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Poemasabi Feb 2013
Why does the titmouse
flick from feeder to clothes line
with his small beak still empty?

Titmouse does this as
your face is in the window
the face of a grumpy bear
Was doing some reading and thought I'd try a new form.
Coyote Jan 2012
There was a little
titmouse who had
so many ****
It was difficult to
find a bra to cover
all her bits
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Bright flashes of red
Give away the Cardinals.

from the capped visitors.

Warning! Warning!
Shriek the Blue Jays!

Loud as a siren
our tiny wrens.

Crowned with a point
the titmouse displays.

Dressed to the nines
the juncos present before a storm.

Sparrows flock about
White crowned ones too.

Nuthatches scampering
like the squirrels around the limbs.

Brown creeper so shy
round and round the trunk.

Mockingbird flashing white on the wing
singing multitudes of songs.

Crows hold caucuses
along side the road.

Whirring wings buzz
Hummingbird zips on by.

Feathered friends on the wing
Speak to nature's diversity.
r Oct 2014
she writes of the falling days
- knows them well, one can tell

simple things like string
and wrappings
autumn and swallows -
hollow places she has seen
in boxes and photographs

and so it is -  the falling days
the number of birds at my feeder are fewer
no more humming, no painted buntings
-only my homies come now, my vato birds, my mijas

the cardinal, both red and green
the nuthatch and chickadee, the titmouse-
all three
the wrens and finches, too-

and the blues still like to bathe
in the pyrex baking dish sun warmed
on a sunny day-serenaded by the mocking
one hopping from grub to worm below

- my usual feathered friends
not caring about the weather-fair or foul
and in the pale blue, a gull still laughs
at the folly of it all-

leaving goes slowly-
a spiraling, a gust of wind-
days slowly graying
shorter, lightly fading
- friends, they go

the falling days, change and leavings
leave me - well, you know...

i see the simple things
that soothe, like string
and wrappings, swallows -

- autumn, you know?

r ~ 10/6/14
inspired by the writing of Sonja Benskin Mesher
Maria Mitea May 2022
full pink moon,
it snowed yesterday, and still today
many clouds of light, like a


i wonder if the light remembers itself,
if the moon knows when it's called  (by nasa) the supermoon  or the pale moon,
when it brings frost, rain,
if it takes any credits,

last week at the corner of my house the storm ripped apart half a tree,
does it remember where?
does it remember the putrefied roots, dry branches blown by the wind,
does it remember the one that still fights,

i look out the window,

the cat jumps from branch to branch, plays with the blue jays,
who memorizes who? initially, it seems, that the cat is provoking the birds,
squatting on a thicker branch awaits the next move,
i have my moments too,
i understand, the truth never barks,
and does not caress you like a kind mother
it also doesn't  kiss you where you want to be kissed

for thousands of years,

it is rumored that many know it, but
the raw reality is that truth is autistic,
the gifted child
genuinely likes the same food, the same road, the same coat,  color,
stops at the red pass when is green, it simply knows what is right,
like a donkey clings to the same people,
roars at the same gate,

it is the only one equipped with the kick under the belt,
it  hits the careless on the scruff,
the rest on the forehead, in the belly,
it hits with a  fist,  feet,  or sledgehammer, like a rumble of  thunder,  a bomb,
it bites by the ear, by the nose,
it's mike tyson,  the greatest puncher of all time,

despite it all

net theater, all kinds of reinvented creatures, weird characters talking about the belt,
they want to abort it and  flutter it on the (right) cheek of jeofrrey de peyrac,
more than likely, to cover the cracks in the palace of culture (the experts
explaining: it is an adaptation response to fresh rehabilitation),

no joke

the truth has nothing to do with adaptation, those in  trend, the saviors of the world,
a boomerang doesn't know about smart people, bullies, or others…

a boomerang is a boomerang

try to make a bow from a boomerang, or a parachute
and you'll have princess diana's headache on her  wedding day; migraine sweet migraine
cancer, brain tumors,
titmouse constipation, broken teeth on TV,
viol in viol, - in,

i don't want to write about what I have  in mind,
i know nothing (tell yourself: big deal), and
i don't want to wash my brain with your memorized truth

reality is much harsher than a halloween decorated pumpkin,
when memory mocks you
every morning you wake up smaller and smaller
a shrimp,
stretching back and forth like tasteless chewing gum
hailstones solidified between tangible and inaccessible
free play up and down the column
abandoned (does not mean we are free from mistakes, and responsibilities)
whether we happen or not, all that is not only ours
here or there we are bubble-to-bubble
the freedom with respect to destiny
but how about the parrot?
when the truth happens like the full moon, live
în pink flesh
once a month
ones a year,
per century,
once in the millennium
bulletcookie Mar 2017
All these poems entombed in a dying bog-

their death wish come true
mourned by poets in communion
dead muses in abject thread count shrouds
there lay Brute in his "et tu" tu?
there Cesar bleeds for art and politic
a writer's sword rusts in obscure earth

though here, among Himalayan thorns
blossom greens and early orange berries
plucked by blue birds and titmouse
scratching foot-tiny script onto tree moss
read by a literal sway of conscious antenna
archived in depths of a comatose cosmos

The pile of pine burned with ferocity
While fields of watermellon wore green in generosity

Jerimiah delivered rows of assiduous thoughts
Fertilized in decisions made years ago

Margaret was from Huntsville , working on a divinity degree
She was small , rode a bicycle , studying infinity
Timid , not unlike a titmouse in spring
Margaret had a sister named Judy

Jerimiah left for the mountains of Colorado
He took only his last name Johnson
He spent winters hibernating with the bears
He learned to have no fear and grew a long beard

Tennennessee is in Alabama , just south of Huntsville

A snowslide almost buried Jerimiah

Margaret moved to North Carolina
got married and that's all I know

Jerimiah made tracts in the snow . . . go
He sat above the devide looking down
Sometimes west when the sun went down
But mostly east under the full moon
Howling so forlornly the wolves cry

Margaret looks west every night
Then sheds one tear
Ken Pepiton Sep 2020
Aristotle at my fingertips,
not locked in soliloquies I may perform,
but heard from an Oxford don I have
in my pocket,
as I lean into each lesson and trudge
up and down my morning
where the firebreak meets
chaparral alive with cottontail
this morning, when I almost said, "it's too hot."

C'mon, walk a mile with me… like
on the road to Emmaus, but Christ, no;
this character,
a soldier in me, about to salt out, bids me,
walk a mile, "not two, one
does the trick."
The thought comes
as a dare from the Ralston Purina guy,
and I stepped onto my trail.
I dare think Aristotle's thoughts after Plato's,
I could have known this when I was younger,
but not to this degree,

if I had not dropped out, and never knew,
by rote,
to pass a test, that
"All men by nature desire to know."
This is
Curiosity, right? I suspect it is a gift.

The joy we find in sensation, proof
offered the gainsayer,
I say again, that which is good for nothing
naturally exists, so
what tool forms an eye to notice that…

see, through the window
of my poetic-pathetic e-thoughtic soul
a feathery
family of phoebe birds, flits by,
if that is the proper name
{Tufted-Titmouse, my AI replies},
tails reflecting a smokey blue hue,
they swoop and flutter past;
I see
in a non-imaged flashpast pattern
from a time in the summer of 1969…

Disneyfied trails
from Cinderella's dressing room
scene, not seen, but reminded of seeing,
the pattern, in this phantomind dance,
being witnessed now, as
this old soldier once saw it
performed by bluer birds than these…

Time skipper
shifts to another bubble intersecting mine

I hear a worried neighbor fret about the fire.
I almost say,
"One of the benefits of being
backedup to the cloud,

nothing to lose."

But I remember, she collects purses and shoes.
Ah, I share an edge dwellers accent if I talk about tech to myself. I suspect I always have sounded like Little Luke McCoy, and now I hear Walter Brennan.
I can be an angel with my wings alight with fire
take flight and sing as part of one large
flaming choir, or I could be
the depths you want to see
as you look into the ocean,do
you want me to become
the fun in the fun house,the titmouse that makes you squeal,the breath on your lips that make you feel so very, very nice or the unaffordable price that I won't make you pay and
the heat of your day turned into the spice of my night
the shade on the lamp light or the shadow you find as you tune slowly in to what's going on in my mind?

Would it bother you to know that I'm as slow as a snail
would you sail as quickly to this dangerous shore
and be grounded,
though not wrecked as I want more and more of you? do
you think when you sink into sleep that the angel with the wings on fire is there just for the heavenly choir and not for you
did you never believe that your dreams would come true
and if they could would you be
as happy as me
when I'm watching you sleep as I stand guard and keep
the nightmares away?

Sail quickly into this bay
let us lay down and die while our cries fade away
making love in the forenoon
what a wonderful way
what a day to begin.

I am the slave of desire
take hold of my wings and put out this fire that drenches me,quench my thirst,burst me apart and then look into my heart and what do
you feel as I peel off my skin layer by layer
will you say a prayer as we enter?
The pupil and the mentor and which is which but one and the same and oh what lessons to make games from.

The bomb explodes
the fires die down
I open these eyes that have seen so much more than the breakfasts of dreams in a bowl,
upturned and empty on the cold bedroom floor
I want some law to be enacted that would stop these distractions that brings mornings to life and send eyes open wide, where once again I'm beside myself with the passion of loss.

As I burn so I learn and I feel the need to read between the lines, which are the scratches upon the faces from some other times
or lines of other rhymes we have read and lost or ****** away into the bottom drawer.
There has to be more than I see
more than me
more than we or what we become
more fun as we squeal and we feel what we are
something that lies somewhere behind the distance of the distant star
or another bar on the fruit machine
that bandit we see but have never seen
let me think on, and in dreams I'll belong
to the truth of the night
with fiery wings I'll take flight and we'll
start all over again.
Of no persuasion or opinion
with no bias or
particular bent,
they swing on the stem,
slender and
when the
combine's away from the fields
how they play
chattering into the ears of corn.
The titmouse, the dormouse, the brown mouse
adore mice,
but I am a cat
so I would.
The windswept crackle of Jehovahs machinery
Honey sweet greenery with trolling titmouse
sentries , white contrails drawn onto blue canopy and
brown leaf melodies
Woodpecker percussionist tap the song of dusk
Songs of the rusty red clover valley
and golden sagebrush
Psalms of cardinal chatter and brown thrasher cackle
Bronze raptors circling sun -streaked hillsides flushed
in crepe myrtle , yellowbell and azalea
Where the purveyors of creation live , thrive and belong*...
Copyright May 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
off season digital hunting

Dove, quail and deer
Eat corn at the feeder

Two turkey fly down from the roost
All heads come up as hogs walk by

Batteries in my pocket and SD card in hand
No rifle in hand for a reason

Currently nothing is in season
Just came to swap batteries and cards

In my trail camera
It watches and reports silently

Day and night
The comings and goings, natures delight.

The ***** and squirrels are frequent visitors
Robins and cardinals, titmouse and woodpeckers

All come for a bite
All captured digitally.
I once fell upward into the Sun,

...the warmth that it supplied.

Skin-tanned and tingling a triumphant feeling,

...pores of my form they cried.

I felt the heat and heard the roaring as the orange punched through my lids...

It sapped my will, took it out of me, took away all that I could give,

I opened my eyes and she smiled at me and pointed at our kids.

I joined in laughter from taunting thoughts while Panis cried along in jest,

...we fructifying day of love effusive halls burgess.

The titmouse, finch and chickadee and a lonely swallow,

then butterflies, the moon and bees came to our hidden hollow,

...along with the nightly grotto.

We found ourselves part of the stars placed in the magic show.

Then round the tree love as we go,

...for as in life; you never know.
As the sun intensifies it feels like you are moving closer to it or it is moving towards you when you close your eyes. A valley is framed by walls of authority; trees. Panis, "Pan," was/is nature itself so all things alive in nature are Panis. Grotto was a Greek mythological term for the night time sky. The, "tree," or, "pole," was a cosmological term for the axis around which the planet spins.
The sky is blue white swirl toothpaste
The afternoon sun has a glowing smile on it's face
Backcountry radiates from gold to forest
green , wind dancers cheer and ruminate over
a living , breathing scene
A butterfly is bound for points east , blackbirds
whisk the windsong dreams
Angus herds booga-lah-dooga-lah the stair step
meadow , a tickled Titmouse chirps in the October shadow
Copyright October 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Mike Jan 2018
The birds went missing for some days
I did not fail to see them
For I can keep tabs on their commings
By the feed level in the silo

I wonder, have they departed?
Did the entire gathered multitude
All the species and varieties
At once get summoned by a grand poobah

Ah No.  They’re back
Voracious, suddenly.  Perhaps an appetite
Built up from long journeys South to heat
Returned as quickly to a stable staple supply

El viejo, baggy clothes and vaguely rancid
Arrives at the tickety tockety place
The pigeons dance head first, feet next
He knows each by his dull colour

At the trough they proceed in size order
Pleasing my delicate sense of propriety
Titmouse, cardinal, blue jay, woodpecker
A grub abides among the seed

I observe
Cry o'er this sadness
Refreshing red clay in the guise of granite
With pools of wrigglers , black tadpoles ,
water striders , afternoon of titmouse , bluebird and robin
Of lacewings and locust culled neath
the bounty of spring , lantern fly , mantid ,
field gnats riding turbulent April waves
O'er tin shack , pole barn and smokehouse
Barbecue pit , wood shed and well house
Hour of depression abated , of fragrant treasure
ablated* ...
Copyright February 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
alaric7 Jan 2018
Explain Krieg und Krise.  Remember Nanjing.  Hand twist nasturtium, trim Elijah in no other language but your own.  Delicious, decked against scurvy despite punishing days world unwraps, made available to voracity, where would you build, on what day?  Perfection unable to sit still comes towards ambush as peasant night squeaks to the border.  Chanticleer in linear e phlox stammers discretely, hammers combination, blends tonality.  Gravid as brook trout, orangerie cascades kanji.  Bucolic spasm shimmering, weeping runes a la Giverny become Cycladic, veers off color’s lambent arsenal.  Caustic repeats, Gatling interferes, hope bails, song recants.  A Zebedee in Flemish hue cracks *** luck, lets out gurgle.  But in good fortune, peaches to daisies, Abigail to titmouse, family is raised.
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
I do not need a building of brick and stone
I don’t need a preacher, in fact I can alone
I don't need a congregation sitting on a pew
I can even do it while sipping on a brew
I don't need a choir to sing me a song
I don't need any of this to worship right along
I don't need a communion wafer or some juice or wine
I can talk to god alone and get along just fine

The outdoors is the best of churches
at the lake on the dock catching little perches
my fellow members are the animals around
they move all around me, barely make a sound
my choir is the birds, now they can carry a tune
from, the little titmouse, mocking bird and even the loon
communion is the harvest, deer, turkey, quail, dove or fish
to Cook it up and serve it to my family is my wish

Outside alone enjoying the quiet and the solitude
up in my tree stand relaxed and subdued
the wind blows through the leaves; it is the voice of god
he doesn't have a lot to say, but I listen and nod
I understand to help others and do the best I can
to teach my family, every kid, woman and man
that they too should live by the golden rule
and to not act like the backside of a mule

I was given a brain and the ability to think
and I should use that gift, not let it shrink
I can pray for this and that but that's not how it works
he helps those who help themselves, in all of us it lurks
the ability to be the best we can possibly be
I learned all of this while sitting in tree
with bow in hand and a squirrel nearby on a limb

He was sitting quietly watching me watch him.
so when you are in church on Sunday, know that I am too
but I will be out in what he created, under skies of blue
by myself, or with my wife and kids, and maybe friends as well
don’t think that because I'm not in church with you I'm going to hell
telltale music neath a familiar bridge , hardwoods and evergreens line the river ridge ...
a confidants mystical steps , dancing rocks & steamy breath..
cottontail dancers & trepid , leary does...
bluebird , wren , titmouse & cardinal country guides ..
my sky resembles the bendable , sugary cocoanut-
candy I cherished when I was a boy ...
a coy child can turn twenty acres into the-
home of the wild on this sacred voyage ..
adults pop dreams like tight balloons
they topple homemade scenes & green -
daytime schemes ..
extend your arms ...
let the filling wind take control of your physicality
glide from tree to tree
command the sky with great longing and glee
find yourself sitting on a telephone pole ...
cackle like a morning crow ..
circle the noonday Sun
navigate the meadow , converse with the sprites ,
the fairies and the goodwill ghost below ...
Copyright December 19 , 2022 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
two warm grains in the eyes of the titmouse
we stretch our hands and flap-flap: is gone
the branch shivers
in its place

that is for shure why
I’m building my afterlife before
my branch shivers too
but I am home I am always here
dressed just in myself like the sword of Toledo

although it’s almost september with fruits gone to warmer countries

I think I’ll take autumn and throw it to the ground
and then I’ll pretend to vegetate

of course

I’ll be watching
- From Zoon Poetikon
The Fire Burns Nov 2017
Strutting to the call,
thrumming my own,
turkey spring time dances.

Purple juniper berries,
fall amongst the stones,
squirrels chatter.

Bobwhites call
acorns fall,
mesquite leaves blow in the breeze.

Feral cat patrols,
prickly pear patches,
field mice dart underneath.

Footsteps follow in the dark,
glowing eyes in the flashlight beam,
Bobcat on the prowl.

Striped piglets on dirt roads,
squealing at my sight,
treed by momma.

Tiny titmouse flitting,
landing on bill of my cap,
being still in nature.
Third Eye Candy Mar 2020
There’s always a little titmouse stitching a joy
into a button’s brass… so the peasant garb has an eye full of eyes
seeing nothing that you fail to see,
only the perspective has changed clothes
to match your apathy...
You could go to The Ball
but it’s Everywhere;
so why move?

And this is how we ponder
on the catwalk.
Fashionably Oblique,
Sword of Damocles

— The End —