be present in "what is."
Jun 2015 · 949
Happiness is Perspective
The happiest of people
don't have the best of everything;
they make the best of everything.
One has two choices in Life:

accept conditions just as they are
accept the responsibility of attempting to alter them.
Jun 2015 · 1.6k
Let's be honest: not to suffer
is, on certain levels, boredom.
As such, it only stands to reason
that boredom should strike such woe!
Jun 2015 · 217
Wisdom has much time;
folly but had much time.
Jun 2015 · 360
Water the Seeds of Time
Empathize with hope by nurturing what's sought by the respected and loved.
Jun 2015 · 322
Spiritual Absolute Value
The only thing as significant as action is non-action.
Jun 2015 · 262
I'd rather laugh.
Some fools clench as others laugh,
while the Wise do just as they please-
not because they think they must,
but because they hold no inward doubt
and free themselves unto themselves.
"Well, no ****!"
Jun 2015 · 400
Truly, it is the thing itself that matters,
not the discussion or description or analysis thereof,
yet therein doth lie such complementary value:
the way in which it is- that is,
the way in which it is shaped,
and, if I may: *how and/or why?
Jun 2015 · 217
Watch it laugh at our attempts to control it with me!
It's a good show. Better than many I've seen, anyway.
Jun 2015 · 310
The Universe loves good chances to knock a head or two out of the clouds.
Jun 2015 · 467
Wouldn't that be funny
"What the **** was I gonna write..."
"..i dunno. Some badass piece of wisdom?"
I learn something new every time.
Jun 2015 · 274
Upon truly remembering,
One curses why and how long
One wanted truly to forget.

Then, let's joke about it!
The spiritual game of Amnesia
doth so revel in such incredulity!
Jun 2015 · 295
Observe thy Being.
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Notes (optional)
Jun 2015 · 293
Mind the Gap
"Try as I might,
I can't seem to find
where it all stops and I begin.
I'll take that as a sign
that this is an artifact of Mind.

Call it God, I suppose; path of lesser resistance.

In a philosophical rainstorm, any name'll do."
Jun 2015 · 316
It needs to be challenged.
Don't worry: it understands.
Let it help you be more like it,
for we all change before it does,
and so it would be auspicious
to learn from it as it is.
Everything changes,
so all is but change.

Seek as thou willst
all the while while remaining
among the Ten-Thousand Things:

Be as it, as you are.

"Recognizing such intrinsic Perfection,
you will tilt your head back and laugh with the sky."
-Some *******
Jun 2015 · 224
Such is the Mind
A perfect image is so profaned by distorted mirrors.

So few mirrors seem to esteem the image, itself.
Jun 2015 · 185
Nurture ideas
that nurture ideas
Jun 2015 · 373
Aye, there's the rub
How is a sober person to appreciate sobriety?
Jun 2015 · 173
"That's just it!"
Jun 2015 · 384
Stopping to think about it,
having an in-a-body experience
truly is far more peculiar than
having an out-of-body experience
Be grateful that it happens at all.
We, the living, are a lucky few.
Jun 2015 · 420
Challenge Thyself Forwardly
There is no such thing as an "absence of mistakes."

Excommunication of mistakes
exemplifies stubborn reluctance
to venture wholesomely into the Unknown,
which, I venture, sure seems erroneous by nature!
May 2015 · 364
Note Bene
Notice more, rather than less-
lest we castrate consciousness!
May 2015 · 214
"A part of you is in denial,
as far as I can tell.
It's familiar to me, you see;
for I used to be, as well."
May 2015 · 298
One likely has more sides
than One may like to think.
May 2015 · 830
Learn to swallow pride and apologize,
'cause it's not worth damaging relationships
to sate some ephemeral lust of Ego.
May 2015 · 1.5k
The Jazz of Philosophy
May 2015 · 4.7k
Let's Make Blame Obsolete
May 2015 · 20.6k
One, who can point a finger at One's Self,
shall find sources of many problems,
and many plausible genuine solutions,
quicker and more often than any who cannot.
May 2015 · 470
Some Levity of Dharma
If you're serious about it, prove it. Begin to practice it.
If you're gonna do it, don't take yourself so seriously:
the stress, though it is a motivator, may just **** you!
May 2015 · 474
Catharsis [Demons]
We need to talk openly with and about our Demons,
'cause they're always whispering in our ear
and waiting on the tip of our tongue,
so I find it's better to take those dogs for a walk
at least once or twice a day, if not more,
than to let them destroy our mental furniture
and **** in the pantry, or the bed, as it were,
as we're so blissfully content
leaving our own Shadow unsupervised;
that is,
until we find ourselves cast from Grace
and play the victim, or create victims-
succumbing evermore to our Demons.

We have the Will to chose:
build pressure, or diffuse it.

Do as ye will,
but be willing to accept consequences
lest ye be a coward and a hypocrite,
as is rather in-style, t'would seem
To dismiss as "Dark" is to forsake what Light!
May 2015 · 285
Some People, Man. Y'know?
"Show some ******* respect,
you rude, selfish, impious, insipid, sciolistic
vapid-*******-copy of a corporate imitation!"
May 2015 · 393
Inattentive Ignorance
Talking so often distracts from doing.

Truest Wisdom needn't advertise itself:
her Art is elusion; her mirror: all things.

Worthy are those aware of reflections.
May 2015 · 183
If it was true yesterday:
it's comprehension.

If it's true today:
it's knowledge.

If it's still true tomorrow:
it's wisdom.
May 2015 · 780
Wisdom as a Martial Art
is a term for trivia; information.

Humourless. Dark.
Static. Solid. Literal.

Wisdom,* then,
is a sort-of *Martial Art of applied Trivia.

Humourous. Light.
Dynamic. Fluid. Symbolic.

Almost as if Yin and Yang!
Y'know, I gotta say: these patterns-
they're rather strangely.. *familiar..*
..are they not?

May 2015 · 485
then go with the flow.

Strategize as best you can
living moment by moment.
May 2015 · 345
Mistakes can become Motifs,
and that doesn't at all have to be a bad thing!

It's all a matter of application.
May 2015 · 565
Play the Odds
One has two options:

To try, hazarding success;
or not to try, ensuring failure.
May 2015 · 671
Prayer of Integrity
May thy Friends be many and true;
thy Enemies: well-earned, yet few.
May 2015 · 285
Quoth Earle:
"Anything worth doin's worth doin' right."
Something a great friend of mine says all the time.
Apr 2015 · 2.4k
The Academic World, it would seem,
hasn't so much to do now with Philosophy
as with Sociology, Economics, and Dogma.
I wish it to be clear that this is not to dismiss Academia as a resource, but rather to pay heed to that fact that any institution may become dangerous through time, without regard for it's true utility or purity of initial intentions.

An appeal to authority
tends to stand in lieu of understanding,
regardless of who is appealing to whom,
and who's appealed to by whom.

Look both ways before accepting authority.

Caution! No one is innocent.
Apr 2015 · 355
Whatever "It" May Be
It has always had us
so very much more
than we can ever have it-
and it shall be forevermore;

so get over the Ego trip
and respect it enough
to be a worthy Harbinger;
reflect it as well as you can.

Just don't be bitter
when the times comes
to give back the mirror;
we have been It all along.

Mortality is one hell of a loan shark.
It is up to each and every one of us
to make the pain of Life worthwhile.
Inspired by a dialogue that took place last night 'twixt the singer of my Hard Rock band and myself.
Apr 2015 · 285
"Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."
-Maya Angelou
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