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David Barr Dec 2013
Baron wastelands sound the trumpet in the midst of the ghetto, where sobriety gathers in connected ambivalence.
Acknowledge the animism within naturopathic spirituality. I urge you to have explicit ******* with unfamiliar prostitutions, whilst political prowess ingests her toxicities in the guise of oratory genius.
The expulsion of vanity is haunting in its reverence.
Regan Troop Mar 2015
It’s been over between us for a long time now

these are my ways of moving on

and I will not be sorry for letting go of these nasty emotions

that you placed in my heart and soul

I’m moving on

and I will forget the things that made me bitter

but not those that made me weak

I am a stronger person now

because you had me ready to cut my last ties to this life

but my soul is an old soul and it helped me see through it all

I am not who you remember me

I am not who you will ever meet

I’ve been enlightened from the darkest crevices of Hell

and that kind of strength will shine in my soul for eternity

To let go of toxicities

is to purify the soul

David Barr Jun 2014
Blues guitar has caught us in our transgressions, where the summer blossom splays her beauty like a New Orleans Madame amidst the afterglow of a musky and nocturnal vibrancy.
I have a fully loaded clip on my possession, and I am hungry.
So, shall we begin?
Your carotid artery is pulsating with tense anticipation within the sweet toxicities of a tragic and fretful solo.
There is such a responsibility of being a parent, and you owe me some money.
Let us purchase some Bourbon chicken on this eve of celebratory shame, because I have contemplated the chasm between the West and those who reside on the East coast of vice.
We have much to discuss.
Nathan Young Jun 2020
It's the sweet aroma that dances along your face,
with tantalizing prickles upon your dry, rugged pores.
All it takes is one deep, harmonious breath,
and with a heavy solemn sigh, you'll know that love is in the air.

It took only one whiff of your sensual fragrance
to know that I'd be enraptured by your comforting embrace.
It matters not where my travels lead,
for I'll always find a scent that alludes me to you.

Even now, as my body withers away,
my soul yearns to be complete with your intoxicating display.
We've definitely had a good run of fun, you and I,
but I think it best to wave our toxicities goodbye.

...It started with a cough, thus boring an underlying sign.
Maybe had I not met you, this amalgam would've been benign.
I've grown accustom to rejecting attention
Reflecting interest and asking the questions
Control conversation so I don't give much away
I'll redirect the focus if it starts to stray
Our relationship is your contribution
This weekend you found your substitution
I guess I can't blame you for seeing her
I hate myself, that night's a blur
Though I prefer not remembering much
That Tuesday night, I remember your touch
Your aggressive eyes
My willing body
I was so surprised that you wanted me
You're the heaven that exists in this hell
The only secret I'm dying to tell
Our chemistry seems perfect to me
A mix of our toxicities
I'm the acid, you be the base
Meet me in the middle
Show me your face
Give me your taste
Give me your strength
I'll give you my everything
For you I'll change
i brace
the impact of this death-collision,

my eyes search the
emptiness of sleep
yet there is a hanging invitation.
a counterplot to my figure's
incessant clamor.

to dance upon the
slenderness of this road altogether,

lighting our cigarettes,
mapping out our deaths

we know not its macabre,
we pain not over
its toxicities,

takes it closer
  to lips and then purses
a blow of haze curling over
   our brows,
we cannot contain its ballistic call,
its ruthless honesty knows
   no stoppage.

we call death like
a finite answer to a fold of
Raven Jan 2021
My cause of unwanted toxicities.
It leads me to a dark part of reality that I cannot escape myself from.
Temptation leads me there and then I question my own defeat.
Transform, and rise again...
Mind games in a battle of self doubt.
My mind takes me everywhere, where darkness itself has no room for exploring.
I condone, then lose myself in it all.
I really wanna ****, so bad I can feel my ***** tingle and the thought of getting penetrated arouses me so deeply.
But I only want to *******, a friend...
Someone I am familiar with.

I let go of the past toxic mess that I attached myself too.
But you gonna be crawling back to me cuz you want me.
But trusting you isn't in my vocabulary.
Giving you a second chance doesn't exist in my world.
I don't do chances.

I need to ****...
To get you off my mind.
I need to feel free.
I crave *** ever so viciously.
I want it...
**** me...

(Moans gracefully)

Daddy, pull me in and never let go.
Kiss me passionately and hold me close.

My curtains are dripping and I feel the need to ****** with every touch.
Pounce on me and push me against wall.
So ****** ***** baby...
I need more

I need my distraction...
But he doesn't seem to need me.
What a bore...
Eli Apr 2020
I am hungry.
If it weren't for toxicities,
I'd swallow the change in my pockets.
Will I ever fill myself?

My expansions seem to be dimming.
I will remain empty forever.

My neglect is my biggest regret.
I argue and I am prone to loss.
I neglect my stomach like I neglect myself
CharlesC Aug 2018
resistance is receding
with clarity in bloom
boundaries are softening
rationality for a moment
is brushed away
and experience shines.. and past
are placed in our paths
and heard with new eyes..
teachers last
are accepted with joy..
understandings of self
stand in stark contrast
with toxicities without..
new perceptive twists
recognize real roots
and burn the brush
which for centuries
has dimmed our view:
a dream too wild...
Title from Ralph Waldo Emerson, The American Scholar
strangers indifferent
to the others existence
brought you together
regret that decision
you forget who i was
pick at who i am
push me to the edge
off making 'better friends'
made for each other
all the toxicities align
better you block you own opportunities
than keep ******* with mine
Raven Jan 2022
People, mere puppets that I ruthlessly use as a distraction, to escape.
Escape from the pain, the misery, the loneliness, the constant aching explosion of boredom that eats on my itching flesh.
Too detached, yet so attached, what is it that I need?
My loneliness  is unwanted toxicities of distractions that bring me no joy, no purpose, no belonging.
Lost in the chaos, I have become this destructive madness.
Sin is me, I have nothing yet to become, to see.
I have seen enough, I want away from this world.
The bitterness is eating me alive like a starved hyena that wails like a crying baby.
Let me go, let me leave, let me sleep, let me never wake up from this delusional dream.
People are my puppets, but I would rather not play.
Leave them before they leave me, stay the **** away.
Let me die alone, hate me for eternity.
Raven Jan 2022
No, I don't feel good.
I don't feel okay.
A piece of me is missing, empty...
Filling voids with unnecessary pleasure that only bring upon more loneliness, more pain, more isolation.
Searching, waiting for my missing puzzle piece.
Damaged, in clueless vain.
My veins are hot, popping with every nerve, blood vessels integrated in me.
I see I belong nowhere, but to myself, where strings cannot break itself free.
Juxtaposed, alone, lost in hopeless misery.
Will it ever get better?
Will I ever be united?
My soulmate, the one who is made for me.
My other half...
My heart is bleeding.
Cursing its deep love in unwanted toxicities.
Seeking pleasures that can never find me.
I find myself desperate, but not attaching.
Too detached to say the least.
Lost in solitude.
My lonely serpent spirit longing for its other piece.
The sadness of it lingers on...
Forbidding all wonderful desires to my feet.
Helpless and all alone.
My heart yearns, My soul empty.
Where is my missing complex puzzle piece?
Ian S Aug 2020
Friday afternoon and the weather was so fine, pink "cotton-candy-like" clouds perfectly dispersed over the bluest sky above us.
Nothing but the whimsical tune of the wind, the melodic songs of the birds and the lost-like buzz of the bees succeeded to make us feel that we were already far from chaos, far from toxicities, and far from the nonsenses of the human world.
Tantalizing like her eyes, the oceans borrowed light from the disappearing Sun that it sparkled like a million of tiny floating diamonds.
Happy, careless and free, we wandered along the tall happy-waving grass and at the cliff-side of the mountain she stopped. She stood right in front of me, she was facing the whole city as the Sun lit her long and wavy hair that it amazingly turned into "pink-red with a few of orange" colour.
Out of her busy-ness staring at the mountain shaped like crocodile, I was there at her back picking some wild flowers while staring at her; smiling, secretly admiring her beauty, yearning I could somehow dive and let myself drown into the cascade of the mystery of her thoughts.
Feeling lost and overjoyed, I threw some of the wild flowers into the thin air and watched it slowly fell freely over the top of my head down into the lonely side of my left toe; it artistically scattered below me, mimes a lost treasure like a boxes of golden key.
Considering the fact that time isn't a friend, and I never really wanted to let go of that moment, I took a photograph of her- standing still with her head gazed up high, her hair's twirling along with the rhythm of the wind whilst her hands clenched unto the corners of her waist- where in that moment I thought would last forever, if only it would last forever, if only I could grasp that moment more longer, and longer, hoping it ends no more.
Yenson Dec 2022
It is a form of Anchoring, my friend
where someone will provide false scenario i.e. love
heartbreak, perceived relation, unrequited love etc. etc
for the harassment.
Often many possible false rationales and dilutions, disfigurements and toxicities
are planted to keep the victim confused and the focus of the harassment cycles
from one possible reason to another round and around
so as to keep the victim guessing in a self perpetuating guessing game where every scenario is portrait as a valid reality
and aimed to distress or to cause confused stimulations,
self doubt, fear, intimidation
or annoyance and ultimately a cycle of destructive thoughts and frustrations.
Tis the nefarious products of the terminally deranged
on active requirement campaign
to their cesspit of the
The Order of Fallen Lowlife in Certified Insignificant Haze and Daze
Gr8Ryzyngz Jul 2019
Just to get out
Holding my breath from
This detrimental fresh air
Inhaling toxicities at
Anaphylactic proportions
When your suicidal thoughts
Are delusions of setting you free
Don't believe the hype through
Golden plated fronts
Weather we live or die
Somewhere every 24hrs
The sun has the ability
To rise and shine or not
And your skies can still be
Any shade of greyish blue you so choose

— The End —