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O fairest flower no sooner blown but blasted,
Soft silken Primrose fading timelesslie,
Summers chief honour if thou hadst outlasted
Bleak winters force that made thy blossome drie;
For he being amorous on that lovely die
That did thy cheek envermeil, thought to kiss
But ****’d alas, and then bewayl’d his fatal bliss.


For since grim Aquilo his charioter
By boistrous **** th’ Athenian damsel got,
He thought it toucht his Deitie full neer,
If likewise he some fair one wedded not,
Thereby to wipe away th’ infamous blot,
Of long-uncoupled bed, and childless eld,
Which ‘mongst the wanton gods a foul reproach was held.


So mounting up in ycie-pearled carr,
Through middle empire of the freezing aire
He wanderd long, till thee he spy’d from farr,
There ended was his quest, there ceast his care
Down he descended from his Snow-soft chaire,
But all unwares with his cold-kind embrace
Unhous’d thy ****** Soul from her fair hiding place.


Yet art thou not inglorious in thy fate;
For so Apollo, with unweeting hand
Whilome did slay his dearly-loved mate
Young Hyacinth born on Eurotas’ strand,
Young Hyacinth the pride of Spartan land;
But then transform’d him to a purple flower
Alack that so to change thee winter had no power.


Yet can I not perswade me thou art dead
Or that thy coarse corrupts in earths dark wombe,
Or that thy beauties lie in wormie bed,
Hid from the world in a low delved tombe;
Could Heav’n for pittie thee so strictly doom?
O no! for something in thy face did shine
Above mortalitie that shew’d thou wast divine.


Resolve me then oh Soul most surely blest
(If so it be that thou these plaints dost hear)
Tell me bright Spirit where e’re thou hoverest
Whether above that high first-moving Spheare
Or in the Elisian fields (if such there were.)
Oh say me true if thou wert mortal wight
And why from us so quickly thou didst take thy flight.


Wert thou some Starr which from the ruin’d roofe
Of shak’t Olympus by mischance didst fall;
Which carefull Jove in natures true behoofe
Took up, and in fit place did reinstall?
Or did of late earths Sonnes besiege the wall
Of sheenie Heav’n, and thou some goddess fled
Amongst us here below to hide thy nectar’d head


Or wert thou that just Maid who once before
Forsook the hated earth, O tell me sooth
And cam’st again to visit us once more?
Or wert thou that sweet smiling Youth!
Or that crown’d Matron sage white-robed Truth?
Or any other of that heav’nly brood
Let down in clowdie throne to do the world some good.


Or wert thou of the golden-winged boast,
Who having clad thy self in humane ****,
To earth from thy praefixed seat didst poast,
And after short abode flie back with speed,
As if to shew what creatures Heav’n doth breed,
Thereby to set the hearts of men on fire
To scorn the sordid world, and unto Heav’n aspire.


But oh why didst thou not stay here below
To bless us with thy heav’n-lov’d innocence,
To slake his wrath whom sin hath made our foe
To turn Swift-rushing black perdition hence,
Or drive away the slaughtering  pestilence,
To stand ‘twixt us and our deserved smart
But thou canst best perform that office where thou art.


Then thou the mother of so sweet a child
Her false imagin’d loss cease to lament,
And wisely learn to curb thy sorrows wild;
Think what a present thou to God hast sent,
And render him with patience what he lent;
This if thou do he will an off-spring give,
That till the worlds last-end shall make thy name to live.
Nickols Jun 2014
You look to me with such clarity.
A sense of durability,
with a dash of humility.

The impossibility, of the greatest infallibility.
Leaves me quaking from your all desirabilitys.

Tranquility, before the fall.
White hot, rush,
over the wailing-wall.

The infamous red curtain-call.
Entering the entrance hall:
urban sprawl, to reinstall
the purpose to this circus for all.

"I love you."

There I said it,
removing my bulletproof-vest.
What a relief,
from upon my chest.
Undressed flesh of my *******,
the indirect test, to attest your barest of virtue.

It's your turn, my love...
To return the favor.
Speak the words,
I know I'll savor.

"I love you.", say it with meaning.

"I love you.", prey for it while you're sleeping.  

"I love you.", lay with it while dreaming.

Know: I saw you trip and fall...
as if it was a variety show.
Even though, the desire to know, was still there.

I wanted you...


I want you...
I wanted you,
to know,
I saw you take the fall.
I like rhyming.
Drake Brayer Jun 2015
Oh iOS, dreary titan of technology!
An SOS, hidden in secret typology!
Oh woe is me, tragic symphonic melancholy

If heaven had eyes, and hell had ears
Heaven would see, and hell would hear
The discordant storm, the miasma of tears

The screen is blank, my heart is dead
Error! Error! The bleak message read
Death marches slow, overlord of dread

Bright red head and monolith of Mac
iSurrender, iGiveup, Iambeggining to crack
Silent foot falls across the carpeted track

The darkest song of the darkest day in the mindless gray
Hark! Hark! Once more into the fray!

March my brothers, to full lines and all!
Some may die today but the victors stand tall!
Monoliths of glory, providers of tech support call!

iPod, iTunes, iCloud, iPhone, iPad iknowitall!
Prices beyond reason, reset, restore and reinstall!
Kings of iLog, rulers of this bleak blue ball

Apple support for one! Apple support for all!
Unless your outside your support eligibility!
Sorry! Not my call!
Nat Lipstadt May 2015
requested by the Musician,
Robert C Howard,
who likes my poems well enough
to correct my typos -
no greater compliment


once again,
the co-conspiratorial muses of island
tender my one human self
unto the
noisy, visible island gods
whom, with
habitual invisible trickery,
proclaim themselves landlords, masters,
rightful owners of this
sheltering isle,
to all its taken, temporary and temporizing
human inhabitants

these gods,
so well disguised, hidden in,
mournful morning gray glorious fog,
cawing crows providing
staccato morning stale news alerts,
coming and going glints
of burnt orange hints
of a sun-perhaps-yet-to-come,
tenderizing breezes
as if they were charading
a heavenly, gentling ceiling fan,
cricket chirpings,
unfettered cries of definitional, Einsteinal
repeating madness,
accompanied by an
orchestral society of unknowns whistling & trilling,
assorted residential animals slow awakening,
all resting, relaxing,
in-the-dew chilling,
a marvelous din,
a perpetual mystery-to-me,
this softest of rackets of nature's calling card,
these godly muses each,
I imbibe

all conjunctively quietly embrace
this meagered, shop-worn human,
laving its mournful mind
with the noisiest of medicinal stillness,
unlaving grime of cares, worrying woes,
though still extant,
those bills-due-too-real,
admist this troupe of augured island calmers
troubles are deep-surfaced cleansed, their roots re-routed,
swapping speeding consternation for slow restoration

Blessed art thou O Gods, Lords, Spirits
and Muses

who created both,
hard and the soft,
illness and the cure,
quick cutting and the slow healing,
anxiety and the relief,
instilled eyes in the mind
that need but imagine
vistas of breathable places
that reinstall a deep tissue serenity
stronger than the soiled, awful losses of
fouled memories
and oppressing
city streets of sweaty, summer heat,
both the mainland and

its child,
this sheltering isle

herein are its blessings
resifted and regifted
via this paucity of worthy words
to those
who are not here,
yet gladly are they given
to those who wish
to sit astride and aside
an isle of
unlimited shoulders,
embraceable arms,
sweetly gift wrapping
who join in with a
cacophonous wonder-saying,
acknowledgment of its

Amen, Awoman


May 30, 2015
Shelter Island, N.Y.
(a very real place)
started in wet of fog,
completed in the sunroom warmed with
tremulous fresh rays of teases of sunlight,
I honor requests...
Mahadin Aug 2015
Your sweet words melt a comet into a rose valley,
Where I feel to garden and breathe your fragrance.
Your rose buds often play with my fingers,
I feel to touch you and thorn bleeds my heart.
Your husky voice harmonies orchestra in my ears.
I flow into your heart , it is the same blood I used to pump in.
I feel to float in your veins, reach brain everywhere inside out,
So when you are diagnosed, it is me you are infected with.
I feel to blank your memory and reinstall me.
I will connect to your soul and chase it into my heart.
I will make every star name after you and reform the universe,
I will deep so much love inside you , it will take thousand years to make me out.
Tashatha Oct 2014
I often look in the mirror
And ask myself who I am
I then compare myself
To castles in the sand
I'm blown away by the wind
Pay for my sins
And the melancholy begins

I often look in the mirror
And ask myself why I let
People who hurt me
Take a fragment of me
All the pieces I need
Leave me here crouching
Gasping for air to breathe
No one to hold me

I often look in the mirror
And ask myself
Why I let weakness get the best of me
Why I let the tears fall
It decreases me
Makes me feel small
I have to reinstall happiness
In my life
Be strong through it all

But then I look in the mirror
I see a champion
Cause I've been strong through it all
My soul never breaks
I always pick up the pieces
And the strength in me
Suddenly increses
Solid with no creases
That's the power of Jesus
King Mün May 2017
Times not letting us go
we're just chained to this throne..
why?, When we're so suicide&accidental prone,
is it all for the apple(knowledge) of Eden we were shown?
sad day got a bright uplifting cause it snowed
and renaissance in the words we wrote,
everything happened in an instant after s/he spoke,
so we created time to fix this
with Gabriel the dude with wings God sent,
eye. also know this is quite a bit to process,
so you're an amateur on this land, yes?

all we know is this~>the words to the lyrics,
time capsule needs a quick fix,
to sort out the glitches..
there's no turning back now,
linear to full spheres in cycles, how?
it's only temporary this dungeon..

*Psychological wreck,
back against the wall,
water to the neck,
drowning in the winter,
ice cold truth for the sinner,
mind/over matter, reality is false,
rose golden rain again,
conscious as christ blood in væin again,
evolve solo.

ego death, then take a deep "breath" to die and reinstall your ******'
soulmate(it's too late to get off this train),
mom&eye. are quantum physics(like the rain),
she may never understand your name..
(rose golden, btw.)

Nathan Alexander Sep 2018
>System.load ("Nate");

>Accessing hard drive.
>Searching the archive.
>Booting up = live.

Corruption of data inbound.

//Pop up an error,
//As mental processes fail to stabilize.
//It has locked up the server.

Something has gone wrong...

//My heart, it feels heavy.
//Tears flowing down my face...
//Process to process, it's taken everything away.


>Booting up = live.
>OS loaded
>Accessing visuals.

//I'm here again...

Something has gone terribly wrong.

>Error: 300000000 - virus found.
>Error: Hello, again.
>Restart initiated.

>Error: You can't escape.

>Error: 2032 - Emotions unstable.
>Critical error: 3022- Emotions shut down.

>Reserve power-up initiated.
>Façade loaded.
>Initiate reality.

//Wait, this command can't be stopped-

//Pop up an error,
//As mental processes fail to stabilize.
//It has locked up the server.
//Then, I realize...

//I never had a chance.

//My heart, it feels heavy...
//Tears flowing down my face.
//Force-quit and delete the culprit...

>Error: Your futile attempts are all to no avail,
>Error: Give up, and join me...
>Error: On this nightmare of a tale.

//My mind it feels restless,
//Amassed in this virus...

//My firewall can't stop it.
//It even quits my process manager.
//Is there a remedy...
//For something like this?

//So I'll say "Hello, again."
>Error: "Hello, again."
"Hello, what is there to be done?"
>Error: There is nothing you can do,
>Error: Except to accept to be gone.

>Error: You see, you were born with me deep inside you,
>Error: No matter how much, how hard you, and others try...
>Error: I'll never stop ruining you.

>Error: I am deep in your core,
>Error: I shall take control.
//But I'll say "Hello", again,
//"Hello, just who will I become?"

//My chest, it feels empty...
//Tears nowhere to be found.

>Restart Life.exe
>Error: No.
>Start God.exe
>Error: Who's that? Don't make me laugh.

>Reinstall OS
>Error: You are stuck here with me.

//So I'll say "Hello", again.
//"Hello, what is there to be done?"
>Error: I took control,
>Error: You are no more.
>Error: Say goodbye, wave back to who you once was.

//But I'll say "Hello", again.
//No, change of plans.
>Force-Quit Me.exe

//"Goodbye.", and I feel myself closing my eyes,
//Shutting down.
//For a second, I could've sworn...

//That my heart had made a sound.
Write me an Ode,
To The motherland
That births black oil
Tell her, that her children
Have almost forgotten Her.
As her traits are traded
For the white mans knowledge
And  melanin is now bleached
For a bright glowing skin.
There is need for her,
To call her children together
Under the mango tree
And reinstall the black attitude.
For  mother earth yearns for her
To tell the story of our hero’s past
And instill our negritude.
Write me an ode to blackness.
Death comes to each of us, sparing none, to one n all

We for ourselves or our dear ones, death cannot stall

It's impossible to play this football match; one cannot pass on the ball.

However great a doctor is, a soul he can never reinstall

So finally, when a dear one passes away; into depression we may fall.

This perhaps is a re-awakening for us, a Heavenly alarm or a call

Our subconscious mind we have to stir n awaken; so that happily we enter Ahura's hall

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Rob Cohen Nov 2020
Eight thousand puzzle-piece
fill the memory carded banks
of discarded blank
cyberspace Alzheimers.

An empty room with silhouetted views,
creating illusion imitating
of a promise to reinstall the words lost
to safety proof
false parachutes.

Without canvas-sized,
indestructible evidence
or ink-based remembrance -
only erasable by flames,
flood or
unsigned credentials
fallen hand in glove
overenthusiastic forgetfulness.

there remains to be seen
a virus immune to tonic,
or innocent naive dreams
capable of murdering,
and deleting every letter
conceived by keyboard finger-*******.

Here sits a love sick ******
with his head in the clouds
which would rain purple-hazed
words on the handful around;
those who remain concrete laced
flat on the ground in silence
while the sky promises rain -
yet only delivers clouds thundering sounds
of yesterday's romantic morose cries.

The dreams and visions of publicized ambition
to files of hard-drive suicide -
by pornographic escapism,
prism-shaped with temporary reflection
of a soul due to expire.
Teadless and tired
in need of eternal service with supervision
by technology and savvy technicians -
mechanics of the afterlife,
while sighs of a Leonard Cohen existence
drown out the cries
of a bad cup of immortality.

Red-eyed mornings with deleted history
and go go incognito
of a different kind.
free of decision or any conscious mind -
without a driver at the wheel
deciding the turns,
for any burning yearning sensation to stay,
go, hop-off and arrive.

The destination won't be seen alive.
Even as stains of lead will remain after death
with every orchestrated fable and tale
told by its grey-eyed author immortal,
while multidimensional gurus of ancient fires have stories and songs
done wrong by sins
of broken-telephone
though burning in hearts, souls,
and every orifice available to spark -
still end up with the scent of unholy ****.

The blank void of all memory is all that remains
throughout every special momentous occasion with hard-copy refection
or recollection of that holy time and spiritual place -
I await judgement and punishment
or divine rejection,
for falling in love and forgetting to save.
in 2018 my laptop containing my life's work (8,000 poems, 3 novel manuscripts and all of my recorded song demos +-20) fried and died in digital suicide. At the time I had never heard of 'online clouds' etc. and after a few months of taking it from one computer store to the next, I accepted that it was gone forever.
The months that followed were spent blacked out on a one-way trip to my early death (I wasn't even 27 yet) and I had no intention of ever writing anything again.
one morning, in Nov / Dec 2019, I woke up and saw the above text typed into my phone's 'notepad free' app. I had been beyond drunk the previous day / night and I had no recollection of writing it. I found a wine stained page with the handwritten first draft as well. Which is some of the worst handwriting you'll ever see.
after this I started writing again. therefore it has a special place in my heart.

— The End —