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Natalie Neo Nov 2014
F ate is when we go
A way from each other only to come back
T ogether stronger and continue staying together for
E ternity and whichever comes after.
Nina McNally Feb 2015
Time goes by so fast!!
Here and now are our moments to cherish for
Eternity! We have the chance to make a change, the

Kids won't be alright if we don't do something now.
In these precious moments of childhood, innocence, and  
Diversity, we have a chance to
Show the kids that they can make

A* difference and change the world for the better.
Right now, there are many kids who are "lost" and feeling
"Empty". They don't have anyone, but we  
Need to show them that  
They're not alone!

All these kids are our *FUTURE!

Love and caring,
Really caring, showing them that together we can be one.
In our culture, there's still so much hate
Going around that our kids will grow up
Hating people based on their skin, who they love, and so on.
Together; here and now, we can change that!!

*The Kids Will Be Okay
©2/13/2015; McNally, Inc.
title from the song by Fall Out Boy,
(also from The Offspring)
This poem is very much inspired by Fall Out Boy's The Kids Aren't Alright. :)
Nina McNally Jan 2011
When the time comes, will
Eternity mean forever? Will
Love be true? How
Can something so little, mean so much?
Only time will be the answer to the
Meaning of life.
Everything will play out in

The end.
Oh, time-What an interesting subject, and

My, oh, my how things have changed--
Yesteryear has come and gone. So

Let's dance and live like
It's the last night on Earth. So
For now, it's just you and I and
E**ternity is still forever!
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
--a poem that was just written just for the fun of it.
-a Simple Plan song-
Harsh Oct 2012
S** un light gushing through the window on that summer afternoon, left me
A westruck as they bounced off your golden locks. You continued to create
M usic so surreal, I felt still asleep lost within a sweet dream.
U nleashing the darkest desires within my soul, you continued to
E ntrap me a little bit more every time we came into contact. Emotions,
L ost during my last battle with Cupid, were revived one by one.

R eality losing yet another battle with the phantom of the summer,
O ver-dozed on your boyish charms whilst suffering from an impatient heart.
W ild look in your eyes burns into mine, and as you speak I
L ong to kiss your lips with raving passion, hoping it would last an
E ternity and a little bit more. Maybe you will, maybe you won't, but just
S mile for now and play your music, 'cause it makes me "feel" again.
This poem is the sole property of me and cannot be copied or used without permission. [Copyright G.H. Rodrigo 27/08/2011]
M y love is like a red, red rose
Y oung with the dew-kissed promises of spring.

L aden with unique perfume,
O n a slender stalk it blooms
V ery near the edge of a sunlit garden,
E ndlessly transforming but always the same.

I  offer you this rose in hopes that
S someday fields of them will shine.

L oving you turns ugly weeds
I nto rare exotic blossoms that
K iss the summer breezes with their scent
E ven as they wither and turn brown.

A bsolute perfection is my love and this red flower.

R each out and touch this rose I offer-
E very thorn is gentle and not sharp-
D o  not fear of hurt from it.

R ather fill your senses with the joy of it,
E ndlessly fresh within your hand, and never
D ying, only changing to become more sweet.

R eceive this gift I bring to you and
O nly let me be that rose
S o  that my soul lies in your hand and heart for all
E ternity.
<< >>
The title comes from a traditional folk song.  The rest of it comes from me.
Breathing Ice Dec 2010
I** ndependant of you and of your
N ever ending drama and
D emands. I wanted to keep you happy and 
I did all I could to hear you smile. I can't 
F ucking believe I let you make me
F ucking cry
E very night. I know you'll never
R emember me as the girl who taught you
E ternity and showed you the skies. 
N ot that I care. Not anymore. 
T ogether (our together) is in the trashcan now.
Ma Cherie Jul 2017
I want to find my mate
my very best of friend
not just a guy I date
an in him I will depend

oh to love me all the day
an more so in the night
an when he touch an kiss me
is both our pure delight

well make love an have silliness
an laugh our way about
we will trust each other truly
an never have a doubt,

the sun will rise with me
an set there in his arms
when I see his crows feet
I'll melt easy in his charms

the day will last forever
the night- E-ternity
I will love him always
an he'll be loving me

no other in our eyes
love only for our one
I will be his lovely moon
he will be my shiny sun

I want to find him yes
I want my baby near
I want to touch him now
an call him darlin dear

I'll be true in a million kind of ways
I'll be true forever through our days

if you bring your warm and sunny rays

I will wait in the silver moonlight for you dear
come to me tonight.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Then I wake--
Having the *worst nightmare of my life.
Either it was about *losing
my mind, or my touch of
Reality. I know I'm already on a fine line with reality, anyways.
Every night I have this

Same nightmare.       What am I to do?
How can I make it stop?               Who do I call?
Everywhere I look I see people being               corrupted,

Going nowhere fast.     When is this going to stop?
Only time knows the answer.      I'll just have to wait.
Eternity should come soon and together we can
S****        a               new                   *beginning.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written; words to the paper, not really thinking about it.
-a Good Charlotte song (title) for the inspiration-
Nina McNally Jan 2011
In the middle of the

The darkness is
Even in my room,

My ferrets are sleeping and
I** probably should too.
Down, we go
Down underneath the roots,
Love comes from

On with this

This feeling of love,
Here we lay forever
Eternity; here in the

I lay awake, ready to sleep, so
Goodnight, as I lay
Here waiting for
Tomorrow to come so I can see you.
copyright; 2008
McNally; Inc.
Martin Mikelberg Dec 2017
T  his
I   s
M y
E  ternity
Just a reflection or my concept that out existence on earth does not repeat, we are here and what we do is what we do.
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
I'm named after a machine and this great country I've seen
I'm Smooth and Mechanical in my daily routine who I am online
Mostly at work when I past my time
An avatar worn like a shield for my heart
Where there is no ends but a million starts
Who is this TVNation are eyes capable to see?
My status gets updated when I log into Internet--ternity...
Click left, click right next thing your clicking all night...
Spirits gets battered in a cyberspace fight
It's only the beginning cause I see no end
As time moves on we all begin to blend
We become one under a Internet sun...
Not everything did has already been done...
Internet time never pays you no mind
It's something that you and I can not define
Together lets discover a universe anew
TVNation is happy to walk this path with you...
Rev. 6-23-13 M.A.N
Nina McNally Mar 2011
Each day, when I wake, ready for the new day. I try and find the
X, the one that marks the spot of
Eternity and Dreams. In the land of make believe.
Come to this land, this island--that's so
Utterly beautiful. Words can't describe it.
Time is money, or is money time? Who knows?    But for
Each day I live** it will be with a smile on my face.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Everyone needs a little ~Positive~ to their day.
title comes from LOST.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Ready to live---
Every day's a new beginning, a new
S**** to life.
Time begins again &

I'm ready to live
Now come with me &

Peace can live too & the
Earth can live too
And we will take
Care of her for
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
Scott Howard Jun 2012
Love is when a heart
Offers a place to stay and a
Visitor becomes an
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Run for comfort,
In the rain or snow
Come here, come
Home. Show the world
All you can do. So let's stop
Running because we
Don't know what we're running from.

Come home
And we will be at peace.
Show us peace and show
The world a lot of
Love and maybe
E**ternity won't be far along.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-One of those poems that just came to me.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
She is not dead but sleeps,
She who leaves you her heritage
of life’s sweet  remembered joys.
She still lives in your heart,
in the happiness you knew,
in the dreams you shared.
Those dreams still breathe in
the lingering fragrance windblown,
from her loved and favourite flowers.
They still smile in the moonlight's silver
laugh in the sunlight's sparkling gold.
They still speak in the echoes of words
You heard her say again and again.
They still move unaltered evergreen,
in the rhythm of waving grasses,
in the dance of tossed tree branches.

She is not dead:
her memory is warm in your heart,
a comfort in your sorrow.
She is not apart from you
but a part of you
Your love is eternal,
for those we love are with us
throughout all eternity.

Shannon Jeffery May 2014
Pleasant euphoric immersion
Enriched harmony
Armistice, inability of incursion
Crystal souls for
Arfah Afaqi Zia Dec 2015
Flashing outburst in my heart,
A** celestial feeling,
Luring me to touch you,
Laminating these emotions,
I reach out for your hand,
Numb I feel,
Gliding within you.

Irresistable love,

Love distant,
Off shore but true,
Vandalizing all sorrow,
Eternity it feels to be in love with you.
She is not dead but sleeps,
mother leaves you her heritage
of life’s sweet  remembered joys.
She still lives in your heart,
in the happiness you knew,
in the dreams you shared.
Those dreams still breathe in
the lingering fragrance windblown,
from her loved and favourite flowers.
They still smile in the moonlight's silver
laugh in the sunlight's sparkling gold.
They still speak in the echoes of words
You heard her say again and again.
They still move unaltered evergreen,
in the rhythm of waving grasses,
in the dance of tossed tree branches.

She is not dead:
her memory is warm in your heart,
a comfort in your sorrow.
She is not apart from you
but a part of you
Your love is eternal,
for those we love are with us
throughout all eternity.

She is not dead but sleeps,
mother who leaves you her heritage
of life’s sweet  remembered joys.
She still lives in your heart,
in the happiness you knew,
in the dreams you shared.
Those dreams still breathe in
the lingering fragrance windblown,
from her loved and favourite flowers.
They still smile in the moonlight's silver
laugh in the sunlight's sparkling gold.
They still speak in the echoes of words
You heard her say again and again.
They still move unaltered evergreen,
in the rhythm of waving grasses,
in the dance of tossed tree branches.

She is not dead:
her memory is warm in your heart,
a comfort in your sorrow.
She is not apart from you
but a part of you
Your love is eternal,
for those we love are with us
throughout all eternity.

j a connor Jan 2021
T    his
I     s
M   y
E   ternity
Robyn May 2020
Once more
Just one
Before you go

One touch
One kiss

O ur worlds collide
N ight and day
E ternity together

— The End —