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james nordlund Mar 2018
It's not my breath
That enlightens mind.
Not my agua uplifting
These outstretched limbs,
Forever reaching, nor the hand
Always bringing another with.

Not my thousands of rivers
Of blood forever flowing,
Enlivening life eternal.
Nor, my right heart's unbeat,
Spiritually evolving somatic
Revolution with all, the Earth.

Not my striving to thrive,
Leaving no footprints
That followed none,
Echoing in all ways, always.
Life isn't mine, being is
Relation, I cannot "give it up".
latest twig of poetree   :)

james nordlund Dec 2018
Transplanted to these '...fruited plains...', grandpa,
One of Gaia's fruits, what was his twinkle among
The countless stars? Here, millions have come
To stay, imbuing us with their place of origin,
Their souls dancing, flying, in a universal way.
For over 60 years Americans to be came through
Ellis Island, headed to who knows where West,
My grandfather, Uru, which means hero, a Fin,
One of three who left a concentration camp that
Fifteen thousand entered, did too, to NYC, NY.

Following freedom's beacon, its first light he saw,
The Statue of Liberties still unscorched torch, thanx
To Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, and the French. Of
Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom and a
'...Tabula ansata, a tablet evoking the law, upon
Which is inscribed the date of the American
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.'
The broken chain of tyranny lies at her feet,
Upon a pedestal, wherein etched words are,
From Emma Lazurus' sonnet, 'The New Colossus',

Which may rise again, only if we embrace them:
'...Her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she
With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'

Only 151 feet tall, she will ever stand taller, or
Be turned to dust with us, all of humanity and
Large mammals, as well as the Earth, tragic
Members of extinctions annals, if we don't stop
The permanent altering of weather cycles through
Overuse of fossil fuels, the degradation of the
Earth's orbit around the Sun. We can walk in
Nature's abundant balance again, humane beings.
Still, she gives hues to the vast canvas of what
The Big Apple, and its beautiful mosaics' art, can be.
I shine only because he, a Merchant Marine, did.
Thanx to Emma Lazurus' sonnet, 'The New Colossus', quoted above, Ancestors, those who unpaved the paths, immigrants, immigration advocacy, advocacy poetry, reality poetry, statue of liberty, Amerigo for this twig of  powtree
james nordlund Nov 2019
While feeling sacred on this All Hallow's Day,
I also feel pangs of the hungry, so wrought by
The profane, for the food wasted by us could feed
All the world's.... Yet, betwixt,
In the mundane it's only hurled.

Allowing our thoughts on our forebearers,
And a drink returned to the earth for them, as they,
The dearly departed, are us as well, we discern,
The depth of one's sorrow is the well's fathom
Of meanings and moments shared with them.

Thus, manners in which doings, not doings are done
Or aren't, brings life, light to them, or it doesn't.  
For grace, just a word, can't be sought, it seeks you.  
As words, while paths of study, can't lead to oneself,
For, intellect can not lead, as life does not follow.
And another twig of the holiday poetree for this Thanx/Mourning Day   :)

Another Thanx/Mourning Day

I am thankful for,
The wonder of our
Morning star’s rise,
And it’s setting
Within our eyes,
On this Beauty Way
We build each day
With great surprise.

Native’s compassion taught
Pilgrims at Plymouth
How to live within, give to,
Nature’s abundance.
That providence sowed
Reaped graces’ harvest,
Fraternity, bearing
Fruits to this day.

We gave Native America genocide, Earthocide.
Chief Seattle said, “no one can own the land”.
Bowing to Above and Below, for gifts bestowed,
Giving, may we, again, walk that way.
While giving thanx
This full Moon’s day,
There, but for the grace
Of God, Great Spirit, go I.

Copy, share as you will. Thanx for all you do    :)    reality
james nordlund Jun 2018
Waves spraying our faces, for, we don't walk the walk.
The beaches edge, which ever changes, is where we,
Sky, earth, moon and sea meet.
Breezing through the strong breeze,
The fuller our lungs the lighter we'd run,
It was to be, with ease.
As reality, she and I stalked ourselves
In those shells silences, like when
We leaped from a slip on a rock to the next, well.
Then sitting still, we glistened, the sun splashing
Through us, as the ocean's and our salt were one.
Her thoughts and mine flowed,
Our feelings were its ebb and flow.
Nature, true, would not be unsung.
That blue gray cloudy day found us in the end.
Finding it by moon's ray, our ears to waves did lend.
It was as our footprints,
Truly there, 'til waves did gently lift.
For, if it were that we held it,
Like sand grasped, it wouldn't be a gift.
Varying versions of this twig of poetree over the decades, this is the earliest one.   reality
james nordlund Jan 2020
Exigency replacing humanity,

Merchants, only for more

Through to mercs for unending

Global unnecessary war.

C'est tres facile pour la machine,

Addictive personality disorder

Replacing humaneness being,

C'est la unvie, no?
Wasn't able to login for the last 3 weeks; sorry people.  Belated Happy HanKwanMas to All, and may this New Year find you All new, everyday, all the way through   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
Feeling with your spirits hands,

see with the eye of your heart,

hear with the ear of your soul,

and know with the body

of life's knowledge,

we can be prayer,

being, forever answered.
Hamlet, the lead character in Shakespeare's play, 'Hamlet' says, '...There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy..."; et tu mon amie.  You're how old and you project the heart doesn't actually feel?  Almost all scientists are marketeers for the corporate structure or it's tools, Gov'ts.  How could some discipline that details it's accuracy not even take into account it's extermination to extinction of it's own species; that would actually be an anti-science.  A box of supposed cereal that's literally forced down the throats of kids by animated advertising on TV, is 80 % sugar, 5 % artificial additives and 10 % white flour, basically poison; it's called business- or is it anti-business instead?  Accuracy has it's place, depending on perceptions and if there's no projections.  "...It's funny how one insect can damage so much grain..." (Thanx to Elton John for their great song's lines, from: 'In Your Empty Garden'), one instant can damage so much Grace, yet, abominable that only 400 years of supposed science has almost destroyed what it took the Evolution 15 billion years to create, the Earth's life; no?  Thanx for all you All do and don't.  Have a good morning   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
Is where, the hearth is,

one can be, one's heart is free,

one's head lays and dreams.
Senryu.  In space of reflection on this Thanx/Mourning Day   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
Will you, illimitable potential,

indivisible as life, "leap and contend",

as agua uncontainably articulating?

When you two meet, will you not recede from you to be?,

and jump, back to the evolution and the future,

humanity will only have if you do?
Above quote, "Leap and contend", by Isadora Duncan, a great dancer.  I would love to be tres Gaia, yet, alas, my body's receding from reality.  Thanx for all you do   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
The caucigger that could, they call me with contempt,
as their president that 'can't' calls our country's
covid-19 testing a "badge of honor", when the usa has
4 % of the world's populace, yet 30 % of the world's
deaths from pandemic.  While States like AZ and OH
are "stopping testing" to stop the 'bad news' of
extreme outbreaks of corona in meat packing plants,
nursing homes and prisons, which have been forced to
be defacto concentration camps, because workers aren't
allowed ppe's, social distancing, proper testing and
are threatened with arrest if they don't go to work.

I've never suffered, nor suffered from, normal, the
northern malaise, euro-centrism, nor academia, a blood
disease, yet, the united **** of assassin's populace is
by going along to get along, hoping to not be coronaed.
This while their grandparents are being exterminated
at a higher rate than the lower-middle-class to poor,
40 % of covid deaths, and that could easily be stopped.
The Gov't won't stop it because that's one of the main
reasons that they organically introduced the virus to
wildlife markets in Wuhan.  You see the repubs haven't
been able to "privatize" S.S. for 15 years, so they've
'legal-like' pandemiced them to steal their life, S.S..

As well, the global axi of supposed power, East, West,
headed up by Putin, his puppets, and **** of Utin, are
totally back in charge, dictating that "the world must
return to normalcy, open up too soon", to cement the
permanence of corona as a tool of extermination.  The
global oligarchy will be able to use to modulate their
'final solution', the extermination of all life for $,
ending their humane problems, freedom, voting, rights.
So the replacing of orga, workers with mecha, robots,
automation will be forced to proceed regardless, the
terrorism of tens of millions extra murdered ending
resistance to the climate crisis.  Prosecute, execute
the pigs, frontliners in their swine's flu war on you.
Death be proud, if we're going to be exterminated to extinction by pandemic over-time, why not prosecute and execute the not-see criminals before we're murdered; we've nothing to lose?   :)   reality
james nordlund May 2020
Awakened, illimitable potential, indivisible
as life, you, can stop them and their coronaing
All.  If one doesn't die to the life every moment,
then they not only never have lived, but, will not
rise from those ashes, as a phoenix in flight
dives and dashes up that cross, more deftly
in finality, unto a wondrous plain, it's the plain
boss, the plain.  If you're not taking bullets
you are making them. This Mother's Day, leave no
footprints that followed none, which will echo
on in all ways, always, abolish fossil fuels use,
walk in nature's balance, giving back to her
abundance, each one reach and teach one, to
turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution
and future, humanity will only have if you do.
The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't
break it. Vote early, protect, occupy and GOTV,
be well, viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion.
Good Mother's Day to All mothers.  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
****, his admin., are ‘using’ the corona virus
as multiple means to their plethora of ends.  
Many, many ends, ends of lives, animal, humane
and otherwise, will be taking place due to their
modus operandi.  How much will it matter how
"close and together" we've become if there’s
250,000 less humane, if a % of the remaining
don’t vote in the election in the Fall because
the “virus will come back with a vengeance,
for a lot of people will go back to operating
as if it’s gone, just because things got better
by Summer”, out of fear of dying or causing
the death by pandemic of their family, friends,
and a king-kong sized terrible-two gets re-
installed into the Black-house?  After the bi-
polar axi of global supposed power, socialist,
totalitarian China, Utin one and his ****, the
other, capitalist, republican one conspired to
try and cower the usa citizenry with their
fake trade war, that was no more than a repub
increase of tax on each citizen, because the
Chinese corps. just increased their prices on
consumer goods to cover the cost of tariffs,
failed to, it's plausible that they came up
with the pandemic to permanently cower man,
the environmental cause and segue humanity
into it's extinction.  Awakened, illimitable
potential, indivisible as life, you, can stop
them.  If you're not taking bullets you're
making them.  The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't
fixed don't break it.  Social distance, wear
masks, vote early, protect, occupy and GOTV,
be well, viva la vida, viva la evolucion.
( It was hacked off two places on another poetry site so i made it better; do you agree? )   What happened in Wisconsin yesterday is an example of what will happen in the General election in the Fall, how many got infected because the repubs wouldn't allow voting by mail; how many of them will die?  "The sleepers must awaken", the movie, 'Dune'.  Thanx for all you All do and have a good eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Jan 2020
As an oak will not grow in another's shadow,
so too our struggles, solutioning with reality
while as one and three, a couple in harmony,
must also be independent to whatever degree.

Thus, being as water, yin, and as air, yang, we
find a dance gestured by seasons of romance.
The choreographer's mind's path undefined,
like last moment's awe makes way for this one's.

A canvas with frameless frame and reality
as the brush painting us, even it's shadows
speak of light.  Beingness as gleaned meanings
for all to share, seen through, if we were there.

A cacaphony, symphony heralding
song of the Universe, Earth and spheres.
From adagio, staccato, through to avante-garde.
Life sung accompanying the abundance of joy's Spring.

As poetry's music fathoms the depths of our heart,
heights of our intellect and imagination,
breadth of our spirit, well of our soul,
alluding to the unknown saliently.

Also, climate crisis demands a bond of Earthlings
stronger than ever before, and he or she
must be at the fore', if they want their progeny
community, partner, humanity to even live.
First draft.  Few love song titles come to mind to inspire   :)   'looks like we made it'; 'you're still the one'; 'no ordinary love'; 'aloha'; 'this love'; 'love stays'; 'i won't go for more'; 'concerto de aranjuez'; 'white flag'; 'thank you'; 'i can't make you love me'; 'love's in need of love today'; 'could  you be loved'; 'bring me your cup'; 'soldier of love'; 'rise'; 'the rose'; '**** i wish i were your lover'; 'oro se do bheatha bhaile'; 'nothing compares to you'; 'candles in the rain'; 'woodstock'; 'for free'; 'all about our love'; 'power of love'; 'my heart will go on'; 'crazy'; 'i will always love you'; 'i want to know what love is'; 'Merry Christmas mr lawrence'; 'either or both'; 'never letting go'; 'love don't live here anymore'; wishing on a star'; 'first time ever i saw your face'; 'i love you just because'; 'through the fire'; 'sweet love'; just the two of us'; ''ain't no sunshine when she's gone'; 'this will be'; 'got to be real'; 'angel'; 'this is it'; 'in your eyes'; 'what i am'; 'i do'; 'love like we do'; 'always on my mind'; 'shout'; 'in the air tonight'; 'the pina colada song'; 'all around the world'; 'un-break my heart'; 'ain't nobody'; 'just be good to me'; 'fire on babylon'; 'love's a battlefield'; 'don't dream it's over'; 'warpaint'; 'words weren't made for cowards'; 'sangria'; 'i hope you dance'; 'cowboy take me away'; 'lines in the balance'; 'colour of your dreams'; 'now and forever'; 'only love is real'; 'one more try'; 'like a prayer'; 'reach'; 'if'; 'what if'; 'higher ground'; 'river of souls'; 'torn'; 'one'; 'pride'; 'great love'; 'you were meant for me'; 'what about love'; 'love is blind'; 'you are love'; 'ghost dance'; 'huron beltane fire dance'; 'natural mystic'; 'less os more'; 'hissing of summer lawns'; 'forgetting ohio'; 'thank you (2)'; 'break your heart'; 'you've gotta be'; 'everybody hurts'; 'go your own way'; 'holding back the years'; 'the look of love';'as i lay me down'; 'the jungle line'; 'the beat of black wings'; 'pull up to the bumper'; 'rolling in the deep'; 'one man one vote'; 'together we rise'; 'smile'; 'feelings'; 'when we were young'; 'make you feel my love'.  May this New Year find you All new, everyday, all the way through   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
...Struggling to strive,

Striving to thrive, thriving to

Be alival, not survival, do.
Please thank all the healthcare professionals you know?  'The big
fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't break it.  
Social distance, wear masks, protect and GOTV,
viva la vida, viva la evolucion.  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have a great morning   :)   reality
james nordlund Aug 2019
Minutiae of life, betwixt

Sacred and profane in the mundane,

If lustless, miraculous disdained,

Evolves at it's own clip

Giving the unseeing eye the slip,

A crysalis of sorts,

Caterpillaring into

Butterflying love.
the corporate structure's convolution's devolutionary direction doesn't have to sociologically through to societally program anyone, not even for a moment, if we choose only not to be   :)   reality
james nordlund Jan 2021
Ground betwixt the bi-polar global
axi of supposed power, not-see,
totalitarian, in our Baskin 'n Robbins
of 23 flavors of supremacy,
the united **** of assassins,
divided and conquered in perfect
harmony by Ebony and ivory,
the Black and white supremacies,
"...we(e),...", knowing they do it
for more than just more, resolve
to teach why, the intellect can't
lead, for life doesn't follow,
if you're not taking bullets
you're making them, if it's
not fixed don't break it,
your potential's illimitable,
as life, you're indivisible.

May all walk in Gaia's balance,
giving back to her abundance,
then one's New Year will be good
and new all the way through.
Thanx for all you All do.  Have a great day   :)   reality
james nordlund May 2020
Real nurses fight too

early opening, no CDC

rules followed, too.
(Senryu.  Written with a Banksy in mind.  Qatar Airways, JetBlue and Delta Air Lines are giving away 100,000 free airline tickets each to employed healthcare workers!)
james nordlund Jul 2020
While **** continues to refuse to use the DPA to nationalize
the production and distribution of effective testing and PPEs,
which would save taxpayers 100's of billions of dollars over-
spent on gouged prices, and 100's of thousands of their lives,
he continues to preach his 'corona schmorona' policies at his
super-spreader of disease rallies, exterminating republicans.

They say, 'time is longer than twine', and 'to err is human,
to forgive, divine'.  It's unforgiveable, n'er forgettable.  Yet,
Joe's persistent perseverance in reminding our nation who
"..we(e),.." are and can be, not just life, relation in motion,
being evoking art, and illimitable potential, indivisible as
life, growing communally, yet also citizens of a great Union.
Remember, they finally settled on this attack when all others failed against Hillary, she wasn't "perfect"; excuse her for not being born a Black man.  As well, who is "perfect", no one; also, we shouldn't allow the perfect to be the enemy of the possible, the good.  If you didn't vote Hillary, you voted for the global criminal conspiracy to illegally install the **** of Utin into the Black House; they're at it again- don't you allow over-confidence, apathy, complacency, nihilism, self-possession, etc., to do it again, please.  Copy, share as you will.  Thanx for all you do, have a great day   :)   reality
james nordlund Dec 2019
Living isn't, envelopes us,

for humanity's extinction, racing towards us

from our future, seen on the horizon,

as ordered, is more so instead.

Life's not just what's unseen,

also where, how, who, when

and sometimes why not seen too

(but never Y2K),

one's heart path,

as life, relation,

like soness, is evident

and truth outs.
Life is?, asked and answered.  Happy Holidays.  Thanx for all you do.  Have a great eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
Humanity's call,

being unburdening,

when shoulder's put to it.

Adapting to reality,

a path less traveled

and travailed.
Infathomable in it's dimension.  Heart, like the wind moves, only everything and nothing at all also nowhere as well as everywhere, at once   :)   reality
james nordlund Oct 2019
On this anniversary of his light being snuffed,
like lady liberty's torch was scorched, bell cracked,
knell snatched decades ago, whilst his heart worx can
never be, support continuing activism for Khashoggi,
freedoms of press, speech, crticism of the oligarchy.  

His meticulous and terrorist assassination
will be an article of RumputiN/vlad-the-impaler's
impeachment, as our king-kong sized terrible-two
gave permission to Saudi's MBS to do it, in advance,
they went to Jared's for the messengering, outrageous.  

This war on freedoms, criticism of global oligarchy,
is just the tip of the global united **** of assassin's
class war against the lower-middle-class to poor,
and just part of the war machine, oiled by the blood of
non: us citizens, rich, caucasians, supposed Christians.

It's carbon bootprint is the largest, worst,
"...we(e),..." must end 'endless war'.  Yet, it's
just half of the bi-headed actual religion of most
in the united **** of assassins, the false god, mollock,
extreme violence, especially against kids, and war.

We once knew the seeds shouldn't be ground up.  The other half,
mammon, false-god of extreme wealth, greed, avarice.  Those two,
As one, are worshipped, studied behind masks of Hinduism,
Atheism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc., neither are separated
from the State as our Constitution dictates, ergo they rule.

Think people, 400 years of supposed science, a millisecond
evolutionarily, has brought humanity to it's extinction,
destroying what it took the Cosmos 18 billion years of evolution
to create, an insect damaging so much grain, an instant destroying
so much grace, please, human race be not the Earth's still birth.

Any scientist who doesn't do a full public mea culpa before posting,
with each post, to youth, communicating anything to youth on
the climate emergency is just a corporate structure convolutionary
and disciple of the religion of scientism, no more than a marketeer.
Cults aren't religions, anti-science that destroys all isn't science.

Yet you, leaving no footprints, that followed none, illimitable potential,
indivisible as life, walking in nature's balance, giving back to it's
abundance, can know "the root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi, that you, leaving no footprints, no trace, that will echo on in all ways,
always, can be alival instead of survival, yet will you save life, the Earth?
Each one can reach one, teach one to turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution and the future humanity will only have if we do; will you?   :)   reality
james nordlund Oct 2019
Anniversary of his light snuffed by impeached

**** okaying Saudi's MBS doing it, with Jared's

messengering.  Let not his voice, like lady liberty's

torch was scorched, bell cracked, knell snatched decades ago,

be silenced, it evokes freedom, critics oligarchy, forever.
Exactly, the carbon bootprint is the largest and worst, "...we(e),..." must stop it.  Think, 400 years of supposed science, a millisecond evolutionarily, has brought humanity to it's extinction, destroying what it took the Cosmos 18 billion years of evolution to create, an insect damaging so much grain, an instant destroying so much grace, human race be not the Earth's still birth.  Leaving no footprints, that followed none, you, illimitable potential, indivisible as life, walking in nature's balance, giving back to it's abundance, can know 'the root of all oppression lies in science", Gandhi, that you, leaving no footprints, no trace, that will echo on in all ways, always, can be alival instead of survival; will you?  Any scientist who doesn't do a full public mea culpa before posting, with each post to youth, communicating anything to 'youth' on the climate emergency is just a corporate structure's convolutionary and disciple of the religion of scientism; no more than a marketeer   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
Instead.  You see, Ebony, ivory supremacies, that head-up the baskin + robbins of
23 flavors of supremacy that the united **** of assassins be, divided, conquered
the education system, working together in perfect harmony, coming up with a long-
term plan as the basis for this conspiracy, Ebony would legitimize white special
schools getting paid for by All, voucherization, by their getting special ones
like ivory has for their special supposed Christian, well off kids, the basis
of it had to be a subtle disinformation prog., 'Kid First', which was really 'My
Kid First', determining Charters, for Ebony, and the corporatizing, privatizing
of the public school system, the wants of the 'chosen' minorities, ebony, ivory,
outweighing the needs of the majority, the current destruction of public educ.
we’ve been unable to stop, followed. That backslided our education system to pre-
Plessey vs. Ferguson supremacy court ruling, to a 'separate but not equal' state.
Now, Ebony, ivory are targeting 'Zero-Tolerance', don't let them prey upon kids,
a lessening of terrorism is all we can do, by a video monitor in every classroom.

Soon they'll have done the same with the environmental, climate crisis movements.  
'Environmental justice' is their panacea this time, which will allow them to get
from environment 1st of the climate crisis movement to 'my environment 1st' of the
supposed left, making sure any and all tax $ that relates only goes to improving
their demographics environments, and not to addressing climate crisis, when Earth
First is the only answer.  As the lock, fix for la machine, the corp. structure,
republican conspiracy, global oligarchy, they enforce, 'might makes right', when
it only might, and always makes wrong, 'power corrupts, absolute power corrupts
absolutely'.  Gandhi said, “be the change you wish to see in the world”, and "the
root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science".  If you don’t want people to
be cowered you must be, "abhaya, fearlessness, most important for an individual
and a nation".  Don't listen to the the silence is golden crowd, who are taking
it all the way to the bank.  Exercise responsibility, or it's Siamese twin sister
freedom, will wither like an unused muscle as well.  Viva solidaridad, evolucion.
Please be wary, the normal they want to return to, northern malaise, euro-centrism and projections of academia, a blood disease, have always flown in the face of necessity, progress and the need for humanity to even be allowed to exist.  Yet, now with coronaing of everyone going on, that desire for normalcy and return of norms takes on new hues; some very human and even desirable.  That while the purposeful too early opening of the country has already determined that being pandemiced is the new normal for at minimum a year (possibly permanently); until we get a vaccine or more life-saving treatment possibilities.  This has all opened many eyes to the disparaging realities of pre-pandemic America, where the life expectancy of people of color, and more so, the lower-middle-class to poor, were predominantly still only being addressed by their getting the establishment’s projected healthcare for them, eat st and die.  That goes for sociological maladies as well, for e.g., the lower-middle-class to poor suffering oppression from serial murderers masquerading as cops; police brutality tantamount to a incurable birth defect of all poor.  The injustice system and their dictating everybody accused of anything must plead guilty to a lesser charge or face the draconian rage of la machine’s dictating they get little lousy representation in fixed trials that most of the time determine ******* up or false convictions and incarcerations unequal to the reality of the circumstances that took place.  I wish I weren’t diffabled to the point where I can’t be at the front of these demonstrations for real change taking place now; as I had been for decades in the past- yet, still am doing all I can.  Thanx to you and All for doing all you do; have a great day   :)   reality
james nordlund Jul 2018
Words, while being paths of study,
Can't lead to oneself, for the intellect
Can't lead, as life doesn't follow.  
The corporate structure's convolution's
Devolutionary direction differs.  Stray
Not from your heart path: you being who,
What, where, when, how, and sometimes
Why, forever asked, and unanswered.
Viva la Evolucion, viva la Green Party.
To walk in seasons is to question,
A flower is opening.

james nordlund Oct 2020
Within our langue, we find us, aura of place.
This while life's trapped meanings, words,
paroled, evoked thus, gesture one
through one, and no other.

While without, betwixt words, languid lessons,
failing to be learned, detail broad-strokes
of reality's brush painting us, the canvas,
the world, framelessly framed.

Yet, languorless, from a bird's eye,
this insight, inner flight to soul's
fathomless essence, unweaves
self's tapestry, to begin anew,

a word, path of study, walked it's way.
A time redefined by what's sublime, communal
solutioning concentrating, sans frontieres.
Shimmering stream to babbling brook's nook.
Thanx for reading my twig of poetree, commenting and all you All do.  From the French, 'sans frontieres', meaning, without borders; as in Doctors Without Borders = Médecins Sans Frontières.  Have a cool 'noon   :)   reality
james nordlund Dec 2019
Exigency replacing humanity,
merchants, only for more
through to mercs for unending
unneccessary war.
C'est tres facile pour la machine,
addictive personality disorder
replacing human being,
c'est la unvie, no?

Oligarchic vacuum-up being almost
always on only leaves a trickle down,
only, when it's accidentally turned off.  
So the interlocking, laced economic
systems base, scarcity, that they think
they've replaced nature's abundance with,
details violence in all hues of all colors
of the rainbow, not just choosing to not know.

An addiction, like any other,
that can be treated just so.
When one weeds the garden within,
turns the inside out, a ray of Thee's Light
without, And within, it doubling,
doubles again outside, Bliss begins,
peace on wing sings, Soulshine
shared on and on, evolves life, echoing.
'One Nation' by Joya Soul   :)

Exactly, even though violence is a delusional direction and more than exponentially worse than the illusion of non-violence’s illusory direction, “…we(e),…” must still struggle with the illusion of non-violence, whilst walking it’s path; no?  Thanx for all you do   :)   reality
james nordlund Dec 2020
126 GOP Representatives signed onto the latest attempt
by **** of Utin and his rumpettes, like Moscow Mitch,
Utin's puppets all, following vlad-the-impaler's orders,
to e'er further press their case for overturning the will
of the people in our recent fair election for President,
to the Supremacy Court, where they were sure their
cries of supposed "irregularities" would win them their
criminally insane day, keep our king-kong sized
terrible-two, who's going on six, illegally installed in
the Black House.  It took the conservative Court but
126 words to bury their megalomania, dreams of grandeur.

350,000 of my and your fellow Americans have been
exterminated by them so far, pandemiced, a purposely
not prevented 9-11-01 terrorist attack's victim's toll
per day, every single minute another murdered
premeditatedly by them, more will have been ended
by them here before this is over than killed by all
our enemies in the entirety of this nation's history,
including their cherished civil war.  Joe's installing
them in his Cabinet, Admin., instead of cleaning house?
How on God's green Earth do they still steal breathe
from the Amazon forests, Gaia's lungs, which they

can't seem to destroy quick enough.  The head of TX's
GOP just said that "...****'s States should secede...",
to paraphrase.  "...We(e),...", say, one and all, please,
we beg of you, do, then we can prosecute and execute
every single one of you members of ****'s int'l crime
family, legal like.  Your talk of secession for going on
a century has obviously been no more than gabbing of
all hat cowboys playing at being men, cowards all.
The Bible says it, "don't covid thy neighbor's wife",
but, I guess you don't read much.  People, as sure as
you live, they will eventually **** you, death be proud!
Happy HanKwanMas.  If Boudica were alive today she'd say, better to live only as long as a May fly, a day, on your feet, than as long as an eagle flies, on your knees.  If it ain't fixed don't break it.  If you're not taking bullets you're making them.  Stay a light, stay alive.  Thanx for the good contest and all you All do.  Have a great day   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2018
One's mental cell, built of walls of delusion,
Made with bricks of illusion, is one's personal hell.
Yet, if every moment is lived as prayer, Earth can be heaven.

So too, while the devil doesn't exist,
Dancers with it will still get burned
And his advocates know one thing for sure,
They will wind up in a hot seat.

For, the cliche that goes, "rule in hell
Rather than obey in Heaven", doesn't tell,
It only works for the broken, humans are beholden.

Those snapped, like the covenant the government
Had with the people, as liberties' torch was scorched,
Her bell cracked, it's knell snatched, can put their shadows
Behind them, and walk, then fly, into the Evolution's light.

So, before you 'Let a smile turned upside down
into a frown be your choice', hark the angel's voice,
"Thou art is", so be it on wing in ethereal flight.
james nordlund May 2019
In which doings and not doings

Are done or aren't,

Brings life and light to them,

Or it doesn't.
Written in '85.  No, I'm not ms manners.  Thanx for reading and commenting   :)   reality
james nordlund May 2020
Dictating the Winter of our extermination to come, has surpassed their
class war's liquidation of ases and assets of the masses en masse's
increased rate of blitzkreiging Gaia's children to their extinction.

Now that the middle-class to rich are facing the extermination rate that
the lower-middle-class to poor have always faced, they're making haste to
align with not-sees, totalitarians in control, few celebrity supremacists

Mimic repub's and **** admin's opening the country now criminal insanity,
For they don't give a hoot that it will dictate at least 100,000 extra
murdered, they want their $ now.  And corona concentration camps are

Dictated to be by repub's, ****'s executive ordering meat and poultry
packing plants to stay open, regardless of them being extreme incubators
of virus, lacking: enough ppes, following CDC safe distance, etc., rules.

Also, in nursing homes where 30 % of covid fatalities have occurred, due
to similar failings, and prisons, where testing is done least, tragically.
Those workers are threatened with layoffs, arrests if they don't show up.

They're forced to work and aren't properly protected from the virus, they
may not get it in the next 5 minutes, but might, might next day, next
week, month, will get it most certainly if nothing changes and 5 % will

be murdered by it, dictated by the gov't and it's criminally insane rules
to make believe reality and truth aren't, to "help **** get re-elected".
All, going along instead of impeaching, removing **** now to save lives.
Might might make right, but, it always makes wrong.  CDC's 64 page guidelines for re-opening areas turned into 17 pages, then less and isn't "going to see the light of day", ****; almost irrelevant because ****'s reiterated that "no one has to follow his admin's own guidelines".  'Going along to get along' is death now.  Thanx for all you All do; have a good day    :)   reality
james nordlund Oct 2020
"We're waking up, Yes it's clear, We're waking up, Dawn's
here, Feel the searing heat of Heightened consciousness
Feel yearning for, Peace and happiness", evolving.

Realize evolution's defining power as
life, growth, consciousness, realizing spirit's flight's
potential, dispel the not-see definition

of it as control through to extinction, earth's death.
GOP's sending special force to polling places to burn
mailed in ballots, intimidate voters, for naught.

Young poll workers stepped up, criminally insane's
time's up, fear doesn't exist, we're alival, ne'er
survival, our grandkids will live, scythe, shiv won't.

Civic responsibility, vote duty, is
being exercised, it's Siamese twin sister,
freedom, will exist, only if you early vote.
Thanx to Happy Rhodes - 'Warpaint' CD, and it's song, 'Waking Up''s: lines in quotes above, used one-time.  Thanx for all you All do.  "To walk in seasons Is to question, A flower is opening.", Basho.  Have a great day   :)    reality
james nordlund May 2019
El Nino, the jokes go, is responsible,
to be levied our distaste.  What a
disgrace, they're putting a Hispanic
face on 1998's over a 100,000 killed
by supposedly natural disasters.  Now
Nina, naming her the cause of world
drought, global warming, which the
technocracies' altering weather cycles
determined.  Their greed makes lies
fly as truth, can your convenience,
in allowing them to do it, further?

This while they enjoy unparalleled
short-term profits, paid for in real
deficits, brought by their murdering of
eco-systems, our progeny will pay a
thousand times those delusional
profits to repair, unsuccessfully.  That
unending river of humanities' blood
will soon take billions of poor to
middle class lives before the extinction.

Still, every second over an acre of
rainforest is felled, every three a
woman is castrated, a child dies, and
only 50 % of us bother to vote!
Still, we don't have real compassion
for ourselves or others.  If no real
changes will take place now, then
 when, if not here, where, you, who?
Written in the hopeful year of '99, thanx for reading and commenting   :)   reality
james nordlund Sep 2019
Mammon, their false god of avarice, says,
their 'final solution', extinction,
to steal everyone's everything,
can't be stopped, notseeism will rule.

"...We(e),..." bay, nay, you will be separated from
the State, as the Constitution dictates, the people
will rise again, your treason will end, Oyate.

Somatic revolution, each one's foci of attention
solutioning with all life, betwixt Earth and Sky,
evincing to be alival, not survival, lifting sights,
inspiring visions, meditations, actions, sweats to Sundance.

While we look to the 7 th generation, with our climate crisis strike,
starting 9-20-19 and 'the Green New Deal', we also mournfully remember
'Wounded Knee', 12-29-1890, where 300 Native Americans were exterminated.

Most of them were women, kids, a root of our king-kong sized terrible-two's
current war on kids, mostly Latinos.  I would fly just for a day, as a mayfly,
the Beauty Way, if I were more me, rather than as long as an eagle flies,
selling out, destroying, killing.  Viva la evolucion.  Wakan Tanka.
The Constitution dictates, "separate religion from State", so avarice, the actual religion of almost all, they practice behind masks of Christian, atheist, Hindu, etc., must be separated from the State; no?  On this anniversay of the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks that were purposely not prevented, let us remember all murdered by the united **** of assassins Gov't.  The evolution and love exist in politics, see Marianne2020 dot com   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
As machinations of

travailing winds,

miraging, veil and mirror

narcissistic nihlistic

false-ego, as self,

"...we(e),..." evince to be.

Finding that find,

giving it away,

aliveness being this day,

and further searching,

to be this day

what it is to be this day.
Feeling thanx, gratefulness, and mourning the losses to Native Americans more before this Thanx/Mourning Day; more than before any other.  Blessings be....   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2019
Betwixt words, lines,

Poetry's music fathoms

The depths of our heart,

The heights of our intellect

And imagination,

Breadth of our spirit,

Well of our soul,

Alluding to the unknown,

Saliently.  For, the muse

But whispers, silently,

Moving in mysterious ways.

Painting's music?

Inexpressible and felt,

Unknowable and experienced,

Of echoing images, silences.

Even the shadow

Speaks of the light.
This is version two   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2018
Betwixt our better and worser angel's voices in our heads

That aren't, nor curser, for our inner candle's always lite

So we don't curse the darkness, weeded, bring forth from

The Earth more, demanded by our roots, feet, hands, score.

Solutioning with reality is always diluting or concentrating.
Topological energetic relational reality, as any and all life are relation, furthers   :)   reality
james nordlund Mar 2018
In a land where convenience furthers
Not perseverance, and 'ignorance is bliss',
Is amiss, as it's far more than "Godliness",
It being, "All", and n'er is perceived,
The universe of a grain of sand, as it,
Like love, grasped, Just falls from their hand,

Even the hollow of belief
Is an unattainable goal,
For the path less traveled
Is more travailed, n'er sold.  
In their opine,
Their best, "skol".

An instant twig of poetree in retort to a quixotic naivate.
james nordlund Apr 2019
The rain welcomed me, as it was
I am to be thisgray day.
Unendingly unraveling, seemingly,
They are as the concrete, grey.
My roots, always reaching
The rich brown earth beneath,
Stregthen my stride,
As walking through them am I.
To where or what, I do not know,
For, discovery oflife is stalking.
Yet, I'll be in the moment so,
If and when, I can, I will fly.

In each day I pray to be that I,
What, where, how, when and why.
So, though the Sun's light is masked,
This night, that is their day, won't last.
As, it's direction, clear and bright, does
Glean through the clouded cover of their night.

Still, this walk that's walking me,
Is what reality is to be.
And while these flaming embers glow,
I'll walk this road with reality, so.
Yet, to you I do entreat,
If and when you two meet,
Will you allow for the you to be,
And not recede from reality?
So, that to this day all that have gone,
Leaving you this to carry on,
Will have their potential realized as well,
Let Evolution be the bell.
Thanx to the great group, Orleans, and their great song with the same title, for inspiration.  Thanx to All and Flaming Embers restaurant, as well   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
San frontieres, a twig of poetree,

topological, roots and wings,

once more to the breach,

dancing betwixt ears, ungestured, bays,

I'd be as a mayfly, only alive a day,

rather than as long as an eagle flies, not whying.

Fathoming delves ley lines realizing increasing

wingspan, height of flight, intensity of sunlight.
Gotta have hearth.  Standing is my life, and I never died   :)   reality
james nordlund Mar 2018
Of what poetic alchemy does this leaden torch
Transmute to golden lines, ear whisperings?
Do our hearts not skip a beat when the comfortable
Silence that is part of our poem's melody's weave,
Within its tapestry, are placed just so?
Is it not a pointless point, my pen's unending one
Does alight, for reading isn't hearing?
Is not a twig of poetree, earthen, sun sparked,
Skybound, too true to expound?
And when our heart gestures,
Bleeding ink lines dance,
Engraving such imagery in a mind's eye,
Feelings within a breast, bemusing the ear,
Do they not accompany
In the Spheres choreography?
Is nature not awoke
When bards extemporaneously
Evoke such wonder that co-creation
Of the universe is quickened?
"Ya got me!", a listener asserts
Dismissively, as the audience laughs.
Machinations of minds stricken by poverty of Spirit and heart define the enlargening chasm betwixt ears, sadly.   reality
james nordlund Dec 2020
Starshine, I delight in, even if you're all
that's left of brilliant one, traveling
100,000's of years to this eye,
your shine will e'er be, for all eternity,
for I see you, now, you're being me too.

Ne'er a false-flag upon this brow, e'er bowed,
never cowered, humility's task at hand,
basking in the grind, as darkness must abound
light, just another body on la machine's
gears, blood may be no more than grease,

a tease, possibly, as I'm love, always will be,
to their delight, as they only strike
while the iron's hot, every moment,
as I must be not.  While their might
might make right, it e'er makes wrong, so

fraternity's song, shadows mimic whilst
speaking of light, rules, to the wee's
delight, as their dance of dark/light,
like agua uncontainably articulating,
sprouts wings, alights, takes flight.
Happy HanKwanMas.  Inspired by line, " tilted brain found a home in your lapis skies...", by JCA.  Thanx for the great contest and all you All do.  Have a good day   :)   reality
james nordlund May 2020
Walking the path Spirit laid bare,

Desert meeting rainbows raining down,

flowing as rivers to Ancestor's Wall,

I felt more fully my 4 day fast's

Vision's tasks before me,

To Sing and Dance with Them

through the night of my chrysalis,

and in the morn', maybe, butterfly,

with their guidance, into rebirth,

Sundance, Great Spirit.
"O'siyo" means hello in a Native American language.  Thanx to the prompt, a beautiful painting by artist Ajikumar R. and written while listening to Robbie Robertson's great song 'Ghost Dance'   :)   reality
james nordlund Oct 2019
"Having turned the machinery of the Gov't into
a corrupt process of getting bad press made on
his political opponents, the Bidens, by buying
false investigations on them by multiple Gov'ts,
must be impeached, now", say Dems, the people.

The impeachment investigation has received much
evidence to support it, yet, Rumputin/vlad-
the-impaler, who were illegally installed into
the Blackhouse after the 2016 election, are
stonewalling numerous other subpeonas, requests.

People have seen evidence of Donald's demanding
false investigations of the Bidens be started by
the Ukrainian President in exchange for already
allocated by Congress 1/2 a bill in anti-tank
'javelins', but not the unreturned voicemails

detailing his desires for the same 'quid pro quo'
by him to other nations, here's some.  The Donald,
'Hi President of Ghana, I've heard you have some
hellified kool-aid, if you investigate the Bidens
we'll buy 100's of tons, awaiting your call.'

'Yo, yo, yo, President of Liechtenstein, just
calling to let you know if you liechten the Bidens
and find some dirt on them, we'll buy a hundred gross
of your steins, this is time sensitive, top secret,
so get back to us a.s.a.p., pppppllllleeeeeaaassse?'

''Sup, President of Guyana, must be hot in Africa,
too bad for you, all kidding aside, I hear you guys
have the best kool-aid to die for, if you investigate
the Bidens and find dirt on them we'll buy 1/4 of a
bill worth.  Limited time offer, bro, sooooo holla.'

'President of Hungary, I've heard you guys are always
Hungary, so, if you want a 1000 tons of food 'b' alls you
have to do is investigate the Bidens, find dirt on them
and provide it to the Steve Bannon set-up Hungarian fox
news who'll broadcast it globally over the next year.'

The atrocities of it all is all the people can say.  Does
this feel like a Greek comedy/tragedy to anyone else?  A
quickie impeachment to cover-up the bigger Russiagate one
that indicts the whole of the republican conspiracy, just in
time for vlad, etc., to hack our next presidential election?
Hello, my name is         and I live in           .  I'm calling my (Rep./Sen.) to share my support for Trump's first impeachment (that has been going on for many months already), over his organized crimes him and his campaign did; which resulted in many convictions already.  Can I count on you to move with speed and purpose to defend our democracy and hold Trump accountable by telling everyone the first impeachment process must be continued with all haste?  For it's much more egregious in terms of crimes committed, etc., so, it's far more likely to result in impeachemnt; whereas the new impeachment process is more of a 'he said, he said' thing, where one whistleblower's truths are contradicted by numerous republican liars- and probably won't result in actual impeachment.  Proof, "Moscow Mitch"'s playing at possible support of the new impeachment process is a clear indication that the republicans are certain it will fail.  Then, even if Nancy 'Chamberlain' Pelosi allows the original one to restart, or get most support, it will not be completed in the House before 11-2020, the Presidential election.  Then the dinos will have successfully re-installed RumputiN/vlad-the-impaler into the Blackhouse (by conspiring with the illegal invisible coup, Russian, Gov't, global hackers, wikileaks, Assange, etc.); just like they did in 2016.  We must stop this by having full force behind the original impeachment process; now!  Thank you for your time.   reality
james nordlund Jan 2019
When every moment is
Struggling with every
Fiber to inspire, expire
Breath, feeling is a
Dream deferred,
Unrealizable, they say.

Yet, to feel builds emotions,
Power innate, the thread
Interweaving the fabric of life.
Though, pro-science projects
Thought is power, sensing,
Just informing, to be processed
By our computer, brain, for
Exigent programming.

Yet, conscience intuits that
Thoughts are emoting, voiced.
...That fear is naught, but,
Shadows of past's un-integrated
Experiences, cast over our
Presence and future. While both,
Integral to realizing insight,
Growth, balance and movement,
Are necessary to humanity.

"La Machine", uses them to rote
Us into un-being an efficacious part
And parcel of it, an automaton.
More, better mechanistic survival,
The reason for human being,
In societies' eye. Who dares to
Disagree, all in for a penny, in
For a pound, mostly, decay bound.
Sides, delusions, clouding their eyes.

Though, feelings hibernating
Emerge with strength, through
Discipline, which Castaneda relates
As, "the art of feeling awe", they
Can be concentrated. Focusing,
Realizing reality on wing,
Imbued co-creation in flight.

As well, what of our soma's foci of
Attention, solutioning all life,
Through myriad interrelations?
What of the breadth of our
Perceptions, the depth of every-
Ones earthen interconnections?
...Of the intimacy, hearts fathoms,
Touch's immediacy, aural artistry?

Mammon says, "what of it", being
Doesn't make money, take control,
Projections do. "We" say, they're
Le raison d'etre, potentia evolving,
Humane being, alival. I would be
Just for a day, as a mayfly, if I were
More me, rather, than as long as
An eagle flies, selling out, killing.
"If there was something in the air
If there was something in the wind
If there was something in the trees or bushes
That could be pronounced and once was overheard by animals,
Let this Sacred Knowledge be returned to us again.

Artharvaveda (VII, 66) as quoted in Entering the Circle"
james nordlund May 2020
Flying astrally

through the Universe,

filled with astronomical

violence happening nonviolently,

it's inconceivable to not know

serenity is, as beauty serenades

eyes that would it see,

un-beckoning unto Thee.
A Universe' song, cacophony, symphony ever beckoning thee   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
Flying astrally

through the Universe,

filled with astronomical

violence happening nonviolently,

it's inconceivable to not know

serenity is, as beauty serenades

eyes that would it see,

unbeckoning unto Thee.
A Universe' song, cacophony, symphony ever beckoning thee   :)   reality
james nordlund Jan 2021
Remember how **** of Utin did the 'Faux Pandemic'
political theater, saying and doing the opposite of what
he knew to be true, in order to **** as many handicapped,
elderly, autistic, developmentally disabled, long-term
hospital and nursing home attendees, diffabled, etc.,
as he could, a eugenics pogrom to steal their SS, 'cause
the repubs couldn't get that done politically for decades?;
oh yeah, it's still going on. 'Oh well, here we go again',
now he's heading up this lame conspiracy, they're all
terrorists, and should be prosecuted as such, will you?
Diffabled, means differently abled; as opposed to disabled.  Every minute another one of our fellow citizens dies of corona virus; 4000 died today from it.  Thanx for all you All do.  "To walk in seasons Is to question, A flower is opening.", Basho.  Have a fine day   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
His chiding of those berating, confiding in
peers, pals, kin, from neighbor's din
to seaside inn, with 'backwards', caused chagrin.
My heart did jump in, 'backwardness'
could never extinct humanity,
like the religion of scientism has
in only the latest 400 years
of it's tryst with oligarchy.

'One insect damaging so much grain',
one instant evolutionarily,
destroying so much grace,
that it took the Cosmos 18 billion
years of evolution to create.
"Truer words were n'er spoken",
was his snort, in retort,
as we savaged our insides on
with tonics, nuts, gin.
"Life can only be understood looking backwards, but must be lived forward": The intellect can't lead for the life doesn't follow.  That's as backward projections from the academic supremacy.  So, there's supposedly something fundamentally wrong with people that they can't perceive all of their past and know all of their present to the point where they can completely understand life in the moment; and therefore, not just live life forward without blinders on, but, rather, live it completely in the now and future- I and illimitable potential, indivisible as life, you, think not, no?   :)   reality
james nordlund Nov 2019
His chiding of those berating, confiding in

peers, pals, kin, from neighbors din

to seaside inn, with "backwards", caused chagrin.

My heart did jump in, "backwardness"

could never extinct humanity,

like the religion of scientism has

in only the latest 400 years

of it's tryst with oligarchy.  

"One insect damaging so much grain",

one instant evolutionarily,

destroying so much grace,

that it took the Cosmos 18 billion

years of evolution to create.

Truer words were n'er spoken,

was his snort, in retort,

as we savaged our insides on

with tonics, nuts, gin.
Inspired by a fellow Hello Poet; thanx for all you do- have a great eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
Escalating conning of our Ship of State by the S.S. Tea Party tug into
Plymouth' Rocks is projected to be invisible, non-existent and normal, but
Gandhi taught "the root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science", also,
normalcy, I never suffered or suffered from northern malaise, euro-centrism,
nor academia, a blood disease.  The direct linx between the purposeful non-
prevention and denial of smoking cigarettes distributing cancer, mass-death,
economic destruction (dictating subjugation to and replication of the medical
industrial complex, the con), climate crisis denial and Covid-19 pandemic
denial doing the same, can't be over emphasized.  The supposed sciences'
non-renewable fuel nexus', self-possessed/avarice pyramid scam, of imperial,
patriarchal, colonial, global oligarchic supposed power, run and ruled by
the bi-polar axi of global supposed power, cold war called West vs. East,
**** of Utin's headed, republican, capitalist not-see one (who are also
totalitarian, materialists) and Utin of ****'s ... headed, communist,
socialist totalitarian two (who are also not-see, materialists), a false
duality/dichotomy (there's also no 'sides', a delusional construct) ...
Work in progress; 1 st stanza   :)   reality
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