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 Nov 2020 ENR
bad weather
 Nov 2020 ENR
He cried like rain
And screamed like thunder

And I

I was a quiet river deafened by his storms
 Nov 2020 ENR
dread of night
 Nov 2020 ENR
i betray myself every night,
when i sneak off
and see you in my dreams.
 Jan 2018 ENR
Anne Molony
you can kiss
my rose petal eyelids
my stained cheeks
my humming neck
my willing waist
my burning skin
anywhere on
my restless body
but kiss my lips,
and I'll spend the
rest of my life
searching for
your stinging tongue

  fate assured me
   we'd burn violently
    but ultimately suns die
     every flame grows tired
      every bulb will break
      every wick will drown  
     charred and regretful
    weary and worn out
   drained of energy
  choking for air
i'm not ready
to ignite
just yet
it is inevitable
 Dec 2017 ENR
Poetic T
It never saw itself as much,
             a rough coat...
  but underneath that where
             its true potential lay.

But when It looked deeper
          all it saw was conflicting layers.
    Then the unthinkable, others saw
his uses but he just cut into himself.

Tears feel as the feeling of unworthiness
             was cut away as layers fell..
but this was like every other
                     onion depressed at its worth.

but everything is special in another's eyes,
     Were all like a onion, layers of dignity.
But even though we don't see it,
      We all have a worth, were layers of an onion..
 Dec 2017 ENR
 Dec 2017 ENR
I wanted to write a lovely poem..
I ended up writing your name
 Dec 2017 ENR
 Dec 2017 ENR
maybe if you loved me
i could finally rest my head
on a white pillow
"i adore you"
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