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snarkysparkles Sep 2015
when i told people in my first block class at school, a science class, that my favorite movie was straight outta compton, they all laughed.
and i guess i understood why. im a little white girl that was wearing a skirt that day. okay, so thats nice.
i guess i cant like things because i live in a pretty nice neighborhood and im white and im a girl.
but guess what.
i like straight outta compton because i understand the people part of it. like oh god.
i used to love going to the movies because i could escape my reality, which ***** more than people know because i dont tell them things sometimes, but i havent enjoyed a movie in years because every reality in my life has completely taken over and defeated me.
but maybe i like straight outta compton so much because for the first time in years, i actually connected with something that felt real to me.
yeah ok, its just a movie.
but watching the movie, i got to meet these characters and they became my friends. i dont care about how lame that is.
this is a poetry site. look at all the angst. and my gosh, look at that fourth wall i just broke.
ice cube is my friend. ren is my friend. yella too. all my friends, and i watched them get shoved to the ground outside their own recording studio.
because they were black.
and sitting in the movie theatre seat in my nice neighborhood in my white skin, i cried.
i cried my eyes out, because those actors onscreen were telling me a story in the personas of these new friends of mine.
i cried when eazy found out he had aids. just when nwa was about to get back together.
it was like watching a personal potential victory slip right between my fingers. it felt so close.
and i watched his body shake in agony. eazy cried. he had months to live.
in my white skin in my nice movie seat in my nice neighborhood where ive never had to watch anyone die, i cried because in that moment, all of it was real to me.
you cant explain something like that, not even to your friends.
in my nice neighborhood where there arent streetwalkers and people doing coke and peoples houses getting rammed down by the cops, my friends dont want to listen to nwa because of all the cussing.
and i think, there is so much that you miss if you initially reject it because you dont like it, because you think that it hurts your character.
hear no evil, see no evil.
you dont want the cussing floating around in your head.
its bad. its sinful.
but my gosh, its only words.
i dont think that eazy wanted the doctors diagnosis in his head.
i dont think that he wanted to deal coke and get almost caught by the police. i think he wanted to stay in the safe neighborhood with me in the nice movie seats crying about some other character on the screen that had their dreams crushed and their life taken.
i dont think that ice cube wanted to be taken advantage of by his manager.
i dont think i would like that either.
i dont like that people think that my friend, ice cube, isnt as smart as the little white girl in her biotechnology class. people might look down on him because hes black, or because gangsta rap made him do it, or because he didnt come from the nice neighborhood with the movie theater that i was crying in because my friends were being beaten.
maybe im crazy for saying this, but....i think maybe the movies arent supposed to always entertain us or make political statements or educate us or wow us with light shows.
maybe theyre meant to give us new perspectives we dont get because we live in nice neighborhoods with our movie theaters and our friends nwa that dont get to live here because they came from compton and got thrown in jail because they used their right to freedom of speech or got aids and died.
my friends werent all good. they did drugs and abused women, and im not okay with that, but i love them anyway, yknow?
because theres just one type of folks. not real or fictional, not actors and audience, not black and white.
just folks.
just friends.
Waverly Feb 2012

AND ****,
A ******

AND DON'T DO ****,



I see death around the corner.
phil Aug 2018
i met this girl when i was 5 years old,
and what i love most she had so much soul.
her vibe was cooler than rock and roll,
gotta say she had me feeling some type of way
i knew our relationship would grow to be big
she can be aggressive at times, which i kinda dig
be careful with what you say to her, cause shes got an attitude NWA would prefer.
I knew she was no one to **** with like the Wu
but to me shes been nothing but sweet
when i truly listen to when she speaks, its almost like she makes me feel complete
she exposed me to a new culture of afrocentricity, it opened my eyes to a whole new level of creativity
i fell in love with the things i heard, it was her elaborate spoken word.
her story is never borin', cause she be tellin' my whole life with her words like Lauryn
i know we come from a different way of life, but it doesn't seem to matter cause she's just my type
she had me singing songs from "hey ya", to the funky soul of de la.
she picked me up when i was down, she was there for me, when no one else was around
she was there to wipe my tears away, she always knows the right thing to say.
she always told me what i needed to hear
with her i have nothing to fear. she relaxes me when i'm around any one peer
shes made me want to learn and gain more knowledge.
to be honest ive learned more from her than any course in college
we didn't always get along
she wouldn't say it, but i could see something was wrong
we just couldn't relate, emotions smothered with hate.
i figured we needed a break
we needed to see what others had to offer
some came my way, but i still couldn't keep my mind off her.
i thought maybe we were done
my feelings were gone
taken out by Ms. Badu with "Mama's Gun."
but she reached out and we reconnected, and instantly those feelings were resurrected. I can't explain it, its like our souls are connected.
i missed her intelligence, and could feel it just being in her presence
i saw who i fell in love with was actually still there
we don't always see eye to eye, but truthfully i don't really care
we are together, and creating a better bond with each other
on the list of all the things i love, she climbed her way to the Tip-Top, theres no one else above
she goes by many names, but i just call her Hip-Hop
Yo its two thousand fifteen
And i still aint seen
No ******' progress
I wonda why i gotta keep a gat
And a vest

Fools aint playin' no more
I see the govs ready to score
They say pain is temporary
But how? When its so many in the cemetery

Loved ones and fallen ones
Im still eatin' bread crumbs
Off the floor tryna find the key to unlock the door

To my mind but im blind
Ask the Lord for sunshine

MY moms aint feelin' me
But i got my homies
N a pistol with me

I see visions at night
Im dead at least thats what my undertake said
******* homie?? Im feelin' lonely
My mind playin' tricks on meeeee

Next day i feel under the weather
Hopin' it'll get alittle better
Day dreamin' about last night
Still thinkin' its the reaper in my sight

Shake my head stand tall but i aint scared
So my family sends the preacher through
And tells me to tell him what im goin through
He said i need to go to church
But thats *******
Im havin' a spiritual fit
Cuz i just cant cope all that biblical ****

He says im wrong
I say **** him
And i grab the ****
Playin' ol gangsta *** songs
NWA ICe cube n Eazy E
Its soo sweet
Turn it up check the bass in the beat

As i fall asleep damnnb homie
My mind playin' tricks on meeee

Yo now im sleepin'
Here he comes the demon peepin'
Is it me?
Or my conscious speakin' to me?

Evil thoughts conflictin' war
All my enemies i see them in gore
Then of a sudden i ask the lord
What the **** am i hear for??
Tears running down mamas cheek
I wake up but i cant speak
Peep through the ******' window
Take another hit of the indo
I see myself lookin' at myself
Layin' in a casket

I drop the blunt then a flew
Try to rush and look for my crew
But they dead too
Walk througj the shadow of death
Take a deep breath
As my consciousness left
Suddenly I woke up in a scream
Touch myself n seen my cream

On the dresser i fill refresh sa
Im in a cold sweat
Called up my homies?
They right by me
And i said got **** homie
I had a bad dream
But all this time my mind
Was playin' tricks on meeeee
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2014
I was born wrapped in a black body bag.... They call that to lighten my appearance they try to remember me as a white outline.. chalked......upon asphalt.... and say it was this *** fault.... I was only known as an A...4.0 but I never made the cut... as I got my first F....Foolish Acts....Of being born Black... Or Incomplete...As I lay holed in the street...I hate the facts...that I will be a *****...even tho I know better...But my Ipod teaches me to ***** better... to be a NWA....a ***** with Attitude.... Not a NWP....a Negus With Pride... So I walk in stride... influenced like my ancestors... by music...rhythm and beats... See the devil knows what you'll bop to... rock to... So he muffled the sounds of Love and Peace...and Boosted the way of the streets... hoods.. and Lifeless...  So that You would automatically see me as ratchetness... When I could have grew to be the very definition of peace... Now I'm just another problem... and you'll never see me as a victim... only the agitator...because You've listed to the same beats, watched the same feeds and ingested all the fabrications as truths...They have taken it to far making the stereotypes WorldStars  And All I ever did was become what you wanted me to be in the first place....A Pale Lifeless outline of white Dust....That you will inhale without justice... #IamBrown
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
I love to hear the songs my mother listened to...
For when she was advising
that was what was playing...
"The love and happiness"
That Al Green stuff.
That stevie wonder,
Off the Wall,
Fat Luther Stuff
I want to hear a band
back up a love ballad...
Because When My mother advised
She showed me good music....

But now my uncle had a baby
A real NWA
sowing his seed
to that "face down *** up thats the way I like to...."
and well thats what he advised
because all throughout the house
it was "All the way live"
And now my cousin got a baby...
Two Chains sounds way better than One..
And since muppet babies don't come on
the lil man hears Wacka Flacka Flame
When the radio comes on
See the labels say it best
Parental advisory
So the music they suggest
will be what rules
Cedric McClester Nov 2017
By: Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2017

Am I dating myself
With these words out my mouth?
See, I remember a time
When we flashed the peace sign
And called one another
Sister and brother
Seems we’ve gone sour
On acquiring black power
And black on black crime
Is the new paradigm
When we look in the mirror
It becomes much more clearer
That we hate what we see
Although that shouldn’t be
Remember freedom marches
Before the golden arches

Then ****** entered in
And we start popin’ our skin
Before we shot it straight into our veins
Which probably explains
Why we regressed
Long before the present opioid mess
It was ****** first,
But then it got worst
So let me take you back
To the era of crack
When a nickel or dime
Could trigger a crime
And what really hurt you
Is the women who lost their virtue
But I’m not absolving the men
Who’d engage in all kinds of sin

I remember gangster rap
And how that set the trap
Which brought the stress and strife
From tryna live that gangster life
Then the East Coast West Coast war
That didn’t exist before
Remember when Biggie and Tupac were friends?
Instead of how their story ends
They’ire a classic group today
But I remember when NWA
Used to pull out all stops
When they sang **** the cops
And chronicled their lives
Called their girlfriends and their wives
All kinds of ******* and ******
Then would dance down on all fours

Now let me bring you up to date
Would it be wrong for me to state?
When it was our problem alone
It was the prisons we were shown
There was little sympathy don’t cha see
When it  was just you and me
Who said they had a problem
There were few out there to solve ‘em
But opioids are everywhere
And it’s a disease now, so I hear
That crosses all socio-economic lines
Now there are many telltale signs
It’s now called an opioid disorder
Past the inner city border
And the word is harm reduction
Instead of out and out destruction

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
It's been awhile since I've liked anything

Pac died

One of the Krazies turned Christian
The sickest of the sickmade is laying in a hospital bed.
They made a movie about nwa
And it made hella money
made me laugh

I remember when they banned them from the radio.
I remember when I had to sneak and listen to my sister's tape
the technique of the immortal one remains strong

On a cloud I called grown
I meditated with my blackness
had relations with the blues
made love to R&B;
accepted Jazz as my personal musical savoir.


I never forgot
my first

I never fell out of love with
my first


everything new
except a few
was just *******

then one day
high up
floating on that grown cloud
I got confused.
I knew what I saw but
I dint know they made sound
One day

I heard a butterfly

© Christopher F. Brown 2015
PaperclipPoems Feb 2016
Something about this liquor
Drowns you out
Good bye--

Something about this liquor
Makes me turn on NWA
I feel more at home--

Something about this liquor
Puts a genuine smile on my face
And a light hearted giggle in my laugh

So don't bother me
I need a break.
Away from everything else.
I've missed the old me
And this is the only place where she and I can come to reconnect.
Back to part two
O ya thought i was through
Im not through with you
Break down your crew
Leave em stuck like glue
No clue
My mind surpasses the highest IQ
Of the wisest scientist
Aint no defyin' this im ludicrous
But at the same time perilous and mysterious
Watch how quick my reaction bust
Im a demi god evil as ******
My syndication thicker than
Louisana fog my mind jogs
Faster than the speed of light
Blast through rhymes like a rocket flight
That means outta space
Get it naw forget it
By the time u catch on you'll
Be admitted
Doing intensive surgery and the clergy
Prepared for ya weak will an.eulogy
My philosophy is embraced with agony
Suffering n pain i go against the grain
Harder than *******
In the pauper neighborhood
You wish you could
Flow like me like mike everybody
Wanna be like me picture me
On mt olympus spittin' flows ridiculous
Even had the dead hearing us
rolling in graves
My fiery tongues leave ya skin scorned
And grazed like in the last days
Urgin' for ya soul to be saved
Im not well behaved
I radiate the sun with my own beam rays
******* go astray everday they jam K
But dont know im a protege of him
So they just lay
Low waiting for my.blow
hit ya harder than tyson combined with tsunami in japan
Makin' money that surpasses the average man
King Solomon heir entice terror of the new era
Step into my cage i dare ya
I go through propellers without touchin'
Double clutchin'
My grips on  money so it aint nothing
Always into something
Like nwa all for gun play
Im the seed of demon feedin' on your territorial region
Leave your country bleedin'
I was banned from the garden of Eden
Who do you believe in??
God or me none can pass me
Blast me and I'll split up to three
I'm trinity
God the father and the son the dangerous
One infinite continuum
By the time you'll figure out
You'll still he lost in my magnificent
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2020
**** the Police

And the Demagogue
Like Ancient Greece

The American Empire
Bound to Fall

And as well
Trump's Border Wall

White the white boys cry
Don't come at all

Just bury them
In their racist stall
Nkwuka Kosi Jan 2017
I can see.
Flood of tears streaming down your delicate face.
Your rosy life replaced by a topsy turvy one faught with failure.
Filled with disappointments that have deprived you of precious sleep.
Laden with bouts of miscarriages and recurring rounds of ailments.

I can hear;
The deep groans you utter in your anguish.
The whimper you wish to suppress every time the belt of your supposed better half touches you.
The deep breaths you take before going into the doctors office,
And the bitter cry when you are tagged unfruitful by your mother in law.

Nwa nnem.
Jide Chukwu Ike.
Move away from that bottle and make your way towards His temple.

With a little belief, approach His temple.
With a little strength, kneel at His feet.
With a genuine heart, thank Him for the times of plenty.
With a sincere heart, pour out your heart in prayers.
With a determined resolve, make a vow or seed offering to Him.

Naught more I can say.
Much more He can do.

For He is Jehovah overdo.
Surprising Sarah with a child in her old age.
Granting Esther favour in the sight of her peoples overlords
Using a little boy in David to bring victory to his nation.

Just believe auntie.
All will be well uncle.
He shall fight for you and you will hold your peace.
Raquie Oct 2017
Your sun on my breast

2 glasses of tequila,
After we put him to bed...

Herbal wrapped in tobacco then tucked in paper.
Hits smoother than you in your prime.
I'm high in no time.

Tryna school the NWA on chakras, intimacy, & community.

I can tell you're fantasizing what you want to do to me.

I want to want you like you want me

I'm aware that it's unhealthy.

So I locked my womb & swallowed the key.

Blessed the bottle with my touch, glasses clank, & our fingers touch.

Grape seed Oil & Mango scent

Massaging you with great intent.

You love me now & I am content

Your phone rings & now I'm on *******.

Call me jealous, I call me hurt.

You massage my back & I can tell you feel lucky

I can tell you still love me

& I love me too

So ******* , like I once loved you.

Both wondering how we got back here, as we lay in each other's arms.

My intuition alarmed but I'm in control. I am forgiving , I am alive, sacredly living.

It's you who be haunted. It's you who try flaunting.

I see right through you like crystal waterfalls

I stand in the water , as you reach a hand through from the hidden cave

Around you, vast darkeness that can't be explained

You try to pull me in with your rage
But nevermore will I tolerate child's play
I walked away

These last shots we took,
Made me bulletproof.
Bodowzski Jun 2017
From records to cassettes, CDs to Blu-rays.
Jam Master Jay to Jay, from NWA to Kanye.
From white tees to peacoats,
Nikes to Reeboks.
From durags on hoodrats,
From gang signs to hangtimes.
From brothers who spent time,
To those who spat rhymes.
Mad love to whose who spent time on their grind.
I'm part of the Foundation, they call me the blueprint.
You're welcome to walk the talk, if the
shoe fits.
No-one admitted to putting the game to shame,
So who did?
I'm asking one more time, so who did?

I'm trying to hack away the chains that bind so tightly to this game.
But when I'm done, someone else will put the clasp on her wrists again.
Feels like I need to get her sins pardon by the president.
Nothing has ever been
The same. Ever since
Hip Hop was incarcerated, I had been
grieving ever since.
She is on the death row.
Death crowed,
every night.
Scythe in hand, still by the window.
She ain't fazed, though.
Got jumped more times than a trampoline.
Point blank with a 5.4".
With her eyes closed,
She heard Icewater
in her mind, soul.
Her eyes watered,
as she let go.
Cedric McClester May 2022
By: Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2017

Am I dating myself
With these words out my mouth?
See, I remember a time
When we flashed the peace sign
And called one another
Sister and brother
Seems we’ve gone sour
On acquiring black power
And black on black crime
Is the new paradigm
When we look in the mirror
It becomes much more clearer
That we hate what we see
Although that shouldn’t be
Remember freedom marches
Before the golden arches

Then ****** entered in
And we start popin’ our skin
Before we shot it straight into our veins
Which probably explains
Why we regressed
Long before the present opioid mess
It was ****** first,
But then it got worst
So let me take you back
To the era of crack
When a nickel or dime
Could trigger a crime
And what really hurt you
Is the women who lost their virtue
But I’m not absolving the men
Who’d engage in all kinds of sin

I remember gangster rap
And how that set the trap
Which brought the stress and strife
From tryna live that gangster life
Then the East Coast West Coast war
That didn’t exist before
Remember when Biggie and Tupac were friends?
Instead of how their story ends
They’ire a classic group today
But I remember when NWA
Used to pull out all stops
When they sang **** the cops
And chronicled their lives
Called their girlfriends and their wives
All kinds of ******* and ******
Then would dance down on all fours

Now let me bring you up to date
Would it be wrong for me to state?
When it was our problem alone
It was the prisons we were shown
There was little sympathy don’t cha see
When it  was just you and me
Who said they had a problem
There were few out there to solve ‘em
But opioids are everywhere
And it’s a disease now, so I hear
That crosses all socio-economic lines
Now there are many telltale signs
It’s now called an opioid disorder
Past the inner city border
And the word is harm reduction
Instead of out and out destruction

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2017.  All rights reserved.
Seb Tha Guru Feb 2020
The more that I love, the more that I hurt.
The more that I bleed, the less that I’m worth.
I hustled for mine.
Built from the dirt.
The more that I lie, the more that I curse.

The more that I need her, the more she won’t stay.
I live in the dark.
I stayed out the way.
Bitter, but only at times of the day.
Now my initials NWA.

Now I want it all.
I want revenge.
Take it to God.
Forgiving my sins.
I want to be one.
I want to be love.
I want to be young.
I outgrew my friends.

Now I’m harder to break.
I’m harder to shake.
My poems are wack.
You can’t relate.
I’m tired of hate.
I’m tired of snakes.
I was the dreamer that stayed awake.

I’m holding a grudge.
They want me to fall.
They want me to starve.
I see that facades.
They said it was love, so I wished on a star.
They wanted my soul.
They gave me my scars.

The more that I try, the more that I cry.
I’m aiming for heads, I don’t need a why.
I put that on my team.
The logo’s a tree.
A successors revenge.
It’s all growing from me.
He blows his nose on tablecloths
And wipes his *** with the decorative hand towel hanging on the rod
Then, he tries to flush it
Overflows the toilet, but hides his ****** evidence
He brings a boom box into church to listen to ol’ ***** ******* and NWA
He gets ejected from libraries because he wanks off into encyclopedias
He wears cleats on the basketball court
He turns the batteries over in every remote he encounters
He drives around neighborhoods in the summer, blasting ice cream truck music, carrying no ice cream, or even ice
He covers rocks with snow, and throws “snowballs” at little kids
He secretly walks up behind old ladies and puts gum in their hair
He dines and dashes at every restaurant, after being incredibly rude to the waitstaff
He puts superglue on flies, and dangles them in front of frogs
He brings dandelions wherever he goes, so he can blow them all over every well-manicured lawn he sees
He takes all but the last four squares of toilet paper out of every restroom he enters
He never refills the ice trays
He dumps all the juice out of the pickle container, and leaves the pickles with the lid off
He slits long openings into window screens
He cuts the wicks off too short on candles
He goes on the office morning coffee run, and gets everyone decaf
OK.  I’m lying
He doesn’t do any of those things
But he’s still a ****
For unnamed reasons
Babatunde Raimi Aug 2020
My light, my shining armour
My joy, the king of my jungle
In whose hands I burn like fire
My "Numero uno" Alpha Male
"Guy, I love you scatter"
"You see all these package, na you get am"
"No shelempa for you"

You turned me on, got me confused
Then you slowly pulled back and watched me
As I fell from the skies into your broad arms
Deliberately I delayed the kiss I earnestly yearned for
Because I wanted you to be my last everything
You sure didn't disappoint Sugar

My smootchie smootchie cutie pie
My Tarzan with whom I always feel secured
Our love cannot be separated by distance nor time
Neighte can race, tribe or religion stop our union
Because when I found you, I found me
I love you honey bunny, Kitty Cat

I caught the love bug when we first met
I'll tell the world about my Braveheart
My Merlin, My Super Hero and Tarzan
I bless you with the blessings of the breast
In blessings, you will be blessed and favoured
With me in your boat, it shall be liftings and testimonies galore

When I fall, I fall and love "yakata"
Just press my "Mumu button" and I'm yours
But you've got to do the needful My Love
Oh! How they mocked and laughed
And while they mocked I prayed like Hannah
Just one second to my shame You "Agbanilagbatan" showed up

My creamy yummy, milky shaky
My melting mozzarella and "tasansan tantalizers"
My king, my world, my everything
Forever I'll be your "Odozi-Oriaku"
Your one and only  "Asa Nwa", the  mother of your unborn children
I bless heavens the day our paths crossed
Becauss of a truth, "Chimamanda"

— The End —