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LD Goodwin May 2013
I could see all neith the flowing dress she wore,
though the moon played its tricks on my eyes that night.
Curled red hair flowing like waves upon the shore,
yet could not hide her fairie wings from my sight.
All night I lay with her on the woodland floor.
We laughed and loved, though she was gone come daylight.
And each night since I've gone to the wood to find,
naught but a fairie ring did she leave behind.

*Ottava Rima:  Italian stanza form composed of eight 11-syllable lines, rhyming abababcc. It originated in the late 13th and early 14th centuries and was developed by Tuscan poets for religious verse and drama and in troubadour songs.
Harrogate, TN May 2013
Chuck Jul 2013
Lightning cracks and thunder shrieks with great fright
The rains pour down with penetrating pain
Type o' storm that keeps Noah up at night
Tides flood streets like an angry berserk train
Still the albatross is yet to take flight
Outside thunder, lightning, and floods in vain
For in my heart lurks deserts, lonely drought
Will these rains quench my thirst? My heart has doubt
Ottava Rima is an 8 line stanza in Iambic Pentameter with a rhyme scheme of abababcc.
Richard j Heby Sep 2012
A boy lived atop a hill
pleading for a way out
that did not require skill,
experience, or clout.
He decided to drill
for oil -- with doubt.
In spite of these doubts he grew to be rich,
but was turned to a mule when he married a witch.
Dhaye Margaux May 2014
My love, the day you came into my life
Was when I hate to feel the rain so much
Each drop to me was like a sharpened knife
That made deep cuts and wounds I couldn’t touch
But there you came along to mend the strife
When I was falling down you’re there to catch
You guided me and helped me ease the pain
My dear, you taught me how to love the rain.
Ottava Rima
A Ottava Rima is a poem written in 8-line octives. Each line is of a 10 or 11 syllable count in the following rhyme:

one octive poem .abababcc
two octive poem. abababcc, dededeff
three octive poem. abababcc, dededeff, ghghghii on and so on

*This is a one octive poem
Ottar Mar 2015
Clouds close off the sky as droplets fall from high
Traffic doesn't slow down as my foot falls pound
Wind lifts dried dead leaves, trees wave goodbye
Timing is right as raindrops stop before the ground
Roadway is still wet, spots cover my "four eyes"  
No pain in the knees easy pace arms move up and down
Sadness has caught me, running even at my shoulder
Sweating from the exertion the warmth is turning colder
Breon Mar 2018
I offer no defense of my hidden sin,
Not when it wastes a fragment of eternity
In frivolous expenditure, stretched so thin
Across another vast, sprawling century.
And if I would - if I were - where to begin
This tour of a macabre private gallery?
All things, even this one, have their beginnings:
Thus, my humble collection's underpinnings.

Called to this divine vocation, I set out
Each time I encountered one who, crafting art,
Demanded my attentions. Please: never doubt
The truth of my intentions; my swelling heart
Adores them, falls in love as they sing or spout
Their lifeblood inspiration. Stepping apart
From all of this, don't stare so miserably!
Can I be blamed for working literally?

I love them, one and all, and here I curate -
Safe from all the ravagings of time, if not
Precisely speaking safe from my own mandate -
The workings and workers who inspired such thought,
Such incisive action. I lay them in state
With tender care, never sold and never bought.
Perhaps a glance at my favorite pieces
Might reassure you? My latest releases?

Observe the cuts into copper, engraving
Her fury, her passion into the cold plates!
How torturous, yes? She recalled it, raving,
Having sought me out to deny the ingrates
Assailing her solitude, as a craving.
I preserved her passion. Here, her works’ mates:
The roses she treasured etched into the hard bone
Of her shoulder-blades and skull, instead of stone.

But so few beloveds grace my humble home
Despite my voracious eye surveying scores
Of likely lovers - artful, otherwise - some
Lacking, left uninvited. Those I adore,
I long to beckon close - close as you now come.
Join me? There's more to show you, so much more,
And I hope you'll linger tonight, to dine.
I've just the thing for an artist who loves wine…
The request: "write something about a monster who does all her killing because she's genuinely trying to help people." As always, I'm fixated on muses. Apologies to Browning.
Richard j Heby Sep 2012
I found a bud,
among nothing but grass
in my garden mud,
which has not been tended as
it should.
But to pass
and awe in this flower’s beauty
is the sentient’s only duty:

to stop and to admire
as we do
with a house on fire;
and you
who bring my being to a place higher
than anywhere a thought can to –
but still you are a notion,
a sight with which my mind is in motion:

a controlled
chaos, that causes
speech slowed,
implausibly placed words, and losses
of thought. I mowed
the grasses
where I found the budding flower,
and no longer think of beauty’s deep power.
Breon Apr 2018
Let's bask atop this spinning stone
Where sun-glow sears the soles and skin
Until it reaches bleaching bone
And kisses it 'til wearing thin.
Let's savor summer's coming-home
As if it never will again.
The heatwave scorches off our fears
And sets us free. Scream joy and tears.

The blacktop, lapping at your heels
Like hellhounds barking out dog days;
The noonday shadows' faint appeals
All stifled in the phoenix blaze;
The April blossoms wilt and peel.
Their season's passed. They cannot stay,
Not while the sun is in its power,
We'll watch them die within the hour.
I hate summer. Spring may be the kindest season, but autumn seems more honest.
Breon Mar 2018
Our encounter begins, O glass of amber,
With your trembling surface inviting my lips,
your glass's simple flare; I may be no gambler,
But I see you quake as glass meets fingertips,
And you're not all sweetness - you'll change my timbre
Certainly enough - my gentle grip you nearly slip
As I survey your amber surface, raising you
Just high enough to sample from your bitter dew.

I cannot begin to wonder just how long
We've spent embracing each other, all wrapped up
And tangled together - I see I belong
To you as much as you to me - in my cups,
That desperate, furtive hunger spins a song
From my whispers: the way you've bound me up,
The way you draw me down, your bite on my tongue:
Your every breath invades me, fills my lungs.

In our time, we'll grind each other down to dust
Dissolving in that weary, seething flavor
Shot through every lingering of lips; I trust
My temperance will tire you - still, let's savor
These summer days, their mists ensuring the rust
Which withers us to nothing - In all, I favor
You against my lips, your fire dispelling cool:
In reason, in temperance, I turn the fool.
I'm not the first to chase this creature down, and I'm sure I won't be the last.
Breon May 2018
Here, where your searing body pressed close to mine
Puts Vulcan's furnaces' heat to frigid shame,
Where crashing sun-showers rinse away the brine
Of held hands, shared secrets and our glancing games,
Where fleeing through rainy May and summer wine
Brings together close encounters, whispered names;
Here, more as two than just ourselves, **** the cares
And **** remembering what awaits out there...

There, far away from home, hemorrhaging heat,
Left to my own hollowed-out devices
Where the concrete jungle strangles every street,
Leaving lives wilted and dry, no surprises
Where novelty passes for a catchy beat:
Here, alone, all identity is crisis.
The wasteland surrenders in time, have no fear;
With my eyes shut, I can see the path back here...
Sometimes it's hard to remember why I get out of bed when she's still there.
Breon Nov 2018
Will you - your sun's inferno burning bright,
Your radiance demanding all the sky -
Reach down a blessed fingertip, tonight?
Will hands know how to meet as you and I
Lock eyes and blind each other with our light?
Let darkness fall. Burn me, your firefly.
The gods will have the sacraments they claim.
These words, an offering, burn just the same.

And will you turn your moonlit face from me?
Will midnight mystery reclaim your smile,
As silver starlight fades to reverie
Until the sky hangs empty, mile for mile?
If I must spend my sight, myself, to see,
At least we burn with your exclusive style.
What shades of you remain are paradise -
A shame I won't bear witness to you twice.
As prompted by a fellow poet.
nicholas ripley May 2010
So instinctively
A working class classicist
That his shopping lists,
Though composed as ottava
Rima's, always contained slang
(c) N. Ripley 2010
Dan Hess Aug 2019
Now I am bleeding in my open heart
I've taken stead in changing what is me
Yet now I've found it's tearing me apart
Without an open soul, I can't be free
Constricting myself within my own art
And only hoping now, in reverie
To break the chains of fate that hold me down
Expand my aching mind and turn around

I've listened to the echoed voices, droning
Taken their words to heart, and made a change
I will make use of the advice they're loaning
And herein attempt to broaden my range
So, it is, humility I'm owning
Incredulous poor me, so often strange
Weakly worn, terrifyingly exposed
To try my hand at writing things in prose
Dan Hess Jan 2020
Joy can be found in depths of solitude
An inward peace in seeing thy deeper mind
By silent mind, generate such fortitude
When open eyes surrender to being blind
For in the foreign dark lay thy attitude
Whence seeing, what be apart, might show thy kind
Where unto thy own gazing observeth heart
By light, might in darkness, self unfolded start

— The End —