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Roo Mar 2016
Words will betray your mouth,
gather clumsily behind your lower
lip before walking away, stumbling on a flat surface.

Words will betray your mouth,
your tongue will trip as it attempts to curl around many syllables and shapes that are hard to form.

Words will betray your mouth,
teeth chattering in anxious continuum, individuality being sworn away

Words will betray your mouth,
even when your thoughts are the burning lava at the mount of the volcano come to known as your throat.

Words will betray your mouth
when you are not using it to convey them.
Mindless scatterings of useless words pushed together into a form or a silent mouth opening and closing around another.
I hate this almost as much as I hate myself
Taki Kumiko Feb 2016
When something is lost,
The importance of it is found,
Everyone gives such a fuss,
Until it is safe and sound.
Ryan J Toll Jan 2016
You said we've all got cracks and blemishes
wrinkles in our character
the little crevices where the past is hidden
where the fear settles as a dust,
nibbling away at a fragile foundation

It's this Modern Age I said,
kids in the automaton state
profit slaves desperate to break their screens
and return to the fields
rise and set with the sun
like in the ancient golden seasons

But you smiled, it has always been so
men with eyes glazed recalling days long gone
when the real work was done
when love was grand and the food were rich
Roman hearts pining for halcyon Greek nights

Then we are born crooked it seems
fresh but weathered like newborn lava
set under pressure, too old for our years
just clumsy instruments
put to task in a china shop
every stumble a chip in our innocence

And in there lies our radiance you beamed
with every glass shattered, a million gems by accident
refracting light on an imperfect world
every hasty breath a powerful wind
destined for great heights
Jordan Sterling Aug 2015
With their necks and hair and noses
fancy chairs
           hams hips, laughs.
Voices sque-

a sudden movement
rushing, racing sand
peppering the audience




It was so pretty too.

With their necks and hair and noses
fancy chairs
          hams hips, less laughter
Voices still squeaking

They walk out doors and into cars
and back into reality.
A snapshot of a moment. Every get together has that one clumsy guest.
Angela G Jul 2015
When I fall,
I fall hard.

I trip often,
And fall easily.

Every crack in the sidewalk,
Is another cliff.

What can I say?
I'm clumsy as hell.

When I fall,
I fall hard.

I trip often,
And fall easily.
Alan S Bailey Jul 2015
So what if they smoke ***? So what if they are different?
I love hippies, I respect them. It's just my way of seeing things.
It's not going to help to build walls, every bump in the road,
If you do score some ****** madness, you may ignore this message,
I will love you just the same! But of course I'm there down below,
Filthy with the animals, you look down on me and shame,
You're quite the "pure hearted" one for which we all must change,
So if I were like you-which by now I should already be-I'll take a puff
Of hippy kindness so my breath wont make you have to leave.
Puff the magic draggin'...who lives by the sea...
Oxytocin Jul 2015
"Look what you've done?"
"It's all your fault"
"Stop crying"
"You're being such a baby"

I wipe away my tears
And put on a smile
A mask that conceals the scars
The pain
The guilt
The universe is never in my favor

These words always ringing in my ears
Haunting me
Keeping me up at night
Im shedding silent tears
And waking up with a heavy feeling
In my chest
Waking up
With a smile on my face
A *mask
I'm sorry, I'm feeling really down lately.
Grace Smith Jun 2015
you tripped over love
and fell straight into lust,
i finally learned how to
only to be left in the
******* dust
Destre' Jun 2015
I read and reread
So overly inspired with what others create
I cant plant the seed
I cant make these Ideas grow and blossom at any certain rate
Maybe im stuck
Stuck inside my head
Where everything sounds like junk
And I cant go to bed because its like im seeing red
I get so mad being cooped up inside my head
Why cant I get the letters to form
Its all right there and I can feel it so close
But my hand wont write and the pen wont become warm
Because I havent bothered to pick it up, I think im being a bad host
For these thoughts of mine that are clumsy
But want to be set free insted of being traped and unseen like a ghost
...sometimes I wish I were a ghost
Have you ever wondered what itd be like to be a ghost?  If ghosts even exist.. think of how many could be watching you right now.
Nicole Dawn May 2015
Just once,
I'd like to be normal,

Or the median,
Or range.
I'm not picky.

Too smart for my own good,
But actually stupid.

Too clumsy to play a sport,
Yet I play anyway.

Either the pliable,
Easy to mess with nerd.

Or the weak link,
On the basketball team.

Is fitting in,
Just once,
Too much to ask for?

Is one real friend,
That big of a request?

Is knowing what to say,
Really that hard?

Is being pretty,
Too big a wish to grant?

Why can't I be normal,
For once in my life?
I've never been normal
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