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 Oct 2014 Katlego Tladi
C Davis
In the perforations
Of my pupils
Like one million little
Tiny bubbles
Swirling to the top
And I am lit

Just like a lantern on the lawn
I sway with wind 'til
Night is gone
Tumble with you
Toward the dawn
Did you know?
You're holding out for her
And while your determination is admirable
It's not unique
there's not enough of these girls to go around to all you boys
Only some will win the lottery
And others will have to give up
Get a real girl
Get a real life

I'm a real girl
I'm so real it hurts

When you fail I'll be around
But it might be too late
 Sep 2014 Katlego Tladi
Time flies at the
event horizon.
Started small
when I arrived
baby fish size
I did
I now
elongated in the event horizon
the black hole has me in its
my eyes are open
but in a trance
as images pour into
the darkness below
as pieces and particles
of the galaxy we know
and do not know
fly by.

I recall your whisper
in my ear
mother dear
the night before you died
telling me of the art to
be created in the summer
I am in surrender to these
as every moment of my
self flies bye.
Some nightmares
some daymares
some hearts on fire
salted tears of desire
the black hole shines
in darkness,
nothing can escape
no amount of money
will buy your way out
everything you owe will
be left behind
we can only sail
through that black hole
birth or death
no one knows
some peace is made
and then
we go.
I take my second big hit
The dark room becomes lit
It's starting to make me feel good
Just like it should
I'm confused and I don't care to worry
My memories are becoming blurry
By the time the joint comes back around
I can't get off the ground
Starting to loosen up, I'm starting to forget
My heart is beating so fast, I'm starting to sweat
Can't remember what pill I took
Didn't bother to look
As long as it takes everything away
And eases the pain for today
It's my turn again, I cough and choke
But I still take another ****
I'm so happy it's unreal
I can't explain how great I feel
So many ridiculous words are spoken
My heart no longer feels broken
Laughing so hard I begin to cry
I can hardly hold my head up high
He is no longer swaying from a tree
Now nothing can bother me
My pulse is really starting to race
But at least I can't see his face
I can try to quit
Or cut down a little bit
But this is all I can do to make him go away
Because he haunts my mind every second of the day
 Sep 2014 Katlego Tladi
As humans, we are quite thoughtful
Given such a beautiful and powerful mind
Yet we aren't trained to utilise its magnificence
So at certain times we tend to overthink the awful
And dwell on all that we know
If only we had continued to explore as children
O' I wonder what is there to find
In our society though, conforming is virtue
So what fate will befall me if I stray far from the collective mind?

We speak of the Unknown as if we know it
It's majesty forever lost in a fugazi
Our own little lie in our own little world
Try as we might she remains unknown
A wonder untold, a joint unrolled
And as her mysteries unfold
She reveales herself again as we had always known

The essence of something is Nothing
The essence of thought is Being
For it could not exist without it
Without silence, sound would not be
Without space, matter would not be
It is the home of awareness
It is everlasting abundance
It is the beginning and the end
Drip. Drip.
I miss the feeling
of the blood dripping
off of my skin. The red color
of the delicious blood. I miss it so
much. It makes me want to do it again.
Thinking about it like this, I remember all the
lonely nights I lay on my tile bathroom floor.
Listening to the drip, drip, drip. Wanting to
finally feel again... Not wanting to be alone
anymore. Wishing someone would come
ask me if I'm okay. Show that they
actually do care for me...
I could see it at last
The wickedness in your smiles
After all these years...
You finally revealed your true colors
Burn your sheep's clothing
You're the bad bad wolf
The devil inside of you
Does not deserve any kindness
Or mercy...
I would **** you if i could
I would hang you upside down
I would do anything to torture you..
You deserve this cruel treatment
For your art of mockery
Your love a total lie..
Your love was nothing but a joke
Wonder how you did it...
To turn sweet love into blatant lies?
It's been a year since
The most selfish selfless
Thing was done

Tears will always fall in June

It's been twelve months since
The most ambitious lethargic call
Was send out

Tears will always fall in June

It's been three hundred and sixty five days since
The most agonising bliss
Was reached out for

Tears will always fall in June

It's been eight thousand seven hundred and sixty six hours since
The most remedying hindrance
Saved the life unwanted

Tears will always fall in June
She didn't want to be there
so she left to a place
where she could be free
among the while
with a smile upon her face

**** the society, she said
"Take me to the fairytales"
like in the books she read
It's better when you're dreaming
than to wake up to a world
with a numb like feeling

The american dream never turned out right
it's all about currency
not even our rights
we are forced to work
to live our lives
so we can afford
food to keep us alive

What if we just took a chance?
Going against the government
so we can change it
life is what you make it

Let's just turn this around
are you in?
Shut the whole system down
we can win

The girl feels free right now
she lives on her own
grows her fruit and builds a town
for herself in the woods
just know that she just could
if she dreamed it she can receive it.

© 2014 Samantha Girouard-Holt
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