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Tybee , the Masters sonata of wind , crashing wave , sand and tide , Alpha and Omega of rippling current , mighty Savannah River completes her southern journey here .. As Sailor , ****** and maritime entrepreneur , embark , having left the security of her shore into the mighty , unforgiving Atlantic , her Lighthouse , a living testament to sacrifice , safe return to port as well as those forever lost at sea
Copyright October 1 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
C E Ford Jun 2015
But lately,
I've been falling like rain,
collectively puddling at the edges of your rain boots,
your boots bright red
like my cheeks the first time we impromptu'd to the beach
because we didn't have anything better to do,
and everyone forgot us anyway.
My pants were, peach,
or maybe coral,
but rolled up enough to see the sharped edges of my ankles,
because it was what I could afford to give you,
I had lost those trimmings long ago to the world,
even though it never gave me any of my pieces back,
and speaking of,
I still have white pieces of sand in my pockets,
and maybe if I poured them out on your floor,
we could have had a beach of our very own.
And I could roll down those pants,  you could change into your teal shirt,
and we might have sunbathed
in our own warmth,
glowing yellow and bright
like those little specks in your eyes
nobody ever notices,
but I knew they were there.
That's what happens when you pay attention to the details of people,
You find in them colors that are too hard to name,
if you have a color wheel and a pen, you can find out what they're called, and even if you can't,
you can make up your own as you go along, like;
and light-2009-Pontiac-G6-that-got-you-to-the-beach-when-you-had-no-p­lace-else-to-go-grayish-blue.
You can even almost mix these
colors into paint,
and hand them out in pamphlets to all of your friends and family;
"Here's the shade of green
the leaves were on the tree she sat on with me."
"This is the shade of pink
her lips were when she said 'I love you.'"
"And here's the shade of red
I saw when I heard her say goodbye."
Old, repurposed poetry. I can't think of anything new.
wren cole Aug 2016
Salty water burns my eyes
The seagulls caw their greetings
I will lay down on this soft sand
And sleep to the sound of the waves
As the sea crashes against the shore
The sweet breeze caressing my sun-kissed skin
Seagulls fly over me.
Sticky sand rubs against my toes.
Saltwater slides down my throat.
I see ice-cream nearby.
This place is paradise or at least
the closest I've come to it.
I prayed a silent prayer:
"Please God, I never wanna leave
this place."
Unfortunately, I did, but
I always leave a piece
of my heart along the shore.
Hopefully, a mermaid will
find it.
Broken Social Scene - Anthems For A Seventeen-Year-Old Girl
South City Lady Aug 2020
I feel your eyes emblazoned as stars
stitched into a river of ebony
your hands, how they extend from heaven
wading across our distance
tasting of cedar and salt to my mind
of every dream I've yet to realize

I squeeze the rind of you
from coastal sunsets
drinking your essence as blood red pulp
you sing within the cicadas' song
as I wander through tufted sea oats
searching, longingly, for your voice

the whimsical splash
of your laughter is a brilliant fusion
of lemon, fuchsia, and tangerine zinnias
framing my cottage pathway
you become the smile
of every face I encounter,  
the tickling glimmer of sunlight
between scrolls of Spanish moss
dripping like lace from my heart

you are wisteria and wine
late summer afternoons spent
in naked conversation
I want to be drunk on you today,
tomorrow, every day
we're promised tucked
beneath your chin,
slumbering to the sound
of your cool rain
coating oak leaves
There are colors yet unknown in my finite view of Earth , artistic wonders undiscovered , to this day quite alone .. Geometric shapes where Sweetgum trees silhouette the majestic Dawn .. Enchantment with every turn go I , to study my religion by day , collect my thoughts and observations by night .. To interplay among life undiscovered  , to revel someday in its happenstance ... The weathered profiles of a million botanicals unknown or forgotten . An ocean whose riddles remain unsolved , seventy percent of our precious world where exploration has barely scratched the surface .. Dark , rainy afternoons reconfigured with burst of light , the surface of oceans ever mysterious , highlighted by the Moon on hazy nights .. I flew over Moccasin Creek to sample fresh water and take in mountain greenery ..Walked the treetops of the Oconee Forest to witness the floor of the woodlands as a squirrel , crow or eagle ..Slithered along the Georgia clay like a Black Racer , cautiously studied each image before me with the curiosity of a Red fox .. Enthralled with the Savannah Dancers of Tybee Island , precious gulls , blue ***** and brown pelicans .. Welcome every change of season , Dark pine thickets tell of death and renewal ...

Jagged , blue grass approaches , green straw tops , quiet
cinnamon needle oceans connected by silver streak spider webbing ..
Warm winds divide earthen cover , lifeless termite ridden forefathers lay in testament to bitter destruction ... Our Noon star nourishes bold , sylvan seedlings , beneath her languishing February predicament however ... Grassy field roads lay locked in period of service , daylight path corrections , marble land buoy sentries within thistle , dandelion and Sawgrass .. Gold , knee high cover caresses , reaching skyward beside the field road , lying forgotten , left to the mercy of kudzu , marble and granite .. Scrags reclaim rusted encroachments , tin in battle with the tepid wail of afternoon wind as stick pines mimic the Appalachians , gently roll toward the awaiting lavender blue horizon ... As pasture returns to woodlands , blanketed in hues of brown with forest echoes , carry whispered voices into tomorrow ... Lively crows live to tell their wintry tale , resting among scuttled pulp wood entanglements , to be born again , covered in the pity of lingering broom sage ...                                                              ­                                                  

                                                        III    ­                                                                 ­Across the edge of twilight where soft lavender hues lay at
rest atop her riparian horizon .. Dandelion blooms pepper the
red clay embankments , lone bucks survey brown fields of harvested
corn ..Mourning doves cry for the end of day , wild hogs lay tracks at the rivers edge . Toms sing of their loneliness  , persimmons lay bitter along country lanes , the meat of Chestnut not harvested , the final years of tall , stately Pecans go shamefully unnoticed .. Barbed wire divisions etch Winter burned pasture , Morgans and Appaloosas graze the fertile , ambrosial green narrows .. Manmade pools dot the Crescent lady , cattle ditches appear along creeks and rivers holding Rock bass , Shell ******* , Yellowbellies and Bluegills ferociously hunting the waters surface , Alligator Snappers and Mudcats work the turbulent bottoms ... Hayfields , peach and muscadine arbors flourish , boiled peanuts and sorghum syrup , collards and sweet potatoes ...Blackberry , grape , watermelon and okra ..Water oaks have taken command of the front yard ,  moss and honeysuckle line fence rows , flowing patches of wild grass and snake berry , rocks from Cotton Indian Creeks line hand built flower beds and walkways .. Rhode Island Reds , Buff Orpington's and White Leghorns work these plantations . Sassafras and dewberry , wild plum and rabbit tobaccos . Gardenia , Crape Myrtle , Magnolia , Pine and Chestnut trees  flourish to this day .. The Old Bridge behind Millers Mill still visible , what stories this elder pass could tell before the confluence of the Indian Creeks .. Crayfish , Bream , Largemouth bass , Crappie , Yellow perch and Flathead catfish ! The tale of the Crescent lady lives forever and ever ..
Copyright February 29 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
White Sapphire waves ...
The Moons Opal servant roars
into eventide ..
Candlelight beacons service the unlocked waters ,
shadow figures disappear into night ...
April 1 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Tybee Island , Georgia
tangshunzi Jun 2014
Questa storia d'amore che è iniziato con un incontro casuale .è cresciuto nel corso lettera per lettera scritta abiti da sposa 2014 a mano e culminata in un matrimonio costruito per dueèè uscito da un film .Un buon pazzo.romantico come vengono flick .E la fuga risultante con immagini di Fotografia Brita .altrettanto romantico.Vedere l'intera giornata svolgersi nella galleria e ancora di più su vestiti da sposa questo amore da favola .hanno un ascolto qui .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsWinterSettingsOutdoorStylesElopement

Kate ha incontrato Brad durante una tappa .Avevano chimica immediata .ma lei gli disse che se voleva continuare a crescere quello che avevano .avrebbe dovuto farloè? Ia lettera scritta a mano .Così ha fatto .Ha ottenuto la prima lettera di San Valentino 'Day .e nel corso di un movimento vestiti da sposa ( lui per la sua città ) e una quarantina di lettere .che cosa è stato messo a punto una proposta .nascosto nel codice scrittoè' Dal giorno del nostro primo incontro sono stato affascinato dala tua bellezza

.la personalità e la vostra fede .Sono stato benedetto per arrivare a sapere che in tal modo divertente e unico .** veramente sentito come l'uomo più fortunato a causa del vostro sforzo e il desiderio di conoscere me.Sono onorato che si vorrebbe perseguire vicenda mentre ancora tiene fedele a te stesso e la tua promessa.C'è stato qualcosa che ** pensato per molto tempo .Katherine Anne . "Allora .ha proposto !
Mi dà i brividi ogni volta che l'** letto !Le parole non possono nemmeno cominciare a descrivere quanto sia speciale Kate \u0026Giorno delle nozze Brad ' stato per noi .E ' stata un'esperienza incredibile .Nick e io eravamo gli unici ospiti e ci siamo chiesti in tutto centro di Savannah e Tybee Island.E 'stata una giornata perfetta

Fotografia : Brita Fotografia | Abito da sposa : ! Wedding Angels | Cerimonia : Troup Square.Savannah | Hair \u0026 Makeup : Heather Ferguson | Bridal Shoes : Kelly e Katie | Radio Show : The Bert MostraFotografia Brita è un membro del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Fotografia Brita VIEW
Eleganza tradizionale a Battery Gardens_vestiti da sposa
My adoration before God Almighty , guised in red sunset , deep blue eyes that ignite night's golden firmament
Guiding Pelican silhouettes vying for home , Eventide peace before Tybee Island shores* ...
Copyright August 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Hot buttered biscuits , homemade strawberry jam
Cool November mornings I've felt through a pane of glass
The beaches of Nova Scotia to the lighthouse on Tybee Island
Mother ocean , she pulls at my feet as the tide draws away
Good morning Savannah dancer* .....
(C) September 2015 Randolph L Wilson   All Rights Reserved
Sharecropper's breaking the ****** land ..The braying mule at Dawn ,
the cool cascading fall line waters , the steady tolling of the iron bell at Dusk ..
The pull of the ferryman over her inland waterways , the roar of the locomotive to points south , fragrant tobacco and smoke houses , the burning of Winter fields ..
Skies filled with the doves of September , the black bears of Appalachia , the gulls of Jekyll , Cumberland and Tybee Island ..
The turned , fertile medium refreshing the sturdy October air , of diesel
motor , horse drawn cart and wooden barrow .
Late December frost lays thick along coffee-colored roadsides , the tapping of steel shoes across aged , buckling asphalt .. Winter songbirds congregate around late afternoon icy runoff , sun beams break the grip of afternoon fog ...
Copyright March 12 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Owen Dec 2020
You and me,
Tybee in the moonlight,
with blankets
on a windy Savannah night.
It's not a great beach,
but its a beach.
Sharing body heat.
Nowhere, but here.
No time, but now.
No one, but us.
on a quarter life crisis.
Jumping off the roof.
Soaking up lunar rays
on the way down.
Touching the tide,
covered in sand,
hand in hand.
I love it here.
We have freely received the Earths bounty and her many blessings bestowed upon Mother Georgia ! Thankful for meandering rivers , cascading waterfalls , Lake Lanier , Oconee , Allatoona and West Point ! Breath taking Appalachian mountains , sunflower swept valleys , picturesque Atlantic coast ! The Summer breeze of June , songbirds of Spring and the myriad color of leaves in October ! Mountain apples , cotton , peanuts , sweet potatoes , Vidalia onions ! From the vibrant Atlanta skyline , cities of Columbus and Savannah to the sleepy villages of Franklin and Bostwick ! Church bells announce the Dawn in quiet mountain hamlets , seagulls searching the shores of Tybee Island , farm tractors turn the fields in Tifton , Spanish moss swaying in the breeze in Valdosta !
Copyright October 23 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mama earth Mar 2018
Beautiful babes with red fire hair
treasured favs extremely rare
life is sometimes debatably Fair
y'all Stand Tall
don't sell yourself short
tell ya ma youd like to call
Tybee, Topanga, and Savanah
You each are a doll
-Brooke Alison Ilene Anselment ®️ ©️
Craig Verlin Oct 2014
Do you remember
the days when you used to
believe in things that were
deeper than the surface?
Days that would hold you
in eager, edge-of-seat anticipation
as you awaited their arrival?
Do you remember?

Hell, you barely even
remember yesterday anymore.
The lines have crossed and
twisted in so many ways you’re
pulling strings just to sort yourself out.
Think about it, there on that pier,
overlooking the ocean in
all of it’s eternity.

You were 15.
Meeting a young girl with
cigarettes in her mouth but still
kissed with a taste of evergreen.
It was one o’clock in the morning
and that Tybee breeze held you
rigid even in the warmth
of a July summer night.

Think about the glory in those days.
Think about the love.
The love that filled those
dreaming eyes, praying,
for someone to come
and to know you as their own.
I think you forgot those nights,
those days, those dreams.
find them once again.
I can see your breath this morning from the kitchen window
Another year has passed , they grow so painfully fast ..
Nursery rhymes , Dr Seuss storybooks are history this morning , sweet reminders of another time in a different place ..
Eight by tens on an antique desk , postcards from Summer on Tybee Island .. Porcelain dolls line the mantle , refrigerator magnets , remainders of our many trips , vacations , ceramic saucers and tin bells , blown glass and seashells ..
Sugar cookies and caramel apples , skinned knees and jigsaw puzzles
Red cheeks with Mothers scarf , your favorite coat , laughing with friends .
Yes I caught a glimpse of your breath a short while ago , reminded me of a little girl waiting on the school bus , not so long ago ..
Copyright November 10 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

— The End —