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Skyy Blu May 2016
OOOOOOOOO- U- Kissed me....Made me- high, now I'm shedding my skin for you boy! You, got me..... Me-Ole-My---I really wanna put-it-on-ya! You-Said..... You, knew the way..... gonna take me deeper---- I give you all my lace....and now I'm bound in leather---- OOOOOO-I- Like-It! Boy.... Come make it rain..... Taste-It..... Spank-Me..... Call-My-Name! OOOO-I-Like-It..... Do-It-Deeper..... Daddy-Again...... OOOOOO-I-Like-It...... I- Like-It....... OOOOO_ I-Like-It.
DiamondGirl Aug 2014
I get attached to words
Printed words
Written words
Words typed on a typewriter
Words of love written in smooth black ink...
But most of all  

I get attached to the honey soaked words that flow so sweetly from your delicious lips.

Those are the sticky sweet words that
Attached to my heart
and other parts.
Donall Dempsey Oct 2015
the dark deepens
the tiny candle holds its breath
dives under the night's waters

halfway across
the little universe of a room
the candle drowns

& I am left
bereft at the bottom
of nothingness

I feel my self to see
if:I am...still here
if:I...still exist

I think I do
therefore I am
...I. . .think

"ooooOOOO!" cries the wind
pretending its a ghost
the trees snicker

"OOOOoooo!" cries the ghost
pretending to be the wind
the trees snicker

"...& if I die before I. . ."
I hurl the prayer
at the blackness

a-not-put-away shoe
catches me by the foot
I fall. . .

"Come to my arms!"
the bed mumbles
I tumble into its embrace

suddenly sleep seizes me
"Come with me..." sleep whispers
I make my escape

safe inside
a snore
the dark don't worry me no more

in the morning the sun
throws lances of light
at the retreating dark

the shadows flee
in desperate disarray
make a last stand behind the mirror

on the floor
a dead candle
with a right big toe(imprint)

the sun advances
the shadows' slaughter
emperor of light...conqueror of morning
Arcassin B Apr 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Wine cooler out the fridge I just poored it in a cup,
I know you've been having second thoughts asking me questions like I'm giving up,
But not on you,
Can't get enough of you,
Would travel south for you,
On a bus right now for you,
Too many people are not fond of you,
Depression kicked in hard like a flying locomotive,
Physical deaths make my stomach turn,
No, I do not know what is your motive,
Turn around and smiled,
Lesson learned,
Have you by any chance heard of that lately,
Too many blankets will do you greatly,
Bet you'll feel comfy tonight.
Kyle Ray Smith Nov 2016
Ladies and Gentlemen, Today I am Taking You to an Amusement Park.
You Know It? It’s right between Bastardville and LonelyTown.

My favorite ride is depression, it goes so far down!
Abuse is like a Kiddie Ride.
The Bully Stand has the best Food imaginable.

Oooooooo, or have you been to The Freak Show?
It’s by the Broken Home Balloon Stand.
Ooooo, The tension on insecurity, and G-Force on Divorce will drive you WILD.

I love the Rejection food stand, they have some delicacies like the slit wrist salad bar, or even the starvation sandwich.

Shall I Go On?
The final ride is called SUICIDE, often times it breaks down, but when you ride it you won’t want to leave....
REAL Jan 2014
telling me your eyes have turned to
strawberry fields
and you brain melting Through your ears
creating a pool
that take you to a new world
filling your bones with with music notes
so that all you breath is music
and the feeling happy
and i couldn't possibly knowwhat your thinking
but i know when your eyes look towards me
you silently whisper
" i hate him"
Say all you want
its just a drug to my mind
making me fly
so to the moon pool
of tears from love
all i do is relax
with the stars telling me there secret
"how to shine"

ooooOOoo have you ever felt this
you know that feeling
where you dont care
giving your mind numbness

and the feeling of kissing
the one you want to
wraps your stringy arms around

the feeling  of soft skin...
sked Jun 2013
There he is!
The man in the suit and tie!
Grab him!  Tackle him!
Strip him of all his clothes!
He's indignant!  Look at his face!
****** pound him!
Pound his ****** face in the dirt!
Slam it!  Slam his head!
Against the pavement!
SLAM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Claw his back!
Scrape every lair of skin off him!
Nails aren't enough!
Give me the knife!
OOOOOOOO look at the little man cwy!
There are more of us than there are of you!
And that's why you mean nothing!
Skin him!  Skin him! Skin him!
**** it hurry and skin the ******!
So we can move on!
**** him!  **** him! **** him!
Shove it up his ***!
Look at him cry!
Is he begging?!!!
Beg more *****!
I want you to beg!
Beg for death!
Beg for it *****!
BEG FOR IT!!!!!!!!
Hahahahah you convince me!
Bash his head in!
Look at his brains split open!
It's all over the pavement!
We won my friends!
Today was a victory for the masses!
Now we can go home victorious!
Raise our ****** fists to the sky!
Today was a proud day for us all!
DiamondGirl Sep 2014
Your touch lingers on my skin
For a long time
Your taste stays with me for hours
Your love is powerful
Evanescence Oct 2015
The room seems like a palace
Made of glass and gel
You’ll never learn the truth
Until a tour of nine circles of hell

Mommy you have no idea
You trust so much on my utopia
They say the fault is in our stars
And now I’ve become a monster
Yes a monster….yes….yes a monster….

May be a blood bad wolf
Hunting an angel rabbit
Love’s death in a midnight run
Oh no, you can’t endure my heat

Daddy you have no idea
The hollow moon have become a trader
My name, I’ve given to gangsters
And now I’ve become a monster
Oh yes I’ve become a monster…..

People can’t get into the iron heart
Cause it’s locked now part by part
People talk behind ‘cause they
Can’t even understand….oh noooo….
They can’t even understand…..
That this monster had also a heart once
Made of emotions and Ooooo… so much pain
Now it breaks free the chain of marks
And yes, now it’s become a monster….
A monster….a monster…..
i carved out a place for us
two abreast
clutching the other
palms touching

ive been whispering to you
but that kind of voice goes no louder
i tap you on that shoulder
and you spin around
while i grin

i thought you knew that
i was going to trick you
at any single cost
i had nary a single idea
that you would cross your arms
and stomp the rest of the way
through the forest
over the path that i cut

how big do you want your bouquet?
forget it.
let me just weave this one into your hair.

wanna skip?
im a skipping champion!


uh, wanna climb that tree???
look at those limbs!

bugs, huh?

ummm, lets sit on the forest floor
just to pray
for the two of us.
lets do that

dont believe in god?

me either

i guess we could turn around
the sun isnt yet down
and i can still see the road
but we have come too far
im thinking its not in our best interest
just a bit more
i hear the other side is
MUCH more charming

get on my back
i got this

shoulders then
thats it!
the view is WAAAY better up there
this poem contains swears and atheism but i guess you know that now
jeffrey robin Apr 2014
() ()

It all depends where we actually are


I mean

You must have realized that you are falling in
So prematurely
So hurtfully

Because you have been brainwashed
And are being emotionally destroyed
On purpose

Right ?

( Right ?!)

It all depends where we actually are


On earth

Does NOT mean

Being assigned to a slave labor camp
A loony bin

Right ?


It all depends where we actually are


We are always encouraging others to be like ourselves
That is our born duty

Now what is it you want me to do
With this here razor blade?


It depends on where we actually are


What degree of hell are you talking about?


Where do YOU think you are?
Rochelle Foles Mar 2019
          she let go oooooooo

the grand canyon
                                   would overflow

so she painstakingly

        an impenetrable fortress
        to guard what once was
                                           an open
                                           freely loving heart

parapets and towers abounded
        higher ground
        first sight
                                          smoke billowed
                                          in warning

                                          gates barred
                                          archers flaming lethal weapons
                                          poised and ready

                                          catapults silently loaded
                                          and aimed

intuition hyper vigilant

                                         as she isolates herself

                                         prepared to ward off


                                        perceived enemies
                                        whose intent
                                        evidenced by ropes and picks

is to

                                       stealth fully cross the moat
                                       scale the tower

                                       and unloose the chaos she so vigilantly protects


look a little deeper, ask the hard questions.  you can never tell from the outside what is taking it’s toll on the squishy parts of a person.
Skyy Blu Apr 2016
OOOOOOOO-U-Kissed Me..... Made me high, now I'm shedding my skin for you--- boy! You got me, My-Ole-My--- I really wanna put-it-on-ya! You said.... You, Knew the way.....gonna take me deeper--- I give you all my lace.....and now I'm bound in leather----- OOOOO-I-Like-It!! Boy.... Come, make it rain..... Taste-It..... Spank-Me..... Call- My-Name! OOOOO- I-Like-It... Do-It- Deeper.... Daddy-Again..... OOOO-I-Like-It...... I- Like-It.
Skyy Blu Jun 2016
I like being alone..... I also like your hands all-over-my-body. I can't breath-- thinking about you touching me....OOO--- I get so high thinking about what you do--- when I--- Give into you. The stars are all aligned..... I want you-- give it to me..... Lets grind. I want to taste you---- I want you to taste mine.... Strawberry Shortcake so divine. Drink-It.... Move your face deeper into it... Let your tongue find the **** ****--- kiss- go deep on it..... OOOO! I'm about to go---- no! Bring the depth---- yes.... ram  deep in it..... That's what it's made-for... make me scream.....Pull, My hair....I'm a rider... I'm--- about to take you there. OOOOOOOOO! Make-Me-Go....... OOOOOOOO! Make-Me-Go!
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
Andrew Greeley enlightening
On Springsteen
And he prayed
Thy will be done

In his Imagination
God is a
Truly Beautiful Woman

And like Rumi
He sincerely believed
That the person
Who has seen
A truly beautiful woman
Had seen a glimpse of God

Her eyes shine like
(Because they created)
The Midnight Sun

OOOOOOOO She's the One.

She's the One, yeah!

She's the One!
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
Andrew Greeley enlightening
On Springsteen
And he prayed, Thy will be done

In his Imagination
God is a Truly Beautiful Woman
And like Rumi
He sincerely believed
That the person who has seen
A truly beautiful woman
Has seen a glimpse of God

Her eyes shine like
(Because they created)
The Midnight Sun

OOOOOOOO She's the One!

She's the One, yeah!

She's the One!
nvinn fonia Nov 2024
oooooooo look at all those empty pages 1000 of them here

— The End —