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215 · Apr 2017
Jasmine Reid Apr 2017
Scribble here, and there.
And all the way over there.
Enjoying her words on the page.
Her feelings on a stage.
I write to express and let it all out.
Maybe you should try it out?
209 · Jan 2018
Sick Of Myself
Jasmine Reid Jan 2018
I’m scared, terrified even.
That I’ll break, I’ll break down and cry if I meet your eyes,
hopefully not for the last time.
I can’t get wishful things out of my head,
I can’t get these fake dreams and ideas to just leave me alone!
Whenever I think of them, I’m happy, I’m warm.
But then I remember that it’s all gone, and I’m upset and freezing.

I’m sick of my twisted fantasies and constant “Why can’t, this” And “Why can’t that!”
I’m sick of the ****** tears that seep from my eyes like a stab wound. My heart should be the one bleeding not my eyes. I’m sick and tired of that liquid drenching my face like rain, rain is better than the tears, at least rain eventually stops, because I feel a flood building up inside me.

I’m crying about this, and I’m crying about that.
Can’t just have you back.
I’m constantly having to slap,
Slap Myself Back.
Back into the reality that, what I thought was there, wasn’t really...

I apologize that this is continuing. But it seems that poetry is helping me break through some of the seams.
208 · Aug 2020
Jasmine Reid Aug 2020
I know how you like your coffee,
I know who you see,
I know what you order from me,

I hand out the paperwork and email the documents,
this isn't my first job,
I am confident in myself,

I know the names of your clients,
and your missus.

But I'm the mistress, the secret
what happens in the office stays in the office
207 · May 2017
That's Life
Jasmine Reid May 2017
Mistakes are made. And that's a fact.
The past is the past.
And you can not go back that far.
All you can do is adapt, and take your life back!
Move forward.
Try your best, the best that you can.
But **** it up, you're stronger than that.
206 · Apr 2017
Jasmine Reid Apr 2017
We breath together.
We breath as one.
Then one, bites their tongue.
He drops to the floor, oh what a galore!
The air is thick, and hard to swollow.
Deep breaths.
A suffocating wish.
A suicide wish.
The earth is ruined, polluted and dead.
Bye Bye Earth.
Hello Death.
203 · Jan 2017
Time Doesn't Stop
Jasmine Reid Jan 2017
Tick, Tock,
Goes The Clock.
Tick, Tock.
It's a mock.
Tick, Tock.
Then time will stop.
Tick, Tock.
203 · Aug 2018
why am i not drunk?
Jasmine Reid Aug 2018
i'm too young to be this sad,
i'm too young to feel this hatred towards
my face
my body
my mind

I thought that I found a new high that kept me off the ground that revealed a toxic ocean that drowned me beneath a voice, and a missing sensation, a buzz, a laugh ... and a hug.
I thought that someone had offered me a helping hand after this slump I was rocking back and forth in,

but now I'm second guessing me, because I despise me, and what I have become accustomed to creating and destroying.

Be Careful How You Talk To Someone Like Me.

i'm too young to be soaking myself in this waterfall of thoughts that i keep thinking like shots to my gullet.

i'm too young to be remembering the past and feeling depressed once I catch a whiff of a smell that you were heavily coated in, and I think back to before now and then I feel so dead inside with the past spark I had in that desirable, beautiful life I once sort to be my future.

i'm too young to feel dead
i can't tell the others.
199 · Mar 2018
other things she says
Jasmine Reid Mar 2018
It is not just the main things, it is also the others, the little things
that are not called for, even then neither is the rest...
She spits vile words and harsh poison into my eyes and it stings and burns as I cry in anguish

how do you think I feel? You don't, words fall from your mouth and spill onto the floor and flood it from the hurt, you tell me to ignore them and only think for myself and get myself set.
Set on what mother?
I have nothing to go off, no one I can turn to for this sort of thing.
You tell me not to feel for the others. Mum, if you really haven't noticed yet, I'm shocked.

You know I can't do this, but you say I don't try hard enough, I'm not putting in the effort...shut up.
I have no talents or skills, you should know this mother.
If I had something, you would've been proud by now, but you're not, so please just stop.

Yes my grades are a mess, and yes I like that boy and yes I'm trying.
"If you stop putting yourself down" you say, like you're trying to comfort me, you're not
You're one of the reasons I put myself down mother, it's you.
And dad, don't forget that man.

you want me to be. Perfect. I can't be that, you should ******* know that.
But you don't. You don't listen, you don't care, you don't understand anything you put me through, "It's not good enough"

leave me
no more
I'm done with this. You need to understand that I haven't the slightest ******* clue what i want to do, because I don't know what I can do, I'm not smart enough, I don't have money, I don't have a stupid job, I have nothing I can bring to the table that you like to spin around whenever I try to grab something off it.

Stop making me feel like I'm not good enough.
To My Mother.
198 · Oct 2019
I Am A Spider
Jasmine Reid Oct 2019
Even though sometimes I like to believe I can help,
No one wants me around.

So they squash and trample me,
that’s why I hide in the corners now.
I have a web of lies, secrets, truths and spirits. But you’ll never know which is which.
190 · Jul 2020
New Love
Jasmine Reid Jul 2020
I feel so warm and coddled like melted chocolate,
dribbling against the mug, split over a counter.
Finger tips freezing as it touches the air.

No reason to cry over spilt milk.
I boil the kettle again, clean the mess I've made and start again.
Throw in the grounded droplets, a dash of powered chocolate,
                                                      ­                                                         'click'
The kettle coughs bubbles. I pour, enveloped by the steam against my skin, a dash of milk.

The perfect coffee.
I Love Coffee.
189 · Mar 2018
Jasmine Reid Mar 2018
I wish for freedom from all the problems that come my way,
some still haunt me from my past to this day.
They keep coming back, the same thoughts again and again.
Same problem, different day, similar night.

I don't like it.
I'm from the West side of Australia, from the beautiful down under.
But pretty land doesn't mean everything projected is true, I am trapped in this country with these people

I only wish to escape from this West Side, to spread out across the world and no longer be contained in a cage with broken, ****** and battered wings, I wish to be here and there and never look back.
But I can't do that, no because they keep coming back, again and again, why can't you just stop!?

Let me go, let my wings heal and stretch, so that I can finally learn to fly high and maybe leave this West side of Australia
188 · Jan 2018
What's there to do?
Jasmine Reid Jan 2018
I can't really think of anything at this point.
I feel like, I won't get anywhere if I don't try, but then I feel if I do try.
I'll see fear in their eyes.

The sun is frightening but brightens the world to let us see beauty, I do not wish to be the sunlight in someone's life, but I much prefer the moon.

A gracious and bright white glow that lets you see the path ahead in the dark.

But what can I do?
I'm only me, and you are only you.
I can't seem to let go of this grip I'm holding onto.
To others it may seem sickening or twisting.
But, I don't know what I'm doing, and I honestly wish people didn't waste their time *******.

******* around with their words, ******* around with my mind with their turds, thinking they're speaking English.

All they're spouting is nonsense.
Don't ***** around with the truth.
Just tell it to me straight.
All of your opinions are the same, it's like everyone's words are only on replay.
Original mixtape, pirated between people's brains.
People don't know how to help me.
185 · Oct 2020
Jasmine Reid Oct 2020
I rule my world,
The real life fantasy land where everyone believes they’re in control,

like your life is together,
all your friends are real,
you have romance,
working hard at your job

but you forgot.

I could ruin you in a sentence.
knowledge over others and kept to yourself is the biggest power over anyone, learn that.
183 · Sep 2020
Jasmine Reid Sep 2020
i'm waiting for us to fade to dust.
the both of us.
because this love cannot last forever.
Inspiration: Babel - Sam Tinnesz
182 · Jul 2020
Jasmine Reid Jul 2020
I don't want you to touch me, cause I know you've touched her too

I don't want you to look at me with those eyes,
cause you give her the same look too

Don't call me baby with that same tone that you use,

Don't coddle me and tell me that you love me because you know I love you, too

I don't want to argue against you,
I know you're hurting, but I am too.

We're both just waiting to be rescued.
182 · Apr 2017
Let Me Be
Jasmine Reid Apr 2017
I wish to leave.
This cruel, cruel world.
Because society is a tease.
But I do not want to twirl.

I wish to leave.
Oh, please, please, please.
Let me, be me.
Why can't I just be accepted for who I am?
180 · Nov 2017
Jasmine Reid Nov 2017
I know you’re there.
Waiting for me.
Staying by me.
Yet this craving of physical intimacy,
It never succeeds, because you’re not here,
You Are Not Here
Here with me, though I wish you would and could be.
It’s frightening and scary, even if I know,
But deep in my soul,
I feel a distance from you,
Distant from you.

And I Don’t Know How To Tell You.
165 · Jan 2019
Jasmine Reid Jan 2019
Why does a screen feel less than me when it’s supposed to be state of the art, high tech, and without fault.

People will say that it’s just getting old, and worn out, so why won’t my heart do the same..

Hey, I like you, do you like me? No, that’s fine, that’s cool I’ll go cry myself to sleep at night because unlike internet explorer I don’t just keep asking for you to accept me.

I simply wish that I could be less weak, less pathetic, less useless than everything and everyone else, I just wish to not feel this sensitivity of my nerves letting my eyes drain and my heart to turn into a glass pane that someone can smash open, and for those lumps in my throat to just go down and not reappear as I struggle to tell you how I feel.

I wish to be helpful, I wish to be useful, and I want to make you happy every way possible.

But my weakening heart does not know how to tell you the truth that I’m holding within my lungs as the air rots away.

I no longer wish to feel pain.
164 · May 2020
Jasmine Reid May 2020
I’ve been untied from the train tracks, a duet of men came to my aid,
They cut the ropes and made me stand straight,
They held me when I cried, accepted my thanks through ale and bribes.
I missed this kind of excitement they live.
So we are now,
The Three Musketeers.
163 · Aug 2020
watch me
Jasmine Reid Aug 2020
watch me deteriorate,
my bones on display

no tears on my face, they’ve all gone astray
unable to escape the glass as I took my last breath

now I’m held up by nails, my eyes sunken in

soulless, lifeless and,

this is where you will be as well
end of all things
163 · Jul 2020
Jasmine Reid Jul 2020
I sit in the AC chilled waiting room,
Holding minor achievements and qualifications in my portfolio,

nerves tightening, throat shutting, heart racing, panicking as i sit

You call out my name so softly, I feel bloodless as I approach with a warmed smile; though you are lofty you smile back with a similar manner.

I hand you my book of tombs, and you inquire as you skim over the pages of listed names,  we exchange smiles again as I depart.
Surely I got the part, the role in the play.

I show my eagerness and return soon there after, ask the question.
"Did I get the job?"
You stop smiling, why, why, why did you stop?

I see her approach behind from your doors, my back straightens, stiffened in your wake.  My skin more chilled then the AC.
And all I can think,
161 · Dec 2018
Jasmine Reid Dec 2018
i'm different
they say
unknown, foreign, alienated, that's how i feel to them

those people, them, they, all of those whos eyes judge throughly without remorse,
i search for another,
139 · Sep 2020
let’s be honest
Jasmine Reid Sep 2020
You know this is wrong,

You’re overwhelmed, let me help you

You’ve put your mind on hold,

We can make it disappear,

You know I’m the one
My power is unlimited, and you will know soon enough
135 · Dec 2017
It’s Almost Sad
Jasmine Reid Dec 2017
The days go on, leaping through another month, another year.
By dear oh dear, when does it end?
That’s the thing, we don’t know, we’re trapped in the darkness of the unknown and only some of us feel as though we are the flourishing ones.
Then the others crumble and shatter, because they are the ones that feel lost and are withering their petals slowlywith every scratch of that blade.

It’s almost sad really, why do we care if someone dies?
I mean, time goes on and on, and as far as we know it never stops, so no matter how long you may have lived or are going to live,
It’ll be nothing compared to the universe.

It’s Almost Sad.
100 · Aug 2020
happy days
Jasmine Reid Aug 2020
shared between lips,

puzzled eyes,
clouded attention,

blissful apprehension,
78 · Sep 2020
for you
Jasmine Reid Sep 2020
I’m about to throw you off a bridge if you don’t stop and think about what you’re doing.

— The End —