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  Sep 2015 Shanijua
E Copeland
I can't help but wonder
if I will always belong to my emotions.

How long will I be
a prisoner of my depression?
and at the mercy of my anxiety?
How many days will my thoughts
scream behind clenched teeth
and ring deep in my ears?

When will freedom come?
Will I ever know peace?

This war raging within my skull
seems to be killing me.
Shanijua Sep 2015
Sunkissed skin and tan lines,
Tussled hair and rose petals,
A love story that's never going to be told.
Shaking fingers sliding over satin
Finding little grasps of hope with
Moon light shining through the window,
A glow so sweet and soft settling into the night.
His bleeding love and her torn soul igniting fire with dry eyes and wet slithers of empty happiness.
These old bones rattle together, an urgent  meeting of compassion too powerful for a boy and a girl combined with love and moonlight.
If only the sun set hadn't come early, and danger didn't sound so **** and the feel of lathering skin wasn't so appealing, two lonely hearts would still be two hearts, and not a mixture of blood and shattered glass.
Shanijua Aug 2015
I'm a fool for brown eyes and sugar plump lips,
The way your nose makes its shape makes my stomach do flips.

I'm a sucker for your blackish hair and your silhouette in the window when you pass by. And if I said I didn't fall for you, I'd be a lie.

I fell for everything you stood for, honey. And here I am crouched with the shock of you in my throat fighting to close up.

I need my drug. I need you now to help me through this recession, to **** the fear of my constant loneliness, give me the strength to keep going because that's what you do best.
Shanijua Aug 2015
Her little sleepy eyes drooped into their hallowed holes fighting the yawn her quivering lips began to make.

Her pale pink cheeks glowed in the lamp light on her mahogany desk, which she spent most of her time writing her life.

As she licked the taste of the last of her favorite ***** off her white lips, and glanced at the clock, her pen ceased their work and the end of a poems journey began.
Shanijua Aug 2015
Sitting here with my anxiety around my neck, I play my favorite song again again until I start to question the pronunciation of the.
I don't cry, no the tears are stopped short by my unwillingness to accept reality, yet reality is stopped short by me willingly living in a fantasy world.
The adults think I am overreacting, but they don't understand how crippling everything is when even waking up is struggle.
I need more time.. Time to stop the shaking. Time to find my fake smile.. Time to remember my four lettered lie..

Oh yeah, here it is, yes. I am fine.
  Aug 2015 Shanijua
Crushing Love
If you get this email or message please turn the other cheek.
It's a ******* scam and who ever the ******* are, your ****'s on blast bud.
You are all over the internet so I suggest you stop being such a ******* Duchebag and get a life.
We here on HP are here to express and live because we have no other way or simply because we love writing.

So stop being a ******* ***** and get a ******* life bro!
If you get a message from this person turn the other cheek and don;t respond or send a real nasty message back like I did. Either one works.
Shanijua Aug 2015
When he walked through those double doors, my breath caught in my throat and chest ceased to lift off of my ribcage.

When he walked through those double doors, my eyes were in shock for they could not believe..

When he walked in through those double doors into the unforeseen future, shaking my insides with each step he took, my life suddenly seemed so small and empty.

My life, always simple and safe now showed its dull memories. I was never a woman of change and challenge, always playing it safe! But now, here we are with danger placed right in front of me and I all but leaped into its arms.

I want this risk, this messy thing pulled into my life and with all the red tape pulled off!

I want to be happy, happy with him. I need this disaster to take a rollercoaster ride with me for a little while.

I want crazy and weird and a little fun, but I want it with him.

He makes me excited and anxious, but I like it. I like him.

My life needs him.
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