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Zulu Samperfas Jan 2013
Haifa, Israel, a Saturday before the Second Gulf War
The Iraq War, the Shock and Awe War, the war with embedded journalists traveling in
tanks across dusty deserts the smart way with no bulky supply lines following them
And they arrived and it quickly became apparent the supply line was a good invention

The beach is filled with people, enjoying their last few days of peace
People color the beach a kind of brown, moving brown, like ants wandering around a hill the entire beach is their hill right now in that moment a respite of the stress to come
Funny how War could be on some kind of timeline, with everyone waiting for it
like a Super Bowl game, or the second coming or a tornado or flood or nuclear bomb
Breathe this fresh air now, for tomorrow will find you smothered in a bomb shelter
crammed into small spaces with strangers even, or people you don't like, and screaming children

Your plane was due to leave for Florida the next day, but there was no seat for me.
At first that bothered you, that we had no money for me to go anywhere, only you
but now you took any chance you got to leave this place that was our new home
"We're making cookies," a couple said who we ran into down there.  
If there's an air raid, you can stay with us they said to me.  
And I imagined the pleasant aroma of butter
and sweet and nuts filling a windowless room with a Hebrew TV station crackling quickly in a language I still couldn't keep up with while we munched until we were like full balloons
in a land with the bus driver turning up the news updates on the radio every hour really loud so everyone could hear them, day in and day out, because this was part of life here. And most of what I could follow after so many hours of study was that most words at the end of a sentence on the news ended with -eeem.  Usually in threes, -eem, -eeem, -eem, which is maculine plural and sometimes there was MemShalah, which is Prime Minister.

It was your most noble hour, coming shortly after you rampaging up and down the hallways
of our cement apartment building, just a box but a nice one with a view of Haifa Bay saying Saddam does too have a bomb, and you just wait when the scuds start falling. You just wait.
But you weren't waiting.  You were going home.
And no I didn't believe Saddam had a bomb although I've never met anyone who agreed with me since then and that is getting to be a long time ago.  
Even though there were Freedom Fries now and a ban on French wine and I don't particularly like the French in many ways, still I believed them and Mahomood El Baradei
because he was a very smart man except American don't believe there can be smart, effective individuals and people working very hard in places filled with dust and ignorance and lacking
so many comforts and conveniences
And how could you check a whole country anyway?  
With connections, by being an insider and by being very clever and that's what I thought sitting in the living room watching CNN International being piped for free into our living room.
And you were terrified and you left in a sweat and a day or so later the War began

and I watched the War on CNN International in our living room after you were gone, and it was just mass destruction from great heights like someone's ridiculous plan of Urban Renewal from way too high up and I felt sorry for all the
people who would soon be called "collateral damage" and I felt ill at our Generals bragging about this mayhem, this obscene, idiotic pounding of a city without intelligence or sensitivity or perceptions and I felt no shock and awe, but only horror and sadness
and I, by myself, an American living in Israel, who now had dual citizenship of course,
you see, but Americans are never dual, we always leave.  We are only American.

I saw my country as something angry, and violent and dumb and ugly
And you waited in Florida for the WMD, and I watched the story unfold
and there were still no WMD by the time you got back and the Patriot missiles were lowered from their mountain top heights.  And there were still no WMD when paper plans for a bomb were unearthed underneath rose bushes in a scientist's back yard and I felt sorry for the rose bushes
and hoped they were re-planted.
And like my country, you slipped down a notch in my eyes,
Running away from nothing telling me there was danger and leaving me
when it was only you who believed I might die.  Only You.
Butch Decatoria Jan 2019
I remember when MTV was in its prime,
A new voice to represent the new boom
Babies growing up since the 80s
Louder still through the troubling decades
(Maxed out credit no head room)
After —the punks in nirvana and rapping clergy
It was the only channel on
Youthful rebel yell —honest news
I remember it pretty well
Shaping us generation x y and Personal Jesus
New wave good bye to when
Childhood then without pain of malnourished
Africa or nukes threatening our
Cruel summers
Were we happier then?
So what happens to the music
Rockstars rip van wrinkle
Geriatric hall of fame

(No one lives forever
Reruns with the ****** & mr. Ed
Now that old neighbor’s dead)

Seem more gangster
School shootings terrorists
On the train, kamikaze planes,
It’s all the same ole
Bling kablam oh bits
******* please
Redirecting our attention
Where the hells are we?

I remember back then
On MTV —Nicki Minaj says
Between the hysterics of police brutality
She said Happiness is living your life
Without struggle,
That stuck with me
Because we all watch the tube
We all search for meaning
Sadly defining what happiness
May look like
Real World and paradoxical reality
Para socially defunct
Conditioned to continuously
Stay tuned
Brief message of empty
Hypnosis a pure form of business
Wall Street
Boulevard of broken dreams
I want my

Happy. What do I mean
To be?
Life ***** lately
The human condition
Talking too much
Refusing to see
No more talking heads too much
Bla bla *******
I want my
MTV . Happy .
My generation
We are the world
freedom And yes, Peace.

Man kindly as one
And street, a melting ***
Of diversity

I remember the music
The future
I had hope to see
Behind the shades
Circa 80s 90s
What time is it then?
When will we

Don’t worry be happy
Run Forest run!
The bridge to the sea
through endless
loving captivity
to the rest of them
unannounced as white
owns liberty and justice
declared independent
laborious enforcement
come across the bridge to the sea
that is me
that is you
women giving us birth
still after all this
the entirety of the coolest crew
in the school of whiteness
training facilities destined for a dangerous fate
under construction
caution tape
a crime scene
surrounding America
excess of whiteness
weapons designed to **** humans
genocide not hunting for food
the excess of constructing internal and external
civil war
with genius funding
murderously generous politics
To humans in America
whiteness has been the most brutal weapon
ever created
a weapon of mass destruction
I have never heard so many
children crying at the same time
dying too
in rivers like
me to you
oceans climbing on land
grinding massive stone mountain hearts
into the finest sand
pouring out in-between our fingers
again and again over
all over the earth
molten again
liquid heat like *****
whiteness the most dangerous standard to set
mixed is the thread of the world
the bones of society
the common blood
connecting the best of humanity
with the biggest mistakes ever conceived of
and it was never a time
when humans had to be conceived
it was the enforcement of whiteness
forcing indentured servitude
into race based slavery
enduring the mental illness of whiteness
criminally insane
whiteness that is not ethnicity
Not the same as whiteness made in America
with parts imported from everywhere but itself
whiteness is nothing without humans
who justify its existence
by blinding with false goodness
reserved for a few
by pointing out some good in whiteness
the worst most painful torture
is experienced
whiteness should be on reservations
warm trusting
cozy domestication of evolution
covered with small pox blankets
supplied by Jeffrey Amherst
and desperately sought by Ivy connected leagues
of high class suicide
on reservations so that
while once again nativity
returns society to sustainability
so once again we can feel evolution
and the intimacy intended
the sexuality it needs
to be felt
otherwise whose feeling are you?
who is feeling who
expressing such vile institution
where prisons should be whiteness
criminally insane
guarded by an oath back to humanity
as its permeable captive walls
slaves brought back from graves never had
reincarnated through
our organic intelligence
whiteness is nihilism
at its finest
thinnest vision
of illusion
fascism at its worst
cannot keep organic intelligence from humans
Nicole Dec 2017
my walls are built tall and strong
from the previous glass shards of my many broken hearts,
melted together to form one strong shield,
i cannot let anyone as close as them.
and as this portrait of a man lingers by my side
i feel my walls fortifying.
and i know this harmless painting has been deemed
a weapon of mass destruction,
something so deadly that once it has infected my system
there can be no escape,
only a slow and painful loss of the air in my lungs
as my heart begins to crack and ultimately shatters far beyond repair,
the shards too small
to add to my wall protecting me from the poison of humankind.
is not worth the pain to me anymore.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Negotiating with ******

You can't.
Even if,
He disguises himself as
Al Shabaab,
Hassan Rouhani,
Or that ole mass murderer,
Now not such a bad guy,
We could left him alone,
Cause he didn't have WMD,
Saddam Hussein,
He just mass murdered,
The old fashioned way.

They thirst for the blood of mine.
And when satiated, they will come for you.
There will be no Mass said
Over our mass graves.

Do not pretend to lead,
When all you seek is avoid.
The historians will seek you out
And label you coward, Chamberlin.

Shall we meet at the soccer stadium
Called Ghazi, for some ice cream
And a public execution or two?
Let's make it a woman, for the extra satisfaction?

A perfect place, conducive for relaxed negotiations!

Woe us/me, when our moral compass points only
Into the bloodied earth,
Where we will soon enough be buried too.
Here too, many will politely disagree, for averting the eyes is so much easier...negotiating with a murderer, is aiding and abetting. You know Obama is negotiating with Taliban?  When they start killing women again, it will be somebody's else problem?
Stephen E Yocum Jun 2014
Oh look, look again on what we see,
Another war on ABC and CNBC TV.
Black hooded thugs waving AK-47’s
Jam Packed into little Pickup Trucks,
Moving in, onto Bagdad street,
It all looks so very familiar.

What is it with we Human Beings?
Why do we continue to do such things?
Back in my day it was Viet Nam,
The suits made a case for war,
And we young answered the call.
3 million Vietnamese and over 58,000
Of us died in that mess,
All for what,
A Civil War?
Not our business.
Profits for Corporations,
Big and small?

Who are we to Police the World?
Who appointed us to that dire role?

Then it was “Desert Storm”
And we mobilized all over again.
Rolled over the sands and those
Third World people,
As if they were not even there.
It’s said 100,000 of them died.
But the guy that pulled their Strings,
That **** fool survived,
To play again yet another day.

The peoples in the Middle East
Hated us for our intervention,
And began to sing songs of revenge.

Fast forward 10 years of hate and
Resentment and some of them
Flew our own planes into our cities,
Killed our non combatant people
Without so much as a warning,
And absolutely no remorse.
Stealing our national innocents.

Excuses and lies were made,
Fingers pointed in the wrong direction,
Now it was us plotting revenge.
WMD’s in the hands of a Mad Man
We were told,
“Get him before he can use his missiles.
Him and them,
That attacked our Cities,
Killed our people.
How dare they do such a thing?"

Once again our young men and women
Answered the call.
And once again over a 100,000 of that
Dictator’s people died, along with
Far too many of our own children.
But the “Lie” made some big American
Corporations rich beyond belief.
And gasoline went to over
$4.00 a gallon and is still ascending.

Oh look, on further study and investigation,
That guy and his country had no WMD’s
And indeed may not have actually been,
Behind The Twin Towers tragic end.
Afganstan “They” now too pointed,
That’s the backward 3ed world place,
Harboring a rich Saudi guy named Bin.
He and his gang, they are the ones,
Run ‘em to ground and break their bones.
Suspend our laws and stretch the truth,
Get it done, forget the price,
Break some rules and ignore,
Our Constitution and even our laws.
Behind closed doors, they whisper,
“Need more men, mobilize the Reserves.”
“The little people will never tolerate a Draft”.

How many people die this time?
We don’t even know the price.
It’s not yet done over there.
Money spent over 3 Trillion,
More than spent to fight
The entire Second World War.
Yes I said “Trillion”
Now how many new schools,
Roads and bridges here,
At home would that buy I wonder?

We left Bagdad declaring things “done”.
Installed yet another Corrupt,
Puppet Army and Government.
Like Viet Nam,
Our Generals all said we’d won.

Be it an Iraq or Afghanistan,
Who can possibly rule a nation of Tribes.
Of people that can’t even agree on the
Same shared religion belief.
People that hate each other more,
Then they even hate us.

No one but an iron ****** ****** Dictator,
A Tribal Chief who enforces his rule with
Corruption, Brutality and Death
Can rule such people.
Too long ingrained is their
Mode of hating and living.
Too clouded and old
Their desire for revenge
And corruption.

So add it all up, too many deaths,
Trillions of dollars spent.
And in the end, has returned to
Where it all started again.

Political deceit,
Poor judgment,
Or Personal greed?
Why do our leaders
Keep making the same mistakes?
I don’t have the answer.

If I don’t end up in Gitmo,
Boarded, with water in my mouth,
Or locked up in the Pen,
For expressing my own opinion,
Perhaps things aren’t yet as bad
As things could possibly get.

I do however regret that all these years
With we little people answering the call,
With all the fighting, waste,
Needless ****** death and all,
It seems to have been for nothing more,
Than the egos and stupidly,
Of a few rich and high born men,
Big Corporation profits,
And lustful greed for the all mighty dollar.
Louis Brown Aug 2011
Right wingers lie and cheat

Whenever it behooves them

On WMD's or campaign myths

They seem to love to use them

Determined as old Lucifer

To spite the altruistic

They never yield to truth

Like ******'s facistic

Sad for our country

When evil so controls

It's all the wicked venom

That poisons far right souls

For civil democrats

Response is in demand

Stomp back on forked tongues

That's all they understand

Copyright Louis Brown
RCraig David Apr 2013
Unrealistically going ballistic on premature political whistle blowing of missing ballistic missiles.
Rumors round the fickle frowns trickling down around town,
WMD's never found.
Media drowns out our original intent with swayed day-to-day comments about potential evidence or contents of secret documents or undisturbed "security clearancegate".
Still secret and still unclear year-to-date....
our eroded freedoms now appurtenances as consequence.
The missing  missiles long ago hidden or moved like agendas with chess-master finesse.
Citizens chide "You lied!! Confess!"
Behooving you proves nothing in bringing relief to your beliefs,
thieving your freedoms and Commander in Chief.
Lectures on conjecture don't secure a future.
It's almost "Au Revior" american cars and mortgages, hype puts the scarred afar Stars and Stripes Bail Bonds Czars in business.
Meanwhile billions are spent to rebuild the countries invaded without consent.
The Banks are saved but don't repent.
Far enough away to keep my iniquity a bay for today.
I clearly see what is before me, but respond not to my thoughts as I was taught.
Septed in guilt,
wept in filth
kept in tilt
loss is coming,
should have flossed.
The long term costs tossed aside.
Just another day I drive away from the driveway rarely driven to lie longer or lie down somber,
striving for stronger days lost,
feels wrong though.
I still go.
Pay the tolls.
Stop and go.
Fill the daily paying role outside my dreams and goals.
Play generic background music while my soul's on hold waiting for the next available operator.
Just another day, a way to stay alive and not lie down in hunger,
paying for my blunders,
staving off my heart's quiet thunder,
my dreams and wonders.
I still get up. I still go. Bills to pay. Traffic's slow. I mute the radio.

-R. Craig David-Copyright 2007
Written after went to war, killed Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, put 911 conspirators on trial yet we never found WDM's and we are still there after 13 years. What the cuss?
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
saddams WMD discovered 20.10.18

thank you for your residents
you was a full on funker
clearly seeing the reasons for presidents
from ultimate screen time to a hidden bunker.
ground was standing
one strong individual
the rein has back handing
no freedom for iraqi or BB on schedule.
the rule is ending
no more movement from pelvis
freedom fighters defending
i'm all shook up says elvis.
locks and chains were danger
in a dark seller torture
for winning game changer
lewis and self defending dropped a scorcher.
prime minister delivered austerity
changing the political dynamic
isabella turfed off territory
as soar as drinking vinegar balsamic.
end with a explosion
gone from the bb bubble
friday had soil erosion
only fifty percent happy with double.
Arkapravo Aug 2019
Then one day, the old man had enough,
... and, it wasn't the mushroom,
... neither the naplam,
... nor any other WMD,
... two degrees more, and that was all it took
Written on 12 October 2018. Also published at my blog,
Hasan Maruf Nov 2017
"I'll show thee every fertile inch o' th' island,
And I will kiss thy foot. I prithee, be my god"

It is he who fills my plate with penny
So, I return the gratitude in plenty
I took his pennies and never did I feel empty
Red, silver and scarlet there are so many
Would I stare with frenzy or count one to twenty?

The door of my conscience is locked
So did I absorb?
The torture of Gog and Magog
Everything I do now is
Much ado about nothing

I became the scion of darkness
I was crowned with Babylonian fiendishness
I had everything to charm and to alarm
To those who fail to succumb
To the lord that empowered my élan

To His feet I pledged
My allegiance of insurance
How can I revert now?
Like demon magicians I did avow
My soul under his bough

Rather I can do one thing now
I can idolize my white knight and sponsor
In the talk show, promotion or daily soap
Repeating his bounties under lie detector

Who knows how many progenies are there in the line?
Who were invited before me in his salacious dine?
The fruits, salads, meat roasts, wine and damsel
In bare ******* could serve them a feast of Fife
Displaying the raptor world in the shade of Eglantine

However, a little bit more burst
To cool my masters' unrelenting lust
Can seal my ignoble fate
With perennial gifts and trusts

I will keep preaching my master's crescendo
Cloaking it with metaphor's of poetic innuendo
Wisdom and words from his box of tricks
Will be my WMD to ruin the uber smart freaks

Who can out fool the serpent of evil?
When I will get the ticket to
Fly from Wall Street to London
To give lectures as if I am The Noam Chomsky
Theorizing natural hierarchy in front of millions
The naysayers keep rioting to demand my execution
But like the trash they will be flushed to oblivion

My religion is to plea for His majesty's mercy
I know whenever I will defy like Satan's pride
He himself will greet me again with wealth glorified
Don't misinterpret me, don't despise me either
What I see in you is the same yearning
Rather with a face of a grim and terrible onlooker!

Perhaps there is some contentment in seeking restitution
But, I see the world is aflame in its karmic retribution
So, this is my space, to the feet of my Masters' shoelace
The noblest of life is led by those whose gracious art
Be saved, on pain of punishment for his master's bait!
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2020
Between monosodium
glutamate and weapons
of mass destruction which
America and the rest of the
world knows China possesses,
then why don't the USA invade
just as they did in Iraq back in 2003 ?

" Because they are cowards ".
Del Maximo Oct 2020
another day
another active shooter
our hatred has loosed the hell hounds
foreign and domestic terrorism abounds
when will we learn that it’s us

there’s a madman behind the curtain
who doesn’t understand theatre
with the whole world watching
he normalizes hatred and apathy
unable to see beyond the foot lights
unwilling to look beyond his own nose
or his wallet’s bottom line
wearing narcissisms blinders
this **** stirrer has emboldened the **** stirrers
with everyone eager and willing
to jump into the cesspool
but I don’t blame him
it’s on us

social media has bloomed
an anarchy of tongues wagging
through clacking keyboards
it’s safer to speak up
when you can’t get hit in the mouth
judgement day is now
the threads are teeming with
name calling
arguments for arguments’ sake
the traits we hold back in real life
are somehow acceptable online
but I don’t blame social media
it’s on us

tomorrow's skies will be blue or gray
regardless of what weathermen have to say
the futility of a random universe
with each advancement both a blessing and a curse
license plates used to ask
“will we **** the last whale?”
the bigger question today:
will we **** the last human?
ecology’s breakdown
GMOs and pesticides
social injustices
racial divides
domestic violence and teen suicides
new ‘worst ever’ shootings
WMD in little boys’ hands
will we do it?
will we **** the last human?
it’s on us
(C) 10/27/2017
labyrinth Mar 2021
20 years ago American Army
Invaded Iraq to find WMD
For some reason, they couldn’t locate any
Finding non-existing bombs wasn’t that easy
Well, they have stayed anyway
They’ve been doing it to this day
Rather than sticking with the actual
They fell for “the counterfactual”
That way, I guess, they were able to protect
World peace and the home democracy, intact
Who cares if Iraqi death-toll already reached millions
We have bigger problems, like a handful of DC bullies
Everything else is under control
That of course is inclusive of petrol
I see that there is no such thing as an innocent government
But with White-House? All hunger-games and manhunt
I, by the way, am ready to hear any counter-views
As long as the truth is what your word pursues
Unless someone objects any of the above
Can I use my turn to get real mad now?
I hope we all know by now that American People and American Government are two seperate stories. I truly, utterly hate politics. However; when you look around, see all the damage, it is really hard not to talk about politics. All I can hope is that I was able to express that nuance (as in between people and the government) well.
itsall iwrite Oct 2018
i swear by the zoechurch 19.10.18

welcome to BB church
with water going to bless
got it all from her lurch
queen on board winning chess.
bring in a bridge
wise words from isabella
saddam not as cool as a fridge
still got WMD as i was the seller.
from zoe it was a freak
not afraid of any chemical
so surprised as not a single squeak
has she been speaking to anjem choudary now all radical.
loved this side
all was explosive
divisions have opened all wide
zoe and the bible is all inclusive.
got to now disappear
poetry and no attention is my dream
got a big shipment of gear
onto hampstead heath going to disappear like akeem.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2022

     For those with no views who

      depend on state news they

  believe every word said by Nato

But did you know, that in France

where they grow, there’s a 100,000

     different varieties of potato

   Just like WMD’s, which brought

  Iraq to its knees, does one need,

        an intellect, as did Plato ?


WMD’s were the reason Tony Blair

And George Bush got a carte blanche

The ****** 1.2 million Iraq’s and did

You know or have you forgotten that

It was all based on a lie.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2023
I'm no runnin' rebel
I sleep late and long
Iraq had no WMD
The American right so wrong

I told her that I love her
Took me 30 years
All these missed appointments
Tears in the fears

               loved ones dear
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2020
Your mouth’s been silenced
but your mask has ears

There’s a warning in yellow
to reinforce your fears.

They’re saying it is social
to keep your distance

Keep left of the line
they’ve given an instance.

I’m in a box behind a
a hole with strings

Barre chorded by Satan
lest my voice take wings.

Gagged and choked
I can’t croak about Covid

My Capo’s too tight
but my F is still avid.

If only someone would
give me a strummmmm

Though way out of tune
I can hum in my drum.

We’ve had WMD’s and
and what that evokes

You need to recall
that it was a hoax.

Sometimes I’m thinking
you’ve all got Alzheimers

We’ve duped many times
but no one remembers.

The world’s in a state
because of minds that are numb

Hollywood your Nice Day
eat pop-corn with the dumb.

— The End —