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 Aug 2014 Dominique Yates
Pathetic are the mid-night thoughts
about your future love
your past heartbreaks
your poorly thought out hook-ups

Sad are the mid-night thoughts
about the loss of those important
what you could have achieved but never did
and maybe never will

Depressing are the mid-night thoughts
about what a burden you are to everyone
how you'd never hurt again if you weren't alive
that everything you do will never amount to anything

But, it's time for me to move past those emotions
on to something better
an emotion I've never truly felt
that only I can control
and that's the happy mid-night thoughts
about tomorrow and what I might achieve
who I could make smile
what pretty faces I may see
 Aug 2014 Dominique Yates
hot chocolate
christmas lights
autumn leaves
cuddling (in theory)
long hugs
children in grocery stores begging for pop tarts
late night talks
the thought of you
the thought of us
seeing you from afar as I walk into school
Just you
 Aug 2014 Dominique Yates
you say you're addicted to my kisses and when i cry to you you hold me and i know you'll never let go.

your warmth has spread throughout me and thawed my icy interior.  

your persistence scares away my sadness, while your laugh keeps me going and your smile keeps me steady.

i'm selfish enough to keep you to myself and you're selfless enough to let me and sometimes i get a little too upset, but you say it's okay because you get it.

god knows i'm trying for you and i can tell you know too. you've replaced my broken pieces with something better and you're willing to struggle to keep it all together

and i could push you away a million times and you'd come back a million and one more.

i love you more than i love myself and i know nobody will love you like i do,
but of all the people you could've fallen in love with, i apologize that it was me.
Where exactly do
I put my hands
on somebody who
*hurts all over?
The words are all in your head
The words you always read
The words you never said
But you are dead
So the words fled
Written: August 25. - 2014
At one point in time
We were so happy
We talk too much,
We laugh so loudly
But it changes a bit,
It changes slowly
Until you get mad,
and it hurts so badly.
This year it has rained countless times
But the most during the summer
When I was missing you
I can no longer cry
So I let the sky do it for me
It took all the water I had in me
To flush you out
And even now that you're gone
My lips are cracked
And my throat is drier then the Sahara
So I welcome the sweet taste of summer rain
I soak it up into my body
Through my hair
Through my toes
I'd like to think that God was doing me a favor
He gave the Sahara a rain season so that life could flourish
And I'd like to think that he saw me cracked and broken
Only a few tumble weeds and scorpions inside me
He decided I deserved the rain to wash away my pain and fill me up again
Now I can sprout my leaves
And maybe my beautiful tree
Can give shade and rest
To those like me
I punctuate with close precision,
aware of where
I'm placing my semi-colons and
using Oxford commas
like a grammar geek.

Your punctuation always bothers me
but you, with your misplaced apostrophes
and oddly abbreviated words
that you cradle in speech marks,
never care.

You were constantly callous in your conduct,
your handling of punctuation marks.
I assumed you never understood
the significance I attached to your words.

I could feel the excitement
and anxiety and apprehension
build in my belly every time
with your exclamation points!

I could feel my brows furrow together
deep in confusion,
every time you sent me just
one little question mark?

I suppose I never did tell you this
but when last month you ended your sentence
(accidentally, of course) with a dash,
well, I knew then that we’d be for ever.

and when last week you sent me
a comma to end your speech
I knew for certain that
more was to come.

but I see now it was silly
to attach such hope to a hyphen
because yesterday you concluded
with the biggest full stop I've ever seen
and let me know that that was all.

I felt that period’s punch
deep inside my gut
like you were trying to make me
throw up my jam and toast.

I had never before known
one small,
to be so powerful
and hurt so much.

It did though,
and you couldn't even tell-
do i like you?
or am i just trying to fill the hole that the last boy left?
i wish i knew.

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