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You think you're special
Special, you are, my dear
Look in the mirror,
You're one in a million
You have two eyes, a nose
Oh, and a mouth too
That spits venomous fire
Onto every soul that disregards
The beauty of your mind
The logic they cannot find
In your thoughts and your speech
But, oh, how you mind
Everything that makes sense to you, is beautiful
And all that fails to, non-sensical
Of course, you're one in a million
A copy-paste of a different kind
 Jan 2017 Youdont Needthis
You're like a necessary drug
Repeatedly pumping in my veins
Occupying your borrowed space
I embrace, I cage myself within
Vowing never to drift out & in
After the moment with you
Stepping on your toes
My feet are dizzily heaving
Squeaky clean denim jeans
Become filthy wet strings
Even though I aim to please
I just mess up these things
 Jan 2017 Youdont Needthis
Oh god, what we could have been.
 Jan 2017 Youdont Needthis
People often ask me how I can love the one thing that broke me. They ask me how I can touch a burning stove, watch my hand swell up and  then touch it again. They ask me how I can return to my *****. As if someone else will clean it up.
When I was 4 years old, I ate an entire box of thin mints. It was fully intended and I definitely did not apologize when my dad found the remains of his favorite cookie all over my face but he forgave me anyway.
In sixth grade, I ran away from home. When my mom figured out my elaborate plan of going to my friends house, three blocks away, there was quite a bit of yelling. I spent the next two weeks confined by the walls of my bedroom and when I was finally allowed out, she gave me a hug.
People ask me how I can look into the devils eyes and tell him that he's forgiven but I can't mistake the tilt of their heads when they say this
They forget that they too, are sinners.
They forget that dark cannot drive out dark, that a buried hatchet does no good if there's a marker above it.
They forget about the knives caught in their spines twisted just enough to hold their pride up, they can't see that it would feel so much better to just take it out. Clean off the blade and then bury it too. There's no point in hoarding stones when you don't have the right to throw them so you might as well give him some too. Watch him rub them together and wait for the first flame while you get yours ready. But when you find that you're the only one with burnt palms, you're going to realize that just because the stove was hot last time you touched it, doesn't mean it's hot now.
 Jan 2017 Youdont Needthis
There's a sea I sometimes find myself treading in,
Sometimes steady, sometimes drowning.
It's hard to stay afloat at times,
And I hallucinate people on ships sailing past me,
Not a care in the world, and I hate them;
Every imagined smile hurts like inhaling the saltwater.
But the worst thing is the monstrous shadow beneath the waves,
Huge and treacherous with eyes like emeralds,
It wants to swallow me whole and drag me down,
Into waters so deep that all becomes black.
And worst of all, when I hear that leviathan's rumbling roar,
I sometimes think it's coming from inside me.
Once upon a time,
there was a girl
she hated herself,
and she hated the world

She was so sad, so often.
She never knew what to do,
with all of her emotions.

She hurt herself and was hurt by others
and eventually just hid herself away...

Then one day,
she met a boy.
A tall boy, through a screen
who filled her with joy.

He opened up her heart,
and made her smile
At least for a little while.

Things were good for her,
outside of her dreams.

There were ups and downs
and turns and tosses
she messed up a time or two,
because she was being stupid.

But things got better,
and things became more clear...
He held her close,
and shattered all her fears.

The girl is now content,
and feels happy often
because of this boy,
her pain was forgotten.

*Maybe someday she'll finish this story.
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