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Shankar Pattabi Aug 2015
The Saga of battle face off between Arjuna & Karna.
Karna gets the Naga ashtra from the Lord Brahma.
The Naga ashtra arrow is set to hit the target without miss.

Arjun Chariot is Guided by Lord Krishna.
Arjun & Karna face to battle for the survival for the supremacy
Battle of best in the Kurukshetra between karna & Arjun
Arjun is know as the Best in the Bow.

But while the situation is different with karna with Naga Ashtra arrow.
Force of Arrow from bow making huge noise of impact in the wind.
With every arrow from bow of both are hitting in the mid air & collapsing

Karna lefts the Arrow of Naga ashtra & prays the Slogan to be effective
Arjun no answer to the arrow of Naga
Keeps quite & focus towards Lord Krishna
Lord krishna smiling replies to bow
Arjuna replies with angry Iam an Hero & can face with my Bow.
Karna with Big laughter speeds the Arrow of Naga towards Arjun.
The Naga Ashtra is a Destruction weapon in the world.
Naga Ashtra targets the Head of the Arjuna
Lord Krishna pushes the chariot by his thumb towards down earth

Arrow of Naga is straight towards Arjuna Head.
Lord Krishna Commands to bow the head down
Arjuna does so the arrow is supposed to hit the head with out miss.

Arrow is will not stop without hitting head.
Karana is eager to celebrate the Victory of best in Kurushetra
Lord Krishna hears the sound of hitting head
& Turns to see the What happened?

Lord Krishna says yes the arrow hit the head
Arjuna replies Lord Iam safe
According to Shastra Naga Ashtra hit the Head of Chariot
Karana will not able to reuse the Ashtra of Naga
as it has hit the Head of Chariot.
By this Arjuna Leaps wider angle to arrow the Bow
& the Bow lands on Karana chest.
The Battle of Big is won by Arjun in the period of Kurushetra.
Shankar Pattabi
Cielo Gebilaguin Dec 2010
I miss Naga City evenings and how I've been coaxed,
always gently,
to embrace her even if I was
to reek of alcohol before she retired.

Evenings always come and go, resembling one another
but never once tried to duplicate each other.

That Naga City dawn was a woman too.
My other lover, she was
the perfect concubine for a waning love for self,
under a Quince Martirez sky.
I went above the roof of my so-called humble home;
Don't think I'm feeling lonely just because I'm alone;
My older brother is present maybe he is fast asleep;
Even my friends and loved ones have dark secrets they hide and keep;

I don't mind I have done much worst than you can think of;
Honestly, it doesn't bother me, there are many crucial problems we need to solve;
If we keep our eyes closed then yes we can smile, laugh drowning ourselves in ecstasy with bliss;
That is fine with me if everyone can do it, but if we see what is truly happening around us and we have a beating heart, tears in our very eyes would not cease;

If I just want to do what I wanted I would love to be with the girl, the woman who saved me, maybe hopefully I honestly love;
But If horrible war and all the crazy things around the world are still going on, what's the sense of everything I'll do, please enlighten me those who hear me from above, all your blessings I'll grab;

If I'll inspire the younger generation will it work?
I have already made many unacceptable things I'm worst than a ****;
If I do good or bad in the standard of this world could it make everyone happy and smile?
I lived in the City of smiles, but can every people be truly happy in facing life's trials?

All the ugly, disgusting things I've done whatever they are I don't deny it;
Some of it makes me stupid, a good-for-nothing fool any word you're hungry to add, no good all bad,
and at times makes me lose hope and end the very life I have;
but no I'll embrace every experience I have and endure all the aftermath and still fight, I'll never quit;

Honestly, I'm tired of pleasing people, but deep inside I want to please that girl/woman who saved me;
And most of all the one who gave me my life the one who created me;
Other people call the Father I know God or whatever any other name for the source of all creation;
So if it's fine for you, whoever reading this let me call the one who created me, my Father the one I invoke if I need immense inspiration;

Forgive me if the words I use bother anyone of you;
Yes I know, I have trouble using them, if only you have a clue;
If I'll be true in everything I do and say;
Can every ear and heart handle it? If it's the answer to every problem will you follow each step of the way?

If I'll be a righteous pious zealous man with the grace of our Creator in just one snap overnight;
Would anybody follow me and do the same and leave all the wrongdoings which are unpleasing to every sensible rational being's sight?
Yes, I know every human being have their principles, ideologies whatever philosophy in living;
But in life and death situations you can truly see if what you are looking and standing for is worth dying;

Yes, it's easy to say words, sing songs, write poems, or whatever at this time and age;
But you can only know what is true if your very life is at risk and face your life's unpleasing page;
When I was younger I easily get into a rage and make a reckless decisions;
But now I can just act like I'm angry with good intentions;

Yes at times I get ****** when someone, anyone bothers me;
And at times I get so cold everything vanishes in my sight not a single soul worth for me to see;
At times I wish this world could be a paradise once more;
But at times when I get blinded I wish this world would tremble to its very core;

The things I say may appear so vicious and malicious;
Isn't we human beings capable of that, kindly answer that, and don't be pretentious;
In my experience it is true I could do the worst possible thing I can imagine;
I don't care if you list my name in every sin;

But no I still have hope and dreams for the future of our world and every living being staying in this place we are sharing;
Who the hell I am to make a change in this world, I know one thing in the vastness of creation I am nothing;
That is why I have nothing to gain or to lose;  
I could just do nothing and be safe and wait for my story to end or simply die but now I'll be reckless and say things I bottled up, forgive me if that is what I choose;

I say these things because I see and feel what is happening here and around;
Violence is just around the corner great or small even in our very selves it can be found;
I don't say these things to put anyone down or destroy people's hope;
I just say what is true, but we need to face it and hold on to that redemptive rope;

Many of us want solutions to the problems we encounter may they be great or small;
But when the answers to the problems are facing us, some of us run and roll;
Sorry, I'll say a ***** word influenced by a well-known country;
**** it I'll spend all day writing until I'll run out of words even If I will sound crazy;

Honesty I'm not comfortable using this English language;
I love to speak in my mother tongue or just be silent but I need to do what is needed in our time and age;
Writing this, whatever you may call this would not give me anything;
but who knows it can stir something, make bells ring;

The first concern that comes to my mind is the
extreme weather and war;
Let me think about what will I talk about first
cause both things can leave bitter scars;
Many of us are always in a hurry to go somewhere;
We use and ride vehicles or any transportation that pollutes the air just to mention a few and say yes we still care;

Oh! I want to say the ***** word! but can we be true to ourselves and swear to vanish into existence or simply die?
If we including you and me human beings with our endless activities are the cause of extreme weather conditions please to ourselves don't we lie;
Can we give up the things that contribute to the devastation of our planet our home?
Or settle for a half-*** lukewarm solution and wait for the worst then we all tremble to our very bones;

Let me ask, those who have homes or shelter you frankly love to spend your time staying in every day;
What will you do if a pest or anything is destroying it I ask this nicely anyway;
Likewise our common home our planet called earth do we honestly take care?
Or just open our eyes every time there is a calamity happening anywhere;

Then close our eyes once more when it seems peaceful and calm;
Knowing we're slowly gradually contributing to our world's injury, I don't express this to everyone but maybe some;
I don't know maybe I have already done unimaginable damage to our planet;
If so I'll face any consequences but please let us do the things needed to be done before we all fall and regret;

I don't forget I'm just passing by spending some time in this world of ours;
If I ask forgiveness and do nothing to solve the problems, It's better to die or stay behind bars;
Let's not play dumb, we know we human beings are so intelligent;
Isn't human beings invented things that could destroy our world does that sound excellent?

Let us learn and go back to history what occur to that country Japan;
If that emerges once more, I don't know if we could still have some fun;
Wait I'm not done, why do we follow leaders or rulers who lead us to a pit;
I don't know if I have a leader who is like that the hell with him/her I'll quit;

Why don't those leaders fight their war and leave others be;
Imagine you're peaceful and someone bothers you or me;
They want peace and want to talk it out but they are ready to ****;
What on earth is wrong with our heads, we need to check it out is that the first thing we need to heal?

I have heard enough of myself writing in a foreign language;
With all due respect I'll use another for the next page;
Bato bato sa langit ang ma igo please wag tayo always galit;
Pasensyahi lang ko kung kis-a syado ko ka kulit kag bua-ngit kis-a gani ako yagit;

Ang panit ko medyo nang ***-om sang sulay sa adlaw;
Pero ako man kis-a maka yuhom kag ginagmay maka kadlaw;
May ti-on sang una nga ako daw isa ka patay nga ga balang-balang;
Mayu lang damu nag salbar sa akon, kag ako na banhaw kag daw alang-alang na mag talang;

Pero samtang ga ginhawa pa ako hindi ko ka hambal sang tapos;
Ka nugon sang mga tinaga kung indi mapasaburan kag mapabay-an lang nga gaka pan-os;
Sa tuod lang ka tawhay diri sa gina tiniran ko na panimalay;
Simpli lang ang kabuhi ga biya biyahi e-bike ga dul-ong sang pasahero nga ga sakay;

Sinsilyo ginagmay, biskan ang balay gani indi mani akon;
Salamat sa akon amay kag iloy daw ara lng sila gihapon;
Buenas lang ko sa mga grasya na akon na baton;
biskan wala na gani si nanay ga sulod gyapon iya pensyon;

Para sa SSS kung may sala man ko na himo ari lang ko sa balay kung ako inyo dakpon;
Kay kung mag sulod pa gihapon sa atm pwede ko pana ma gamit sa amon galastuson;
Wala ko kabalo kung inyu na gina hungod;
Bangud gatingala man ko ang grasya wala ga untat sulod;

Kay kung sa inyu layi dibala dapat wala na nga grasya ma sulod tani;
Pero kung sigihon ninyu pasulod ay ka tahum kanami;
Pero ka balo man ako damo na may ma batikos kag ma hisa;
Pasensyahi lang ako batunon ko na ang ihambalon ninyu tuod man gina paguwa sang akon dila;

Daw ka bug-at abi kung ang isa ka tawo may gina tago tago;
Amo ina nga tanan ko nga sala bahala kamo mag sintensya kay ako kadali lang mag ako;
Dumduman ko sang gamay pa ako na mana ko kay tatay nakon and iya hapo;
Medyo hubin pa ko kabalo na man ako kung ma patay ako kung diin ako ma kadto;

Sang gina ataki ako sang asthma daw ma bugto ang ginhawa kag daw ma ubos akon pwersa;
Gina hulat ko ang akon nanay nga ga langoy sa lamesa pero okay lang na siya intindihan ko na;
Natun-an ko sa kabuhi hindi man permi permi ara aton mga abyan biskan pamilya;
Amu ina sang amu to nga ti-on nag tawag ako sa kung sin-o man sa akon nag hurma nag tuga;

Kung lantawon ko gani liwat ang na tabo; akon man to sala nga ako gina hapo;
Sa bisyo ko na sigarilyo kag pahubog na inom;
Na ani ko lang mga bagay na akon gin tanom;

Amu ina mga kabataan indi manami kung inyu ma agyan ang akon na agyan;
Kay kadamo nga dalan ang akon na laktan;
May ara man kasanag kag mga matahum;
May tyempo man nga kala-in kag ka dulom;

Pero salamat sa nag patilaw sang kabuhi sa nag tuga sa akon;
Ako ari paman gasulat buhi pa man sa giyapon;
Pero balik ta sa isturya sang tyempo kag klima;
Kag kung anu anu pa ang gaka tabo isa pagid na ang mga giyera;

Sa tuod lang matyag ko ang kabuhi ko daw ako na hampangan na tripan;
Wala ko kabalo kung tungod sa mga gina sulat sulat ko, ahay ewan;
Sang una mag sulat ko kung ano ano daw wala man may ga sapak;
Pero subong ambot hindi lang ko sure daw hindi ko ka giyo kag ka palak;

Wala ko gani ka balo ngaa amu ini ang na agyan ko na direksyon;
Wala man ko ga riklamo biskan anu subong akon ma dangpan na sitwasyon;
pasalamat lang ko ka tilaw man ko mabuhi nga isa ka tawo;
Nga maka dumdum sang mga memorya kag maka paminsar sang mga bagay-bagay sa
sulod sang akon ulo;

Intindihan ko man ang iban mahambal sagi ka sulat wala mana pulos usik lang na tyempo;
Pasensyahi lang ko kay gamay lang akon kalipayan amu lang ini mahatag ko sa inyu;
Labay man lang akon na pamangkot kung ikaw abi gaan chansa kag ti-on;
Himo-on ka isa ka lider, presidente, prime minister; okon hari na may mansyon anu una mo na obrahon?

Sa mga bagay bagay kag gaka tabo sa aton subong nga panahon;
Kung kis-a gaka lipat kita biskan sa kahoy may pulos man na iya mga dahon;
Biskan ano kapa ka gamay kung kita tanan ga binuligay indi ayhan ina matawhay?
Kung ikaw abi isa ka lider okon amay nami-an kabala nga kita mag inaway-away?

Hindi ko ka intindi ngaa ang mga tawo ga pinatyanay;
Kung amu man lang ni ang bwas damlag sang mga kabataan mayu pa mag tulog na ga tulo ang laway;
Katawhay tani galing kung amu sina daw tinamad na man na daw buhi nga patay;
Dibala sang una kita tanan basi gina kugos man lang sang aton nanay okon tatay kag kung kis-a man mga tupad balay;

Ngaa dapat kung ga dako nata dapat gid bala mag dako man aton mga ulo haw?
Pyerdihon man ta gihapon sang baka kag karabaw may dala pa na sungay ka luoy man galing kis-a sa ila kung sila gina ihaw;
Sabagay ga mahal na man mga balaklon pati mga pagkaon;
Medyo maayo mana siguro ang sustansya sang utan para sa aton;

Kis-a maka hambal kita bay-e dira ang mga gaka tabo wala man ta gaka epiktohan;
Te kung ikaw gaan isa ka blessing para maintindihan mo, ibutang ka sa ma-dulom kag pwerti ka teribli na dalan sang kabuhi para ma inat imo nga paminsaron kag balatyagon kag imo ma intindihan;
Gina pangabay ko lang na imo ma sarangan ang mga leksyon sang kabuhi na tani aton tanan ma tun-an;
Buenas lang mga tawo nga permi lang sa masanag kag manami na dalan ang gina agyan, indi man siguro tanan;

Sa kadamo sang kala-inan nga na himo ko Amay nga nag tuga sa akon pasensyahi kag sintensyahi na lang ako;
Kung may butig kag indi matuod sa akon gina sulat subong maayo pa kilatan mo na lang ako;
Ako nga nag sulat sini isa ka tawo na indi perpekto sa mata sang mga tawo;
Ginoo Amay ko nga nag tuga sang akon ulo, mata, paminsaron, corazon kag ini mga kamot gabayi lang ako;

Sa kada tinaga nga ma sulat ko diri subong tani makabulig hilway sa akon kaugalingon kag balatyagon;
Kay mag abot ang ti-on na kina-hanglan ko ini balikan kag basahon may gabay na ako sa akon distinasyon;
Sa isturya na man sa akon kabuhi ang pahina parti sa gugma romantiko kag relasyon;
Sa edad ko subong na traynta-uno sa gugma
romantiko na aspeto daw bata-bata pa ako wala kabalo kung ano akon himo-on;

May ara ako na luyagan sa isa ka malayo na lugar;
Sa pwerte ka luyag ko sa iya kung kis-a wala ko kabalo kung ano obrahon ko daw indi ako mag andar;
Wala ko kabalo kung ako lang na luyag sa iya kag siya wala man ya sa akon;
Biskan gusto ko na buy-an ang luyag na akon gina dala gabalik man ako sa iya giyapon;

Ka ilinit na balatyagon nga daw ga kurog na corazon kag dughan;
Daw mahibi kung kis-a akon nga mga mata nga daw gal-um kag ga tubod na bagyo kag ulan;
Nga-a amu ini kung ma luyag-luyag ko haw kung maayo ang relasyon grabi ma hatag nga inspirasyon;
Kag kung buy-an ko na kag indi pag ibato ang sa sulod sang akon balatyagon daw delubyo ang dala kag distraksyon;

Paano ko ayhan mapa luyag sa akon ang na luyagan ko;
Tudlo-i ninyu man abi ako ga ayo ako sang sinsiro;
Okon buy-an ko na lang kag indi pag i-pilit sa iya ang kaugalingon ko;
Palihog please prangkaha na lang ako kung wala na ako pag-asa sa imo;

Ka balo man ako damo man mas responsabli nga maka palangga sa imo;
Hambali lang ko kung ano obrahon ko kay indi na ako mag sinabad sa imo;
Pero dako na salamat sa ti-on na gin bangon mo ako sa pag ka dasma nga gapa luya;
Biskan ano akon napanghimo na mga sala ara kaman giyapon naga uyat kag wala nag buya;

Pasensyahi lang akon mga tinaga kung ako daw wala sing huya;
Sa bagay kung sa mata sang mga tawo indi man ta bagay kay ikaw prinsesa ako ya kabalan na dukha;
Mabalik na man ako sulat sa ling-gwahi na hapos para sa imo ma intindihan;
Para ini sa babayi binibini sa malayo na lugar na akon na luyagan;

Not all letters at a post office are meant for everyone to read;
Not everyone in this world can make my heart and head gradually bleed;
For the woman who captured my frozen flaming heart;
From far away you are may you read this with your heart this annoying art;

If I bother you before let me do it once more;
I can't wield this feeling deep inside my core;
A woman whose 1st name starts and ends with A;
This part of this letter is for you, I'm expressing today;

Forgive me if I've been reckless and will be in my actions and words, I write and say;
The way I am now and before can you accept me I ask you in a sincere polite way;
I write this not because I'm angry or happy just trying to keep in touch;
You have made me your slave a prisoner you made me crazy in many good ways I can't say
too much;

I have nothing great to offer you to make you truly happy;
I know millions of others can love you more and you can be;
Honestly, it makes me jealous if you'll be in the arms of someone;
But I have no right to do that for in your life maybe I'm just no one;

If it is God's plan for you and me to be apart in heart be far away;
It's not God's fault or yours but mine cause many times both of you I have dismayed and maybe betrayed;
I have played the game called life and I have no cheat code to win it;
I have times I'm on the straight road and at times fall to a pit but still, I never quit;

Even a writer just can edit and at times unnecessary messages he can delete;
And a witty singer can sing passionately so bitter and at times so deliciously sweet;
You made my heart beat truly beat in a romantic sense;
And at times in your presence I feel intensely tense;

We live in a dense world full of amazing people;
But I wonder in love and madness for you I fall;
I understand and know what I need to do or my Father's/Creator's/God's call my duty to do;
But if I pour my life and my heart into you I don't ask you to do the same I don't want to control you;

Forgive me if I'm madly obsessively falling in love with you;
Correct me if I'm wrong honestly this feeling I have for you I have no clue;
All I know now about me and you without you I'm so blue;
I want to please you in every way at times I can no longer be at ease and be true;

Please tell me what I need to do to capture your heart;
Or just even give me a place there to be a part of, just even a tiny part;
If you can make me your friend honestly for me it's enough;
But if you ask my heart what it truly wants for me it will be rough;

I dream of a future for you and me to be a happy family;
But who I am in your life now I don't know I'm lost I can't see;
Just tell me sincerely if in your life I don't have a chance;
If even a small there is I could leap for joy and madly dance;

But I don't want to manipulate or control you I want you to be free;
To say and do what you want and need truly even if it's not me;
Don't worry I can take it gracefully if you reject me I'll move on;
But the blessings you gave me the hope I'll treasure it and never be gone;

Please don't think if my heart will fall into pieces I'll become a monster;
Don't worry about that God is watching me our Creator the one I call Father;
If I accept the good things in life is it not fair to accept also the little trials;
Sometimes it's also good to shed some tears and cry not every time just laugh and smiles;

I'll do everything within my capability to make this world a paradise;
But without the grace of our creator God, our common Father I'm just a foolish man not wise;
So don't worry to reject me I just want us to be free;
If only I own all the things in this world or a castle for you to be;

If that will make you truly happy how I wish I would be a king;
And make every people our family and we could share a meal a home have fun and you can sing;
I know it may sound crazy and impossible but who I am now I'm happy, a life of simplicity is simple;
One thing I remember my mother wrote a note on a book she gave me, it says always be humble;

I'm afraid to be as powerful and rich as the kings;
It's not a joke to have all that and the possibilities it brings;
One thing I know is that everything I have is temporary;
The things I have, my mind my body, talents, and everything within me;

Only by the test of time, we would know;
If we'll be blessed with old age we can still live and grow;
Forgive me if I did not sound so romantic;
At distant seas we are apart I'm not sure the whereabouts maybe the Pacific and Atlantic;

But deep inside my heart I only wish the best for everyone especially you;
If we're not meant to be for each other I'll accept it but please let us be true;
I write this part of the letter for the woman whose name starts and ends with A;
I wish the best for you and in my heart, you already have a place to stay;

I'll just end here for now but I'm not yet done;
I hope I can hear from you even if in your life maybe you want me gone;
I have nothing to offer you to truly genuinely make you happy;
But if you are already truly happy with your life I will be happy too it resonates with me;

Now, this part of the story is for everyone for a human being who has an open heart;
Can we welcome someone anyone maybe a stranger in a time so dark;
Can we replenish what is missing from someone unknown to us what they lack;
Or just ignore an unpleasant stranger in our hearts we put a block, chain it and lock;

If someone needs something to eat just to survive and be alive are we willing to give;
If a homeless hopeless stranger knocks on our door will we accept them where we live;
If someone or anyone truly essentially needs something a matter of life and death that degree of importance;
Will we give or share and sacrifice what we have even if it hurts or put a lock into our hearts and do nothing but glance;

If every open-hearted people in our world who don't want and need war will unite;
And strive extremely to heal not only our heads but also our planet and disobey those who commands us to do violent actions and senseless fight;
Will we give time or a chance a shot for that matter;
Or just go with the flow and do our day-to-day routine to obtain our bread and butter;

Is it possible for all of us just for a day or a week to have a leave like a worldwide collective vacation;
To stop and cease anything which is harming any living creature/being and let the planet breathe, maybe mother earth is already in a state of suffocation;
Or can we just sit somewhere and be still whatever you may call it prayer or meditation;
I don't know I'm just giving an idea but maybe anyone there somewhere has a better answer for an open-hearted being who is willing in listening and doing the solutions;

We can be open-hearted to listen and do what is truly needed;
I'm no genius I need everyone willing to share their solutions and answers, for now, we are alive but what can we do if we're already dead?
I've become who I am because of my relationship with our creator God or our common Father;
But before I encounter our Creator I knew him through someone in some stories or letters;

I don't know for everyone but in my life experience it was the man called Jesus Christ;
Who let me have a glimpse of the source of all creation which is unexplainably nice;
I do some methods or ways trying hard to follow that man's footsteps and maybe accidentally;
  I have tasted and touched the one called infinite;
If I'll put into words what I've experienced it will be indefinite;

Everything pleasingly beautiful that I have made I can't make any of it just by using my wit;
But for the wrong ways and decisions, I have chosen it was my own will I will not deny it or disown it;
I don't know and will not assume anything about anyone practicing being still;
But one thing I know is we are all created by the same unfathomable Being for me that is real;

In this lifetime of mine I have experienced indescribable things I need not say;
But I thank you our common Father the Creator of all for the chance to live even this very moment and all the nights and days;
By the way, I know people are confused and fight because of what they believe or their religion;
If a person has a sincere conviction on what they know or believe they will have a clear vision;

So if it's the end times we are living in now will it change the way we are because of fear;
And if it is not will we just do anything that pleases us even if we hurt and harm others who are dear;
I won't stop anyone to be fearless but please can we human beings be harmless;
I have no right to say this I know in my life I have hurt and harmed someone I'm that careless;

If only we could open our hearts and not give them a lock;
And fill which have empty and shower them with what they lack;
May it be physically, emotionally, spiritually, or psychologically on any aspect of a human being;
I know things seem so hard but if we have an open mind and heart dark skies and times will be brightly shining;

I know whomever we believe or know the one who Created us all will not abandon us;
For the gifts, we have like talents, knowledge, wisdom, and many more given by our Creator I still have faith in humanity and especially in our common Father God I trust;
I always remind myself in the vastness of creation I'm just a speck of dust;
Even that man of steel in a children's story has a weakness like steel eaten by rust;

So if it's a must to open and stretch our minds and hearts then put away those locks;
For the time is ticking for all of us we better spend it wisely and set our clocks;
Set aside or sacrifice anything that blocks us to reach a common goal;
Then if possible we all communicate, and cooperate for the common good of all;

I wish and dream we can all have an open mind and heart to lift one another;
This is a wish coming from an ordinary child-man who already lost his biological father and mother;
Will it be beautiful before we end our life's stories this world will be so much better;
And the next generation will no longer need to read this lengthy letter;
Isa ini ka ti-on
Ginakabig nga maragtason
Bangud yara ikaw upod namon

Oh halangdon ang imo ngalan
Kay kami sa imo labi sa tanan
Kanami pamati-an, kanami pamatyagan

Sa imo pagtatap ipahamtang
Kon kami yara sa alang-alang
Ikaw isa ka mananabang

Gani imo ipadayon ang edukasyon,
Maayong lawas, agrikultura nga mainuswagon,
Pangabuhian kg pagbuhis nga eksaktuhanon

Gob. Tanco, ikaw don guid! Ikaw don guid…
Ang tampad nga naga-ulikid
Gani salamat guid! Salamat guid!

Lantawa kay naghugpong ang bilog nimo nga banwa
Agud ipakita sa bug-os naton nga probinsya
Nga kami naga-apin guid sa imo kg sa iya

Matuod nga malipayon man ini nga ti-on
Para sa amon tanan nga mga Dumaraonon
Bangud amon kasimanwa ang subong gobernador namon!

*for Gob. Tanco’s 69th Birthday
My Poem No. 230
over a snow-covered mountain top in heaven
some secret river lies
stirring not earthwards
this river of the Gods

and then a prince disturbs
her peaceful ferocity
with determined prayer to cleanse
the sins of his forefathers

Look she trembles with wounded pride!
Not a mere mortal river is she
a Goddess, her anger awakened
but she must proceed

the Gods have asked her so she shall go
but she makes her displeasure known
threatening to swallow all of existence
she follows

the earth shakes
it cannot hold her weight
her power her strength her majestic gait
life-giver, she is now a messenger of death

in her anger she is beautiful,
this world cannot sustain her
only he who wields the trident
can reign in her fall

and then the Mahadev traps her
even as she falls in a mighty torrent
thinking she will sweep him
to the nether regions

in his locks she is lost
struggling, she resembles
the naga around his neck
she spits like a cobra

this immortal river
stays tangled in his locks for many a year
till, defeated and frustrated
she begs forgiveness

and then with his blessings
she trickles down
still furious in pace
but in heart at peace

the mother of all rivers-
this river of rebirth
her sound like thunder
her hair like streaks of lightning

celestial beings witness
the skies are lit
the parched earth satiated
Ganga has descended

as Bhagirathi

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
The Ganges in Hindu mythology is considered the holiest of holy rivers. She has the status of a Goddess, as she belongs to swarga (roughly translated as heaven). She is considered to be so pure, that bathing in her waters can not only rid one of physical ailments but also cleanse one's sins.
King Bhagiratha (an ancestor of Sri Rama) is credited with bringing her down to earth, as a means of releasing his forefathers from a curse. Ganga, would not descend willingly, but had to do so at the order of the Gods. In her vanity, she fell so furiously that the earth was in danger of being destroyed. Lord Shiva controlled her fall by trapping her in his jata (hair). This poem describes this incident.
K Mae Mar 2017
crested crag-spines rising
bones fierce of ancient dragons
calling out to Naga

Bloom  feminine essence, Flow !
Feed my ancient undulations

wearied now to hills
sighing down with last exhaled
memory of color
washed, washed,
baked by endless sun
Mary Coleen Nov 2017
Naga pangita ko kanimo sa kalasangan,
Kay nag-tuo ko nga imo kong gibyaan.
Sa pipila ka oras nga wa ka makit-an,
Nasinati ko ang kalayo sa kamatuoran.

Oo, nawala ko sa dalan, pangga.
Hain ka na, anhi-a ko sa akong lungga.
Ang imong pahiyom gusto nako makita,
Uban lang ta sa kalisod ug pagmaya.
First attempt.
lovestargirl May 2015
Kahit isang sulyap lang sa langit ay di na matanaw,
Daan-daang matatayog na konkretong kahon,
pati anino nito'y ako'y napapaligiran.

Tinatakpan ang malagintong sinag ng araw,
maging ang hanging sana'y magpapaypay sa nagiinit na siyudad ay natakpan na.

Nagbago na ang mundo.
Bago na naga ang mundo.
Pero nasaan na ang mundong kinalakihan at pinapangarap ko?

Nanabik sa malawak na langit
na noo'y tinitingala-tingala lang,
na kunwaring inaangkin ko ito, na akin ito.

Pero bago nga ngayon ang nakikita ko,
matatayog na konkretong kahon,
na humaharang sa tunay na paraiso.
Fah Aug 2015
Forensics couldn't figure out what happened to our bodies because they never looked closely enough into their own eyes.

When we walked out across those wild flower grass plains,
our bare feet meandering , twirling, toes earthy, past the goddess river, bowing our eyes and laying sweet blessings of hopeful poetry at her edges with the mountains ahead of us going on and on and on.

Our heartbeats sinking into the smell of summers afternoons.
two beings
stand and watch as the water shows us the way across
her gentle back cool and singing.

We keep on laughing to the forests edge and settle by the Elder Trees to pray for the way ahead and the way already gone, we pray to the sentinel trees for their gracious beauty and we leave a small offering of a song.  

two beings

I'm all over Hummingbird
She's all over Dragonfly

Listen to the forest for the sign we can move on,

two beings

listen with our eyes and our hearts, ears and noses.
We wait, long moments sensing,
attuning ourselves to the rich forest song.
Later, we see the flash of Owl sister and know it is time to move along

in silence, we listen as we walk and let the sounds we hear guide us.

She's all over Wolf Teacher
I'm all over Lynx Secret Keeper

We're both keeping time alive with our actions.

Way in deep, where the floor is soft decomposition-in-motion and the sky is hardly seen, little tickling breezes stir us, we walk along in silence, side by side, always listening

until our feet meet the edge of a clearing and we whisper our offering:
the story of who we are, why we are here, how beautiful this place is and how it came to be that,

I'm all over Calendula
She's all over Nettle.

Here the sun lays upon us once more and we sit , facing each other

We breathe ourselves into mediation.
We breathe ourselves into silence.
We look at each other
past our skins and through to the light emanating from our DNA

and we start to hum.

We hum our spirit song and begin to unravel so slowly the ways of this world,

we begin to unravel so gently the bags we carry under our eyes
over our knees

we begin to unravel so softly the song of our hearts.

Flowing through us a motion so suspending we seem to no longer be singing, but the sounds somehow pour out of us
our bodies start to sway, no judgment, our bodies start to relax, no suffering

perhaps her toe taps and my ear wiggles
perhaps it's her nose jiggling
perhaps it's my elbow nodding.

We two beings
pray to each other sweet words of beauty
sweet words of honesty

we let those bodies dance
up on our feet
twirling and leaping around the green grass, wildflower clearing
until we feel a twang of connection,

like curious little deer we follow that cord in our chests , pulling us towards each other.

She's on the other side of the clearing and as we make small steps , I feel the boundaries of her person. Her energetic walls , I feel her enter into mine. And we stop, acknowledge the space we are entering and ask for permission to move on. We move on

layer by layer, always stopping to acknowledge, stopping to ask permission until we stand 4 inches between us, breathing.

By now we are no longer thinking, we only sense.
She moves her hand close to my wrist,  I meet her the rest of the way.

All collapses in on itself and opens back up again at our meeting.
She rides her hand up my arm to hold my face so gently.

I bring my other hand to her wrist and she meets me half way. I ride my hand up her arm to hold her face so gently.

I bring my hand to her waist and she leans in softly, she leans in softly.

She brings her hand to my waist and I lean in softly, I lean in slowly.

We move like this, unwrapping each other of clothes, breathing ourselves in meditation, going as slowly, gently as we possibly can.

When we are in our natural way, we wait a moment to take in the beauty, we **** our heads and as our words no longer matter we both know we hear a sounding stream.

We beings
perplexed and amused, find ourselves next to a small rocky stream, somewhere else in the forest. Dappled light finds it's way onto us , the trees and the water. Everything is orange and brown, mossy green with occasional pinks and purples.

She smiles and I smile , we make a motion of gratitude to our Great Water Mother and ask to wash.
When a small fish appears and jumps glistening
we move to scoop up running water in hands, pouring it over each others crowns. Again and again we scoop and we pour, we wash our walking sweat and clear ourselves.

Soon, the stream starts to fade and we are now on flat topped knoll, looking out over shallow banks of a wide flowing river.

The knoll is about the size of a large bed , wintergreen rustles beneath our feet.

We sit together and she brings her face close to mine, I bring my face close to hers and we look into each others eyes until we see.

I bring my lips close to her cheek, she brings her cheek close to my lips. And so we find ourselves tasting each other.
softly her lips come to my ears and her tongue moves on my lobe. My mouth to her nape and my breath is coming slow. We take as much time as we possibly can.

The Sun has not moved from the afternoon position. We are no longer in a place where time is quite the same.

Soon, I lay on the ground and she comes down beside me. Our dancing hands and tongues never in a rush, at a pace like the tide with movements, repetitive definitive and measured. Washing over our earthen valleys and hills, dipping low to our canyons, serenading our ravines. But never quite touching those extra sacred pleasure places.
She lays on her back and I sit beside her.

I kiss her chest and give thanks to her skin, her blood to milk trees and the crystal caves that lay within. I kiss her belly button and thank her mother for carrying her all this way. Her father for holding her. I move down to her womb and she makes a space for me between her legs, I lay there with my head on her belly listening.

I hear the beating blood and gurgling belly, breath staying slow, I hold her hips. and kiss her womb from the outside. I kiss her womb from the outside. I find I am at the edge of a small curly forest, I pray gently with a song at the borderline and kiss her there too. She tenses just a little and a pause, look to her eyes and see she does not want me further.

I slip out from her legs and lay down by her side.
The wide river is moving and the wintergreen is serenading us with her smell as our bodies movements bruise the small leaves. The sun has moved a little further across the sky, shadows are pulling longer now.

She puts her head to my chest and listens to the heart just below skin , bone and muscle.
She hears my breath and is riding up and down with my diaphragm movements. She slows me down until we are both inside the space between heartbeats. Encompassed in those melodies. We breathe again and see each others eyes. She kisses my heart from the outside and caresses my chest. I open my legs offering her space between them. She moves, lingering, one hand first on my face then on my heart, then on my solar plexus. Then her body is softly laying on mine, her head on my stomach. Listening. She laughs a little because the spaces inside of her don't exist inside of me, she says my secret caves are up in my heart, she heard them. She smiles and sighs a little, resting at the edges of my forest.
We beings
lay here, like this for a long time. Until the Sun is way low.
But we don't move. We just keep right on laying. Our eyes closing.

The wintergreen gives way to a bed of Jasmine vines way up in a tree. When we awake we look at each other and recognize our spirits.
She climbs onto the limb of a tree and sees  way across the forest, to more forest and more forest, to mountains and more mountains.
She begins to transform, her body rippling, scales made of light, emerging from her back, her eyes glistening, her dreams swirling around her, fruits ripe for the picking, some still maturing , her legs start to dance as they form one long tail, four legs with claws follow not long after. She is glowing a vibrant green touched with sparks of grey. A Naga flies out from the trees and is off. Into the night to do what she does.

I lay on the Jasmine, inhale sweet sweet scents and dream my own dreams where I'm an Owl , all my feathers pale pink and deep navy blue. I leap up through the canopy and sweep down into the forest to do what I do.  

Our spirits meet sometime before the Great Grandpa Sun is born again, to greet him with a song, to keep on exploring these earth bodies, to keep on singing to the forests, to keep on smelling and eating and drinking and washing, finding others to play with, to keep on thanking and laughing and moving time along with our movements.

The forensics sent into the forest to look for us didn't find diddlysquat because they hadn't looked deep enough into their own eyes.
releasing this now, letting it become some ingredient someplace else, whatever I was holding out or on to,.
It's been a while since I wrote a story.
Neither beings in this poem are anyone in particular, but it is powered by these past months And doors closing.
Nova Flames Jun 2013
***! my brother, is so destructive, he treats even a jewel like its *******
he is soo stubborn, he gets under my skin like sunburn, but in the end he's still my brother.
i wouldnt have in any other, why? cuhz he down for the fam like southern? lol  

i realized people you can never govern but even currently as he proceeds to walking on the second story on his FREAKEN KNEES! i realize i must make a compromise that there might be something about me he doesnt agree with,, so lets avoid the conflict cuhz it looks like a slippery cliff,,, *** is he doing upp there sounds like artillery ships and ****!!!, im about to throw this fit,, but my homeboy like na flames here smoke this spliff,, na NAGA my mind is a gift and you kn ow im trying to quit!,, witch brings me across the next subject,,, i suspect my inner demons which demoralize my drive to subside with most high take my closest friends minds for a joyride,,, undercover like a spy to poison my ambitions to stay sober im so bipolar, being high is mediocre but when mind is clear i tend to turn into that ogre,,,i feel as if all is hopeless,,, i live in the moment i live in the ocean,, i think my name is Joseph,, and i sleep on my best friend sofas,,, i dont know where this story is going, long as i continue typing i guess its my way of coping i guess its my way of invoking,,,,
Taltoy Jun 2019
Hi, happy graduation, orayt. Unang una sa lahat, nagbalik na si ma long kag pro gyapon sya pero fzd pa rin ang sa rankings haha. Joke lang, seryoso na, gusto ko mag apologize kasi yeah, insensitive ko. Hindi ko man madeny na ganun talaga ako most of the time. At the same time gusto ko rin mag apologize kasi di kita natulungan sa times na may problema ka. Tbh. Di ko alam na may usapin pala kayo sa twitter kasi di na ako masyado naga twitter lately at di ko rin talaga alam kung paano ka tulungan kasi naniniwala ako na every relationship has its own unique language kumbaga, kayo lang nag-iintindihan dalawa  may times talaga na yung mga things na sinasabi ng ibang tao, di talaga ma-apply sa situation nyo kaya may times na ginatry ko nalang na makipag-kumpitensya sayo lalo na sa pingpong. Makita ko bi meg na once nakabakol ka na, makakadlaw ka man, may moment gid na daw makalimtan mo problema mo sooooo sorry if di nakahelp ang gi try ko na way kay daw di man ako ganun ka challenging na opponent. Tbh, gina envy ta ka kay dasig ka makalearn sang mga bagay, lalo na sa sports. At the same time athletic ka pagid so ez **** lang para sa imo na. Maka-inggit na all-around ka, kay ako mabudlayan gid na maabot nang mga makaya mo.
Salamat sa pag hambal sang reason bai. Mga pila na man gidDkami ka bulan ga hunahuna sina. Wala na ko iba pa na mahimo kundi mangayo sorry. Tapos, gusto ko ihambal sa imo na tani makita ta pa ka, hindi sa uste, hindi sa manila, kundi sa mga ospital na. Di ta man makalimtan, kay ngaa man abi diba? By the way, salamat sa pag tiis sa akon na kapartner sa doubles, wala gyapon ta pildi biskan wala ta ga sturya that time. Oh yih.
Lastly, gusto magpasalamat sa memories especially this high school kay isa ka sa 51 ko na mga manghod kag magulang. Then isa ka sa mga special ko na friend kay may side ko na ikaw lang makagets. So salamat gid kag gusto ko ni i-end nga daw


Isa sa bumuo ng limamput-isa,
Ang carry ng batch kung sports fest na,
Nagkaroon man ng sigalot nitong hulihan,
Ang turing ko pa rin sa iyo'y kaibigan.

Alam kong magiging matagumpay ka,
Alam kong maaabot mo ang mga tala,
Alam kong patuloy kang magniningning,
Di sana sumuko, yan ang aking hiling.

At kung sakaling may problema ka,
Huminga nang malalim, ipikit ang mata,
Dahan-dahang imulat, tingnan muli ang problema,
Subuking lutasin nang mahinahon at handa.

Hindi lahat nagtatapos sa magandang ending,
May mga panahon talagang **** sa feeling,
Pero lahat nang ito'y mga kabanata lang,
Di pa tapos ang storya, magpatuloy ka lang.

Parating maging positibo,
Di ka nag-iisa sa laban mo,
Nandyan ang pamilya mo,
Na hinding hindi ka iiwan, andyan lang sa likuran mo.
May times gid na kaya ta kita lang isa mag atubang sang mga problema, bal-an ko na bal-an mo gid na. Pero may mga times gid na di kaya na solo nalang pirme, mag abot gid ang time na mangita ka gid bulig, lalo na sa family mo or mga close na tao sa kabuhi mo or tung mga tao na maka-intindi sa imo kay sila  “ ang number one fan mo”. Meg, tani sa sunod di mo na isolo tanan, di man sa ga doubt ko sa kaya mo, wala tana question about that, pero tani madumduman mo man di ka solo, you are never alone.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2016
Pearl Harbour was a righteous act of war... an army attacking an army lazying about like its current affairs program: how to, burn off fat of our "starving" citizens! it, was, a, righteous, act, of, war! what the Americans replied with? equal to the Holocaust... an army so incompetent in warfare it had to attack citizens... because it was so gluttonous when having to consider the man who lost it all and would have nothing to lose when fighting... Kamikaze motto: and from my decapitated head, a blazing serpent of transformed entrails! entwining! entwining! after all: isn't the white man a blank canvas, and in his blank canvas fetish: always choosing what to incorporate and what to plagiarise... white man is but the shadow of the olive skinned ones... or the blemish of coco... well... isn't that what the white girls prescribed with their many voodoo words of feminism, but hardly any care to engaged in household chores? ahoy! hey! ahoy! *****! hit the pulpit! and don't come back! i'm hitting the transgender movement... hard.

the first rule you learn at the Forest Gump club?
                                                     RUN A MILE!
what's the second rule you
learn at the Forest Gump club?
                                                       RUN A MILE!
what's the third rule you
learn at the Forest Gump club?
now, i do feel god awful for these
                 but they never felt
sorry for me:
which is why i have the better
joke... and they recite poetry
that simply sounds like: choke choke choke
               and i have a magpie's cackle.
only foxes build up on that...
ginger wolf over...
               ginger wolf! over!
         i could have been paid
my life's service as a marine...
       serving Vietnam singing the song
about Trident submarines:
do you ever feel you're a yellow submarine,
    a yellow submarine,
                a yellow submarine with a nuke
            signed: why not, Jude?
                           they did the French kiss
with the original nuke being air-borne
and the cold war reinvention: keep it under
     ye'er may'tees! ****! starboard!
i say detonating the nuke is en-masse
                                when bone turned into shadow...
no wonder the motto stood:
            they learned to leisurely take the Swiss acid,
they'll gobble the psychiatric rainbow
to keep them in check like they might
gobble down news and vitamins.
           as long as the blond-quiff-ferret wins;
i'm happy... oh look at that...
                       the Peruvian Putin had a twinkle
in his eye:
                       Comrade Pablo, no, the other
Picasso... the Escobar... oh sure, sure,
he did cubism... cubic ounces of *******
  and twice the red period fascination...
                great, when you consider
the autobiography of god, and humanity
                 as sole Pilate of its macabre reasoning:
           let god write the biography: we're clean!
                clean as **** in a diaper
or ***** in a ******... both mention the cul...
   de... sac
                      did i mention
the tourists... i have a great stage presence:
i get to thespian manic episodes of people who
hide them...
                      but wouldn't setting off a nuke
do that to you, ad your future generations?
                 ****** got gassed...
what American or any other human being
experienced such flash of insubordinate genius?
                            h'alo! vel-kom
to zee only nicht of the worthy Oscar beifall!
        kappa'h ah Hiro
                ­                kappa'h ha Naga
                the greatest travesty is mentioning
Auschwitz... but not the Godzilla twins!
no!               no!                    no!
               you deal with the need for paediatricians
when you prescribe them other "things"...
                   you keep that bagel in the oven long enough
we'll just assure ourselves all the Jews were
born on flights: inter-continental...
                                      they never say:
  Polish Jews... they just say Jews...
                                   it's almost like the host nation
didn't matter...
               as a Pole... living in England?
the host nation, doesn't, matter!
    aye Scot?!         aye!
         aye Cymru?!             aye!
       aye Shamrock Limerick?! aye!
aye Brutus... aye aye aye
                              i'm just asking
to post one hallucinogenic postcard...
                                  to his mother.
or.. let's us say i do cut-up as i go along:
much to the awe of some remote republic
                          engulfed in the federal judiciary
               system... very much monotheistic:
all hail! the one!
                             in quick-hand atheistic:
all hail! not one!
                             well: no one would mean
nothing... and if that be the case...
then... this is... evidently... a very... painful... dream /
                                 protesting the rights of
the aborted (from a man's perspective):
teenage girl, a thrill was but a thrill,
don't condemn me to the priestly orthodoxy!
but i will!
                     Joseph Andromeda took
the circumstance of sacredness of Abraham's *****...
                  while Muhammad rationalised
a pubescent's girl with an older man
like that pornographic elder teen with
a man and a really ****** movie script: in out,
as fast as you can!
Saša D Lović Apr 2015
zamisli da sva moja sećanja
upletena u tvoje pletenice
naglo promene smer
i pretvore se u budućnost
bi li tada bila moja krotka srna
ili bi pletenice rasplela
pustila da se raspršim kroz vreme
da mi lice posivi
kao da je od jesenjeg vetra sačinjeno
zamisli da svi moji koraci
upleteni u tvoje vekovne bore
naglo promene smer
i pretvore se u suze
bi li njih sirote u svilu svoju primila
ili bi korake u glib usmerila
pustila da se zaglibim u vreme
da mi osmeh posivi
kao da je od jesenjeg vetra sačinjen
zamisli da svi moji dodiri
dok se šarene širom tela tvog od reka
naglo promene smer
i postanu godovi u tuđem orahu
bi li tada haljinu rastvorila
svetlošću sveće grudi umila
ili bi dodire po žiletu prošetala
tom krvlju plavom nebo i jezera oslikala
u sivo jesenji vetar odenula da se vrti u krug
bi li od sećanja postelju sačinila
prozore zatvorila
bi li od koraka oblake izatkala
svetlo utulila
bi li od dodira gromove sastavila
naga i topla
sa jesenjim vetrom ljubav vodila
bi li se to tako željna usudila
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2017
it really is an actual word, it's translatable as something
between nudist, and a man walking with his
torso showing...
         there's a lot of idiosyncrasy involved -
             etymology serves thus:
                  nagi - which has a male pronoun
differentiation -
                           the female counterpart?
­                 Nagasaki?
                                        toot p'ah... a french
variation into making a frown: hą hą hą.....
                                                         ­    że sł'i!
so... the word of vector imbeciles...
   there's real geopolitik involved....
            real places, real people... isolated people...
which probably experienced the wrath of
the wehrmacht and the soviets....
              real people, real places...
     hence the idiosyncrasy....
                             linguistics aside,
much more fun than talking about chimps,
        in all earnest honesty...
                 chimps? chimps?!
                               only fools and broken branches?
by now i'm starting to think:
                   (i'm drunk, so)     :
                           what the **** are you on about?!
      i sense no use of l.s.d. - so... what the ****?!
i don't get them, those bewildered westerners...
     they didn't see the second coming in 1945
             with the unearthing of the nag hammadi library?
o right... the word in question: nygus...
       nygus -
                        **** knows where that came from...
probably siberia, but even that is uncertain...
             it could actually mean a half clad man...
a man exposing his torso....
                               nygus.... nagi...
it's actually quiet fun watching western civilisation rot
in the linguistic hell-hole it's at...
                            i.e. how pronouns don't translate
or simply aren't incorporated into other
                                   grammatical categorisations...
so... as a pole, if i had to resurrect myself,
would i place the genesis at auschwitz...
                                         or at marienburg?
never mind the question, the word nygus still bothers
me... it's specific to a geopolitical locality,
             it is locality, per se....
                                     it has no basic meaning in
the location i now occupy...
                              and it has no direct confrontation
with being applied for a desirable purpose...
      what i'm seeing in discussion these days
is akin to the seperation of church from state...
     but on a more abstract canvas:
      subject from object... which really is covert
                                                          ­        for attaché:
and that's what it will always be, should the feat be
given a historical allowance of a century's worth of dispute.
it was clear in the first place:
       church and state...
                                    the vatican as a church-state;
    but those are "real" bodies, in that they are
diplomatic, and therefore bureaucratic...
        this next divorce? i.e. the subject from the object?
my intestines have no knowledge of my brain,
and my brain has no knowledge of my pancreas...
               i do think the state segregating itself from
the church was a decent checkmate....
        but enforcing this objective positivism...
  i.e. ****** subjectivity?
                                  the divorce is going to be as violent
as that in the historical framework of
the seperation of church from state;
     although "less" violent,
                    in that: more suicidal among the young.
Karijinbba May 2021
Cold twisted and icy
meandering slides.
are my enemies alone
on their down and out,
this my poetesses domain.
Enjoy your own slippery
slimy ***** cliff ride down.

Lately a very confused entity
paid to keep me busy writing
back while being intimately
intrusive has failed.
A snake in my old flame's
paradise or my kid's world.
Arranged to distract me again
from my true love's path
agreed upon eons prior.

I can intuit a fools intentions
and did cut that naga off soon.
I love on free will alone.
not fooled to play games
In the name of love.
I don't care for pimps lures.
By Karijinbba
All rights reserved 1954-2021-
I return to you all
your arrows ball of fire
you sent me with undying
unending deadly force.
Give you back only
your eye for an eye
as company
for your new boom trips






































Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Sparkling golden fields;
Sunflowers sport sheen and blush;
Slopes herald harvest.
Philipp K J Oct 2022
‘Twas not far away or  long ago
At St. Sebastian's house of God
Unfolded with great delight
A tale of the Sebastian Times
With Mattikere's mystic climes

Spoiling midnight oil with pleasure
An arduous task one can’t leisure
Editing and proof reading
For six full moon the crew worked hard
Once it’s done all o' them cheered 'loud

On ninth June Twenty Twenty-two
Father Eby offered the crew
Dinner at Comfort-Inn  
Some of them gathered at church yard
Some of them at hotel facade

They all reached the hotel on time
Editors of Sebastian Times
Calm and serene all smiled
Both Vicars with casual attires
Looked gracious and simple friars

As they entered the Comfort Inn
No one chose to usher them in
But the chief editor
Mr. Paul launched into the hall
He was fair and medium tall

Religiously they trailed in line
With most utmost lane discipline
The foyer room looked golden cast
The centerpiece a unique vase
Attracted them to stand and pause

Inside the hall the tables were set
Each of them were a quartet
It had a royal look
Occupying the seats we met
For the real editorial banquet

Phom and Papa began to fan
With dishes in hand wielding pan
Bell boys' service rodeo
They began to serve us to dine
Starters and fruit cocktails-not wine

(Phom is a name like Tom
Its pronounced as in foam
Phom is a Naga fiefdom
It was derived from Bhom
Which means cloud home
POM also means I in Thai
From Longleng am I
One of the Naga guys
Papa is another bell boy
Who's Phom's close buddy
Both in  black suits trendy
Wait right earnest standing
Far from their native soil
Phom and Papa do toil
In this posh star motel
Serving food and bottle
And all kinds of vittles)

Philipp began to pick and choose
The intake and didn't want to abuse
On a separate plate
He told the bell boy to serve the nosh
"Will get it parceled" yelled in josh

Ms. Sinu and Ms. Jismy Sanoj
Were sprightly like K.V Manoj
The extra plate piled up
Fish, Cabbage Gujiya sausage
Egg and Manjurian hodgepodge

Father Eby and father Mathew
Both were mused and little amused
Still both seemed solitaire
The ladies were only a few
All other women just withdrew

Mr. Jimmy Alexander
The merciful men's defender
Saddled next to father
He completely does surrender
To Jesus the peace messenger

Like Johny, Johny Nono-chan
Eating a burger  Chackochan
Telling tithes Aloysius
Truly Joyson; Bijoy joy-some
All of them were highly handsome

Without a prayer all dive dare
The crunchy fries with love and care
PHOM and Papa patrol
Grill, roast, vegetable, fish, sauce,
Vie one another for a cause

The feast became dilatory
Phil and Mano went in hurry
To find out the hungry
With food packs in hand both went out
To find the needy and doll out

When the feast was done they came out
And gathered round for a snap shot
This homely family
And a fraternity of sort
Planed and played in a resort

Tutorial on investing time
A plan for the immortal times
Who worked hard or hardly
Time investing memorial
In the Times editorial
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
Together they stand
The Seven Sisters of India
Untouched, unexplored, isolated
The seven states of north east India
Assam, the gateway to this heavenly abode
Is the provider of tea leaves all through the world
Arunachal Pradesh, the Land of the rising sun
Attracts tourist from all over the world
Manipur, oval-shaped valley of blue mountains
Is the originator of Polo games
Meghalya, naturally the abode of clouds
Gives shelter to flora, fauna in large bounds
Mizoram, the land of the highlander Mizo people
Has the rivers and most vari colored hilly terrain
Nagaland rich in flora, fauna and evergreen forests
Is home to Great Indian Horn-bill and Naga tribes
Tripura, a landlocked hilly state with Manu river
Has a rich cultural heritage of music, fine arts, dance
With Sikkim as their only brother, natural beauty and exotic places
The seven sisters are indeed a Paradise Unexplored

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
Karijinbba Aug 2020
You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, the last, my everything.
heart of gold King of hearts
Dear twin flame twin soul
we are lost and found again
profile after profile I seek thee
let's bless, the curse
darling to heavenly grounds
transition our fated paths.

No more sadness your joy and pain is my own into the forest land we roam free at last, nothing can break us apart

No Naga snakes can deceive me
to strange geek sociopathic Medea infested lands mislead ****,
nor poison me.
I feel safe in the dream scripted
for us crafted

I know there's only,
only one like you
There's no way they could have made two we are uniquely tied in one dream
St JudeOhpat my Saint
you're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep for ever more
King of Hearts Adam true love
I am your Eve lover.
Thine beauty Eve is me Karijinbba
from here to eternity.
Ye paint mine own Heart's divinity;
two spirit souls forever one in unity
my first love my last
oh my everything!
glued together babe oh babe
sweet baby oh darling
I love you.
By; Karijinbba 08-2020
there's only one of you and one of me.
alaric7 Jan 2018
Keening Iraqi rpg koranic crumbles heaven’s.  Enkidu kills the god, decapitates forest’s guardian.  Against girl-groping monk Sharvan said truth ******, choot ******, on the Matara Express headed toward Colombo. Egyptian acres scent ***** where Hanuman dropped moly mountain into naga kovil’s backyard.  Caramel tethers artery, never speaks in word-simple.  Father’s thrush to go plucked flensed singer, lashes silken, cuts drafted ghost-voiced achtungtexte in elongated black ink.  Affirming unchecked fluent grit refresh eagle standard, lost legion trollops ******* like Catullus.  Cantering
predicate broidered domine dismissal, does not prevent smatter, and boozed brought fools alongside.  Murderers cremating vulgate rob black willow mosque.  Dappled spent commands a beautiful that is no place.  Squirming myrmidons march honey trail to the western sea.  Disregard lack, loss, and overrule morose placental hayride.  Mint golden sluggish essays.   Snaring nearness generously urinate, anticipate licks of *****.
Sang kami nagkari diri sa Dumarao
Wala nimo ginpabatyag nga kami pangayaw
Ang imo pagtatap gani pa nga naglabaw

Sang ako pa lamang naga-eskwela
Imo ako ginpabalunan sg kwarta
Sa imo pensiyon ako may tigana

Pero sa imo ako wala guid nakabalos
Ang imo pagpalangga nangin wala’y pulos
Oh Lola Edith, patawara ako sing lubos!

*Birthday of Lola Edith
My Poem No. 375
Oh Makagagahom nga Espiritu Santo
Kabuhi sg tanan nga maayong tawo
Kami naga-ampo sa Imo sang mapainubuson
Nga kami Imo ubayan sa tanan nga ti-on.

*My Prayer Poems Collection
My Poem No. 268
Ang maitom nga gal-om
Amat-amat naga-abot
Ang kalangitan sa hinali nagadulom

Ako gintawag ni nanay
Kg ginsugo nga maguwa
Agud pamul-on ang mga hinalay

Dali nalang kg maga-abot na
Gani ako nagdasig-dasig
Kay basi ang mamala don mabasa pa.

*My Stormy Morning Poems Collection
My Poem No. 213
Gerry Sykes Dec 2024
In the Himalayan mountains,
bordered by the Chindwin River,
bordered by the humid jungle,
      sweaty, musky, monsoon scented,
East of hot and sultry plainlands
      climbs a cooler verdant forest
      to a green and vibrant woodland,
filled with mossy bamboo thickets,
filled with silent trees that listen
to      the Naga log drum beating;
          shrill cicadas’ night-time trilling;
          waking hornbills, evü, goking;
          and the flashing fireflys mating
              like a white-hot viper chilli
              spreads it’s burning incandescence.
There, amongst the hilltribe people
      is my centre, is my focus,
      separated by a journey,
      many days by air and roadway,
but my most important person
      from that place so far, so distant,
lives and loves with me forever,
      in my home, my hearth, my heartland.
1. Nagas are a tribal people who live in hills of Nagaland, and parts of Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh (North East India) and Myanmar.
2. Log-drums are a traditional Naga instrument and an important part on Naga culture.
3. Evü is a hornbill in the Khezha language (of my wife’s tribe). It has an ev-ur sound but the final ur is in the front of the mouth
4. The Naga viper chilli was the world’s hottest chilli  (Guiness book of records 2011 but now surpassed)
Gerry Sykes Dec 2024
In musky bamboo jungle, damp and tall,
a wet and humid monsoon scents the air.
The forest hears a hornbill’s gocking call
its woodland eyes are watching and aware.

There, soldiers shoot Kalashnikovs and spread
a cordite quick collateral sharp death.
She wears a Naga shawl warm, black and red,
and watchful says a prayer under her breath.

My centre’s there where tribal logdrums beat
among the soft cicadas nighttime trill
as fireflies dance their tango down the street
and brightly coloured birds sing loud and shrill.

My most important person waits for me
under a shady verdant alder tree.
This is the first sonnet in my attempt at a sonnet sequence. The rest will follow.
The whole sequence tells the story of our wedding and the hurdles we had to overcome to get married. I wrote it as part of a course bur more importantly to celebrate our silver wedding anniversary.

As the narrative is a real event that takes place in an unfamiliar land with its own culture there are some places and few words that might need elaboration.
a. Hornbills are birds found in tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia and Melanesia of the family Bucerotidae. It is important in Naga Culture.
b. Gok/ gocking is an onomatopoeic representation of the sound a hornbill makes.
c. Nagas - the indigenous people of Nagaland (and some parts of surrounding states) in North East India.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2023
.                         Enough

      I’ve had enough of the W.A.S.P’s

With their Queen’s fake dollars and asp’$.

Hiro Shima was not a Japanese Emperor

  Nor is Naga Saki an alcoholic beverage.

North Koreans were forced to become the

Irish of Asia while the South sold its Seoul

      And just like Scotland, they joined

    Forces with their fraternal oppressor.

I’ve had enough of the Anglo Saxon's and

   Their hegemony, Vietnam, Afghanistan

Iraq, Syria Libya and that cancerous tumour

They created in the Proche Orient on land

        Stolen from the Palestinians.

PairedCastle Oct 2017
October 9 2017

Thank you for helping me out when I was in AU
I received support from everyone in the team
However, I was more comfortable reaching out to you

Thank you for providing support to me when I was in Naga
You were very generous of your time and effort
If it were not for you, all I know is Nada

I always admire your talent and creativity
All I want for you is good health, success and great opportunities
You are the salt in the dishes
Truly, you provide completeness
This was a poem I didn't get to read to Ada who left the company in October 2017. She is so talented and creative.
Gerry Sykes Jan 2
A damp Kohima wakes: a wet sunrise
the drizzle falls: the monsoon’s end is grey:
our wedding day is blessed with gloomy skies
but marriage hopes have blown my clouds away.

Nearby a gift, a mithum grazes grass
and chews with ruminating bovine bliss.
The pots are bubbling to prepare a mass
of food for fifteen hundred; more or less.

My Naga best man sits with me in church:
while she in mekhela, her orchid bloom
walks down the aisle – we stand up from the bench –
as warriors precede her to her groom.

The moment comes to say that I love you
to breath the word “amedo” for “I do”
a. Mekhela - a traditional wrap round shirt worn by tribal peoples of N E India.
b. "Amedo" means "I assent" - equivalent to "I do"

— The End —