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 Apr 2016 Kiara
always anxious
I love you.. but I'm no longer in love with you
I think you're beautiful... but I'm no longer attracted to you
I want you to be happy.. **and that's why I'm no longer honest with you...
 May 2015 Kiara
Kyle W
Around a crowd I feel every heart stroke
Discomfort is the reality
Invisibility creates a cloak
Corrupt thoughts lead to fatality

No one seems to notice I have a heart
Drifting through cities not even a glance
Searching the world for my counterpart
Waiting for the day I can get a chance

I latch on to attention like a chain
I stand in a group yet I feel alone
I hope no one else ever feels this pain
I hope its your name when I check my phone

One day I will find the one who is right
And then I would no longer need to roam
From that point on forever holding tight
Maybe then I could finally have a home
 Jan 2015 Kiara
dnc mg
 Jan 2015 Kiara
dnc mg
I've met people
without arms
or feet
or eyes
or teeth
but then i met you
and saw something worse.
i never would have thought
you'd be someone,
without a heart
 Jan 2015 Kiara
Avery Glows
You cannot break down.
When everyone else is expecting you.
You cannot break down,
When someone else is relying on you.
You cannot break down,
When there are those dependent on your
You cannot break down.
When you're a role model
to someone so young.
You cannot break down or you will break
his future.
No selfishness can explain what
atrocity it is.
But I cannot hold back any
more any
Time shall bleed me out I can tell
where I burn bridges
with all your pleas
demanding more.
 Jan 2015 Kiara
David Ehrgott
 Jan 2015 Kiara
David Ehrgott
May the hurt you knew
Be washed away for always
In this year of new
 Dec 2014 Kiara
wait for it
 Dec 2014 Kiara
one day you're going to feel beyond your body
a transcendent feeling that your soul cannot utter a word
and your eyes forgot what was real and what was a dream
like there living a story from your childhood books
flying like a fairy or a dragon with flame-throwing breaths
and your hands will fail grasping your body
and then music will flow though the waves and particles of light
travelling in its own speed but you still can see it
like everything is in slow motion
like everything is unreal

but right now,
everything is in your safe zone
the way the things in your room feels like a prison
and the sound of your heartbeat is the only thing your ears could trust
like the doors were locked
the windows are shut, there is no escaping
you've danced your way into your own travesty
and it keeps you feeling, and the feeling is changing
they may say that change is good
but they also lie to your face, nothing is still real
a different kind of sensation of blackness in the middle of the day
emptying, frustrating, wilding

but one day, you will feel special
hope for it, wait for it
forgetting the rules tonight...
 Dec 2014 Kiara
 Dec 2014 Kiara
"I was never in love with you"*
is what I've said
while rolling my eyes.

You breathed a sigh of *relief

looked at me straight in the eyes
and brightly smiled.

'Sorry, I lied'
are the words
I'll never say out loud.
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