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1.0k · Mar 2020
Ethan Mar 2020
We all take chances whether we know it or not. We all take a chance on one person once or more times. Taking chances are always a risk just like in Monopoly. But taking a chance in real life is way more dangerous than in a board game. You never know what happens after that chance. But taking chances is what life is all about. We have always taken chances. Since the beginning of human history we've taken chances. People take chances with religion. People take chances with no religion. But no matter you believe we are in the because we all take chances.
This has been on my mind for awhile and I am finally glad i have it all written out.
543 · Feb 2020
Baseball Season
Ethan Feb 2020
So baseball starts soon and pitchers and catchers reported today. This is the most excited i've been since the Kansas City Chiefs won the Superbowl. I know that's not long but baseball is just amazing and an awesome display. Baseball is that sport that you can't run the clock out and don't have total control. Anything can happen in baseball. It's amazing to see the comebacks that can happen. If your the Astros you'll just want to forestall. Baseball is always somebody's passion. Some people say is boring. Others say it is a smart person's game. How can it be boring and lame if all those fans are roaring. Baseball every season relights the same flame.
275 · Feb 2020
Valentines Day
Ethan Feb 2020
For some people Valentine's day is so meaningful and full of love. For others it's full of disgust and unlove. For me it's a bit of both. It's just been another year full of growth. Past few years I've had no one to celebrate it with. It's all been a big myth. In the next few years I just want someone special on that day.  I'll even take them out to a cafe.
I know love and unlove are close to the same word but it's ok.
229 · Apr 2019
Ethan Apr 2019
Death is a hard subject to talk about
It can be a wonderful thing or a terrible thing
But there is no reason to pout
Life can used up like string

I had lost my Great-great granddad awhile back
It took me a long time to get over it
I can’t remember if I dressed in black
I did throw quite the fit

We all have the one person we are close to
It would **** you if they died
You could commemorate them by getting a tattoo
All of us have cried

The subject of death is hard
Some joke about
People can get scarred
We just try to stay in doubt
210 · Apr 2019
Ethan Apr 2019
So my class had to do poems about a color
My poem really ******
I needed it to be fuller
I just needed to reconstruct
                          My color was green
                          I was going to choose black
                          But what can I say i'm a teen
                          I just got off track
        Maybe one day i'm going to rewrite that poem
        I'd try to make it better
        I was being so dumb
        I can't be a forgetter
                                                 Colors are hard to write a poem for
                                                 Especially when you don't know
                                                 It needed more
                                                 I went through with it though
190 · Apr 2019
Ethan Apr 2019
Today at school I got annoyed
Tomorrow will be the same
But Sunday i’ll be overjoyed
Sunday i’ll be playing a game

Monday will be the same as Friday
Just an endless cycle of torture
I hope the sky won’t be grey
I better keep my things in order

Just seventeen more days till school ends
I hope i'm not dead by then
I better be able to make a mends
I just have to clench my fists count to ten
164 · Jan 2020
Ethan Jan 2020
Oh summer why can't you be here.
Why do you have to be so far away.
I need your warmth.
The cold is killing me.
I feel the warmth leaving.
It's like it isn't even there anymore.
The cold is beginning to take over.
I feel colder day by day.
I just the warmth you brought back.
143 · Apr 2020
Ethan Apr 2020
Quarantine has gotten me down
I can't deal with being stuck at home
I don't get to explore the town
It feels like I'm living in a dome.
137 · Jan 2020
Ethan Jan 2020
Green is the color of new beginnings.
A time that can happen anywhere,
It can be at anytime
on any day of the year.

There are green fields and green buildings.
Power feels green, amazing and awesome.
Baseball fields are the green of a new start, but not everything goes right.

Green should be healthy and okay.
It should not be sick and hunched over.
Green is the beginning

Green feels like envy
Green is the start of anything
or the end of something

Green should feel like hope
But it smells like a sour apple,
A nasty, rotting apple
That chokes whoever eats it.
After awhile i've decided to rewrite the poem I talked about in April of 2019
125 · Mar 2020
Ethan Mar 2020
Any song can make you sad, happy, pumped up, and just really excited. But to really feel and know what the writer is feeling takes something special. To just stop doing anything and focus on the song and the words and the singer and how he/she is singing them.  Well lately i have been emotional for no reason whatsoever but its ok but that's life. Back to songs and not focused on me. If you can really connect with a song then that's great. If you can't then that's ok also. As long as you are listening to the music, not connecting to it is ok.
I don't know why but I just started tearing up to a song that I have no relation to. The reason may be is because I can actually understand and really feel the emotion the writer put into the song. There are these certain songs that I just start to cry and it's hard to control it.
125 · Mar 2020
Ethan Mar 2020
I saw you
You didn’t see me
I looked away and then back again
You vanished
I asked around to see if anyone saw you
They all said no

You were the one that I wanted
You said you would never leave
You said I was the only one
But you left anyway

You showed up at my house
You were drunk out of your mind
You asked for me back
I didn’t know how to answer
You stumbled in and fell on the couch
I called an uber and escorted you out to it

You were the one that I wanted
You said you would never leave
You said I was the only one
But you left anyway
I just wanted to see how many people could help with a song title and suggestions.
125 · Jan 2020
Ethan Jan 2020
124 · Dec 2019
Christmas Poem
Ethan Dec 2019
Christmas day has come again
Same as last year
I'm picking up the same old pen
I still have no career
This year is harder than the last
For I have no girl this time
Thrown away like an outcast
It was enough to give my life a swirl
I will be no grinch
For I still love Christmas
I will have my fists to clinch
I won't be stuck on an isthmus
I met this amazing woman though
She is so amazing and wonderful
I hope I don't get stranded on a plateau
She is so colorful
Her words make me feel so alive
She could save my life
Staying up with her makes me sleep deprived
I want her as my wife
Then we could spend all our Christmases together
122 · Dec 2019
Screw Love
Ethan Dec 2019
My plan with you was not to hurt you.
My plan was to grow and become yours forever.
I just wanted you as my boo.
But my heart was severed.
So ***** love.
I want you back I really do.
You were my dove.
But now I am so blue.
So ***** love.
I hate you.
122 · Feb 2019
Ethan Feb 2019
One day we met and wanted to talk.
You said you wanted to meet by the dock
So away I went and I brought my fishing gear.
The day was clear.
You needed to talk about the day we met.
You told me you were in debt.
You told me you were in love with me after several years.
I said I love you too and then I had some fears.
We had our ups and downs.
We had moved to several towns.
And then after a few days.
Our love went up in a craze.
You started accusing me of stuff I never did.
I then went and hid.
I hated being harassed by you.
I went to join a construction crew.
You went looking for me.
You couldn’t just let me be.
I always knew when you were in town.
You kept making me look like a clown.
I had to keep moving from state to state.
I just couldn’t take the weight.
I had finally moved out of country without anyone knowing.
I went on a Boeing.
121 · Dec 2019
Haiku about Love
Ethan Dec 2019
Love is amazing
It amazes my heart with joy
Everyone needs love
115 · Feb 2020
Ethan Feb 2020
A beautiful thing we experience everyday.
It can take down a plane.
It capsizes a ship.
It can bring major pain.
Why oh Why is it like this,
Why oh, this is not my bliss, bliss.

It makes everything living.
The Romans and Greeks gave it a name.
It is important to us all.
But we do not give it the blame.
Why oh Why do we do this,
Why oh, this is not my bliss, bliss.

They blame it on the people.
They say we are causing all of it.
We may be causing some but not all.
We should not submit.
Why oh Why do we do this,
Why oh, this is not my bliss, bliss.
104 · Jan 2020
Ethan Jan 2020
The pain you caused cut me deeply. It wasn't a sharp blade you used but a dull butter knife. It took time and patience for you to hurt me like that. You just kept pushing and pushing. Making sure it hurt every push, making it deeper. You didn't care about me, you cared about how you felt. Making yourself the victim every chance you could. I'm glad you left but now I have this hole in my chest.
102 · Jan 2020
Ethan Jan 2020
Why have "friends" when you have yourself
Why have "friends" when your anxiety
Why have "friends" when you have depression
Why have "friends" when you have suicidal thoughts
Why have "friends" everyone is going to leave anyway
95 · Jan 2020
Ethan Jan 2020
A girl came into my life and made me happy.
After she left I got really sappy.
A second girl came but she never intended to stay.
She had already given her heart away.
A third girl had come my way and I ruined it.
I just didn't commit.
A final girl had found me and didn't leave.
I still think this is make believe.
I don't want to mess it up.
I want to keep it like a newborn pup.
I don't know where I would go without her guidance.
I would probably just sit in silence.
94 · Jan 2020
I miss you
Ethan Jan 2020
I miss you.
I miss you everyday.
I miss your beautiful smile.
I miss your beautiful eyes.
I miss your warm touch.
I miss kissing your lips.
I miss you more and more.
I can't get you out of my head.
I try everyday.
I miss you.

— The End —