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Kaazmeya May 2014
You are what you eat
I *****
She looks familiar
Anonymous Apr 2014
So what is wrong
And what is right?
A formulaic diatribe
Denouncing young brides
An age-old hunger
For reacquaintance
With the same?

Old mothers and young wives
Brandished Ph.D's and lifelong strife
Carry the baby
Forget the rest
If there's love there's still no rest

*** bubbles up
Thinking its own thoughts
And the anniversary deathbed
Gets soaked again.

Generations of beds
Estate sales of lost loves
A splintered family is less rich
An over-achieving cote of doves.

How to be fierce
Without ****** the Earth
Is a rich boy's dilemma
The rest of us
**** who we wanna.
Logan Goethe Nov 2010
Whats up? Life, and all that comes with it
Whats up is a pain that brings me down
Whats up is the  opposite of me this time
Its where I ought to be, but down is the where that im now more around
Whats up is whats high, a mile high, but thats not where I am
A transition from up to down but still on the highest point I stand
Standing but changing position always and not knowing how
But the how isnt the why and why is something I know from head to toe
Which is why my head hangs so low in the sight of a new place to go

But a new journey brings me high for a reacquaintance with the sky
That I had been too low to see from my subsurface window
For a time too long for just me to know
A time thats a distance from the last places called home and
The homes that the loves of my soul call their own
So leaving the distance behind sends whats down to whats up
Its that charming moment where a realization wakes up
And through eyes not my own I see but dont see
The once original past that made whats up whats me
Lacey Clark Feb 2016
There are different kinds of smiles.
The hurried, obligatory one
when you pass someone in a rush.
The empathetic one from strangers
as you're wiping tears in the grocery store isle.
There are wide smiles of reacquaintance,
and cheesy ones
from cheek to cheek
to make each other giggle.
Smiles to fill the void,
subtle smiles when you finish a task,
& smiles while driving away
from job interviews or dates.

One countenance,
a multitude of meanings.

but then there is your smile,
that is its own.
It speaks in volumes while
suggesting nothing at all.
I don't wonder why its there,
so beautifully carved into your skin,
nor do I question your thoughts.
Time stops.
It makes me feel settled into my soul
to see you
curving your lips
looking in my direction.
I can't help but reciprocate.
Wrote this about no one in particular, but can remember pockets of love where it was very applicable to individuals in the moment. Now it's written through the eyes of reminiscence.
Sam Knaus Oct 2014
I dreamed that
I was my own god,
that I had more control over myself
than you, but
2. I must have dreamed that
I was filled with air
and tied to a string
because when I woke up that morning in October
all I wanted was to get high
and hammered as hell, so
3. like Sean Thomas said,
I must have dreamed I was a nail.
4. I must’ve dreamed that I was deathly ill
because I wanted your touch more than anything
but woke up completely isolated from you,
and reacquaintance comes at a great cost;
I really shouldn’t be feeling
as lost as I do when out of the blue
you show up to my house at 1:30 a.m.
5. I’m sorry.
The few hours between kissing another man
and my decision not to tell you,
to leave you instead,
haunts me, but
6. I dreamed that he was the one holding me
for weeks on end
for weeks on end
for weeks on end
I did not say a word.
7. I dreamed I had a crush on him,
but I’m fairly certain I woke up
falling in love.

— The End —