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2.6k · Apr 2015
KiingRie Apr 2015
I still fall on my face sometimes
and I can't color inside the lines
I'm perfectly incomplete
I'm still working in my masterpiece
and I, I wanna hang with the greats
gotta way to go but it's worth the wait
no you haven't seen the best of me
I'm still working on my masterpiece
This is Masterpiece by Jessie J
1.5k · Dec 2014
Every Other Day
KiingRie Dec 2014
Its  like any other day
I get up and brush my hair like any other day
I put on my bravest face  here I go
I enter the school, oh look here come my friends
The ones I thought I could trust to the very end
They smile in my face like nothing's wrong
But Im the one sitting there
Pure and strong when their faces long
When there hearts are broken because their boyfriends played
Them like games with tokens why aren't they true with me
Why can't they tell me?!?!
Why arent they there when I want my life to end I go home
Everyday crying my eyes out because I'm getting hurt left and right
Day & Night
But Hey!
Lucky me Every other day I'm happy like I just hit the lottery!!
I'm just writing how I feel sometimes not all the time I have a family who loves me and friends too don't feel bad
1.3k · Dec 2014
KiingRie Dec 2014
Pain Killers* What do you think their for
To **** pain
Am I right??
You take them for a headache
You take them for Muscle Pain
But Pain In life Yea it kills that too
You just simply Overdose them
And the painful life you have lived ****
Its gone leaving nothing but your name,
Pain Killers What do You think there for?
My friend who lived down the street decided that life wasn't worth living anymore R.I.P Rhianna Lynn Morawitz
Someone please repost this for *her*
1.2k · Apr 2015
Love is just a 4 letter word
KiingRie Apr 2015
Love is just a four letter word
Never to be seen Never to be heard
You can feel but never touch
Love has left me on a crutch
All full of lies and untold truths
But when I'm gone what will you do?
Will you move on or keep my love alive?
I guess I'll never know unless I die
778 · Apr 2015
Never Again
KiingRie Apr 2015
Never again will I let you in my heart
where you took shelter in the warmest part
I gave you my heart and asked you begged you not to break it but you did it anyway. I should've known you were a liar and cheat and all those I love yous were meaningless our "love" was full of empty promises. Those big pools if green drowned me in love I thought I had for you but this poem is over now and so is this big relationship lie
753 · Dec 2014
Love Never Lasts
KiingRie Dec 2014
Love to many people means just the
Phisycal things love to others mean to be able to trust the
Other person with their feelings to be able to love them and only them to love them with their whole heart forever but really does love EVER last I mean sooner than later love dies either in life ending or just no longer a flame or because someone thought love was a game if you take a step back and think Does Love Really Ever Last?
720 · Sep 2015
KiingRie Sep 2015
I'm  finally  free  from  the  unbreakable  chains in  which  you trapped  me
Unbreakable Chains: Lies
675 · Dec 2014
You Call Yourself A Poet:Re
KiingRie Dec 2014
Try to answer these questions in 3-5 words each

What does grass smell like?
It smells like dew

Not using the word crackle what does it sound like to step on snow?
Like a faint fire *******

What does salt taste like?

What does it smell like before rain?

What does it smell like after rain?
New, Fresh

What does your hand feel like?
Soft but then again rough

What is the texture of hair?
Silky but thick

What does water taste like?
Clear , Refreshing

What does it feel like to touch silk?
I drift off to another world

What does gasoline smell like?

What does a pine tree smell like?

What does fear feel like?
You want to be rescued

You may call yourself a poet, but can you answer this, the words rattle inside your brain the answer longs to get out. Yet you can't find the words to describe it.
Remember to use only 3-5 words each question. And if you want post ur answers in either a poem or the comment section, or keep them to yourself.
This is not mine it's another poets on here and I felt like it was a challenge so I took it'd I do??
614 · Apr 2015
KiingRie Apr 2015
Why* do you lie?  
why can't you just tell  me the truth?
why can't you love me for me?
why won't you just except the fact that you still love her?
why can't you see I already know?
why, why, why, why
I loved you no matter what you did
I accepted you for who you were
now I look In the mirror and scream
"Is something wrong with me, why does the world hate me?!?!?!?"
Then I remembered
When I get out of a relationship and I see my ex
with someone new
Don't worry my mom always taught me
To give my toys to the less fortunate
571 · Sep 2015
KiingRie Sep 2015
I'm kinda stumped on poems so can anyone message me ideas on what to write?
568 · Sep 2015
I Really Don't Care
KiingRie Sep 2015
Even if the stars and moon collide I never want you back into my life, you can take all your words and all your lies oh oh oh  I really don't care!
Demi Lovato - I Really Don't Care
Dedicated to my ex : Alvaro :)
510 · Sep 2015
*Free Pt. 2*
KiingRie Sep 2015
F- Finally
R- Realizing
E- Everyone
E- Excells
(In life, no one really loses)
If this didn't make since please tell me. Thank you :)
488 · Dec 2014
KiingRie Dec 2014
WOW You are amazing with your poetry I mean your absolutely awesome I can't believe your only sixteen usually teenage poems relate to low self esteem usually feeling sorry for themselves not being glad that their not experiencing real hell you DeltaLex are a real inspiration you've helped me a lot Maybe next the ENTIRE NATION!!!!
This is for my friend DeltaLex who gave me the thought of making a hellopoetry and to follow my passion to writing poems next music because music are poems added to melodies and soon I'll be famous because He inspired me Thank You
398 · Sep 2015
KiingRie Sep 2015
I feel lost without you.
You numb my pain.
You're the reason I smile.
Now I'm all alone.
The pain is coming back slowly.
You're gone.
I'll never find anyone as good as you were to me.
I'm alone.
Everyone is gone.
I was in love.
You left, everyone left.
I'm alone.
I "stole" this from Jathen Hall because its how I feel 24/7 so I didn't want to "copyright" or whatever so this isn't mine all Jathen Hall
315 · Dec 2014
If I Told You
KiingRie Dec 2014
If I told you I love you
What would you think
Would you think I was crazy
Would your heart just sink

If I told you I love you
What would you do
Would you leave me as quick as you could
Or say that you love me to

If I told you I love you
Would everything change
Or would you forget about it
Or think I was strange

If I told you I love you
Would you believe it deep inside
Would your feelings for me change
Is it worth the tears I never cried

Should I tell you I love you
I really don't know
I'm so afraid
I don't want you to go

I'll tell you I love you
I really know I do
But don't ever forget
Friends can love each other too.
This Isn't mine but a added a little though hope you like it!!
307 · Apr 2015
KiingRie Apr 2015
Today scars are beauty
Today its okay to be not okay
I've died so many times
but still I'm alive
this is not the end of me
this is the beginning
244 · Mar 2015
At School
KiingRie Mar 2015
state testing today

— The End —