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Elizabeth Foley Oct 2011
We sit beneath the mango tree
You say, “I’ve got to go one day, you see…”
I nod and smile for that’s far away…
And I know deep down you really want to stay
So we talk and learn about our lives
Blaze right past all the normal lies
I say, “I think I’m gonna miss you some…”
You laugh and say, “God, you’re young.”
If I’d known then how this was going to go
There were more things I would have let you know
Like that time we sat under the mango tree
And my heart stopped when you first kissed me...

While you were packing up your little home
I was sitting, waiting by the phone
Wondering where I’d gone so wrong
Wishing your determinations weren’t so strong…
The weeks crawl by and you don’t call
I take the frustration out on my bedroom wall
We both knew that this had to end
But for that short time it was awfully nice to pretend
So we meet under the mango tree
I stare at you, and you stare back at me
You say, “You knew I had to go one day.”
I mutter back, “Then I guess there’s nothing more to say.”

Then like a tragedy I left you there
Unable to hold your penetrating stare
There were more things that we both should’ve said
But it seems we took the easy road instead
The road whose paths would never have to cross
So we’d never have to think about what we have lost
But sometimes I still pass that mango tree
And remember how you used to look at me,
Smile about those shining, sapphire eyes,
Marvel at the tree’s growing size,
Laugh about the brief time we shared
And pack away the memories with care

By Williamsji

If the fire within me burns your body
If the drought within me dry your paddy  
I shall survive with my everlasting love
I shall resist my evils, further to move
If the deep sea brings the water level down
If the castle collapse and breaks my crown
I shall survive with my everlasting love
I shall resist my evils, further to move
If the blue sky covers the shining stars
If the moonlight fades on the upstairs
I shall survive with my everlasting love
I shall resist my evils, further to move

Y Rada Oct 2015
It is difficult to be a man,
For I am not a typical one.
It is hard for me to go on,
There’s a secret that pulls me.

I loathe when my memories strike,
They hit emotionally with might.
I struggle so much to survive,
In a world so deaf towards my cries.

I look at a He and my heart convulses,
For I recall a He who gave me kisses.
I was young, forced and naïve,
I fought but He was much stronger.

Society might tell that I’m gay,
For I let a man violated me in a way.
But I’m not a ***** and I’m sure,
I play a role for which others envy.

When I was a teen I met her,
I admired her even if she’s older.
I was then shy and very timid,
With mental and emotional scars.

I thought of her as a dear friend,
Then she turned to be my worst fiend.
One instance she forced herself on me,
And used things that hurt me so.

A girl’s tactics differ from the stronger ***,
Tears she used first and blackmail next.
She was cunning, sly and very clever,
She stole my pride and my dignity.

My fears now mixed with anger,
My determinations got bolder.
I still cry and sometimes get lonely,
Like any other victim I want to fight.

I can not shout to the whole nations,
For societies will scorn at my declamation.
Both sexes forgot that I have feelings too,
I am also made of flesh, bones and spirit.

I am not proud of what I become,
Within me clouding reasons try to calm.
My desire is to win this battle to the end,
I am capable of vulnerability like any human.

But where does my right begin?
This universe has compassion for women.
The likes of me are expected to be steel made,
Yet I have feelings too for I am just a man.
Dedicated to all abused males by other men and to the men abused by females. A simple shout out to the world that I care…that I have heard your cries… and that you are still loved.
Jay M Wong Dec 2013
Oh my dearest time, for have you again flee'st by my grasping hands,
And for hath thou bestowed the drought of harvest to my very lands,
And yet for time has bree'st the misfortunes to me for years and years,
For He has deemed that sorrows comes not in singles but in greater pairs.

For in 'tis new year, shall, to the past, I give my wholesome regards,
And wish'st for the fortunate endings that time fiercely guards.

So to 'tis new year shall false vows light false determinations a'flame,
As a fragment of time shall such drive live, for inevitably 'tis fire a'tamed.
But shall'st these very happenings of the past year come'st to share.
Until thee walk'st the identical path down 'tis very next year.
A poem on individuals having resolutions during the new years, attempting to carry through, eventually losing motivation and having their resolutions dissolved into nothing, until the next year.
Xander Duncan May 2014
I'd never cared for flowers
Symbols of affection that wilt
And forget memories
And fall apart in kitchens and bedrooms and strew their pieces on the floors
Dried and broken after only days of being lovely
Flowers with their alternating patterns of
Unreliable determinations
Claiming every other petal as an opposite declaration
Of a determination
Of love
And I never liked removing thorns from roses
Because they added something truthful and

But when you gave me flowers
I held them to my heart and let my eyes dance across the kaleidoscope that they created in a glass vase
I let them live for longer than they did
Because they were still pretty even when no one else seemed to think so
And when they hang dried on a wall
Still colorful but slightly brittle
Maybe they'll stay like that if I just don't touch them
When you gave me flowers
I plucked off every other petal
Into a bouquet of He-Loves-Me
Because for once there was no doubt
For once I believed the sentiment in the flowers and the words from your lips as you handed them over
The lack of nots in the petals
Pulling apart the knots in my stomach
He loves me
He loves me
Truer than the dirt that holds
Wilting symbols of affection
Sweeter than the honey
Of their pollinators
He loves me
He loves me
A garden of something new and beautiful
Perennial and built on symbolism after all

Until you let me know that dead flowers were just dead flowers
That they were past their worth
And metaphors aren't worth the dirt they were grown in
That perennials can't return
When you've salted the soil
And brittle flowers on the wall should always be removed
But I always lived in metaphors anyway
And I had a new appreciation for flowers that I didn't want to lose
I was no longer a rose
But a thorn
I always thought smooth stems were so boring
Not to mention dishonest
But I didn't want to make you bleed
So painfully I dug an olive branch from my rib cage
Then realizing that a ****** token may not be so well received
I decorated it with a bouquet of blue Forget-Me-Nots
But you plucked off every other petal
And handed back an array of He-Loves-Me-Nots
He loves me not
And there was no doubt in the sentiment
The sentience of metaphors dying all around me
When all I know is metaphors
And flowers were never just flowers
And words were never just words
But both are found on gravestones and poems and apologies
And parallels have fallen into nice and even spacing
Reducing flowers to clichés
Of alternating promises
Of He loves me and
He loves me not
Of broken promises
He loves me
Hannuh Jacey Oct 2012
And sad she's been.

and drinking in the new year has everything seemed like it would fit into place... but fit in it does not, a square hole fitting a sphere shaped piece...

attempting the new does the old fit in better than anything, and happy nowhere does she fit in, and drink does she more...

but the more she sips the poison, does the toxin fill her lungs and more often than not does the feeling of unease take over her body... and simply the many that call her amazing really mean terrible...

but know little that they mean terrible, and the few that read terrible, know simply the  tears that fall are more simple and complete than anything felt before, and every feeling felt before is unknown and foreign to those who think they are aware, but are really oblivious.

always does the rain fall on those who ask for it, don't be sad and wish it didn't happen, because the truth that lies is what really exists and the new year brings in nothing but good hopes and wishes. maybe he should sleep.

and ask for that does she not, she wishes the truth would surface, because then would the sun break through and the light be seen by many, and make all the pieces fall into place, and everyone would read the story much more easily in the light than in the dark of her thoughts and maybe then will her soul not feel so heavy but light.

and always will she feel better if everything the alcohol keeps inside would stay inside, and the years past would not exsist and everything would fade away and the rain would it wash away everything...

and pretend all that occurred didn't, and innocent she would remain instead of everything stolen from her heart would she remain happy, instead of ruined and just another pawn in life's game of chess instead of a piece of a game that can ruin others...

and always ruin will she because she deserves death but isn't strong enough to give, because if strong enough to give would everyone serve time and deal debt instead of tears filling cups, and woes filling life, and pain filling strife... maybe then would the debt be repaid but no...

the heart still beats with unknown determinations... if the truth of it all showed would the heart truthfully give up and let the truth give in... whereas the life would be lost and no one would question it...
Jan. 1st, 2009
How is language used to cast judgement,
Determinations, reflections?

What of the user, signator,
A logical individual?

How does lyric evoke qualities that differ?
What contributes to meaning?
Why should words grant us such freedom?
David Barr Dec 2013
Success is a mere construct that is subjectively incompatible with professed spirituality.
Butter may spread with ease on a slice of bread, and it may not.
There is something appealing about the grains of sand which lodge in obscure places.
The texture of nature is truly fraught with the bliss and tragedy of North African mysticism.
Geology may be ancient, but so are the sensual indulgences of Cleopatra.
The construction of wonders remains to be perplexing; and I haven’t cleansed myself in milk.
Cairo is the epitome of occult curiosity where Anubis reigns in contemporary economics.
The All Seeing Eye promises safety at the cost of homage.
Identify yourself. If freedom doesn’t exist,
then why does the abode of the dead eagerly impose determinations?
Fly the flag. God bless America.
Amanda Kay Hill Jan 2017
It stand for National
Basketball Association
There is a lots of teams
That play in the
Basketball teach us to
play as a team and
To be a team player
It gives us determinations
Gives us a good feeling
Because you can to
Anything you what
To never give up
© Amanda Kay Hill
Jamie Lee Oct 2015
I'm falling in more ways than one...

....once again the cycle resets.

It takes so much to stay standing,
to remain firmly grounded.

When I feel happiness...
sadness follows in the absence,
replacing the gratefulness I should feel.

This discontent, stirs my emotions,
into a never-ending turmoil.

I am consumed in my greed.
The tease is never enough.

This life refuses to be fabricated.

Pieces lay scattered among the dust.

These winds never relent,
making it impossible to gather the crumbs.

Unable to make determinations from the debris,
I cannot seem to collect myself.

Brief bursts of effort, come and go...
this energy, so difficult to muster.

Without consistency, I am faltering..
never steady and always full of extreme highs and lows.

Now that I've tasted life with you,
I am bound to torture...

..the torture of being without your love.

In every aspect of my life,
I am getting most of what I need....
just not enough of it.

I have family with me.....but not enough of them.
I have the love of my life.....but not by my side each day.
I have two jobs.....but not enough money to cover those needs, or any wants.
I have clothing.....but they are worn and need replacing.
I have food.....but just barely an appetite.

I am hardly able to keep myself together,
physically or mentally....

....I can't seem to stop falling,
regardless of the several times I keep getting back up.

The last hope I have to hold onto, is you.

I need the strength you give me, to face the day.
I need the love you give me, to keep the sadness away.
I need you to hold me, and tell me it's going to be okay.

I need to be able to share the love in my heart,
that I hold only for you.

You are the glue to my life; what is keeping me together.

I'm sorry...
Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
Ayeshah Feb 2010
With my hand in yours...........,
With This ring I'd wed or so It was Suppose to be...,
I was Suppose to walk down the aisle..,
Say my I do's,
Give a speech even,Tell you on this day,
Why I love you most,
Why I love you so much..,
Walking down the aisle,
Looking as beautiful as I could be,
Smiling faces all blended together,
As I slowly try to rush on ahead to you..,
My focus and determinations rising as I finish the last few steps...,
The only face
I'm looking for
is yours,
As I'm given away on this day...,
I Can't believe it comes to this,
Trial and tribulations,
We've shared a few,Grew&grown..;,
I want to grow even older&wiser; with you..,
To my Surprise I'm handed to a stranger,
ya best man and what he has to say to me,
I don't want to hear,
He Tell's me Your not ready,
You don't think you can come to ya sense's,
and I must listen ,
listen to him its a serious matter,
but my brain ain't working,
I can't understand what's being said,
this wonderful Beautiful day,
I'm told I wont be given away to you,
I wont get to say my I do's ,
picked everything out
as best we
could and wanted it to represent US, Look Man,
this ain't funny so stop playing PLEASE,
Has something Happen I ask him ,
YA Friend,
The Best Man,
He holds his head down,
Bent real low as he looks up at me a tear falls
and He hates to be the one to tell me
but your just not coming at all,
How could you do it, Whats gotten in to you,
How could you hurt me specially
We had it set in motions from the first time we met,
We both knew some how it was gonna end like this, with us
Together forever, or so we Vowed,
Rehearsal was perfect,
Everything was so right even agreeing to do this outside,
Shouldn't it rain now why is the sky shining blue, so bright,
is it that there's laughter every where but only tears in my eyes,
I run back to the limo and get inside I got to talk to you,
but as I reach the car,
Ya best man
Ya friend,
Say you left, your not there,
hours past.
I'm at the Reception Hall,
Minus well
let everyone enjoy it,
since they came from out of town,
from all over the U.S.
My family and yours,
was Suppose laugh and share stores toast Us
and say how proud they were for us..
Instead they're all looking at me
wondering what I'm ah do....,
could you leave me here with everyone guessing. starring, wondering?
For better or worst,
that what we planned,
taking my hand placing your ring on my finger, as I
Yes I agree to carry your last name,
Sickness and in health ,Until death do us part,
With all of my heart,
I give myself to you,
No matter what may come, these words I promise you,
But your not here to listen to me or to even hear me,
I shout it out for the people looking and staring,
I'm breaking down,
I never thought this would happen to me not to day.
Not to me...,
It's still not raining,
It's still sunny out,
please play anything
let me loose my self with this Champagne,
Ya Friend,Ya Best MAN,
He's here with me&My; girl too,
They look at me with such sorrow,
I'm still in my wedding gown,
How Funny & sad for me huh?
I look so beautiful,
My hairs perfect,
My face is painted just right,
In the sunlight,
My Mahogany skin glows..,
Dance I say with a smile, its OK,
I'm alright...,
Please dance.
Looking out the window I let the tears flow,
How could you be so bold yet so cold,
You let me go & even thou
I know you'll say you didn't mean to:
When or if I ever talk or see you,
I'll say LEAVE,
Let me be
like you did to me on ;
©1977-2009 Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N)
All rights reserved.
mark john junor Aug 2013
darkness at the very edge
its bold
and far from silent
it has a vast sound at the verge of hearing
soft and insistent
clinging to you like a frightened child
you chase the source of light
seeking comfort in its warm familiarity
through the supermarket
where housewives steal trinkets of food
where men loose spare change
through the well traveled rail station
where men in long coats await the rain
where women of dire straights await rescue

clean the razors determinations
and know that the fine line reached
is the one between her mocking you
and the reality of your cold naked bleeding in the rain
no sweeping music can change the mistakes
no well placed words can undo the changes
and everyone may pretend not to see
but they all know
and they all lied

she awakens before dawn
standing at the kitchen table
holding a paper doll
inside she screams and screams
inside the tears are an ocean of death
but to the mute world
her stone gaze fixed out the window
that in her mind is forever as shattered as her
to a world that to her is forever winterbound as her cold heart
she walks into the depths of her home
neatly pressed in her grey dress
line perfect down to makeup
but there is a steady whisper of terror leaking out of her lips

darkness has many faces
hides in plain sight
in full on sunlight
has too many names to be recalled
its lusted for and held up in praise
but it is no hero to me

she is just one average face
just one average set of fingers
looking for a trigger
looking for a thing to bury herself and blade in
and regardless of what they say
she is my only hope
i cannot be the one to bear this burden anymore
i cannot carry this awful memory any further
i want to be rid of her and her kind once and for all

she stands in her silent dark bedroom
razor in her cold fingers
thin smile on her thin lips
shes waiting
but im never coming back
i will never open that door
never free her of this hell she created
if it was anybody else i might feel
anyone else it might matter
let her rot
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
The sun scours her
Snow scrapes her
Frosts feasts her
Mist munches her
Fog freezes on her
Dew develops and dries on her
But she is resilient

Like gigantic ancient hills
She is caring Mama still
Rearing her kids will
Like cedars that straight stands
In Lebanon’s forested lands
She is a shady giant old oak
She does not wither
But stronger she withstands
The hurricanes, the sad storms
With cools and calms
She has no qualms
But a strong will-determinations

Mama, my strong woman!
All alone she shoulders
She does not complain or blame
In silence she just sings
Her strong woman’s songs
Blessings to her sons and man:
To her daughters and children
That time may pass by well
With a hand of sacred spell
And their future good foretell
Curses and causes erase complete
Diseases and damnations delete

Mama, a strong woman!
Nine months she carries with passionate cares
With no scares, sorrows or grumbling sorry
She cares for her bulge with a compassionate worry
Daily she gently it rears
Minute by minute
She fondly feels it
Her foetus forming
Stroking, it calming
Her other duties still perfectly performing
Mama, my passionate woman!
In pains she benevolently bears
Me she benignly beholds
Young as old-still her child
Till either, sadly and sorrowfully is no more
Mama, my strongest woman!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Dawn King Jun 2016

I listen
I watch
I analyze
I compare
I find pattern
I detect the ways
I take note of the days
I make calculated determinations


Game changing speculations
Ascertain the ramifications


Behavioral articulations
This poem is an original work by Dawn King and my intellectual property. It must not be copied or used in any writings, publications, photos, or online platforms without my express permission.
Innocent May 2016
She closes her eyes to block out the sadness
Everywhere there is red
intense passion
false courage
Encouraging impulsiveness
Evoking deep emotional and spiritual connotations.
in her dreams
Is she lacking energy.
feeling tired or lethargic.

the color of danger


****** impulses and urges.
Perhaps it's  time for her to stop and think about her  actions

Open her eyes and see the beauty of red
warm and positive
exciting emotions 
take action.
spirit and leadership qualities
Overcome the shyness and remove the sadness
preservationman Jan 2017
You can hit dirt, and anything else you can think of
But when it comes to true talent, it becomes an inspiration of disburse
Genius being a natural talent pond
It all happens during a grown up yond
Equations into algebraic approach and logic
Math problems with theological resolutions
Even with the balance within complexity, the theory of geometry being precise
Excellence and continued excellence beyond any world’s comprehension
Yet being an Afro American Woman, there was white male opposition being like a contest
Colored and White being issues during the Civil Rights Movement
However through it all, three Afro American Women were determined to prove they were the key in construct being the call
Those same black women were standing for all
It was a matter in being given the chance, and having capabilities to advance
Yet challengers in struggles in opposition afraid in possibilities becoming knowledge in sound figures in accuracy
Come back would meet impact
The idea of man in space
The reaches of planets and space being an accomplishment being the trace
The point of the movie, “Step out from emotions into determinations being compact
The dignity and pride in what one expresses is one’s desire in going the miles regardless
But for these three Afro American women, it was objections into victories and talent with defined results
Good reason, but it doesn’t matter even off season
A space launch with thanks to three courteous Black Women
Where anyone can set their mind to, the results become apparent
Obvious in proven and achieving in did.
Take difficulties as a challange
never as a sorrow
Share with others with zeal
never with gloom and
Play with children
Always to bloom
Lead the team with big theme
never for a selfish regime
Give others as if it were theirs
never to expect something favours
On festivals record your presences
never try for lame pretentions
Go slow with firm determinations
never fall to false appreciations
Guide right to even opponents
never try take them with cruel hands
Try to learn in an easy way
never go for it in a crazy way
That is a nice red carpet
where you lead n hope better result
Jelisa Jeffery Jan 2011
If fears
Were our laugh-at’s and don’t-care’s
If worries
Were our yeah-whatever’s and who-care’s
If failures
Were our pick-me-up’s and motivations
If don’ts
Were our must-do’s and determinations

How would the world be then?
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
ClawedBeauty101 Apr 2018
I started out simple... Flat, plan, and white...

The first few folds were easy... But it's finished form was far from the light

"What is it? What is it?" They constantly asked

I didn't answer them, because I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to complete this task.

I folded, twisted, and bended the paper in many ways

And when I had to throw it away... I heard laughter of great dismay

Continuous fails... At creating a sensitve beast

Different structures brought different problems with every crease

Doubted, Slandered for even trying, over something fragile and small

What threat could this Paper Dragon be? Into the trash it falls...

Origami is window that makes the weak paper stand out as strong

Conflict built its wall, Tension rested its tent, is what I'm doing wrong?

Hands stiff from determinations curse... At last it was finished

Excited to reveal my plan for such a magestic beast.. But too soon that was diminished

Although it was white and pure, its appearence and identity was shamed

"Why a dragon? A symbol of Satan, A sign of distruction, Hell as a name?"

Can you stop seeing me and the things I create all a symbol of darkness within me?

You say I am what I create, and I can't say that you're wrong. So this is what I want you to see

I am that dragon... You think all my words are out to melt and burn

You think I am strong enough and big enough to take on your drowning waves you think I've earned

But I am a Paper Dragon... I look strong and fierce... But I can rip so easily

A simple motion of pulling me in different directions can bring the end of me

I run to you with my webbed wings spreaded across the sun burst sky

Greeting you with a firey smile, and a glowing warm heart... And yet I'm despised

A sword is impaled through all the scales you assumed were tough

They surrendered as easily as paper... And down I went...only wanting to be loved

I am Paper Dragon... I'm not dangerous... I'm not evil or bad!!!

I am of creation!!!  If I use my ferious fire on you, it is to protect me from you... Which is sad...

I have been Labeled... Along with the things I create

Isn't it amazing? This majestic paper king of the fire in the sky... Can't you relate?

You call it a demon... You call it a mimic and a mockery of purity and light


... If you don't want the fire the Lord has gifted me with to melt your ice...

Then alright... But I won't allow your waves to soak me and wash away this life...

I'll be perched on a hight mountain top, looking over you and your waves from a far distance...

You wonder why I'm so far away...  Why you feel so much resistence...

My glowing charcoal eyes you can still see... You grow more confused and ticked!!!

All because... Of this Paper Dragon Conflict...
I made a Paper Dragon Card for a dear friend of mine a few days ago and the response I got out of working so difficulty and ******* it was not what I was expecting...

Dragons I know are one of the most misunderstood and misjudged creatures... They were once living things, they are an animal, no different then the dog or the bats or dinosaurs... Along with snakes, theu are seen as evil, but it doesnt mean they are themselves are evil... Theu can represent something, but it doesnt mean that they are what they symbolize or represent...

It's loud and clear that there are so many things that I do or make that causes question to my family... But I know that these labels and discouraging words are to test me... To see if im going to fall into focusing on pleaseing them, or focusing on who the Lord says I am and focus on making sure I am becoming more like me and my reason for doing or making something is good and is for His glory.

All I can say is... Thank you for accepting and appreciating the Paper Dragon, that was a deep relief for me. XD

It taught me alot while making it, and I know the Lord had strangely strengthen throuh that long hard drawn out process

Happy Late Birthday? XD lol sorry I had to write this poem, dont be mad at me.
Andlib Farid Jun 2016
Without paper without pen
Isn't it my heart's voice then?

Feelings and crazy emotions
Lead me to  Determinations

Jotting down funny thoughts
Compiling grumpy volumes

**I love poetry
Kyle Mooneyham Mar 2015
Within a cool summer breeze
Laid a meadow where grass grew
No animals in sight and with it no trees
Above was nothing except the vast beautiful blue
In this land of forgotten memories
Three doors stood so brown and new

Years and years passed unseen
Until a young girl came one day
Her figure was amazingly lean
And produced a great display
With a birthstone of tourmaline
Her cheerful days has deplenished away

As she came to the first door
The scenes showed her miserable past
Starring at the pictures as she abhor
Being hurt and hated and harassed
As delinquents attacked her heart and tore
Leaving her determinations and desires so vast

She glanced away and continued on
The next door's wiring seemed to be loose
For it was blurry when came upon
Known as a hermit by remaining recluse
With all the negativity she drawn
No one seeing the frames of abuse

Trying to forget the past and present
She fearfully beheld her final dare
Standing there with such tremendous resent
Enraged her with darkness and despair
Seeing only a still event
Of the color black flooding everywhere

Deciding which door to overwrite
She choose none to reside
The girl left the meadow in fright
Feeling unwanted as she cried
So on a cold winter night
She committed suicide
Joz Jul 2016
I make friends,
to anybody,
any kind of people,
any characteristics.

But I keep praying,
to have a friend,
in my morning prayer.

A friend,
who I can be me,
a pampered Sam,
a weak me.

To be strong,
to be kind,
to be funny,
are the determinations.

To be smart,
to be active,
to be neat,
are what they demand.

Oh, the Sender of the rain,
I pray for a friend,
who I can be me,
who will be my childrens' mom.
18 July 2016
jay may Feb 2015
The incredible sensation I get when you name passes through my brain
The unwilling tremble of love that is caged and very well inslaved
Determinations brings forth the relentless amount of fame
Quenching for satisfaction
Even though it runs through my vains
Guilt that pumps profusely for not living up to my name
What's going on in this I'll mind I call a brain
preservationman Feb 2023
Sunrise has begun
The Trucker is living among
Every road turning bend
A Trucker’s job never ends
The road just brings the Trucker a step closer to their destination
Sometimes there’s a pause
A reason with a cause
Journeys fulfilled
The Trucker can be off schedule
Delays unavoidable
Weather conditions making travel unstable
The mission being the assignment
Beaten path
Endless wait
No appreciate
Vision thought
Truckers with drive
Determinations and commitments
Truckers with delivery matters
Keep to the minute, seconds and hours
Trucker vow, “Keep on Trucking”
Motto, “Arrive Alive”
Doing what Truckers do best
Drive and continue to drive
preservationman Feb 2017
Your music continues to hit my ears
I remember Phyllis Hyman’s songs
I know Ms. Hyman has been dead so long
But her songs brought Love to life
Measure for Measure
Love being the pleasure
Ms. Hyman illustrated in order to love someone you must start loving from within
Knowing how to love, but understanding you are truly in love
Ms. Hyman’s songs of serenity and sincerity
Yet it all comes down to reality
A heart of inner emotions with love never having to end
Determinations of feelings become concrete on when
No moon could ever set the mood
The candle lit in the kiss and seduced by smooth and soothe
Breathless in wanting to be loved even more
The heart pounds in being sure
As the heart pulsates, it was a matter in romance being total fate
Love and romance being eternal in date
But there is a reality
Love can crumble beyond a moment’s notice
But because of that love, one must be strong and continue to stand on solid ground with no turnaround
You are now standing on secrete ground, and your life will revolve around and around
Phyllis Hyman sang to the world all so well
This is why Phyllis Hyman is remembered with elegance being swell
Ms. Hyman life remains on Higher Ground
However, I still hear the echoes of her singing voice, which she herself is being the sound
You knew how to entertain us
As a fan, I remember you being an always must.
poetryaccident Jun 2017
When I wake up I plan the day
important matters on the mind
waiting patiently through the night
begging action after dreams

when the balm of sleep recedes
curtains opened, sun comes in
the moon has left the wide sky
now I’m roused to decide

I’ll declare life’s verdicts
resolutions to complete
when adulting challenges
determinations are declared

before my life is duly planned
decrees to judge the whole of life
there is one resolve before the rest
deciding where to lunch that day.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170623.
“One Resolve” is about a decision I must make each and every day!
John Prophet Jan 2023
Tea cup.
in a
of tea.
Great minds
the ages.
large and
spun around,
on truth,
Great schools
thus derived.
Grand issues,
Working with
all, to
in a
cup of
Kìùra Kabiri Feb 2017
She held my hand and wished
She could stop time from its eternal ticking
She held my feet and cried
Only if she could change some decisions
She looked into my will and wept
Only if she could alter certain moments
She beheld my heart and bemoaned
She could influence some set situations
She held me, my spirit-my willpower
Hoping she could change and charge my soul
But time was gone and wills were made……

I looked into her heart
And I mourned time
I looked into her eyes, tears
And I inwardly tore of situations
I beheld her pitiful gaze
And understood her pains
I dug deeper into her soul, her spirits
And I solely saw her determinations
And I lamented love, I wailed wishes
For nothing at all me mere mortal could alter of instances
For time was far gone and wills were made……

We hugged and held hopelessly-
We both hated feelings
We kissed and cuddled clueless-
We both loathed love
We canoodled and cradled carelessly-
We both reviled desires
We caught and clutched to hope, defenseless-
We both wished of time, there is anything we could change
There are in it some moments we could solely crush
For nothing we could do, could alter time!
For time was never ours and will never be, ours!

I went, she remained
Sorrows surrounding her soul
She wept, I watched
Pity haloing my heart’s spirit
She lived while I died
Pains and havoc wracking our love
I extinguished and she cried
Anger and anguish ruining our lives!

But we still held to hope-
Of again meeting and marching:
Of again loving and living;
Of again merging and matching!
For love outlives time and
Time marches to hope!

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.
Caterra Jackson Aug 2019
Comparison is a risky game that people play,
But when you’re least expected, it will happen one day.
She’ll walk in, and you’ll begin to feel some kind of way,
and the contaminated thoughts that are down on the inside,
which cannot be seen,
will make it difficult to recognize a natural born Queen.
This battle between your thoughts and authenticity,
Will make it difficult to recognize all of your insecurities.
All of the beauty, capabilities, talents, and dreams,
Become ideas, determinations, and just things,
that you’ll probably work on later.
There are so many things you just can’t hide,
But you’ll never come out on the winning side,
Playing the game of comparison.
Some people struggle with this everyday. Stop comparing yourself to other people, and just be you! You are beautiful!!
preservationman Oct 2016
He has loss his way through the darkness.
His thoughts have been misdirected with a detour.
Trump must always think twice.
He loses motivation by not taking advice.
Politics flow has a message of No.
Words have no connection with the necessary flow.
Conditions in the world need no more negativity.
From America’s separation in bring all people together being activity.
Trump has a name.
But it relates to a dump truck taking aim.
Trump’s platform is nothing more than a mock.
Yet he doesn’t even have a resolutions stock.
The Commander-In-Chief is for more than a Corporate CEO.
It’s a person being the U.S. Ambassador in being in the know.
Apprentice is a learning tool while being educated in a trade by the best.
It’s not a conquest nor is it a request.
Now listen carefully and follow the flow.
Policies must be just right in getting overseas waters to agree.
Certainly shouldn’t be for Foreigners needing to flee.
It should be decisions in wait and see.
It’s living in true purpose in where it should be.
Racism should not be illustrating from past to present.
All have rights that represent.
It can’t be black shootings being constant incidents.
Afro Americans have done nobody wrong.
It’s the fact we all need to get along.
Dr. Martin Luther King had the right idea.
We shouldn’t have to live in fear.
Embrace one another is how we shall preserver.
Stand up for what should be right.
Avoid in an unnecessary fight.
Wars should serve purpose, but not against one another.
Because one doesn’t look like the other, it shouldn’t be hatred on any other.
Building walls is a form of separation.
America was built on decrees, desires, Determinations and sound judgments.
It’s the right to speak, live and fellowship.
Yet Trump should let that be lesson as a tip.
Trump feels because he is a Billionaire, he owns the USA.
But his lack of understanding makes his character astray.
Money can only go so far.
After that, money has no voice.
Trump is not a good choice.
There are followers on his side.
But there is an expected expiration, and I see a raging coming tide.
Julian Delia Jun 2019
Questions swirl about in my mind’s pool;
The waters are sometimes hot, sometimes cool.
The answers always feel just out of reach,
Like life’s got plenty more lessons to teach.

Questions like: ‘Who in the hell am I?’
‘What happens after I die?’
‘Are we ever going to see world peace?
Or will we be lucky if we make it past July?’

No matter how hard I try to think,
It all feels like there’s no how or why,
Like it’s all a case of swim, or sink.
Random, chaotic determinations of fate;
What we make of it is where we can be great.
We have a say in whether our destiny meets us on time,
Or we decide to show up late.

There is no time to waste; I can hardly wait.
I have a curiosity which I can’t sate;
Unsettled and on edge is how I’d describe my mental state.
I don’t really know who I am, anymore;
I’m experiencing emotions I don’t want to explore.

I do know that I live and breathe;
I also know that I grieve and bleed,
That I have this inner drive to succeed.
I know that I care about human freedom;
I know that I’m plagued by more than a few demons.

Got skeletons in my closet,
A baggage trail that goes for miles;
Got no cash to make a deposit,
Yet I’ll never fail to make you smile,
To make you read my words like they were scripture,
Like sacred inheritance from ancient times.

I know I must be here for a reason;
My existence is just, no act of treason,
No malfeasance, no monsoon that’s out of season.
I am a node on the network, a rogue in a fugue state;
I shall oppose the nation state’s wetwork,
And I will make it disintegrate.
Either that, or I shall die trying;
For who am I,
If not a soul that’s done with crying?
Wrestling with complex emotions and existential questions. Sponsored by heaps of generational trauma, a desensitised existence and a need to understand this ****** up caricature of life we're going through.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
taking a deep breath.
with a refreshed mind
To have a better day than yesterday.
To make things happen.
Kicking ***.
Not to be mediocre.
To fight harder than yesterday.
To feel exceptional.
To be heard.
With determinations.
To make more memories.
Believing today will be better than yesterday.
With positive intentions.
With success on your mind.
With more opportunities.
With a smile on your face.
To realize how beautiful you are.
To be more awesome.
To rebuild what you may have lost.
To understand with a clear mind.
To give out a helping hand.
To be great at what you do.
To try something new.
To love and to be loved.
To takes ricks.
To cry happy tears.

Wake up and be whatever you want to be. Don't let anything or no one stope you. All you have to say is Yes you can do it.

— The End —