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 Dec 2014 ZL
I look in the mirror every morning
and often I see someone new
I splash water in my face,
asking what happened to you?

what year, what age
was this new creation made
sins were costly
what price was paid?

what difference did it make?
I was forever gone
and only a stranger was left
now I stare in the mirror at this new self.
 Dec 2014 ZL
Chloë Fuller
 Dec 2014 ZL
Chloë Fuller
something about the cold drew me to you
the temperature of your bedroom kept me there
"i always liked the cold" you'd say
i wondered why
now I know it's because you craved inseparable proximity
you required love that i couldn't give, though i wanted to so desperately

you turned me into ice
because as soon as you made me melt
i cracked
and ran
i really miss you today and i wish it was two years ago.
 Dec 2014 ZL
Wishing for you
 Dec 2014 ZL
i wonder where you are
probably wishing on a star
wishing from a far
i could find out where you are
and bring us together
put me where you are.
but even from a far
looking at this star
i can feel you
i know who you really are
because of what we are
somewhere in my dreams
just waiting to be seen
then touch my heart when i wake up
part of my soul we will never break up
wishing for that real love
the stuff you can't make up
 Dec 2014 ZL
Javaria Waseem
I have lived a thousand lives and died a million deaths.
And somewhere in between, I finally found myself.
 Dec 2014 ZL
in my mind
 Dec 2014 ZL
I've thought of her a long while

then one day she appeared, not alone

but with child.

I was disappointed, but still in love, wow.

our chances of running away

just went down.

how can we be alone together, now?
 Nov 2014 ZL
Suzy Hazelwood
 Nov 2014 ZL
Suzy Hazelwood
I write of spring in autumn
of summer in winter
I like to be where I'm not
to cheat on time
is so much better
 Nov 2014 ZL
Gaby Comprés
people won't remember
your pretty face
nor your pretty clothes
and the money you had.
they will remember
the melody in your laugh
and the way you loved
and the beauty of your heart
and the bravery of your spirit
and the kindness of your soul.
they won't remember what
you looked like
they won't remember what
you had.
they will remember you
and the words you told them
and the life you spoke to them
and the water you used
to bring to life the dead garden
in their souls
and they will remember the
sunshine in your smile
and the stars that
hid in your eyes.
 Nov 2014 ZL
Camélia Evergreen
Sometimes the best advice
is hypocritical

Because the best of us
wish we were better
than what we are
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