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 Sep 2016 unnamed
i. We are lost stars,
A thousand of us falling freely
From and into the sky.
Seeking to disperse and find
Ourselves in the orbits of love;
Looking for a place to settle down:
Is it on this planet of blues?--
Still an aimless pursuit of home?
We are the nomads of the empyrean;
The stars of the earth.

ii. For us to chance upon them,
Those called quasars,
We are drawn in by their light.
Making us touched by the lunar,
Kissed by the solar,
And struck by the stellar;
We're ****** into the vortex of their eyes,
Where a thousand other burst stars loom.
This is it, this is the final big bang;
This is where galaxies form and live anew,
With them, the meaning of space--
The quasars of the ether.

iii. On some days,
In our states of cosmic haze and daydreams,
We sit on Saturn's rings
With our legs dangling on the edge for the thrill of it,
And we watch the universe pass us by like clouds.
Although we are light years away
From such unfathomable quasars,
Their pull is strong enough to tug
At our fragile little hearts.
And although at times it may hurt,
We let our hearts ignite like supernovas,
We let our tears flow like space dust,
So that our love breaks into pieces
Of comets and shooting stars
That fall into our hands like petals,
For every existing matter to see.
And we hold these things of space,
Of celestial bodies falling into place:
To give them to the quasars of the ether,
From us, the stars of the earth
My first ever poem collaboration with @tamia ! We both love outer space and we decided to write about the ones we love and admire from afar. We hope you enjoy it!

Do check out her poetry as well!

j,m./Lunar Love
 Sep 2016 unnamed
Cynthia Jean
Such a hunger
     holy hunger
         and thirst
              such joy
                   such peace

A Holy Place
      to be

Such a memory
     to return to

The Presence of God
      is in that place.

Cj 2016
a simpler time to return to....forgotten for a moment....the memory brought to life once again by another's poem....thank you!
 Sep 2016 unnamed
save the bees
 Sep 2016 unnamed
i'm drawn to your lips like bees to nectar, but the bees are dying and so are we.
some random thought i had in class
i guess you can attach it to why we kiss, but i don't know right now, that hasn't been going anywhere as of right now (still a work-in progress)
 Sep 2016 unnamed
I want to
lay next to you.

I want to
feel our hearts
beat as one.

I want to
feel your chest
rise and fall
as you breathe
me in.

I want to
feel safe
in your arms.

But I can't...
It's what I want,
not what you need.

 Sep 2016 unnamed
Some Level
 Sep 2016 unnamed
“Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.” —Unknown
I dont know who you are, I found this on Stumbleupon.  You I admire.
 Sep 2016 unnamed
Hey baby,
Do you remember when you left me that note.  
It was on a pillow like a movie. It began,
"I don't know when you'll read this,"
You used the correct punctuation and everything

The woes of relations had begun and ended I don't know if this was our first time, or our second.  No it certainly was not the last.  

The third sentence, that one hit home.  I swooned over it.
"You mean everything to me, the whole world."

From there you went on, how I'd made you happy again.  You misspelled a work and it was in ink so you mended it with parenthesizes.  

You made so many promises to me, to us.
You have betrayed them before and forgive me,
I hold this note in my hand.
Im not sure how much time has passed to be honest.
Two, two and a half...three...

In this time hell has come gone and returned to go again.
Ive found Love outside of you, and lost time and time again.
Now Love again.
The hole is healed, but do I open these wounds again?
 Sep 2016 unnamed
Joshua Penrod
I am an old soul
I never asked for explorers to progress
I never asked for inventors to invent
I never asked for science to discover or scholars to detect
I never asked to go from Steamers to engines
I never wanted to trade vinyl for headphones

But I’d always trade city lights for a mountain range
A worn out skyline for an open plane

Why do we complicate our lives in attempt to make them simple?
And why has living simply, become to most something trivial

I am raptured in this soul that refuses to age
In times that are always persistent to change

"Old Soul" -JP
 Sep 2016 unnamed
Today marks the day,
The day I grew the courage to speak to you.
The day I got so tired of missing you.
I sended that text at the same time you used to call me
3 A.M.
The amount of relief I felt on my chest ...
The peace that was in me ... I regret not savoring  it as much.
Those 5 minutes of waiting in a more civilized way, with out craving anything not your words or your voice.
Not caring if I was even going to have a chance to see you or kiss you or if this was going to solve anything.
But you called and my peace was gone.
First day of my poem series.
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