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1.3k · Apr 2019
Penny Pan
Noah Apr 2019
If you wanna be a kid be a kid . If you dont wanna grow up you have time, I grew up too fast I left my childhood behind.If you want , you can always have mine.
To my Little Sis who has a imagination that goes to space.
1.2k · Jun 2019
Noah Jun 2019
Is it just time for vacation? Beacause everyone I seem to know is leaving.
They don't say goodbye. I wonder where they go. They bring there suitcases  full of our memeories.It must be a beautiful place. Away from me. Must be why they never come back.
859 · May 2019
B s A t C a K b
Noah May 2019
Your lies have hurt , why do you talk sweetly to my face then turn around a spit them out with hate. Why do you pass around bad rumors like a mad note, if your trying to be funny well its a sad joke.
You hurt me but I did not see it until it was too late. I cut off the chain that connected us. I bought a ticket to fly away from your negative space. Then I will rinse myself with soap so your hate might just wash right away.
762 · Dec 2018
See You guys when I can
Noah Dec 2018
Im going to keep this  because  It applies for every time i log out
747 · Dec 2018
You Promised.
Noah Dec 2018
Im sorry your not the top of the list when I want to call someone.
Its because most of our  phone calls end in stupid arguments.
We have been getting better but Its not all the way there yet. When I call now you always say I need to help this customer sorry I have to go. All I want to do is go home. I call and  I ask for you to call later but you can't do that. You say your going to call but you never do, I have to go to the phone and call YOU. But your asleep. I know its not your fault your busy.You promised to call later, you promised to come see me today. But Mom, don't make promises you can't keep.
She did come see me today
574 · Dec 2018
Noah Dec 2018
Just a simple hello could make someone’s day
I hope it made yours
549 · Jan 2019
I love you , I love you
Noah Jan 2019
I love you he said it make my knees go weak.
I love you he said , I couldn’t speak .
I love you goodnight he said it was sweet.
I love you he said in a whisper ,goodbye oh why did you make me cry.
I love you he said , Hey Kaleb? Is that another lie?
It’s funny how the affect of ones words can change how you feel when they hurt you. I love you is just a sentence but it means so much.
544 · Jun 2019
Noah Jun 2019
Fake people don't surprise me anymore, real people do.
528 · May 2019
Noah May 2019
Its just plain delicious , its pretty healthy , I could eat it every other day. Too bad Im not wealthy up to 15$ for a meal thats not a price I wanna pay. But Its delicious. Im saving my money to get one on saterday.
Poke is like sushi in a bowl I like mine with tuna and salmon with eel sauce and some toppings like cucumbers wonton crackers  and Pineapple Juice.
446 · Oct 2019
Noah Oct 2019
They tell me "I love you" but its not just what you think your supposed to say. Its what you know when your ready. I love you means I have no other words to  describe how your my everything.
Because half the I love you's I hear they leave and say it wasn't what they mean. Im waiting on my world to come. I just met  some stars along the way.
372 · May 2019
I need a flashlight
Noah May 2019
In the dark.
I let myself shiver.
If I had a lover .
I wish they would hold me.
I wish they were there.
     So I don’t focus on the monster that’s not there reaching for my neck.
But  instead,their heartbeat when I put my head on there chest.
Like a flashlight in a dark tunnel.


* to bad I left it in the basement and it’s out of batteries*
    Like I am weak when they leave me
Lonely and confession I’m still afraid of the dark and my parents hate my part on the electricity bill.
333 · Jun 2019
Noah Jun 2019
She asked if I was loyal.I  grabbed her face gently and said. "If I wasn't loyal I would make you unhappy .And I never wanna see you anything less than happy." Your smile is my sun on a rainy day.
327 · May 2019
Noah May 2019
He looked at her as she walked into the room.
But then  he couldn’t pull his eyes away from her view.
Then his negativity caught up.
The devil on his shoulder saying...
                * shes so beautiful why would she like you?
   So he forced himself to tear his eyes away.

But then she looked back at him.
She just couldn't keep away
But then the voice inside her head said “ *
he’s so handsome why would he want me?
And she dragged her eyes away.

Too bad they never knew , too back they walked away.
Low self esteem  poem idea... insperation was a quite couple at the mall
324 · Jan 2019
Grow Up Little Girl
Noah Jan 2019
Grown Up is all she wanted to do to be a big girl was  going to be a dream come true. Well she grew up and reality hit. Yes i can go on a roller coaster by myself yes I can have a phone ... I get all these privileges. But Im not a little girl. I don't have the sweet innocence of a child. I don't have the mind of a child that doesn't care what people think because I care. I don't want to but I keep going back  and now the big girl wants to backwards and be a little girl. A happy girl a free girl.
Im watching my little sister grow up into this generation and Im teaching her not to care what people think of you that your image is beatiful and not to let anyone change that. I should take my own advice .... New Years Resolution?
310 · Dec 2018
Noah Dec 2018
Lust , love either one leaves me to dust..after everything they have done it’s hard to trust. Hard to believe when they say I love you it’s not another broken promise.
293 · Oct 2019
My Only Friend
Noah Oct 2019
Please don't leave. I know its selfish but when your gone I am left with the person I hate the most, Myself.
281 · Sep 2019
Noah Sep 2019
" Well, You talk like yourself but i hear someone else.
Yea you look like yourself but your somebody else."

credit to flora cash
276 · May 2019
Village Of Hope and Love
Noah May 2019
Joy walked out of her house and pruned the roses in her yard.
She saw a tiny figure from afar. She wiped the sweat from her head and look ahead. Happy looked nervously at the house and beautiful Joy. Nervous acompanied him. He walked faster because he might spin and walk away, Scared also came. He bent on one knee when he was in front of Joy and said” will you Marry Me.” She looked at him with Exitement over her shoulder. Three years later Joy had two children , twins . She named one , Life and the Other,  Emotion.
The nurse named Mrs. Care Kindness laughed with Dr. Joke Humor as the two twins held each other on the table.”I guess Life is full of Emotion.
That last part though ...
267 · Sep 2019
Noah Sep 2019
Why does my heart take five seconds to fall in love with someone like chill
I don't even know his favorite color yet. But its already reciting its vows. Such a sad thing to find it broken .
257 · Oct 2019
Angel's Secret Admirer
Noah Oct 2019
In love with you, but you do not know it yet. For now I will leave you my roses upon your doorstep. Leaving you to wonder who fancies you so. My sweet Angel I am never letting you go.
254 · May 2019
Clouds Cry Too
Noah May 2019
Smiling all day but she drowns in sorrow.
Laughing these days just figure it out tomarrow.
When shes quiet when you complain your dad didnt do what you wanted wonder why shes broken hearted.
233 · May 2019
Sappy Love Songs
Noah May 2019
* your my tylonal when im in pain, that i take when my head hurts, your my sunshine when it rains, your my coffee that I need in the morning,your my smile when im feeling blue, you kinda make me feel like the feeling you get after your first kiss except everyday you make me feel like this,your my water when im stuck in the in the desert, if life is a movie than your the best part, your like a tall glass of lemonade on a summer day, your exactly what I need,your so beautiful sometimes I stop to close my eyes*”
**Mixture of best part by Daniel Caesar and H.E.R. And Lemonade by Jeremy Passion
232 · Jan 2019
This.Is a lie.⬇️
Noah Jan 2019
231 · Jun 2019
Noah Jun 2019
I tasted you lips. they were bittersweet. turns out you already shared them this week.
**** cheaters :/
227 · May 2019
Passion Fruit
Noah May 2019
I hate  the water , but I'd jump in for,

I hate this cold but If you shiver I will take off my hoodie and warm,
I hate math but I would do a whole page for,
                ­                                 YOU
* If your real and you find me someday Im just saying Im here waiting,
waiti­ng for...
as long as forever*)
Waiting for the one right now im chilling being single
226 · Jan 2019
I don't know why
Noah Jan 2019
I don't know why i still love, why im still holding on , my feelings are here ,are yours gone?
217 · Dec 2018
Romeo and (Juliet.?)
Noah Dec 2018
He is handsome , I feel he is caviar I am just a can of sardines, I’m the taxi he is a smooth limousine ,He is wonderful,why do I feel weak , He is a rose I am a sunflower I’m okay but he will always look better.and now I question does he even love me?
Questions...ah questions
214 · Oct 2019
Noah Oct 2019
Seeing the one your in love with ,In love with someone else is so sadly frustrating.
207 · May 2019
Field of Flowers part 1
Noah May 2019
Your a sunflower simple but sweet.
200 · May 2019
Noah May 2019
no matter if you yell or scream whisper or move  i already know your saying
we hate you
You get mad when i don't wanna talk to you or be around your sad i spend my time in my room well maybe if you stop treating me like im my mother then i would hate you less too

197 · Jun 2019
Noah Jun 2019
Searching for empty words but here was only U.
187 · Nov 2018
Why do you do this to me?
Noah Nov 2018
You are my lover,you are my friend, I see your face in my dreams , of all the voices in my head yours screams , Secrets of our love ,you say your going to give me a ring. I called you one day you got in trouble .You said “Gotta go babe , the cops are here” You hung up suddenly and left me with fear . I heard your mom say she was packing your stuff to send you to a safe house so I found some near you and called. You were there said the lady and you were okay but she said you weren’t allowed to talk to me and I’m left once again to wait to hear your sweet I love you’s  everyday.
My boyfriend was taken to a safe house yesterday and I can’t talk to him so he is running through my mind more than ever
181 · May 2019
Noah May 2019
Its the big thing until they are hungry for more than good looks..
179 · Dec 2018
Noah Dec 2018
Her soft brown skin has gone away with the harsh cold wind.
she is now one of the many ghosts around here. I miss her.
she went back home. I was the last to know.I never wanted her to go.
I hope shes happy. I hope she's okay.Her face is bright in my mind like a lovely dream,  yes she was lovely and she was a queen.
#atachment to willow
178 · Dec 2018
Noah Dec 2018
always makes me laugh.
We talk all night till we crash.
Her eyes are brown,sweet as chocolate.
Her laugh makes me smile.
Her warmth makes me wanna stay for a while.
Were just friends thats okay I still love her a little bit more anyway.
177 · Sep 2019
Noah Sep 2019
Pick myself off my bed the the annoying song of the alarm, just wanna fall back a s l e e p ...  NO, wake up. I get dressed. I get ready. Maybe skipping breakfast. I go down to the starbucks down the block with a double shot latte.You know i stayed up all night might grab another, Getting dropped off. Drown myself in music. Walk down then into school. Open the door sit down.Heh always the first one they float in one by one. The teacher stands she opens her mouth " algebra 2" who even decided to make math 1st period,,, Cross Multiply..divide..find X. Like I am going to the store and using that as a skill...My thought wander. **** the  coffee never worked and I am fast asleep half way through 2 period mumbling about a argument between X and Y ... counting  Z zzz... *asleep
Noah Oct 2019
**** me please nobody would miss me , you would do them a favor, because I am  myself people leave. Pull the trigger as I am crying softly.
my lowest point
165 · Oct 2019
Edwards Message
Noah Oct 2019
I will be gone so quick you won't  have time to miss me..
Take care of my heart ,Ive left it with you.
165 · Jun 2019
Noah Jun 2019
how could you do that with a child attached to your body. Living in your womb.
How could you not care about what it would do.
How could you leave her crying on the table and you walking out the hospital room doors. With 100% of methathine inside her veins.
How could all you leave was a name and the sad pang of your heartbeat streaming through her ears.
How could you.  
Not even come back.
How could I still want to find you.
And ask a why?
How could you hurt me..... Im Damaged and Broken your heartbeat is still my favorite song.
Noah Dec 2018
Mom, her phone is dead
Dad,at work with mom both leaving again for church.
Kayla, at work she tells me to call later but I know her routine smoke,shower,sleep,maybe eat.
I have ten minutes left who to call , Eric ,voicemail. Emma, voicemail, call again mom picks up , she is out skating, Babe, home phone is weird , call the safe house  not allowed to call ,not on the phone list,I look for grandmas phone number surely she will answer, voicemail,I leave a message to call back at eight. She never did it’s midnight. Nobody to talk to. Roommate is snoring. Who decided to put her with the lightest sleeper...? The answer.. I don’t ******* know. They think I’m perfect well... check again.Im tired and I’m bored and starting to realize the next two weeks are going to be hell.
I’m not really supposed to have this electronic ... I’m going o be put on restriction for a couple of days sorry I will come back
161 · Jan 2019
Noah Jan 2019
When i pick up the pencil its a part of me and what I write is how I feel its what I see when I type down the words I see them magically appear. And all the flow and the composure im left with no fear. All the thoughts I have go on the paper , time is endless there is no such thing as later.
160 · Jun 2019
Noah Jun 2019
Lips. They produce words that can hurt,that can love,that can feel, that can break and can heal. I miss your lips on mine.
159 · May 2019
Field Of Flowers part 2
Noah May 2019
Your a rose a beauty to me despite the thorns.
157 · May 2019
Field of Flowers Finale
Noah May 2019
Your a field of flowers I want to be in all day.
155 · May 2019
Noah May 2019
when I wake up im afraid that people will forget my name.
that somebody else might take my place
154 · May 2019
Noah May 2019
Your  hair floats like a balloon.

Your eyes are the color of smoke.

I was the key and you were the keyhole.

We used to go together ...

But when I tried to get to you we just didn’t connect.

You must of changed the lock now its for someone else to open.

But now you’ve left me here I have no one else to open so im just sitting here....


     ­                                                           *USEL­ESS

150 · Apr 2019
Now I understand.
Noah Apr 2019
That, you were stressed out, money was tight, big sister always wanted to fight, so you told mom you needed to say goodbye, i dont know why you chose her but you got with Big sisters tenth grade teacher. Then you realised it was a mistake and got back with mom your lucky she took back. All that ****** up my social life. But I understand that you were confused and you thought everything that was right. I forgive you Dad, I’ll be just fine. - Noah
149 · Dec 2018
Noah Dec 2018
I was never good enough but I was never nothing. I was always worthless but that’s gotta be worth something . I fell in love and I fought I choked and I lost my heart was broken but I’m learning from the mistakes. I might not be pretty but everyone is beautiful in there own way. I might lie but its because I’m scared to be judged by the truth.I  have never been kissed but some words have there ways and when I’m really sad I always say to myself  hopefully there are better days.
Honestly I’m really proud of this one 1.its actually a poem and not a dramatic life update 2. It shows a tiny bit of me behind the mask I wear 3. I sure a lot of you can relate in your own way ❤️
138 · May 2019
Mother Nature
Noah May 2019
It starts as a sprout vunrable and weak it needs support.
Then Its stem turns stronger until it can stand on its own.
Then comes growth it will be taller than all the other trees.
Then comes time where it learns to adapt and has wisdom of the past.

“Im  like a tree , I have grown tall and strong, I have gone through hard times and I have had people try to knock me down. When it was time to fall I left memories scars. Stories , memories. So you could learn how to be a tree too.” - Grandma
136 · May 2019
Noah May 2019
So many people who make me laugh who make me smile , but babe your the one that got me blushing , that got me crazy ,that got me rolling on the floor, got me smirking , and my smile so big you can see yourself in it.
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