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PNasarudheen Dec 2012
Oh! Rama!

Oh! Rama,”reme ithi rama”
(Makes us happy so Rama!)
Here, mourn and sigh Ahalyas
In every atom of rocky hearts
Of India; as Sahasralingas spy.
Ambush, spring on praying preys.
Rushi Gauthams suspicious  curse
In repentance they bless retribution.
Oh! Rama, with your soft feet touch,
Liberate the poor pious chaste Ahalyas,
Sathi, Savitri, Seetha and Panchali,O!
Sultana Raziya, Jhansi Rani ,Indira Gandhi,
Think of their vicissitudes, the path they tread!
  Patriarchy exerts pressure on Matriarchy, O!Mum!
Bharat matha is molested by Kuberas and Mamons.
And her daughters are robbed and ***** ruthlessly, alas!
Oh! Rama,”Dharma Samsthanardhaya “come with dirge
Of the degenerated culture of Vultures, save thy women folk.
  Make people to think right, to follow right path, to tell true words.
To live in Eeman (Dharma) not to inflict pain to other co-habitants.
Without negative there is no use of  positive, so is woman and man.
They are like protons and electrons to the flux of family life peaceful.
Oh! Rama , teach, Dharmorakshati Rakshita:,”repentance gives retribution
   That will bring peace, progress,  stability, justice and unity; not  Pax Romana
PNasarudheen Dec 2012
Oh! Rama!

Oh! Rama,”reme ithi rama”
(Makes us happy so Rama!)
Here, mourn and sigh Ahalyas
In every atom of rocky hearts
Of India; as Sahasralingas spy.
Ambush, spring on praying preys.
Rushi Gauthams suspicious  curse
In repentance they bless retribution.
Oh! Rama, with your soft feet touch,
Liberate the poor pious chaste Ahalyas,
Sathi, Savitri, Seetha and Panchali,O!
Sultana Raziya, Jhansi Rani ,Indira Gandhi,
Think of their vicissitudes, the path they trod!
  Patriarchy exerts pressure on Matriarchy, O!Mum!
Bharat matha is molested by Kuberas and Mammons.
And her daughters are robbed and ***** ruthlessly, alas!
Oh! Rama,”Dharma Samsthapanardhaya “come with dirge
Of the degenerated culture of Vultures, save thy women folk.
  Make people to think right, to follow right path, to tell true words.
To live in Eeman (Dharma) not to inflict pain to other co-habitants.
Without negative there is no use of  positive, so is woman and man.
They are like protons and electrons to the flux of family life peaceful.
Oh! Rama , teach, Dharmorakshati Rakshita:,”repentance gives retribution
   That will bring peace, progress,  stability, justice and unity; not  “Pax Romana”..
WS Warner Sep 2011
Verdant eyes, translucent pearls
speak in silent witness,
wounds unfurl
meaning revealed,
interrupted girl.
Safe in solidarity
prolific eccentricity,
the scandal of particularity.
Pouting mouth
grief - filled lips
alluring, set sail a thousand ships;
tempt me to leave harbor.

Arousing euphoria as such,
resistance, amity and distance
amour sans touch
her sense of humor transcends,
appeasing the mind’s thirst
a vogue sultana,
seasoned swagger
hair resplendent flame,
alternating cool, black
asymmetrical coiffure;
nonconforming demure
the renegade metaphor -
singular for sure, no cure.

Muted vanity, bathos piercing
the jaded circumference of banality;
pale protagonist servitude
the sapient palaver of the urbane,
covered patina of pretense,
induced coercion,
the commodity self
appearing abased
wearing lesions of lassitude.
Artistic chattel - eminent domain
preempting genius,
subsidiary of consuming narcissism
external locus of control;
surrender to the tentative,
fettered pendant, Venus in chains
arrested visionary bane
sterile savant, edifice of pain.

The soubrette, dubious incarnation
gravid ingénue of prevarication
imperceptible venue -
theatre of the absurd;
withdrawn siren,
solitude of necessity -
skin - slender veil of shame,
nearness loitering redemption;
moments envisage
the appointment with the soul;
ambiguity eschews clarity
awareness; ineluctable anxiety,
imago - centric confession
sacred pardon, seraphic venation
intravenous textures presume,
the tactile margins of liberty.

Therapeutic retrieval,
beneath the portico of
Your smile I hear,
recovered autonomy
blessed emancipation,
The scandal of particularity;
peculiar treasure
ironically captured
film, canvas,
prose profundity.

Ciphering as an ambling book,
I peruse you,
rendered captive
hypnotic avant-garde fiction,
spectator of denuded opacity
analogous reflection, I Mirror you.
A modest proposal - pontificate the imperative,
forgo the disposal, adapt your narrative,
the scandal of particularity -
resonate the echo, cogitate our propinquity
Love, imagination and destiny.

©2008 & 2011 W.S Warner
Sehar Bajwa Jan 2019
turquoise shimmering
sultana in confinement
tigress on a leash
this is my first in my new collection , the Disney Haiku series
basically revisiting the fantasy movies of my childhood and understanding the deeper meanings they convey.

this haiku explores princess jasmine's frustration with being confined to the palace in Agrabah and of course, her symbolic aquamarine.
I saw you in the bargain isle
sitting there in the cold, unwanted
to my sin, it was that you looked cheap
that I did endeavour to pay for you

Yet as I walk off with you in one hand
and my other hand holding all my shopping
with teeth of hunger I opened you
then with relief to my taste buds, enjoyed you

From that day to now
when at the superstore I prowl
I know you my wonder chicken
and will acquire you somehow

Your succulent juicy *******
your sweet sultana of the mystic east
not to mention the secret of your Apricot
in my tastes of a sandwich you have got the lot

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
By NeonSolaris

© 2013 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Neptune était en Vierge
Quand ma sultane,
Ma Muse matriarche d'honneur,
Ma Miss Bell arrogante et ruisselante de dynamite
A rompu les amarres
M'a baptisé Criminel,
Casanova de pire aloi,
Et condamné sans mea culpa
Sans tambours ni trompettes
A 169 ans de chevauchées sauvages
Et de maladies imaginaires
Dans son lit de cocagne
De mistral et de tramontane.
Condamné comme une marionnette
Par ma reine sans couronne
A faire le tour du zodiaque de ses hanches
En derviche tourneur
Dans le secteur 5 de la rose des vents
De sa Babylone mythique
A arpenter de long en large les planètes lentes et rapides
De son enfer lubrique :
Les spirituelles, les raffinées, les embrouillées
Les délicates, les pudiques, les lubriques,
Les pastels. les îles roses et les mers noires.
Et prétextant mon ascendant verseau
Elle a peaufiné mon oiseau antique
L 'envoyant valdinguer entre les volcans de Vénus, Mars et Lune
Histoire de me civiliser dans l 'anarchie du monde
De ses tentacules cosmiques
Allá del revuelto mar
Tras los secos arenales,
Donde sus limpios cristales
Las ondas van a estrellar,
Donde en lucha singular
Disputando a la Fortuna
Las ciudades una a una,
De sus guerreros el brío,
Mostraron su poderío
La cruz y la media luna;

En esa tierra encantada,
Que esconde, en perpetuo Abril,
Las lágrimas de Boabdil
En las vegas de Granada;
Donde el ave enamorada
Repite entre los vergeles
El canto de los gomeles,
Y cuelga su frágil nido
Del minarete prendido
Entre ojivas y caireles;

Donde soñados ultrajes
Vengaron fieros zegríes,
Regando los alelíes,
Con sangre de abencerrajes;
donde entre muros de encajes
Y torres de filigrana,
Lloró la hermosa sultana
Amorosos sentimientos
A los rítmicos acentos
De una trova castellana;

Allá donde nueva luz
Alumbró, limpia y serena,
Sobre la morisca almena
Al símbolo de la cruz;
En ese suelo andaluz,
Cuyos cármenes hollando,
Y en otro mundo soñando,
Cruzaron en su corcel
La magnánima Isabel
Y el católico Fernando.

En esa región que encierra
Tantos recuerdos de gloria;
En ese altar de la Historia;
En ese edén de la tierra;
No el azote de la guerra
Infunde duelo y pavor,
Ni causa fiero dolor
Que mira asombrado el mundo
El ***** contagio inmundo;
Allí otra plaga mayor.

Surgen allí tempestades
Del suelo entre las entrañas,
Y vacilan las montañas,
Y se arrasan las ciudades
Escombros y soledades
Son el cortijo y la aldea;
La muerte se enseñorea,
Y, en medio a tanta ruina,
Se ve cual llama divina
La Caridad que flamea.

Con sordo bramido el duelo
Todo lo enluta y recorre;
Yace la maciza torre
En pedazos sobre el suelo.
Salvarse forma el anhelo
De los espantados seres,
Y hombres, niños y mujeres
Las crispadas manos juntan,
Y viendo al cielo preguntan.
«Dinos Dios, ¿por qué nos hieres?»

Recordando en sus delitos
las bíblicas amenazas,
Van por las calles y plazas
Confesándolos a gritos.
Los corazones precitos
Se niegan a palpitar
Y todos ven transformar
Al golpe del terremoto,
El abismo el verde soto,
Y en escombros el hogar.

Se abate el pesado muro
Que adornó silvestre yedra
Y brotan de cada piedra
Una oración y un conjuro.
No hay un asilo seguro;
Ciérnese el ángel del mal;
Cada fosa sepulcral
Ábrese ante fuerza extraña,
Y parece que en España
Comienza el juicio final.

Y entre la nube sombría
Que el denso polvo levanta,
El coro terrible espanta
De los gritos de agonía.
Y entre aquella vocería,
Con rostro desencajado,
El padre busca espantado,
Con ayes desgarradores
El nido de sus amores,
Entre escombros sepultado.

Convulsa, pálida errante,
Sobre el suelo que se agita
La madre se precipita
Por la angustia delirante;
Vuela en pos del hijo amante;
El rostro al abismo asoma
Lo llama llorando, y toma
Por voz del hijo querido,
La que acompaña al crujido
De un techo que se desploma.

En repentina orfandad,
Trémulas las manos tienden
Los niños, que no comprenden
Su espantosa soledad.
Tan sólo la caridad
Velará después por ellos,
Curando con sus destellos
su miseria y su aflicción:
¡Cómo no amarlos, si son
Tan inocentes, tan bellos!

¿Qué pecho no se conmueve
Ante cuadro tan sombrío,
Que al corazón más bravío
A contemplar no se atreve?
Ante el infortunio aleve
¿Quién no es noble? ¿quién no es bueno?
¿Quién de piedad no está lleno,
Cuando es la virtud mayor,
Aun más que el propio dolor,
Sentir el dolor ajeno?

Manda ¡oh, noble patria mía!
La ofrenda de tus piedades
A las hoy tristes ciudades
De la hermosa Andalucía.
No es favor, es hidalguía;
Es deber, no vanidad.
Llamen otros Caridad
Estos óbolos del hombre,
Tienen nombre, sólo un nombre;
Se llama Fraternidad.

Con tierno entusiasmo santo,
Mezcla ¡oh patria amante y buena!
Esa pena con tu pena,
Ese llanto con tu llanto.
Si al mirar ese quebranto,
Tu triste historia repasas,
Verás que angustias no escasas
Pasó, entre llantos prolijos,
Por amparar a tus hijos
Bartolomé de las Casas.
neth jones Apr 2024
basemented   this liminal vivarium of cool moulded plastic
             with mirrors standing in for windows
and a ring of branded restaurants taking refuge at the edges
    all familiar     no surprises
the staff set up
         for the consumers morning
                      of slack mastication
      (Local chain, national, international)
the old-timers   glomming into clump
    benign zombies
an arrangement of fellas with dissolving jaws
  cudding over mammary notions
       untailored in sacky pallid sultana skins
    reform in a mumble
doing snailish pinball movements
            crossing and recrossing floors
         cleanly tiled for biohazard accidents
               salivating about the savoury soft foods to come

the restaurants rattle-shake-raise their security blinds

also noted
a mixed bag of people projecting
      into their smooth glowing slablets
    making out like worldly fools

also present
cropped and groomed toy security
      peering between the fronds of plastic foliage

public bathrooms   the first struggling **** of the day

also present
a bench of  youngsters in bright blue screen matching pjs
  the four employees of sanitation
      drumming up for the shift

see also
vague happy lady in a  garish sarong
importing her holiday religion
berri metro food court / late summer 2023
Vedova, lavorò senza riposo
per la bambina sua, per quel suo bene
unico, da lo sguardo luminoso;

per essa sopportò tutte le pene,
per darle il pan si logorò la vita,
per darle il sangue si vuotò le vene. -

La bimba crebbe, come una fiorita
di rose a maggio, come una sultana,
da la materna idolatria blandita;

e così piacque a un uom quella sovrana
beltà, che al suo desio la volle avvinta,
e sposa e amante la portò lontana!...

... Batte or la pioggia dal rovaio spinta
ai vetri de la stanza solitaria
ove la madre sta, tacita, vinta:

schiude essa i labbri, quasi in cerca d'aria;
ma pensa: "La diletta ora è felice... ".
E, bianca al par di statua funeraria,

quella sparita forma benedice.
Donall Dempsey Jun 2016

I sit by your bedside
watching your dying.

Only Love
nails me to this pain.

I unable to escape
your dying.

I tell you
Irish legends
& Hans Christian Anderson

as you become

(if only for a little while)

the child
you used to be

once upon a time

when wonder & delight
were new
as daylight.

“Tell me Lir! ”

“Tell me the Children of Lir! ”

I tell
of how

they are turned into swans
& the loneliness of eternity.

I too knit nettles
to break the spell

throw the garment over
your cancer’d body

so you can
return again
to being

the human
I have known.

This dying is cruel
beyond belief.

An insult
to your life.

I love you so much I would **** you
if I could **** you
but I...can’t.

I want every breath
of you

not to be your last.

You journey to your death
dancing with your pain

my little mermaid
my little ballerina

I guard
your dying

a Constant
Tin Soldier

as you become

on the sea.

Just a day ago
******* a sultana

I held
on the tip of my fingertip

telling me to call your name.

“I love
living in your voice! ”

“So nice! ”

And I a blind Prince

wandering now
lost in the fairy tale

of your Death.

I close
your eyes.

kiss the last warmth
of your lips.

Oh you were so

I hardly heard you
tiptoe silently in

settle yourself
amongst the strings

talking to me
now in cello
now in violin

the heartbeat of a drum

the exchange of laughter
between  glockenspiel & xylophone

making a point
with either

the tiny ******
of a triangle

or the crash of a symbol.

I listen to you talk
to me in music

the candlelight
grows dim & then

as softly as you came

you leave


(fluttering against
the windowpane) .

I feel you leave
leave before the movement ends

in the silence of my memory

me nearly


that you've died

listening on
until the end

as the music

Imran Islam Nov 2017
Hey beautiful, cute Girl
Will you be my beloved?
Holding my hand
Breaking all of the obstacles
Will you elope with me?

Hey wonderful, sweet Lady
You would be a bride
Will you be mine?
Oh gorgeous, lovely Honey
Will you hold my hands?
Without any fear.

Hey adorable, shy Sultana
You are the light of my life
Do you believe me?
Who bind me over
To think about you
Will you be my wife?
Donall Dempsey Apr 2017

I sit by your bedside
watching your dying.

Only Love
nails me to this pain.

I unable to escape
your dying.

I tell you
Irish legends
& Hans Christian Anderson

as you become

(if only for a little while)      

the child
you used to be

once upon a time

when wonder & delight
were new
as daylight.

“Tell me Lir! ”

“Tell me the Children of Lir! ”

I tell
of how

they are turned into swans
& the loneliness of eternity.

I too knit nettles
to break the spell

throw the garment over
your cancer’d body

so you can
return again
to being

the human
I have known.

This dying is cruel
beyond belief.

An insult
to your life.

I love you so much I would **** you
if I could **** you
but I...can’t.

I want every breath
of you

not to be your last.

You journey to your death
dancing with your pain

my little mermaid
my little ballerina

I guard
your dying

a Constant
Tin Soldier

as you become

on the sea.

Just a day ago
******* a sultana

I held
on the tip of my fingertip

telling me to call your name.

“I love
living in your voice! ”

“So nice! ”

And I a blind Prince

wandering now
lost in the fairy tale

of your Death.

I close
your eyes.

kiss the last warmth
of your lips.
Tu nombre es terso, claro, deslumbrante,
como la hoja desnuda de una espada.
En el aire se aguza como el aire
y en el agua se estría como el agua.

Para ser suspirado entre palmeras,
al fondo del harén, a una sultana,
entre un rebaño pálido de eunucos
y el brillo corvo de las cimitarras.
ConnectHook Apr 2023
Vendrá como ladrón, la palabra confiesa
Cuando la novia diga ven, cuidado . . .
No tomes lo santo por el pecado
Pensando con la segunda cabeza.

San Juan la vio bajar con delicadeza
La musa de apariencia turca
Enjoyada, velada en trasparente burqa
Para inspirar la segunda cabeza.

Manoseando realeza:
De los cielos viene tu gran sultana
Aunque ella parece mexicana
El alma floja, la turca tiesa

Contemplando extrema belleza:
A cada cabezón su gigantona
Para cambiarla en la llorona . . .
Ahora tú piensas con la segunda cabeza.

A las domésticas la limpieza
Tentándonos en sus uniformes.
A ellas: escribir cuneiformes.
A ti: leer con la segunda cabeza.

Lo que las chicas tienen sí cura la pereza
Meneando, cumbiando el bugalú.
Nos fascinan; affecta el espíritu:
El hombre piadoso y recto tropieza.

Muchacho filósofo en tu pieza:
La novia se prepara para su prometido.
No seas burro, no seas entumido . . .
Quita del huerto toda la maleza.

Medítelo duro con tu segunda cabeza.
Inspirado por Ruth Ayon
Donall Dempsey Apr 2018

I sit by your bedside
watching your dying.

Only Love
nails me to this pain.

I unable to escape
your dying.

I tell you
Irish legends
& Hans Christian Anderson

as you become

(if only for a little while)      

the child
you used to be

once upon a time

when wonder & delight
were new
as daylight.

“Tell me Lir! ”

“Tell me the Children of Lir! ”

I tell
of how

they are turned into swans
& the loneliness of eternity.

I too knit nettles
to break the spell

throw the garment over
your cancer’d body

so you can
return again
to being

the human
I have known.

This dying is cruel
beyond belief.

An insult
to your life.

I love you so much I would **** you
if I could **** you
but I...can’t.

I want every breath
of you

not to be your last.

You journey to your death
dancing with your pain

my little mermaid
my little ballerina

I guard
your dying

a Constant
Tin Soldier

as you become

on the sea.

Just a day ago
******* a sultana

I held
on the tip of my fingertip

telling me to call your name.

“I love
living in your voice! ”

“So nice! ”

And I a blind Prince

wandering now
lost in the fairy tale

of your Death.

I close
your eyes.

kiss the last warmth
of your lips.
Donall Dempsey Jun 2017

I sit by your bedside
watching your dying.

Only Love
nails me to this pain.

I unable to escape
your dying.

I tell you
Irish legends
& Hans Christian Anderson

as you become

(if only for a little while)

the child
you used to be

once upon a time

when wonder & delight
were new
as daylight.

“Tell me Lir! ”

“Tell me the Children of Lir! ”

I tell
of how

they are turned into swans
& the loneliness of eternity.

I too knit nettles
to break the spell

throw the garment over
your cancer’d body

so you can
return again
to being

the human
I have known.

This dying is cruel
beyond belief.

An insult
to your life.

I love you so much I would **** you
if I could **** you
but I...can’t.

I want every breath
of you

not to be your last.

You journey to your death
dancing with your pain

my little mermaid
my little ballerina

I guard
your dying

a Constant
Tin Soldier

as you become

on the sea.

Just a day ago
******* a sultana

I held
on the tip of my fingertip

telling me to call your name.

“I love
living in your voice! ”

“So nice! ”

And I a blind Prince

wandering now
lost in the fairy tale

of your Death.

I close
your eyes.

kiss the last warmth
of your lips.
Vedova, lavorò senza riposo
per la bambina sua, per quel suo bene
unico, da lo sguardo luminoso;

per essa sopportò tutte le pene,
per darle il pan si logorò la vita,
per darle il sangue si vuotò le vene. -

La bimba crebbe, come una fiorita
di rose a maggio, come una sultana,
da la materna idolatria blandita;

e così piacque a un uom quella sovrana
beltà, che al suo desio la volle avvinta,
e sposa e amante la portò lontana!...

... Batte or la pioggia dal rovaio spinta
ai vetri de la stanza solitaria
ove la madre sta, tacita, vinta:

schiude essa i labbri, quasi in cerca d'aria;
ma pensa: "La diletta ora è felice... ".
E, bianca al par di statua funeraria,

quella sparita forma benedice.
Vedova, lavorò senza riposo
per la bambina sua, per quel suo bene
unico, da lo sguardo luminoso;

per essa sopportò tutte le pene,
per darle il pan si logorò la vita,
per darle il sangue si vuotò le vene. -

La bimba crebbe, come una fiorita
di rose a maggio, come una sultana,
da la materna idolatria blandita;

e così piacque a un uom quella sovrana
beltà, che al suo desio la volle avvinta,
e sposa e amante la portò lontana!...

... Batte or la pioggia dal rovaio spinta
ai vetri de la stanza solitaria
ove la madre sta, tacita, vinta:

schiude essa i labbri, quasi in cerca d'aria;
ma pensa: "La diletta ora è felice... ".
E, bianca al par di statua funeraria,

quella sparita forma benedice.
Donall Dempsey Oct 2023

I sit by your bedside
watching your dying.

Only Love
nails me to this pain.

I unable to escape
your dying.

I tell you
Irish legends
& Hans Christian Anderson

as you become

(if only for a little while)

the child
you used to be

once upon a time

when wonder & delight
were new
as daylight.

“Tell me Lir! ”

“Tell me the Children of Lir! ”

I tell
of how

they are turned into swans
& the loneliness of eternity.

I too knit nettles
to break the spell

throw the garment over
your cancer’d body

so you can
return again
to being

the human
I have known.

This dying is cruel
beyond belief.

An insult
to your life.

I love you so much I would **** you
if I could **** you
but I...can’t.

I want every breath
of you

not to be your last.

You journey to your death
dancing with your pain

my little mermaid
my little ballerina

I guard
your dying

a Constant
Tin Soldier

as you become

on the sea.

Just a day ago
******* a sultana

I held
on the tip of my fingertip

telling me to call your name.

“I love
living in your voice! ”

“So nice! ”

And I a blind Prince

wandering now
lost in the fairy tale

of your Death.

I close
your eyes.

kiss the last warmth
of your lips.
Donall Dempsey Apr 2019

I sit by your bedside
watching your dying.

Only Love
nails me to this pain.

I unable to escape
your dying.

I tell you
Irish legends
& Hans Christian Anderson

as you become

(if only for a little while)      

the child
you used to be

once upon a time

when wonder & delight
were new
as daylight.

“Tell me Lir! ”

“Tell me the Children of Lir! ”

I tell
of how

they are turned into swans
& the loneliness of eternity.

I too knit nettles
to break the spell

throw the garment over
your cancer’d body

so you can
return again
to being

the human
I have known.

This dying is cruel
beyond belief.

An insult
to your life.

I love you so much I would **** you
if I could **** you
but I...can’t.

I want every breath
of you

not to be your last.

You journey to your death
dancing with your pain

my little mermaid
my little ballerina

I guard
your dying

a Constant
Tin Soldier

as you become

on the sea.

Just a day ago
******* a sultana

I held
on the tip of my fingertip

telling me to call your name.

“I love
living in your voice! ”

“So nice! ”

And I a blind Prince

wandering now
lost in the fairy tale

of your Death.

I close
your eyes.

kiss the last warmth
of your lips.
Donall Dempsey Sep 2024

I sit by your bedside
watching your dying.

Only Love
nails me to this pain.

I unable to escape
your dying.

I tell you
Irish legends
& Hans Christian Anderson

as you become

(if only for a little while)

the child
you used to be

once upon a time

when wonder & delight
were new
as daylight.

“Tell me Lir! ”

“Tell me the Children of Lir! ”

I tell
of how

they are turned into swans
& the loneliness of eternity.

I too knit nettles
to break the spell

throw the garment over
your cancer’d body

so you can
return again
to being

the human
I have known.

This dying is cruel
beyond belief.

An insult
to your life.

I love you so much I would **** you
if I could **** you
but I...can’t.

I want every breath
of you

not to be your last.

You journey to your death
dancing with your pain

my little mermaid
my little ballerina

I guard
your dying

a Constant
Tin Soldier

as you become

on the sea.

Just a day ago
******* a sultana

I held
on the tip of my fingertip

telling me to call your name.

“I love
living in your voice! ”

“So nice! ”

And I a blind Prince

wandering now
lost in the fairy tale

of your Death.

I close
your eyes.

kiss the last warmth
of your lips.
Eliana Knight Feb 28
Here lies Anna, also known as one of the infamous black widows
Who claimed all of her husband’s smothered themselves with the pillows
Here lies Benjamin, thought himself a daredevil without a fear
First stunt and he wound up here
Here lies Caitlin, she always claimed that she was bestowed a curse
No one really believed her until she fell out of the hearse
Here lies Don Juan, to take on 22 women in one day was very brave
And he went with a huge smile to his grave
Here lies Elaina, who held in her gases believing it was a sin
Who knew you could literally explode from holding in wind
Here lies Frank, his enormous ego was his biggest flaw
He was quick on the trigger, but slow on the draw
Here lies Gemma, thought herself sophisticated and upper class
Who aimed for the brake and hit the gas
Here lies Hendrix, a daredevil bad boy who all the girls thought cute
Till the day he went sky diving and forgot his parachute
Here lies Irene, died at 102, outlived her daughter and son
Guess its true only the good die young
Here lies James, told his wife her sister was cute, a huge blunder
Because now he lies here six feet under
Here lies Kim, no one believed her as she always liked to play a trick
Now on her grave written are her last words “I told you I was sick”.
Here lies Lafayette, there are a lot of gossip and rumors you may hear
But its none of your business how I ended up here
Here lies Molly, whenever someone went missing, a party she would arrange
And no one said anything but the meat tasted strange
Here lies Norman; he never chewed his food, from a steak to a banana
And in the end he choked & died from a sultana
Here lies Olive, thought to be, by the town, a witch
All of her exes claim it false; she was just a royal *****
Here lies Percy, so rich his family slowly poisoned him till he was gravely ill
He had the last laugh when they found he left them with nothing but a huge bill
Here lies Quinine, she & her boyfriend tried position 69 at the sauna with little trepidation
He died of suffocation because she died on top of him from dehydration
Here lies Rocco, he was a bull rider & one day he forgot to let go
The bull started to ride him; I guess you reap what you sow
Here lies Samantha, in life everyone thought her a *****
When given an option in the afterlife, she proved them wrong by choosing limbo
Here lies Timothy, as a true atheist he claimed to be king
Now all dressed up, with nowhere to go the poor thing
Here lies Uma, obsessed with Botox, to the point where she couldn’t frown
One  day her face collapsed & died looking like a horror clown
Here lies Victor, he the world’s greatest fraud
Now I wonder how much he has swindled the devil and god
Here lies Willow, while tweeting about seeing a guy showing his **** crack
She didn’t see the metal post & died instantly when she gave it a whack
Here lies Xander, who tried to poison his wife & make it look like suicide
But the fool ended up drinking the cup with cyanide
Here lies Yana, was a blonde ******* model & a girlfriend of a billionaire
Always forgetful till the day she forgot how to breathe air
Here lies Zack, went and jumped off the highest tower
When he found out his ‘girlfriend’ of 25 years was charging him by the hour.
Its just meant for fun, not for offense

— The End —