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Ana Jul 2014
What makes us being coward?

What is that force that bends our knees,

makes us feel so underpowered

and orders our will to freeze?

Cowardice, doubts and betrayals

goes hand in hand, like sinners

and sink our ship who sails

to the horizon of winners.

More on:
Kai Apr 2014
**** it up,* they'll say
and sit up straight.

But don't you see that we cannot simply do as we are told?

Our generation as a whole is the sweaty gym sock lost between lockers
and the confusion between the zebra being black with white stripes or white with black stripes
and the fine print on the advertisements that reads "for entertainment purposes only"

We, as one, are towered over
piled upon with high pressure
and the balloon has to someday burst.

You can be whatever you want to be is the number one statement that the Statue of Liberty cannot hold for her hands are too high and the meaning is written in a frequency too low.
We are are the glass bones that will shatter on wood and there is no carpet or cushion below us and we are tumbling down in what we think we love and what we know we hate.

When the scissors cut crooked, think of us.

We are slammed while we slam and try to create a steady beat which goes stray within the car horns and crow caws.

Small and underestimated.
but we're just crazy kids, right?
Matt Mar 2015
Engine: 2x Daimler Benz 601 A-1
Max Speed: 247 mph at 16,400 feet
Service Ceiling: 26, 250 feet
Range 1,224
Armament: 3-6x 7.9 mm machine guns
Bombload: 4410 lbs

Well armed
But underpowered and slow
German Bomber from WWII
She is a Generator.
But, she's about to cut-out,
Very soon!

She is underpowered
And overloaded!
She needs assistance--energy
From the Sun and the Moon.

But, the Sun's rays
Cannot charge her battery -
It is no longer recharging her,
At all!

Nor, can the Moon,
Any longer,
Be of any assistance,
Or help....
It's time to disconnect--
Discharge from all!
~ Too many plugs are in the wall!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2018
alex loya May 2014
I hate the way this game we play makes me hate your beautiful face
Eye Use you for my excape aint ready for change the pain always helps this music I make we are getting used too the pain
Cutting the roots so no food is obtained
Telling the truth when we blame
Begging for change like a *** with a sign
That says people cant change
Evil insane keep you in flames like a heart on fire no water for hours leaving this race
Running away with a sour taste another hour too waste hoping too devour a trace of that pain we incased in a painting today
Saving the grains evaded restraints taking the pain then
Staying awake
For a couple of hours taking meteor showers falling down on your surface till your earth splits fealing underpowered like a nervous coward
Dead flowers om the table my angel. I don't think this demon will save you ill take you beyond your limits its vivid but this spirit wont break you
Brittany Kimball Nov 2014
like fearful birds we stay trapped
inside this small constricting barricade
hiding from whats in the world
as we continue to wither and fade
our numbers are constantly falling
while we are horrifically devoured
always under attack from everything, always
humanity plagues this world and leaves us so underpowered
I was deceived by this false sense of peace
along with the destruction of my walls
hoping my dismal fates will turn around
understand that
in this cruel disgusting world
doing nothing is a sin
so unless you stand up and fight
you can never hope to win
the window is left shattered now
our withered bodies try to shout
running away from this life we cant bring ourselves to devout
we scream for the things we can't live without

This is not what is best for us.

every day
every hour
we need to turn the pain into power
us fearful birds can not continue to be too scared of flying too high and losing our feathers
Jabin Jul 2018
Sick to my stomach
doesn’t it ever
fall into
place? This mad dash
This human face
staring back at me,
tracking me like
I’m supposed to be
meant to keep some
But I don’t even
want to go outside.
So I just hide disgrace
behind a mass of
And tailor my existence
so to wait for later.
And maybe
if I keep it all on
some way
it’ll mean more than
I’m savoring the moment
the best I know how,
what I can allow,
and it’s turning me
into an old
I ran into the world
like a coward
to find myself alone
and underpowered.
I showered myself
with the gifts
of my work.
Now I’ve got nothing left
but a false smirk
on my breath-
looking at this world,
afraid there’s nothing left.
And on and on
the ants keep up
the nest.
When will they stop and see?
When will we set ourselves free?
When can I just be me?

It doesn’t matter.
It’s hopeless.
All this empty patter
in tatters
when it’s lost in time.
This paradigm’s
got us locked
in a system that
Wears it all down,
bruises and
the abuse has
got us all thinking
this is the best of it.
And one man
can’t outwit
the masses,
because what passes
for moral
ends up in a quarrel
we can’t break out of.
Because we’re too tough.
Because we’re too rough.
All this pride’s
got us blinded.
And behind it all
is a fear of being
Of being nothing.
Our legacy’s rotten.
The timeline is
******, gushing
but fill another
dot in
‘cause the war ain’t over.
We ain’t done
giving each other
the cold shoulder.
And we’re getting older
but the fight’s still young.
Our enemies hung
but still nothing’s
The same chess board
just rearranging
the pieces.
And the creases
in my face are
getting deeper,
and I see my child’s eyes
reflecting the face of the
grim reaper.

I wish you could see it.
This path, we could leave it.
‘Cause the answer’s
Let’s dive on in
to our options,
‘cause the masses
just keep gawking
at the sky
like an answer’s
gonna fly
out of the clouds
singing so loud,
but God ain’t been talking.
And I haven’t seen
a miracle either,
so we’ve been
putting our faith
into a beaker,
letting the public speaker
tell us what’s real
and how to feel
‘cause it’s so much
A breezier road to walk
when you don’t gotta talk
to the fella your dad hated.
Staying sedated,
watching TV and
wondering if this was all
That’s not the point.
We’ve gotta disjoint
from this follower logic.
Giving all our power
to the demagogic
and those who seek profit.
It’s better than nothing,
but we’ve got to come
off it.

Peace is a choice,
so if you’ve got a voice-
Let’s hear it.
VibeActivist Sep 2020
all you gave me was pain
that made me insane
after all that I was inhumane
asking myself what remains
it's passes through me from my veins
to you, you must be entertained
in your eyes i'm underpowered—
thinking i've been devoured—
waiting for me to reply
to give up all my efforts or at least try
to beg you to let me die

— The End —