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 Apr 2018 E K Weber
Kara Petrovic
little bird,
your worth is defined
by the song you sing,
nothing else

it matters not
how your song
is received

nor how loud,
nor how often,
you sing

neither whether
or not
the world is left
in awe of your tune

simply the music
you put out
into this world
 Mar 2018 E K Weber
Damien Carmer
I see it in your eyes
You try to disguise
The smile on your face
But there’s fear inside

Fear of not being good enough
Not giving 100%
Fear of losing
Not being the best

Just be happy
In all you do
Living life is more of a challenge
Even if you don’t show
The fear on the outside

We are all hurting somehow
In many different ways
It’s how you take actions
To climb to the top of the mountain
 Aug 2017 E K Weber
Nat Lipstadt
~for lovejunkie, who loved this poem best~

so many reasons,
so many stones
yet unturned,
for each poem
a season,
for every season,
a given reason

eyes, dimmer,
hearing, harder,
memories, ha,
disappear as fast as
footsteps upon
my island beach

this then
my log,
of places momentarily visited,
capturing the of,
of me,
the exactitude of
where, when and what
I felt

what felled me,
the long and lat,
of the attitudes
of breeze and currents,
the happenstance that carries
a desperate soul
eager and afraid
to remember

"how fragile we are"

so memorized records here,
for his storage and his places,
both filled and unfulfilled,

poems, nothing more,
flawed each,
product of a flawed man,

here, for all to see,
most of all,
for the man,
to see himself
when the eyes of his mind
at last be shuttered
4/11/16 8:04am nyc
 Aug 2017 E K Weber
Mike Hauser
There are times when
It might seem that
I am lost and forlorn

With no explaining
Of words conveying
What has me acting so withdrawn

It's hard to fake it
What's in the making
As sometimes life just gets to me

But I keep coming
Back to your loving
As I would not think to change a thing

The way you know me
The way that holds me
Brings comfort deep down in my soul

Although at times
I still might find
The world I'm in losing control

I might withdraw
Before a fall
A safety mechanism protecting me

But for the record
There is no better
And I would not think to change a thing

And on those days
Life's thrown hard my way
Knocking me out of place

My heartbeat
Again tells me
Of the promise that I made

I can take my bouts of mood
If you can too
And if you do, please forgive me

Which is a reflection
Of our loves acceptance
And on that I would not think to change a thing
For my beautiful wife...I can be a mess.
 Aug 2017 E K Weber
Nadia DeLevea
Morning sunshine sings it's song,
It makes me want to sing along,
I know I'm right where I belong,
My head held high for I am strong.

And when the day drags on long,
More complicated than mahjong,
When all emotions play ping pong,
I swear I'll prove all doubts wrong.

Try as you might that grey prolong,
Only I can ring my own life's gong,
Don't ever try to drag me along,
For I am the sunshine all day long.
Sun Kissed Soul™  By Nadia DeLevea
 Jul 2017 E K Weber
If you ask me on a good day
What we need to change the world
I'll tell you "each other"
If you ask me on a bad day
I'll look you in the eyes and tell you
"What we need are more riots"
We need people out in the streets
We need a little fire, chaos, and to embrace our friends like its the end
And I would say both answers are realistic
Realistic in the way that I don't have an actual plan

There's a reason I'm not an insurrectionist
Because while freedom is out there
If I only reach out and take it
You don't know how hard it is for me to reach out and turn off my alarm in the mornings
So I tip my hats to all the Dean Moriartys out in the world
Those beautiful adventurous people who go to marches and take a stand or take their whole life and move across states
People who know what it means to "live like you mean it"
I have trouble knowing if I really mean anything I say anymore, much less what I do
I've always been more of a Sal Paradise anyways
The background character in my own story
Writing the chronicles of all the Roman candle people
Beautifully illuminating in the night sky

But I still haven't wrote myself off completely
And I hope you haven't either
Because there are still times where there's power in my step and fire in my mouth
I was born a militant apathetic
All that's left for me is the right catalyst and I promise I'll burn brighter than all the molotovs thrown in Greece
And while I can't promise to make total destroy
I can promise that I'll try my best to fight when I'm needed
Because all we need is each other
Today's gonna be
A good day
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