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Ceida Uilyc Dec 2014
I have worn a ring
Ever since I remember the first.

I woke upto a lit’le golden shine
On my li’lest finger.

I grew into a walkable,
And it got tighter.

Then they removed it
and gave me a diamond studded one on my 8th birthday.

I wore it on my index.

I grew into my teens
And it got tighter.

Then I got outta teens.
And it got tighter all the same.

Then a brown haired chap took pity on me
And proposed me.

With a ring.

A silver one.

I wore it on my ring finger.
Then it saw me for a long time.

And it got tighter.

And I separated direction from
The brown haired chap.

So, I dropped the ring

And whoosh it flew into the tracks
with the faintest bounce.

Then, I was a woman.

The ringless finger ached my periphery.
I thought of my diamond ring .
And I sold it next morning at the Jewellers.

I got a Platinum ring, after a lotta confused psychology to take the decision.
I felt a pauper signboard afar.

I wore it on my *******.

And, I smoked a cigarette
And I drank ***.
With the platinum shining on my *******.

Then I took pity on a black eyed fellow
And slept with him in a drunken state.

Morning I woke up with my bright sneer  dimming down.

My ring was gone.

The black eyed chap stole it.

My platinum ring.

I never wore a ring
Ever again.

I smoke the cigarette
And I drink the ***
With none a ring.

I will, Will to be buried without
Any of the Same.
Onoma Dec 2014
Subtlety employs all works in silence resounds
angels in snowy landings.
How close can reality get before
it begins to reside within that which
it stands before?
What to do with all these impositions
that make or break the walkable line?
Perhaps...allow the spilling of the proverbial
cup, that it may overflow...engender the already
engendered Chaos...(your Face was already wet
before you remembered to face the Shower Head)...
cheers to Harmony!
There's this deep impulse to walk until collapse...
akin to a wild horse running to death...motion seems
a necessary evil.
Call it excess energy...superfluous stone to sculptor's
block...a burning candle keeping pace with the prayed for.
Enter death's repose...motioning motionlessness...
for the first and last time...All Subtlety becomes overt.
Sean Flaherty Apr 2014
His middle parts were
Passing through the couch that I was
Sitting on, but his
Face felt nice and fuzzy.
And it was way too
Way too loud.

Ocean water, creeping
Up the black-sanded beach
On the island where 
He drank his ***.
And he's telling lies to any
Crustaceans brave enough to
Traverse his thinning limbs.

Yet, reflecting neatly 
Off the ebony, and decisively
Catching his eye, is the light of her
Tiara, embracing her
Maneless neck.
In walks Nala, and the tide,
His tide, recedes.
The island becomes
Her savannah.

I watch him smile, and 
Close his eyes, and
Soak the moment in. 
Her claws extended, sharp,
Etching proof of her
Arrival into the eager,
Earthy floor.

Owning the steps she takes,

I shudder and attempt to stand.

But stop, as she paws his wrist,

Gripping it tighter,

Scarring him with 

Pointed, filed nails. 
Making him 

Bleed, and making 

Him beam.

Pride is just a 
Noun when there is
Hemorrhaging to handle.
Pressure must be
Applied on all sides of the 
Wound, in order to prevent
Infection, and infatuation.

But I guess when a 
Beast of beauty, makes a black
Sea walkable for you, 
You're liable to get caught up
Staring at the jewels
She's ripped out of her crown, and 
Sewn into her hair. She'll make you 
Hiss back at the sun, and
Talk about wild life.
For the same person as The Uncultured Below, but this one was for me, not for her.

In walks Nala, and the tide, His tide, recedes.
Matthias Feb 2011
Like the beach longs for high tide.
The waves to lap upon the coarse sand
And make it walkable again.
dominic rocky Dec 2012
she gave up on me you know
five years and three quarters

we used to it around all day
smoking *** and
ignoring phone calls
only leaving the house for candy and cigarettes

she'd eventually grown tired of shortened nights
and un-walkable distances

I left my heart somewhere in that house
I imagine it's collecting dust in the closet
next to dried flower bouquets and
old birthday cards

too tired to retrieve it
too drunk to care

I'd rather sit here on this barstool
wasting away what's left
Lewis Bosworth Aug 2016
Service to others is the
rent you pay for your
room here on earth.
—Muhammad Ali

She talks of change, of
Back to neighborhoods
Which were comfortable.

Of underground parking,
Of walkable, convenient
Distances to work.

Oh, how nice to wish
For change, to want to
Go forward by backing up.

Or, to make sense from
It, plunge right in and
Join the dance.

I dread the thought of
Driving for fear of putting
My foot on the wrong pedal.

As a perfectly flawed man,
I live alone with a cat and
Shelves hosting 6K books.

Should she change?  Must
I?  Which of us has the
More restless heart?

Life is for living, it is
Said, so perhaps we can
Stick it out for a year.

Stick it out until you can
Prove that love is not a
Swollen mass of flesh.

Or change, change, and
Pretend you are different
From a new car in the driveway.

Or another K of paperbacks,
Or a new litter of kittens
Grazing in the kitchen.

If you change, hide all the
Evidence and be humble
As the crippled or the blind.

Share your legacy before
Someone else interprets
It for you.

And live every day slowly
While looking in the mirror
Saying “Progress, not perfection.”

© Lewis Bosworth, 2016
The epigraph is supposed to be in Italics.
Zywa Sep 2023
No fast traffic here
no high steel and concrete
in the streets, but
walkable space

The sun draws attention
away from us, towards the light
on the black facades on the harbour
the white cornices and red tiles:

the picture for the photos
of the tanned tourists
on the terrace of the tanhouse
who walk into our gardens

as if we live here
in an open-air museum
and should praise
their silly insolence

as a decent interest
But we can live with it
The visitors walk around
in a parallel reality

and we have real neighbours
a wide sky, the wide water
and the green island
We can breathe here

as the wood breathes
in the seasons
as the wind breathes
in the grass
For Rob Z
Marken (nowadays a peninsula)
Tan: yellow- or red-brown dye, made from ground oak bark (which contains a lot of tannin)
Tanhouse: tannery (the name of a café-restaurant at the harbour: de Taanderij)Collection "WoofWoof"
Michael Parish Mar 2017
I wondered if he liked slouching
Or sniffing black cigars in his garden
With pitchers of red beer glazing
Under coconuts!


Im in a paccific coast lite house trying to find what makes the water on this map solid and walkable.  
After all its just a painting coppied on computers and sold to children at truck stops.  I want the waves and the gummy worms all at once the coke bottles flowing out in globs of stout the kind i waited to get to and sink into like padded stools over looking the atlantic.  Open a mohito on sunday close the pork farm on monday.  You lit a smoke and dreamed of climbing the tallest cypress in havanah.  I passed out in key west on a marlin charter.  We never found a submarine thay day.
Hello Prolly Jun 2019
once I'd wanted bubbles
so I made them true

from within couldn't taste a lot
and so I tied my knot

void from unseen choices
alluded swiftly by a single trail

now things I find in you, so rare
I never thought were in the air

walking my eyes open wide
unrecognized was you, walkable buddy

for this path
a pink bubble bath

nobody seem to understand
I don't mind, it's our land

bunch of sober junkies
hanabi against death row

you eat it fast
I eat it slow
Thou will
A seasons of seasons
Unwalking in the walkable road...

Rose of love
Or cactus in deep heart

Like a virus diverge in the land of unknowns...
A possible certainity which is indecipherable...

Still a waves in heart...
Swinging like sinusoidal...
Walking walking walking...
A pain turns sleep...
Ken Pepiton Nov 2024
When stories
of scars told
in one town,
become this legend
in the next, retold to grow
on, even as we listen and find it told
a better way,

So  long ago we know,
so long now,
nobody knows,
stories be told to comfort,
none should be used to frighten,
or terrorize in the darkness, true,
holy terror
first we can recall, or was that
in a movie?

Maybe Fantasia, when you were three.

When was a way
to make a tie
to an instant
to which our social entities loosely anchor,
global Disneyification, animating old devils,
using Voltaire's rule
for adult conversations,
define the terms, regarding evil for good,
about Nuclear War,
at the final judgement of us all,
my side submits the work
of Annie Jacobsen, and offers the next 72 minutes
to a journey
a parsa, in contemplation

at least that long,
through a story
thought after knowing
a minute's worth
of ever after,

once one is old enough,

the trouble one causes,
when one dies, shan't change history,

the kids could make it from here.

A parsa is a distance walkable in 72 minutes.

72 minutes is how long it takes
for human influence
on the future
to be unthinkable,
for 30 thousand years…
after the first launch
of a nuke from anywhere, really.

No nation ever wins nuclear war.
What good does it do to point out facts, such as the reason people perish or destroy the knowledge once used to make slaves, overseers and owners, of
everything children are taught to lust for.
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
The tongue-wrench meandering between his superstitious rose-lips barely fits in the lock; the mischievous fidelity of desolation glows on his burning lips! His curtained face obscures all receptive pleasures, the giving, human-centered Universe! We continue to snuggle into the non-passing cover for the very first miscarriage sign! Our walkable, throbbing heart-circles will all return to themselves by the time they finally land! The grotesque mirror, in which everything can be seen the other way around, stretches silent, truthful tears on their faces!
In the depths of the rainbow of pupils preserves all spells, enchanted ancestral moments of conscience! When romantic instincts are adventuring on anonymous-unknown paths: it is better to be immersed in finite weightlessness with a companion than the happiness of hero lovers under veil waterfalls! - Comprehensible and perceptible score lines in the pulsating, decipherable atrium of heart-petals; translucent, blade-thin delicate crust can carve out for yourself sweet love! They get closer and closer to ourselves, while they have all traversed the secret cells of their bodies - and yet, in the warming fire of ****** kisses, the distance between two souls becomes more and more invisible!
Many times words of enchanting branching are more likely to hurt than caress! The roaring, beading draws breakable glass beads! Self-consciously falls into the Phoenix ash, who chooses his true emotions! The honey-steam of bodies glowing in good, muddy silence, in fine sweat, is hospitable: spreading out its limbs! - The Fraction reigns benevolently over us with the present reckoning, and takes everything into points! Verbatim, human voices are embodied into fractions for years, while from a distance an emotional cello monologue tears through the fabric of immortal romances
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
I couldn't understand why I'm still running hopelessly after you? - but it's scary to know nothing about you! Why do I keep the ancient, immortal monogram of your name anyway? In my perforated heart, you are still expanding dark holes and always wounding my heart guarding its crater cavity!

Whatever star-flowered, balm-wreathed night is: there is a monotonous, gloomy darkness here — and as long as I lie on my single bed designated as a bunk; Stamped from the scars of UVB rays, from the celestial stigma signs, I moan incessantly.

I can't forget you. I can't wipe you and throw you "tabula rasa" - like a sheet on the bottom of the trash - even behind romantic, immortal moments! You started with honest self-realization, and then with the greed of your kisses you bombarded the pillars of my fragile rope dance emotions slowly - I say goodbye to you with immortal eternity, but when you budge like a phoenix again and breathe with the meadow: Your tulip is always your favorite, babus

While I have to remember myself about the purity of my emotions, Scarecrow is disfigured, and like the accomplices of murderers, the two of us could have cut off in her flower, the universe threads of our love could not have been born. You have shown the more walkable ways of Macadam of eternal purity and sincerity, while forgetting the ladies' vow of decency, which none of us could do:

Blessed is my little angel! You're offended! You’re out in front of every fortress, like the hollow rabbit that you can’t run away from or dodge - or what you feel for sure, but you didn’t dare - like me - take the initiative to be the Last! Did you just promise? Shouldn’t you comfort your foamy poet with unforgettable happiness? But to hope for forgiveness from someone you betrayed in your Judas kisses?

— The End —