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 Sep 2017 AllAtOnce
Red String
 Sep 2017 AllAtOnce
Our red string has is stretching too far.

You look into the world
wanting to be out there.

I want to cut it
let you go
I want you to be happy
but that won’t be with me

I snip the string
only for you to tie it back together
saying partners are commitment
while titles are not

As you smile at me,
I remember a love
I had forgot.
 Sep 2017 AllAtOnce
Autumn Rose
That night in the green velvet park,
we breathed sweet summer breeze
and shared kisses in the dark
while we heard the music in the trees.
Alas the romantic hour was a little too late
and your blue eyes were about to close
and give an end to our date
As I felt how the wind blows,
I thought of your dearest dreams
in the spring,
so I lingered on and began to sing :*

,, Let me sing you a lullaby
and take you to the stars at night
where you can kiss the moon
and make your lips silvery bright ,,

 Sep 2017 AllAtOnce
Autumn Rose
Dance swiftly, my briar rose,
for in autumns lament you shall not seek repose

Cry bitterly,  my willow tree,
for the silver haired maid is long lost at sea

Sing serenely, my morning stars,
for the poetic moon is no longer ours

... Hear my whispers in the dark ...
 Aug 2017 AllAtOnce
 Aug 2017 AllAtOnce
"I've been searching for that light my whole life
Sparks of fire reigning through my frozen bones
When I got lost in the woods
That's when it melts every cold in my reign
It rained rays of light when we met
In the woods
That's where you've always been
By the tree waiting for me
And now,*
I'm home."

It's been so long. I miss writing and hopefully I'll write more every week. A lot has changed. Those who know me please do DM me and we can collaborate again.
I drapped his shirt over my bare skin
hoping it felt like home,
just like yours did when i put it on.
But it didn't quite hug my skin
the right way
and the smell didn't take me to
the sky like yours did.
And every time i left
his place all i could think about
was you and where you were.
I wondered if you were with her
and i knew that was selfish considering
i was leaving another's house.
I knew he didn't care about me
half as much as you cared
about those you loved.
And i knew you probably cared about
And he didn't tell me to text
him when i got home safe,
like you would.
And i counted the cigarette burns
on his skin and wondered
if the burns you left on my soul
showed through my eyes
my laugh
and my voice
cause god only knows
you nearly burned
every part of me.
 Jul 2017 AllAtOnce
Gaby Comprés
the bookshelves in my room
are filled up with poetry books
and the bookshelves of my soul
keep their words
they keep the heart of the ones who wrote them
inside my heart
they keep stories like mine
and unlike mine,
a reminder that we’re all making art
and beauty out of our lives,
that we are making songs out of our days,
making our burdens and the things we carry lighter
and that we belong to each other.
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