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midnight prague Oct 2010
paralyzing fears
spark different personalities
in the pit of something so much deeper than gesture
you graze inside me like a caged discern waiting to be realesed

you must be realesed

reveal your accent to my forgein tongue
never be shy
in your absence I am still present

still waiting

with your cornacopia imposed on my judgment
I'm extending my arm out to you
midnight prague Nov 2010
paralyzing fears
spark different personalities
in the pit of something so much deeper than gesture
you graze inside me like a caged discern waiting to be realesed

you must be realesed

reveal your accent to my forgein tongue
never be shy
in your absence I am still present

still waiting

with your cornacopia imposed on my judgment
I'm extending my arm out to you
Lovey Jul 2015
Stars-there only light in the sky.
But what if there a resemblance of those who have
died showing their souls in the sky.
Painting a picture in the sky.
Make art with their light.
No matter how far down you get pushed down
to the forest of darkness.
You die with the light in your heart and are realesed.
And made once again.
Your light stays in the sky to paint your picture.
Then your welcomed back in the world for a second chance.
Katlyn Orthman Nov 2012
Last night I talked to you
It's been almost a year
And to hear your voice...
Tears me up inside
I want to ask to see you
But if I do
I won't be able to let you go
I was crying ..
But I covered up my sobs
Tried to laugh
But I can't stop the pain
That leaks through
You ask if I'm ok
I just say
I've got a cold
When you say goodbye
I feel a part of me die
And realesed it
Through my sigh
Curl up one my bed
And cling to my head
I might just explode
Crumbling like old stone
My heart has no insurance
It was just a loan
That's why I know
I'm better off alone
Rachel Oct 2013
S he realesed a pine needle
H e recieved a son.
I f not the breeze
T hen who?
Michael Parish Sep 2013
Agonies sweat swims around the anointed  like a undesired coo pool.  
The chorline burns our eyes with icy tears, while we wonder if well ever see the truth again.  What happened when they realesed the  flood of hope?  All of the souls drowned like helpless pigeons trying to swim.
Katlyn Orthman Mar 2013
Along the trees that sit in a twisted path carved out just for me
The wind blows a big gust of air realesed from lungs that rustle the leaves
The stars overhead gently blanket the tree tops and give a brilliant sight
And then I hear them, their strong howls break out beneath the moonlight
And I smile as I walk the twisted path carved just for me
Looking and observing the blur of thick colored coats I can see
The thunder of their paws slapping the earths bed
It echoes, reverberates inside of my head
Oh my thunderous brothers howl the songs you sing
Howl, please howl and bring that joy to my heart you bring
Dallas Aug 2018
I find the world the most beautiful when it rains
And I do not mean light summer drizzles with soft cotton clouds
I mean earth destroying claps of thunder
I find the world the most beautiful when it pours
When the sky is ballpoint pen navy and the clouds onx stones
The worlds utterly breathtaking when the cosmos seem to rumble and tremor
The world is so gorgeous when the wind whips across skin like barbed wire tearing across the surface
I am not a religious person but the closest I’ve come to believing in god is standing in the middle of his storm
Palms turned to the sky drowning in his salvation singing praises of hallelujah
Hallelujah thank you lord
The closets I’ve come to feeling religion is seeing the tempest being realesed like a holy beast for the swell of rain is not gods tears
It’s gods anguish
Sputtering out in the form of bone splintering white-hot static
Angels have often been portrayed as soft wispy creatures
But they are really the children of typhoons
Weeping their fat chilling tears into the soil
For they are crying for our sins The haunting call of ***** music ripping through their vocal chords raining onto the pavement
These rain drop bullets are not signs of gods sadness
They are signs of gods wrath
Tearing up the earth like a war zone
Punishing us for our misdeeds
In these times god is reducing us back to the simple creatures that we are
Because not even humans can control his vexations
We in these moments are brought back down to our knees in prayer
Our petty ‘Forgive me father”s slipping down our tongue like water droplets
Pleading begging screaming out over the crackles of lighting
Screaming out over gods wrath
But by God this sight of destruction is nothing but beautiful
And yet
The world is the most beautiful when it pours
But it is utterly ethereal in its aftermath
In the still clean quite like an empty chapel
The sun rearing it’s head from behind wispy feather clouds
All is calm
For this is the worlds post-baptism
It’s rejuvenation
It’s rebirth
Water droplets trickling down stain glass pink petals
The dove re-emerges calling out its choir song
The bluebird responds humming out his own hymns
The closest I’ve come to believing in god is in the wake of the storm
In the hush of washed out sins repainted pale blue
For in this moment we are all reduced to nothing but Gods children
In the peace after the storm
it rained the other day and i truly felt happy
Tash Carter Jul 2014
I want you to open me up
And examine my insides
As if you we're trying to get to know me
Like a Mortition trying to see how
I died
Like a butterfly
Cocoon first
Step by step
Cut me from my chest to my belly button
Slowly removing my organs
Lay them close enough so I still feel attached from my brain to my liver

Let me fly
I wanna be free
Let me fly
Let my soul be released
I wanna go to heaven but heaven isn't promised if I'm living like I want to go to he'll

He gently took my heart out
Not noticing the cracks on it
As if he was a doctor who started
pulling me from the womb
His breathing picked up when he seen my arm twitch
Knowing that I'm not living but I wasn't dead either
He continued to take out my organs
Placing each one side by side

Afraid to go any further down
He stopped .
He counted my fingers
He counted my toes
He counted my tattoos
He did everything
It was like he was trying to soothe me
Protect me
Be gentle with me

Let me fly
Let my soul be realesed in the summer air
So when those that miss me can feel my touch
Let me fly I wanna be free
Let me fly I wanna be free

As if my soul knew it was time to come back to me
My angel
My dearest angel grip the ankles of my loved ones
Capture their souls while their walking
So it feels like their stepping in a dream
Kiss the wound on my mother heart and inform her everything will be ok
Soothe my unborn children
Rub my stomach and gracefully whisper
"Mommy loves you "

Stitch me back up
Making sure you include every tear drop that left my eyes
Every laugh or chuckled that I released seeming as life was full of laughter
Readjust my body so I could be laying like I would in my coffin
My child
My child
Don't be afraid I am dead but in still living

Let me fly
Let me fly
I promise I will take your souls with me

By : Tash Carter
The demons are haunting my mind with evil things that I even can't describe. They want me to hurt the people I hate just to get satisfied. I am blinded from the truth and the path of good.  All I want to do is make close people decide. It became my passion to make people couincide with my evil thoughts and the pass of destruction I designed. I want to a doctor that can prescribe a drug to **** the devil inside. The only way to be free is make good and evil collide and hope that my demons will be realesed outside of my body and soul. This light seems far to achieve but I am not going to loose my grip. I will fight to the bitter end til my heat turns white. God relieve this pain and take me to the heavens of delight.
josh wilbanks Aug 2016
We were in the cell
Coated in shades of orange
I was afraid of her
She was entertained by me

We were in a park
Together, planting flowers
I was entertaining
She was entertained

We were just realesed
Laying in that familiar place
I was madly in love
She wished she could say the same

I was in a cell
Coated in shades of grey
I was madly in love
She had ran away
7th grade, i met her in suspension. I was a shy kid, she was a popular girl. Decorating a christmas tree in the office, she found a liking to me. I was a funny kid, she liked to laugh. On the feild we used for fun, she became my girl. A week later, she broke my heart. We became bestfriends for years. Until she moved. And we grew apart. I don't know why, but i still look for her in everyone. She was my bestfriend, my true love, and my only real passion. She was my *******. This is my withdraw.

— The End —