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Brian Fahey Jul 2015
There once was a pond off the Astrillian shore,
Where a billion clams lay underwater, they snored,
Day after day, tides change to tides,
Yet the life of a clam is still quite a bore.

Until one day an otter, all spryly and nimble,
A prince from the infamous pool down the thimble,
Crossed the old straight with his men through mud and through wimble.

Valiantly striding his conquest was simple,
Representing his people in search of a love life to kindle.
He was quirky, and boisterous, and hard to ignore,

Splashing and thrashing about the good peoples shore,
A good lookin' pup, he swam round in circles,
Converting the Astrillian Algaeans to Murkles.

The clams weren't slow to catch on to the show,
For clams are very attentive you know,
And soon by council & seminar they mouth-fulled their garbles,

"Who yonder this monkey that endlessly wharbles?"
"Are you daft kind sirs?" asks one clam as she snarbles,
"It seems you old men have lost all your marbles,

That is the otter, his highness all the way from Port Schwarble!
He only plays cowbell, throws barbells, and a million such marvels,
It's an Astrillian holiday as far as I yarble, hmm"

She stops,
It's indeed very clear she's been pinned as kalopsious,

"My dear" one clammy clam-clam firmly speaks,
"I see your 'kidz-bop' as they say has given you gleecks,
Your highness, is an otter, we'll be extinct within weeks"

The elders agree and farble on lke sheep,
"The end is near!" the little ones squeak,

But none brave as Mandy,
This little clam candy,
Would even think that moving was handy,

Why, confronting a prince sounds totally dandy,
So she pipped and she chupped,
Getting the elders all sandy.

As she made her way up to her prince, who was also quite randy.
Approaching her man of a million wonders,
She squeaked a fine hello over his rambunctious thunder.

He stopped and observed,
"What is this, hors' doeurves?"
He plucked her and licked her, obviously deterred,

When she snarbled and blushed ignoring the blunder,
"My name is Mandy the First, from the land of down under,

She smiled as he turned to his squire,
"A fine maiden to invite to the royal dinner," laughing they snired.
"I caught wind of your plans to marry" she twinkled,
"I just thought that I'd say that I'm young and I'm single,"

And with a wink she gave off her lady like signal.
The squire scoffed at the lady so simple,
"May I remind you ma'am, this is the prince from the pool down the thimble.
He's come all this way through mud and through wimble,
In search of a maiden to love and ne'er let dwindle,
Yet this peasant clam reminds me of a fire in my belly, so long ago kindled,"

He snirped, Mandy quirped as the prince caressed her dimple,
"You'll not lay your paws on her or her people,
This girl is totally braver than you and our sheeple!
It is decided that I'll be bringing her all the way to the steeple."

The squire grumbled a pox on both sides,
"You princox, we haven't eaten since Ides,
If you really cared so much for your lady,
Then let us first feast on her friends and their babies,
For what is a wedding if we're all riddled with hunger and rabies?"

"Nay squire, for you are a bigger one,
Your princoxious gluttony far exceeds the range of the Astrillian Sun"
"Ooooooooohh!!" his guards hollered and bothered, oh but he wasn't done,

"If you really care for your stomach all the sudden,
Then come at me brother, make me your wet monkey mutton.
See if I care for your metabolic process, you square,
For nothing could separate me from my princess so fair."

And so they charged and they barged and splashed all about her,
As his guards cheered them on into brotherly slaughter,
Witnessing the madness, Mandy would rather be chowder.

As she quietly wept for her hunk of an otter,
She noticed the elders behind her surface the water.
"What do you want?!" snobbing she totally snared,

The elders snooted and bitterly declared,

"We warned you," they flarbed,
"Their kind is brutish and dull," they spat from afar,
"The feud between peoples is older than tar"

Mandy flushed beet red and crying she clacked,
"Your ignorance prevails clams, for that is your only knack,
This man loves me and I love him right back,
In fact he's saving us all from becoming a snack.
And if he succeeds I'll never see you again,

I'll never work your sand-bars, or attend colleges of mermen.
I'll never sing songs or clean up your dens,
And you'll all just be grumpy old clams forever, and then,
When I am queen I will not be so mean.

I will unite all the clamsfolk with our predators keen,
We shall not be afraid and they shall not come to prey,
And who knows maybe we'll all get along someday,"

And with that, the squire cried "Uncle!"
And the prince let go of his sleeper-hold struggle,

"Now will you praise your lady you poor jester thuggle?"
"I do, I do your highness, til death I shall juggle."
And so the otters and clams conjoined the whole island,

With only some leftover haters to beguile,
And within seven days time
People gave up on fear,

Threw out their hunger,
And then it became clear,
With only time left to ponder,

As the big day came near,
At the cathedral they concluded that love lasts much longer,
That really,

Whether one be a clam or an otter,
It is only together that we shall become stronger.
senior year creative writing poem.
When our names were smeared
with dust and kicked
****-naked into the streets
tramped upon, squashed by dancers
revelling on the song of our shame
We take all in saintly fate

Poverty has diverse chairs
all which are glued
to the heart of hell
upon which we sit
pipped with jears
Our pains for the tithe
we never paid
untill our lives are almost spent

We aren't bearing with us
our sack of shame to the land
were we shall endly rest
Laugh not out of you breathe
we shall mend our broken past
and pick up the moon we left behind
NDevlin Aug 2012

I am Ann, Anna, Annastasia
confined, confounded in her own fantasia

roll over doggie under my car
oh i'm sorry, i meant it
she told me, when she told me
i had to obey
a rubber stamp and electric nodes
shock, convulse and make me sway
oh make the voices go away!


Smashy smashy Annie
throw mummy's good flower pots
over the wall into the yard
weee it'll be so much fun
come out and play Annie!


You naughty girl, stand in the corner and
think about what you've done
what did I tell you about listening to your mother?
bad girl, strike yourself
iron out the creases in your fingers

but mummy, they told me , I had no choice


Tut-tut Anastasia
what did i tell you about listening to your father?
trickle tears down your face
remind yourself you are a disgrace
with little grasp of good taste

You sickening little troglodite,
shower yourself cold in the dark


One would be so wisest of oneself, Anastasia
thereby present yourself as loyalty
pray hildegarde you navigate yourself correctly
i suspect your remuneration would be pitiful
exentuate those dentalized Ts and Ds
and for Julius' sake
mind your Ps and Qs


Cease, desist, Anna
Regard yourself from your heart's eye,
be nice, be humble
lest you want to cry, *****!


I can't I can't
someone help me
she's pulling my hair, ouch!

'Stop squealling for attention!'
her friends sneer,
'Better off talking to yourself Ann!'


I can't help my impulses, they meticulously
humiliate my ego and my sanity
with crude, latent vulgarity
thrown off course with profanity

'oh clumsy me,' pipped Ann,
I'm a clumsy, heavy strumpet,
I'm a couplet short of a sonnet!'


hush hush hush
the booming voice chides,
'Still, Anastasia, soothe your spirit.
be calm, and play some poker
by your uncle's fireplace
you'll be a good girl,
if you hit your brother.'


oh cry cry all for Ann
lost for words at her chamber pan
licking the bowl clean
as her mummy told her
sweet, if not
then she would scold her.


'Annie Annie, long of face
won the Ascot horses race.'

'Heaven forefend Anastasia, straighten up and shoulders back!
you'll get rickets so far gone, you please no man but the crickets!'

'****** off those others Anna and listen to me,
forget about you mummy, daddy and any, all authority.'

'Stupid Ann, drown yourself in turpentine
and stub your nose like the common swine.'

'Now remember Anna dear, no cherry trifle
until you've  boxed your sister's shins.'

'Leave me, please, I'm begging, bereave me!
leave me, please, I'm praying, release me!'


Poor Ann whose been afflicted
by personality, conflicted
of her own thoughts, convicted
a most grievous war of minds
betray her deepest common senses
violate her fidelity by bathing in slop and pig feed
degenerate her innocence through foul revolt and tantrums
lest she cannot restore herself from her inner sanctum


Setting hard concussions, Anna threw a hammer at her temple,
in all hopes to knock it down.
Running low on cortisol
she burst her fleshy, brunette crown
letting all the fluid spew upon her
agonisingly, she writhed in settling timely
for a brutal death is less sinister
than eternity in sanity
Part I, Lines 7-8: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Commonly used as treatment on patients with mental disorders.

Part XIII, line 3: Cortisol, low levels of this neurochemical cause severe depression.
Rob Sandman Apr 2016
Here I go again fallin',the rabbit hole calls
I'm a lost soul wandering through marble halls,
calls screams and doubts fill my mind like static
react uncontrolled rage flows automatic

politics,religion,faith fate love/hate
lose pieces of my self they fall into the grate
of the cattle grid rat race place I face
every time I make some headway it gets erased
displaced into hate,a state of no grace
disgraced by my feelings for the human race
face headlong,trace my nobility's ghost,
in the human race we get pipped at the post

by the most with the boasts untrustworthy folks,
desire for votes,all handshakes and jokes,
like a piece on a chessboard board,moved for kicks,
time to get jacked in,reboot the check matrix

check matrix,ruler's like to play games,
time to send the whole board up in flames,
check matrix,the cycle ends and begins,
it's called a revolution,it spins round again
Don't you know? I'm talkin' about a Revolution...and it's MORE than a Whisper.
Paul Hardwick Mar 2016
I say fell more like
getting washed down a pipe
Will she survive?

skirts covers her eyes
each step on her ****
sort of retime beat
skirt flots down
in the pink again
with brakes puts out her knees
man I hate these fancy dress *****
and this is nothing like I dreamed it
yet it was
ok if it was, i will see that that there bald man
then there he was
Dear old slappedhead
if you want tea said the white rabbit
turn your cup upside down
but down was then up
and Alice stopped
and sat down on a seat
is this a party she said
the two twins
at the fare end
sang in harmony no
and both asked at the very same time
why are you here?
at that the tigger opposite said
here, here
**** Alice exploited
her dreams
and replied
sort of fell.

Sprinkle gold dust into eyes
there the magic goes on
to feel this way
I give you Alice with a very sore ****
if conflict
we can not leave her here alone.

The Tigger put a revolver at his head
pulled the tigger twice
Klick Klick the revolver said
the tigger slapped gun on the table
and said when?
when, when, will man know?

Alice blinked once or twice
and said
know what
it was at that the pig piped up
well at least it not me this time
and flopped back into a muddy puddle there.

There is an electric kind of teapot there
try to sell back to the electrical people there
whom will have none of it
think this is not real eletricals
Alice still had a sore **** all the same
and disregarded all this
At that
polly pipped up
polly was the cook
and asked what can I slop up
What day is it? Alice asked, smart girl
then Alice said soup
polly looked at her
the sort of look
that in init's own way could ****
at that Alice's hair curled
but all the time knew
her underwear was white than white
and she bathed in breeze
but polly would not have it bang her spoon down
and when that spoon hit
it could take anywhere
so put your rose tinted specs.
If you would like more you must write me and say,
if I get more, in the future, come back to this.    P@ul.  ***.
Daniel Magner Jul 2013
Cigarette smoke lapped at
my finger tips
late in the wee hours of the morning
when, without warning
you walked by at the front
of a small herd
of just ex-high schoolers.
The dark kept your face hidden
and I hope mine as well
because after you passed
an amigo pipped,
"Wasn't that your old girlfriend?"
I chain smoked the last three
hardly believing
that moment was the first
glance I'd had of you in a
Barely a poem
Daniel Magner 2013
Mark Steigerwald Dec 2014
The love I had
never again to be found.
The heart in my chest
forever bound.
Broken am I,
a wretched soul
drifting upon an endless sea.
I break upon the shore line
shattering into thousands of particles,
spreading across the earth.
My heart is cold
my lungs wont hold,
my tears freeze
floating on the slightest breeze.
And yet all I can think of
is the smile
that had won my heart
pipped me asunder,
right from the start.
Made me whole,
taught me to love,
gave this life a reason.

But never more,
never more.
My destiny
is to forever be
cast apart from your love,
floating eternally
on the waves
of the endless sea.
Jonathan Finch Jul 2016
Autumn drops from the spit of summer.

It is brown, well-mealed,
perhaps a little burnt;
its plush resplendencies are gone,
its fruits are split.

That spring, that summer
grimace in a scattering of husks, a wizened apple,
is unbearable;

and at the core:
pipped deaths, abbreviations, futures going hard.
This poem was written for a miners' Eisteddfod, and liked!
She pipped
a gypper
when she
was arterial
motion that
favor law
not crap
in our
legislature while
her isolation
in craft
are the
same families
with Getty
on Thanksgiving
if Serengeti
whir machine
"Tippef the activist in Senate"
Noni Winters Oct 2018
I sat and I sipped
On your words as they lay
Intoxicated, my mind at play
Burning wild
Fuel for my brain
My imagination pipped
I'd be thrilled if you'd stay
and I'm shuffling in to work
let the week begin.

Do you remember when it used to feel real?
and when back then it was no big deal
be a man and earn your keep,
I wonder if it's better just to stay in bed and sleep.

The mirror looks the same
it's a different face I see,
what's going on outside
reflects inside and
poisons me.

Bow Road is a slow road
the way I go to work road.
that is coming from the East
and going to the West.

and the end smokes cigarettes
quite calmly so as not to disturb

Thinking it's all about
the cues we use.
are you in a queue?
do they use you too?

There's still time,
hidden between the
decaying buildings
clogged in the cracks
I buy
two more packs
lucky strikes,
to seal the coffin lid.

At Aldgate
I wait
who tells me tales
of Canterbury
and speaks
of Henry in
hushed tones.

Did you hear the pad
of footsteps on the sidewalk?

history come talk to me
there's only the future here
to walk with me and
I join in,
let the week begin.

My time nears me
and I weary,
something is not right

written out of the script
popped in by being
pipped at the post
and that's the most
we can all look forward to

step out of line or
stay in the queue?
it's up to you
isn't it?

— The End —