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Pablo Laucerica Aug 2013
It is not the bumblebee, that goes
unloved or unprivileged.
It is the sad circumstances of of his flower brethren
That congests his mind with remnants of
Regret and despair,
Brought on by a chain reaction of
Sympathy and compassion.
Do the flowers comprehend
The plight of the humble bumblebee?
He who flies in his aura of sincere concern,
For those who he calls friends.
Certainly not,
For they question the pain his eyes have seen,
But certainly not
From which it originates.
Nat Lipstadt May 2019
I slept with her, my rapacious pen, took me in quiet vengeance in
full on conjugation

raken and taken, me,
her overlording me now, her authorship, so long held
in my maledom abeyance,
a kept imprisonment, unleashing at last, a tongue lashing~leashing,
de-spite my un-desirous craven lying supplications,
excuses of innocence and accident, coincidence and conflation,
ashes, ashes, denials incinerated, all fall down

she wrote/stabbed upon my heartless chest,
in the cheap crudités colors of a prisoner’s inking,
“user of words mine, all mine”

gathered up my innards of loose words,
speculative notes & titles yet to be,
born and kept hid in password protected silent back labor files,
now hers, leaving me sputtering, unable to create,
a homeless mute citizen, possession-less,
helplessly hoping her hovering harlequin might relent,
without any shelter, even a glimmering, a single aleph or bet

she celebratory cackled and clawed,
professed her reclamation ownership of all my poems predecessors,
zola j’accusing that I, ripped from her forcibly,
with no granted permission, her womanly touché of my scribing,
warning of no more global warming for my unprivileged hands,
daren’t try for pretenses of stolen legal guardianship,
warning of a new, forced caining inscription,
a tattooing of  “thief” upon my 5 knuckled right ******,
“plagiarist” boldly inked in back & blue upon my left palm

I, predator,
she, victim,
of my now self-professed, admitted confess,
she, my single victim,
of a decade long serializing criminal coverup

her parting poem a threatening,
herein issued in this very verse,
damning all who would falsely credit themselves,
to suffer shame and an unimaginable curse,
this, the newborn eleventh of ten commandments

parting, she kissing my lips, even my emptied apertures,
with warning bitings,
she knew all my
my numerous noms de guerre,
no dead scrolls caves to hid in, and to be discovered some future day,
and if ever marked as copyrighted,
’twas no tunneling escape,
the exposed truth to be over-stamped
upon all, upon each, in every language,

copied right from the tongue of a woman!

and she would be wright...
complementary to
a tribute to all the women that have inspired so many of my poems

Despite any valid points I may have,
disregard me,
no matter the connection that begins,
pay me no mind.

I am a Mormon,
and by that decree,
I am handicapped.
I have lost all credibility,
through all the searing rage in my veins,
the cold creeping of hate,
the warmth of love,
the doubt in my faith,
I am inert.

If I were important,
things would be different,
the world would listen if I were another breed,
but I am white,
I am uninteresting,
I have nothing to say.
Many treat Mormons with contempt,
they're not Christians you say?
I am told this country is free,
that's not something that I can accept,
who are you to tell me what I believe?
You may not agree with the existence of God,
but tell me,
must we experience a holocaust for you to respect my beliefs?

Racism is as American as apple pie,
as American as a Colt .45,
cocked and held to the head of equality,
this country is built on a lie,
freedom for every white man.
Post-racial America,
what a joke,
it's no wonder you confuse Muslims and Sikhs.

There's nothing wrong with being Islamic,
they are not a people founded on hate.

With modern advancement,
a new light to my eyes,
suspicions confirmed,
race isn't based on genetics,
it's based on social delusion,
truths twisted by pigment,
and the crooked nature of human design.

Sickening men steal children,
born naked,
smiling just as all children do,
they steal the light in their eyes,
their one chance at a normal life,
their futures,
and still the globe turns a blind eye to instinctual cries,
children that never become adults,
from the sickness that spreads,
the fear in their eyes,
and still,
we hide,
placing a thin veil over sight.
The world criticizes intervention,
you say it's not your problem?
For God's sake,
(a phrase often misused)
fight for your brother,
despite the color of his skin.
No matter how many children the individual saves,
it is not enough,
the smaller part cannot save the whole,
and by turning away,
you fan the flames,
blood stains on the hands of the majority,
kindling the depth of sorrow that exists today,
we are the root of the disease,
the twisted smile that grinds the skin,
tears the flesh from the unprivileged.
I believe that even if I never answer to God,
this life is a test,
and in our cowardice,
we will all will drown.

But, remember,
disregard me,
pay me no heed,
I'm just a Mormon,
no latter-day saint.
I cannot make sense of it in my mind,
and so I'll label and dissect,
leaving the remainder to ignorance,
an entire country,
hands tied,
no longer listening for our father's decree.

Here we are once more,
back to the beginning,
not a thing has changed,
continue on your way,
treading lazily upon unspoken trails,
politically correct warpaths,
a migration of misguided souls,
carefree and careless,
not losing a wink of sleep.

Look me in the eyes and tell me what I do,
and do not believe,
tell me,
that I don't understand,
tell me your truth,
my skin is made of porcelain,
and that's the only thing that matters to you,
my actions are futile,
my words fall on deaf ears.

You may curse God for your misfortune,
but if you ask me,
we're the ones who created this,
we are our own mistake,
we the people,
have sealed our own fate.

I'm Adam Patrick Beckstead,
and guess what?
I'm a Mormon,
no latter-day saint.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)
authentic Apr 2015
They told me I was humble
Showing a modest or low estimate of my own importance
Having a tendency to decrease my dignity under others
They were telling the truth
My stature of one not as a boulder but a pebble
I am smaller to others, crushed underneath
They tell me it is a good thing
To place others above myself so I do not conquer them
Pushing them up even if I am falling
Unprivileged behind those who need love more than I do
It is selfish to not be humble
They tell me that I am
I wonder if that means I am weak
Or if that means I am strong
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2015
i find this mentioned success found and expressed in the parameters of life,
nothing more than a philistine’s interpretation
of why la traviata resonates more profoundly than madam butterfly
when a girl does not use rhetoric to see the latter opera
but bows to the former in a sort of cognitive neglige,
so why do i find this mention of existential “success” so unprivileged
as to require a deviation from it and complete the individual?
think of the existential “success” as nothing more than:
a zoological phenomenon, the one chance to zoo-keep the dodo not executed,
most people will live in this safeguard,
they will forever remain the one example of continuity undisputed,
they will be safeguarded by the fact that countless examples have & will follow
them, and they will be petrified into ranks in a soldierly fashion
without moaning, for they are indeed the ones who reaped
the safeguard in the first place, the continuity must persist,
individuation must known nothing of what individuation is -
that process of self-depreciation as a worth in the worth of isolation -
they do exist in this safeguard not for any amusing qualities,
it’s the quantity of the escapade that’s amusing, amusement
based upon its success!
there's mr. and mrs. with 2.4 children,
and there's mr. barney and mrs. barney née barnacle
with an only child and a ticket to jerusalem.
so i digress now on the whim - if i were a sufferer of a medical condition,
a psychiatric one at that... would i have great or no insight?
i find it hard to concentrate on the theoretical side of things
without giving a chemical idle wave of the hand giving full
trust to the chemical cure... rather than a theoretical cure...
if i were truly a sufferer of a condition... would i theorise?
i guess i’d button up do my trouser zip up and take the chemical answer
as the “cure,” instead i decided to “cure” myself theorising,
which can’t make me a sufferer for all reasons stated by
an abstinence from the hippocratic trust... which isn’t really there...
hence the need to translate all this as: a hippopotamus oath,
the nearest noun next to dinosaurs... hip oh oh...
for why would anyone being a sufferer of a diagnosed condition
suddenly decide to theorise the symptom as a cure
rather than accept the cures given?
no sufferer of a condition accepts theory as a cure...
most just take the force-fed mechanisation of excessive use of
chemistry as if it was a choice of a beauty product...
yellows olanzapine and blues some other anti psi psi...
in summary... if i truly suffered i’d suffer without theoretical escapades, i'd take the cure and not bother theorising:
but since i don’t suffer from a false diagnosis i theorise...
sober enough to do so... even though drunk enough to enjoy the silence
and the holy lack of conversation...
i guess in depth, the migrant's ambition in me to be content with
arbeit macht frei... translated from doing construction work
with my father, or my specialisation in chemistry into
industrious writing patterns... a poem a day... let's
you throw an apple at a psychiatrist every other day.
Erin Roma May 2017
I tried to pluck some strings
Listened as hard as I could
Stared  at the song written before me
Yet the lyrics don't mean a thing as I stood

Cowering behind these bars I built
These melodies I've worked so hard to fake
So that I, myself, can lose in it, believe in it
A vibrato my soul needs to make

I grieve for the lost times, for a wrong pitch
Into many delusions, I sink, I sink, I sink
It's hard to make something out from pieces
We sang all of the chaos it made in chorus

"Seem" fuels a very powerful belief
It's real, spoken in hushed tones
Yet when I try to form some harmony out of it
It's very evident, the tunes don't exist at all

Time ticks and it still keeps me guessing
Even the world couldn't comprehend a thing
And so all the notes died unprivileged from the truth
We'll never learn what's real. Will we?
Mohd Arshad Jul 2016
The unprivileged complete our democracy
Poetic T Jul 2016
It was the sanctified halls of the fleshless ones, for those of purity
were only of inner form. No eyes did ever gaze upon anything of consequence, embrace was for the weak. As all was grasped with
white palms feeling nothing between hollow digits.

But in this abomination of existence, flesh was thesin of being unclean, un-pure in its form. Others did wonder at its true trepidation of why
it was looked on in such revulsion.It was in many shades but the few lingered on its true purpose of existence in this world of bone.

Flesh was like silk gloves as one tried its fit upon the cold form,
and as it weaved upon them in moist closeness they for a moment felt the coldness of there existence in this enticing form,
but to touch upon sin is to be consumed by it as it started to cohere
to more of this cold form till all was submerged in the flesh.

hands baring all those yesterday's, black the tie dye skulls without a bone to cross delicate impositions undressed to bleed into a
maple syrup disguised by the very tears of a corpses dream.

With thoughts that forgot to function for a thousand years, the rain would pour and clouds would be pedestals for lightening to shed
their load while  I'm stood in another boundary interrogating my
heart of stone.

unprivileged destined to absorb a nightmare envious because it never lived, it's breaths didn't even step past the word go how can I ever forgive a mist created especially by him

A demon in a fur coat resembling that one sheep on that abandoned Field, how can I push down those barriers when rivers guide me to a dead end an existence where life meets death and war is nothing compared to this.

a poisonous piece of ******* placed in one corner of my head just to tease, sending my words haywire swinging through the trees in a deep dark wood where answers are painted with the insides of an insects eyes and I

I am tied down to a patch of haystacks where witches gave up to
the insane frogs, where tires met tracks hiding my footprints in the acidic rain.

And the world never spun around on its axis again before my
form fell like weaker contemplations on a acidic wording that
feed upon my flesh. New born now devoured in diluted form.

Words where jittered from a form unknown to all, and we
descended upon each like a swarm of locusts. flesh the delicacy
of what our eyes now saw between these flesh suits falling.

We were the forest of white oak, strong in our joined reflections
now indifferent solitary only thinking of a singular moment
not of that which grew in pale comparison before.

We spent our emotions on tears of crimson as others not heading
to this inevitable reality of what had encompassed all. We were
wicker men burning from the inside, ash in form of absent reflection.

with wooden erections piercing right through where it matters ,blood clots defining our footprints ,our tattered feelings implanted upon a bespoke dress created for that very monster wanting to impress.

Wanting to conquer one and all within a form that was not wanting,
but now encompasses every fibre that now bleeds. For each dies on
this twilight reborn once again it to a hollow unfeeling form.
courtney Dec 2017
"mirror, mirror on the wall
who's the fairest of them all"

i see my reflection

is it broken
i'm not pretty
my eyes are too narrow
my legs are too long
my stomach is too big from dinner
how could i possibly be fair

"mirror, mirror on the wall
who's the fairest of them all"
i repeat it
over and over
but the image remains
i swing my fists
and along with the shattered pieces
my reflection falls to the floor

i slump to the ground
"why won't you work"
i cry
then i look at the mirrored fragments
my reflection no longer there

on a slim piece near my hand
there's a reflection of a young girl
she's moving but her eyes are closed
she travels using only four senses
she has lost the fifth
the young girl stumbles
and flails her arms
she cannot see
for she is blind

she would be grateful for a set of working eyes no matter how narrow

on a long piece near my knee
there's a reflection of a young man
he's in a moving wheelchair
when it stops
the young man lifts himself out
using only his hands
the young man has no legs
for he had just come home from war

he would be grateful for two legs no matter how long

on a wide piece near my hip
there's a child
a child whose skin is tight around his bones
no meat to keep him warm
for he hasn't eaten in days
maybe months

that boy would **** to have his stomach big from dinner

unprivileged persons litter on the shattered pieces
it's there
it's real

i piece back the mirror and seal the cracks with glue
'mirror, mirror on the wall
who's the fairest of the all"
i ask again
when i see myself
i nod

for i am privileged
i am grateful
i am fair
written: 09/04/17
Tita Halaman Jul 2023
On the grounds of this, it’ll endlessly summon
Some worn out knees, forcefully bent to bloom
Brutally folded, to spring out crisp and sharp
Yes, yesterdays did think they killed a body
Yet, yesterdays just crushed it into tiny pretty things
No limb will truly collapse til she gets lucky
A worked out unprivileged, with her lovelier stories
A poem of a painting
Tita Halaman Jul 2023
On the grounds of this, it’ll endlessly summon
Some worn out knees, forcefully bent to bloom
Brutally folded, to spring out crisp and sharp
Yes, yesterdays did think they killed a body
Yet, yesterdays just crushed it into tiny pretty things
No limb will truly collapse til she gets lucky
A worked out unprivileged, with her lovelier stories
A poem of a painting
Eshwara Prasad Jul 2020
What does bee colony and human society have in common.

Ninety nine percent unprivileged class
work tirelessly to sustain one percent
privileged class, and feel nothing wrong about it.

— The End —