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The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                  ­             xxxxxxxxx
              ­                   xxxxxxx
                     ­            xxxxxxx
    ­                             xxxxxxx
                            ­     xxxxxxx
                            xxxxx      xxxxx
                         xxxxxxx   xxxxxxx
                            xxxxx       xxxxx
Phil Lindsey Mar 2015
‘Twas the start of March Madness,
And all through the land,
People sat by the TV
With pencils in hand.

The committee had chosen the teams with great care
And everyone hoped their Alma Mater was there.
The teams were selected and placed into regions
With top seeds rewarded for having good seasons.

Badger fans from Wisconsin were
All dressed in Red
With Final Four visions
Dancing  ‘round in their heads.

Kentucky fans claimed
(As they most always do)
The Championship would go
To their Wildcats in blue.

The Blue Devils from Durham
Were also quite hot
And the Duke fans were certain
They would win the top spot.

‘Nova fans were excited; their hopes are alive!
Remember the upset?  1985
An 8-seed back then, this year they're a One!
Villanova Wildcat fans are sure to have fun! xxxxxxx already done.

Now the ‘play-ins’ are over.
But I’m not sure who won
Doesn't matter, the winner
Will be trounced by a One.

I, with cold beer and my bracket,
Settle down in a chair
I’ve picked all the games
Now I’ll see how they fare.

Now Badgers, Now Boilers,
Now Hawkeyes and Bucks,
On Hoosiers, On Hoyas,
On Shockers, and Ducks
Go Flyers, Go Sooners, Come On Musketeers!
Go Cardinals, Go Cowboys….   Gonna need some more beers.

Then all of a sudden arose such a clatter
On the tube Sir Charles was starting to chatter.
“I’m the Round Mound of Rebound, - there’s no one like me!”
“Watch all my commercials, NCAA on TV!”

From Thursday through Sunday
On to Sweet Sixteen,
Elite Eight, Final Four and
All the games in between.
The nation is watching from East Coast to West
Which of the 60+ teams will be best.
With OTs and upsets and a blowout or two,
I am glued to the TV and
I’ll bet so are you.

I closed my eyes for a second, and then fell asleep

But was quickly awakened by my doorbell's loud beep,

And what, to my wondering eyes should appear?

But Sir Charles himself;
 And he asks for a beer!

"I'm not a role model, I just like to dunk.

I took a look at your bracket, and
Most all your picks stunk!"
I turned to ask him to fix it,
But he'd disappeared.
Yes, Sir Charles was gone,

And so was my beer!

Now my bracket is busted,
I’m all out of beer
Merry Madness to all,
I will see you next year!

"A Visit from St. Nicholas", also known as "The Night Before Christmas" and " ' Twas the Night Before Christmas" from its first line, is a poem first published anonymously in 1823, and later attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, who acknowledged authorship in 1837.   from Wikipedia.

Unfortunately, Mr. Moore never had the chance to experience March Madness.  :-)
Just for the record, my daughter graduated from University of Wisconsin, need I say more?
Andrew McElroy Aug 2012
Totally useless
Infinite universe
Exploding before us
I am one
I am holy
I am yours
The one and only
Forever and glowing
So steady in stirring
The moving of your heart
Melting your spirit
Confusing what is real
Abusing all you feel
Lie to their faces
Sigh no more
Sink the places
That you have since forgotten
This is a place that I
Will not forget
The holy sighs and cries
During your pitiful lies
All because you set aside
The energy at rest

Hello there

Welcome back
Get this drink
Of A’s exile elixir

Go off to a distant land
Find a distant face

Nothing can be said
I did you wrong
You ****** me over
This is goodbye


Unleash the emptiness
I’m so glad that I brought this
This beautiful red safe
The keeper of
My ****** up mental state
About my mental state…
Don’t ask me about my holy stake
That I pierced into the heart
Of a special white vampire
One of those holier than thou types
One **** up
And then
Onto the next line
The next word that you speak
Might be a mistake
What do you think?
About me…
Do you think that you could
Stand on your own two feet?
With me,
Without me.
Alone like we are
I’ll crash the car
To flip our worlds around

Venture away today
Go away
Come as you were
Another day
But not today
You might be okay

I’m not okay…

Holy one
Grant me a kiss of happiness
You know I need it
I need her
Whoever she is
Wherever I am
Someway, somehow
I’ll find the day
To rewind the times
That I forgot about
Last night, this morning
Last year, good mourning
Thank you that this is over with. . .

Oh, sweet angel
Lie to me
Allow my words
To feed the hungry minds
of those that don’t listen
and only want my body.

What about what’s left of my spirit
Dragging down below

Sing to those that need
Lie to those that see nothing
Around no quarter
The moon found you
I found you
The numbers did add up
Just a little too soon

All too soon
I found you
I lost you
I’ll find you again

Forget about the end.
Aoife Mairéad Feb 2013
Dear Miss *,
We regret to inform you that unfortunately at this time we do not have space for you at our company.
Xxxx xxxxxxxx

Dear Miss
We regret to inform you that unfortunately at this time we cannot offer you a place with our company as you are under qualified.
Yours ** xxxxx

Dear Miss
Thank you for your application. We regret to inform you that you are over-qualified for the position.
Yours,  xxxxxxx ***

Dear Miss *,
I don’t think so love. This isn’t even a letter, this is my managerial position on you handing me your cv.
Cheers, bahbye now

Dear Miss
This isn’t really a letter either, but despite how un-pc this is, we can’t hire you due to your gender.
Thanks anyway, save your paper.

Dear Miss
Thank you for your application, unfortunately we had stronger applicants.
Yours, etc.,  aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa

Dear Miss *,
Thank you for your application. Unfortunately we are not hiring at the moment even though we had advertised the job you applied for.
Yours, xxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Dear Miss
We had left it between you and another applicant, and couldn’t decide so we flipped a coin, and she won. You’re a lovely girl though.
Yours, fffffff ffff fffff

Dear Miss *,
I refer to your claim for Jobseekers Benefit/Assistance at VVVVVV’s CCCCCC local office. Jobseekers Benefit/Assistance claims are subject to periodic review, consequently, I would appreciate if you would attend this office for interview on the 31/17/78 and bring the following :
1. Proof of Identity (i.e. Passport or Driving Licence or Long version of your Birth Certificate)
2.  Proof of Residency (e.g. Letter from landlord/ Rent Book/ Lease/ Mortgage Receipt/ Letter from Parents + Household Bill)
3. Written Proof of recent job applications and replies.
4. Proof of job applications made through FAS
5. FAS courses applied for.
6. A copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV): unemployed from
7. If your spouse/partner is an adult dependent on your claim, please bring his/her GNIB and Passport/Travel Documents.
Failure to respond to this letter may lead to suspension or disallowance of claim.
Yours sincerely,
* *
Local Officer
Maddie Sink Dec 2014
I know all boys aren't like this, but a lot of them are.
Rules for Boys:
1. You treat all girls with respect
2. You do not call them "chicks" "little girls" "xxxxxxx" or any other hurtful names.
3. Girls have feelings too.
4. Teasing is a form of Bullying
5. No girl will like you if you think of them as being less than you.
6. Everyone is created equal.
7. Don't call a girl names just because they are standing up for themselves.
8. All girls are different and unique.
9. Your ego doesn't matter.
10. You don't have to be a certain way to impress girls. Be yourself
Sexism needs to stop.
SøułSurvivør Feb 2016
for not reading right now.

1) I've been very busy with personal issues.

2) I've been on the low with some poets
who need to talk.

3) I've been emailing Elliott York all
morning about a couple of things.

a) The asinine war that was happening
here on his site. It's caused many to leave
and it (the attacks on Wolf Spirit included)
MUST STOP. Gary L has extended the olive
AS WELL. It's kindergarten stuff! You're

b) A couple of years ago I came up with an
idea. The Poet Tree T-shirt and poster. It would kind of look like this...

P   O   E   T   S

               R Y peace


The X's above would be POET NAMES!
You could then get the t-shirt/poster
from Elliott York!

It's an idea that I personally put out
a while back but never was able to
follow up on.

Email Elliott York if you like the idea.
I want it to UNIFY POETS. We are ALL

Thanks for reading.

♡ Catherine
I've already designed this.
It's really awesome.
Give it thought.
Àŧùl Aug 2019
Lonely I am not anymore,
Obvious was the need of a companion,
Tears used to roll down as if I chop an onion,
Unending is the happiness in this poem,
Sadness, I have forgotten you.

I now manufacture more happiness,
Shying away from smiling is nonsense.

Thoughts of mine finally orient east,
Heavy thoughts morph into light ones,
Estuary of sadness into a sea of gladness.

Becoming one with her, I am,
Expanse of the rising sun beckons me,
Sit we shall with one another,
Thickets of Selection Grass await her.
My HP Poem #1765
©Atul Kaushal
jeffrey robin Dec 2014

0    0

/       (    (       \


On the ancient avenue

( you are there !

I seen ! )


Years and years


The story is still your own

( I seen )


Me and the 1000 friends of mine

We surely seen you there


Days of Power

days of Grace

On those ancient avenues


(((           Weren't no  politicians  then         )))

(((         Weren't no police     )))


Back then

Don't you remember ?


Many hopes were mentioned

Many promises made

Amid the general love affair


Out on those ancient avenues



Saw each other truly

And were glad





From these vastly polluted streets

To the strong humanity

And the pure community

Where we belong

Black and Dark are not necessary bad things
Many people associate negativity to it
All our African people are dark and black
Night is dark - and that is not bad too
Thinking, speaking, writing of Black, Dark, & Night
As negative, pessimistic and bad
Only shows our ignorance in how we all are
Brain-washed by those who think & believe
White and light is superior to every thing

Please remove this ignorance
While reading this poem
Where LOVE is hopefully represented
As a Black Dark spot on white light life

Black and Dark are as good as
Or even better than white and light
Here Black and Dark is used positively
Read it so that way


How can I remove
The Black spot of LOVE
From my life?

How can I hide
The Dark spot of LOVE
From my being?

How can I not find
A job that will give me work
A place to go and stay
A friend who would understand me
A family who would accept me
A BELOVEDz who will hold my hand

My life is considered useless
By everyone in this city
Because of this
Black Dark spot of LOVE
I carry around my heart's kitty

With such accusations
Falling on me from everywhere
How can I go in front
Of my BELOVEDz to
Show how much I LOVE her

I've forgotten everything in life
I'm lost everything in the process of
Adoring this...
Black and Dark spot of LOVE

People say I've gone mad & crazy
In seeking positivist within Black and Dark

How am I suppose to find
The ways of life again for
The journey to my BELOVEDz heart
On the dark night path  of fate?

This life without
A  Black Dark spot of LOVE
Was nothing but waste

Life was just a maze of chase
For greed, success, wealth & fame

Till my BELOVEDz painted my soul
Black Dark with her LOVE SOUL illuminate

Now how am I suppose to
Remove the Black Dark liquid of LOVE
That runs within my veins

And why should I?

When my Black Truth is
Much better than world's white lies

When my Dark LOVE is
Much better than world's light life

Black Dark Spot of LOVE
Is the only positive I carry

So why should I even try to
Remove the Black Dark spot of LOVE

My Black Dark Spot of LOVE is my only POSITIVE...!
jeffrey robin Apr 2014
() ()

It all depends where we actually are


I mean

You must have realized that you are falling in
So prematurely
So hurtfully

Because you have been brainwashed
And are being emotionally destroyed
On purpose

Right ?

( Right ?!)

It all depends where we actually are


On earth

Does NOT mean

Being assigned to a slave labor camp
A loony bin

Right ?


It all depends where we actually are


We are always encouraging others to be like ourselves
That is our born duty

Now what is it you want me to do
With this here razor blade?


It depends on where we actually are


What degree of hell are you talking about?


Where do YOU think you are?
Deana Luna Oct 2016

i see you in curves of blue

in crooks in shadows in empty streets

you are  behind the refrigerator

you are hiding in my closet

you are creeping underneath my bed
jeffrey robin Nov 2014
/    \

Forever don't start Tomorrow

//         //

The poor poor things !

Her story was written on an empty page

Already crumbled up and tossed into the trash  can


She / my love / didn't really

give a ****




Gentle rain drops fall

Gentle people always live

Pure love is the only power here

Forever don't start Tomorrow


Love never dies nor is it ever born
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2019
I am going over the rainbow
Where the grass is green
And birds sing on roof tops
And all is brightly seen.

Love Mum xxxxxxx

— The End —