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 Oct 2018
So drop your towel and I will caress your shoulder and let your hair down, ash waiting the phoenix to rise, and I will run my trembling hands along the silhouette of your shadow as we dance among moonlit hallways,
Silence among sighs, and as you unthrone me I will fall to one knee to toss my crown aside for a place at your side
 Sep 2018
Eyes are blind,
You look with
the heart, the soul, the mind
 Sep 2018
Some memories are just graffiti to the soul
Father time's hands can try to scrub the artwork away but some
images will forever  be tattooed a woeful masterpiece
 Sep 2018
I am sorry to all my pass lovers, I am sorry I did not know how to love you. I am sorry that I could not find worth in your smile, that I could not find anything but lust in your body. I am sorry for all the lost, careless secrets you shared with me. I am sorry that your memories had to be wasted on me. I am sorry I could be so blind, so negligent with your love.
To my unknown lovers. It's been hell trying to get pass you....
 Aug 2018
Growing up my parents were always selfish. They'd rather subsidize tasteful cars than their own child's education so they could prove worthy of societal thinking.
They'd rather finance love through glamorous things instead of investing in actual intimacy.

Maybe if loneliness wasn't my parental figure then this existential adult life wouldn't be spent in monotonous cognitive states
I am 22 and shouldn't have this much hate in my heart
 Aug 2018
I've been chasing freedom
   like I'm running out of youth
Asking myself what makes me happy?
    I can't seem to find the truth
Is it crazy to put faith in make believe?
  I just want to drive far far away from
                   these places
 Jul 2018
seeps in like a
phantom limb

desolation blinds and destroys

Wildfire inside
 May 2018
I want to memorize every part of
The shape of your thighs
The nook of your back
The velvet of your lips
And the siliken moans you make when I put my lips there
 May 2018
Soft fuzzy outlines of what used to be
 May 2018
I held this love in my
But never in my
And with one motion
I destroyed
 May 2018
eunsung aka Silas
writing a poem
in this virtual community
called hello poetry
is like coming home
after a long absence
 Apr 2018
SE Reimer


poetry reveals
its reader’s heart to themself...
if they will listen.

post script.

i think i have not listened for a long time; but...
my heart says it is too late, never!
your poetry is beautiful this morning.

from Tavarnelle Val di Pesa.
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