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DAVID Dec 2014
mediante la obscuridad , escondes el deseo ,
tu imagen de fria e inalcanzable , contrasta con
la humedad  perceptible entre tus piernas .
bajo el relieve , el pliegue erogeno , en tu ropa intima ,
tu piel erizada bajo mis dedos tibios y decididos .
  la reaccion  aterida de tu piel erizandose ,
al mirar el fuego en mis ojos .
el vaticinio del desden post coitum , la humedad en mi pelvis , tu aroma en torno al tornillo que sostiene mi vida , la humedad en mi pelvis ,
rastro de tu cabalgata en mi regazo agradecido .

lo lascivo de tus ojos  sosteniendo mi mirada ,
recorrer con mis dedos , las inperfeciones de tu piel
lo imposible de tu belleza , la certeza de tu deseo , la febril mirada
el eco en mi cabeza , que repite una cantinela , la perorata del perdedor
buscando certeza , el garre firme de tus manos , sosteniendo las mias
el eco en mi cabeza que repite ,  LUCKY ******* , COMO UN MANTRA DE FUERZA .

repitiendo ecos de torzion , lazos de deseo entre vistazos de
tus ojos bellos , ecos del perdedor , para tener un recuerdo de ese momento de esa fantasia .

tu ferocidad  contrasta con lo frio de tu piel , y la frialdad con
que diriges tus ojos como laser .
mediante la obscuridad que despliegas para esconder el
deseo postumo .
ahogados los clamores de tu ****** ,  vuelves al juego , donde la indiferencia y la frialdad son tu  moneda de cambio .
solo que en tus ojos , llevas aun rastros del fuego que sacas de mi alma
de mis entrañas de mis genitales , asi te llevas lo mejor de mi ,
mi semilla mi sudor y mi alma , entre tus piernas y en tus uñas un poco de mi piel , y en tu mente mi recuerdo , el eco funesto de haber amado y seguir amando a un loser ,
translations are personal , and for that y spect that how read this make his or her own translation . besides poetry is better in the original language ,
like reading huidobro in french , the cool  altazor .
Que dolor!
Fisico, anatomico, somatico
Que tormento!
Tetrico, tragico, terrorifico
Que podre darte, ahora?
En esta desgraciada tortura?

Lagrimas empachadas de verguenza

y que insensatez
que no me dijistes
lo que me distes
que cada vez entrastes
mirando mi semblante
gritaba, chillaba
me descuartizabas
por ti, para mi
para nada
para lagrimas
para conocida rotura
y poca recompensa

muchas disculpas
pero eran tuyas
Son estas ganas
que me acorralan
es en mis venas
donde tu quemas.

Eres el diablo
cuando tu fuego
enciende mi cuerpo
y lo consume.

Ahora tu sabes
que nuestras ganas
y corazones
no tiene lineas
que nos dividan.

Si, son siempre
las ganas
las que impulsan
y mantienen
el fuego
en la hornilla.

Como tus ganas
que mantienen
las mias.
Leydis Jun 2017
Callé por vergüenza,
Callé por miedo,
Callé por proteger a quien me hacia daño,
Callé porque nadie me creeria,
Callé porque me sentia completamente;
porque nadie me entenderia.
Callé los moretones, decia que eran torpezas mias.
Callé las golpizas porque ya no me dolian.
Callé las violanciones porque no hay justicia divina.
Callé las humillaciones porque nadie las veia.
Callé porque nadie me creeria.
Callé los abusos porque no los eran para la sociedad.
Callé mis miedos y protegi a todo el que me hizo daño.
me quede mas de lo que debia, porque tenia miedo al paso que seguia.
Le temia a la vida,
me quede sin vida,
me quede sin aliento,
no recuerdos mis suenos, las cosas que desee un dia.
no recuerdo si fui alguna vez niña
no recuerdo si algun dia me sonrio la vida.
no recuerdo si respire por mi misma o siempre he estado atada a esta maquina que me mantiene viva.
Callé los maltratos de mis hijos porque nadie entenderia,
si algun dia lo hubiese confesado, me los juzgarian.
Callé que me abandonaron pues nadie lo creeria.
Callé que me eran infiel, que él me llamaba una porqueria.
Callé porque no tenia voz.
Callé porque no tenia opinion.
Callé porque nadie me enseño a denunciar,
a pelear por mi misma.
Calléhasta no poder mas!
Juro nunca mas CALLAR!

nick armbrister Feb 2018
We busted our *****
To get up there
Over a kilometre high
Where the warplanes live
And die a violent death
Meeting their end up above
On towering lonely slopes
As did Lt Stone and Sgt Kurosawa
On the same day seventy six years ago
To the day we went there
As others before had
For we had a job to do
The missing answer to find
To locate the remains of a lost pilot
Named Stone from America
Who flew a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk
In mortal battle with his nemesis
Kurosawa from Japan
With his Nakajima Ki-27 Nate
Both died that day
February 9 1942
And both haunt those inclines
One is angry and lost
One found wants to go home
One likes Hello Kitty
But not the one you think
For my drink tumbler fell
And the guide missed it
It stopped where Stone said
And there we dug dug dug
And found his airplane
Or what was once his warplane
In pieces that were scrap
But had meaning to our group
For it was this plane
That brought us here
Many hours of climbing
Swearing and sweating
To touch the clouds
And be where both hit
At what cost?
Two planes smashed
Two pilots dead
The American protecting Villamoor
The Philippines' best pilot
Who flew his biplane
A Boeing Stearman
On a recon mission
The same type that flies today
With **** English wing walkers
From Clark in Bataan
The same field Kurosawa flew from
Yes synchronicity is here
Eagle Has Landed style
What does this mean now?
In 2018 right now
Is it the pilots' ghosts
Or God or fate or karma
That brought me here
To Tarac Ridge to look
To try to find Stone's bones?
When so many have looked
And failed to find him
Did we really find Lt Stone?
So he's no longer MIA
And captive here
This beautiful mountain side
Where the sky and sea become one
Where Bataan and Corregidor
Are visible
The old battlefields
Where hell occured
Where there are more MIAs
From both sides
Both pilots hunted here
And both became the prey
Paying the ultimate cost
Bent metal and broken bones
Telling a story
Their story
If you listen
You will hear it...
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
DPAA Hymn for Fallen Soldiers
by Michael R. Burch

Sound the awesome cannons.
Pin medals to each breast.
Attention, honor guard!
Give them a hero’s rest.

Recite their names to the heavens
Till the stars acknowledge their kin.
Then let the land they defended
Gather them in again.

When I learned there’s an American military organization, the DPAA (Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency), that is still finding and bringing home the bodies of soldiers who died serving their country in World War II, after blubbering like a baby, I managed to eke out this poem. Keywords/Tags: Fallen, Soldiers, Heroes, Patriots, POWs, MIAs, Stars, honor, guard, medals, honor, tribute, memorial
nick armbrister Mar 2018
Tarac Ridge Warplane crashes February 8-10 2018 write up by Nick Armbrister

I have had an interest in aeroplanes and history ever since my dad got me into planes back in 1980. He took me up to air crashes on the Pennines/Peak District/Manchester/Yorkshire/Lancashire area of England in the early 80s. There are over fifty crashes alone here ranging from the war years and later. We also went to wrecks in the Lake District and Wales.

In 2014 in the Philippines I went to more wrecks. I Googled Bataan warplane crashes and found out about the LT Stone P-40 Warhawk and Sgt Kurosawa Ki-27 Nate dog fight and subsequent crashes. This read like something from a Battle or Warlord comic.

Over the coming weeks I put together an expedition there. I talked to Kevin Hamdorf who was one of the group who found the P-40 wreck. He gave me much info and introduced me to the guide, Noel. Without his help the trip wouldn’t have been possible.

We went to the crash area at Tarac Ridge on February 8-10 2018. This was the 76th anniversary of it. We went to the P-40 on Feb 9 and the Ki-27 on the 10th.

The crashes are over a kilometer up altitude wise. We had to hike many hours through the forest/jungle and mountain to the area. We camped at the lower campsite. There is an easier site at the top of the mountain near Kurosawa’s Nate which is less than a hundred feet below the area. Because we never camped there we had to ascend the final hour to the summit each day.

The Warhawk site of Stone is hundreds of feet below Kurosawa’s in the forest on the mountain side. Little remains today but bits of alloy, Perspex, glass and other small fragments. We found these. Lt Stone is still listed as MIA Missing In Action. One of our group, Mike, searches for MIAs. We took hundreds of photos of the area and of our search.

I ventured up to the Nate site of Sgt Kurosawa on the last day of our three day stay. It was at the summit. We had to go through thick brush/jungle to the location. Kurosawa hit a rock face and his plane was fragmented. The engine used to be there but has since been removed. There is less at this site than at Stone’s P-40. We found bits of metal, Perspex and bits. Looking at the closeness to the summit, I realized that Kurosawa almost made it.

Nobody but God and the pilots know who shot down whom and who was on the other’s tail that day. The result is the same: two warplanes wrecked and two pilots dead. Maybe more answers will be found on future expeditions. It was a great experience to go there to Tarac Ridge, Mariveles, Bataan. In time I hope to return. This was my first international warplane trip. I want to go to a Grumman F-6F Hellcat at Capas next.
arubybluebird Aug 2013
la noche es tuya
pero las estrellas son mias.


the  night is yours
but the stars are mine.
nick armbrister Jan 2019
Tarac (for Stone and Kurosawa)
We busted our *****
To get up there
Over a kilometre high
Where the warplanes live
And die a violent death
Meeting their end up above
On towering lonely slopes
As did Lt Stone and Sgt Kurosawa
On the same day seventy six years ago
To the day we went there
As others before had
For we had a job to do
The missing answer to find
To locate the remains of a lost pilot
Named Stone from America
Who flew a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk
In mortal battle with his nemesis
Kurosawa from Japan
With his Nakajima Ki-27 Nate
Both died that day
February 9 1942
And both haunt those inclines
One is angry and lost
One found wants to go home
One likes Hello Kitty
But not the one you think
For my drink tumbler fell
And the guide missed it
It stopped where Stone said
And there we dug dugdug
And found his airplane
Or what was once his warplane
In pieces that were scrap
But had meaning to our group
For it was this plane
That brought us here
Many hours of climbing
Swearing and sweating
To touch the clouds
And be where both hit
At what cost?
Two planes smashed
Two pilots dead
The American protecting Villamor
The Philippines' best pilot
Who flew his biplane
A Boeing Stearman
On a recon mission
The same type that flies today
With **** English wing walkers
From Clark in Bataan
The same field Kurosawa flew from
Yes synchronicity is here
Eagle Has Landed style
What does this mean now?
In 2018 right now
Is it the pilots' ghosts
Or God or fate or karma
That brought me here
To Tarac Ridge to look
To try to find Stone's bones?
When so many have looked
And failed to find him
Did we really find Lt Stone?
So he's no longer MIA
And captive here
This beautiful mountain side
Where the sky and sea become one
Where Bataan and Corregidor
Are visible
The old battlefields
Where hell occurred
Where there are more MIAs
From both sides
Both pilots hunted here
And both became the prey
Paying the ultimate cost
Bent metal and broken bones
Telling a story
Their story
If you listen
You will hear it...
carmel Jan 2020
Me has enseñado tanto, me has dado los momentos mas hermosos de mi vida, y también me has destrozado al punto de estar en el suelo con el corazón tirado en la calle, conmigo has hecho lo que querías, me has abierto de piernas me has dolido, me has tomado y me has dejado, me has utilizado, me has hecho sentir nada.
también admito que me has hecho sentir viva, me has hecho sentir todo, me has enseñado a callar, aunque también me has enseñado a desahogarme con penas, con baile, con lagrimas, con fiesta, me has hecho sentir sola, me has vuelto loca, he manejado con lagrimas en los ojos por tu culpa, he vivido buscándote pensando que eras de una forma para darme cuenta que no te encuentro en las formas que sueño, te encuentro pero ya no quiero buscarte, ya no se si te quiero, me tienes harta, juegas conmigo, me escupes en la cara, me mias encima, me tomas por un juego mientras solo quiero cuidarte, que esperas que quieres de mi? que tantas putas lecciones quieres darme?
quieres que mi alma se rompa, lo lograste
quieres que mi confianza se destrose, hecho
que quieres de mi?
quieres que tenga fe en ti para volver a perderla una y otra y otra vez
lo has logrado
quieres que me abra de piernas rapido lo has logrado te he confundido con tantos rostros y te he buscado en tantos cuerpos ya ni si quiera se como te verias si te tuviera enfrente
quieres que me espere, que te espere a llegar para que incluso asi decidas no aparecerte
lo tienes.
que mierda quieres de mi
sabes que ya no importa lo que tu quieras de mi, te voy a decir lo que yo quiero de ti ahora
estos son mis terminos amor
estas son mis condiciones
mi corazon esta abierto para ellos que han estado siempre. mi corazon y mi vulnerabilidad es de ellos.
no esperes que te espere, no esperes que quiera que llegas a rescatarme, por que te digo ahorita las reglas cambiaron me rescato sola yo ya no te espero, siendo honesta ni si quiera se si pudiera aceptarte, si pudiera quererte, me la has jugado tantas putas veces. te aviso que me hartaste, te aviso que ya no te quiero, te aviso que ya no te necesito
te aviso que te bajo del pedestal donde te tuve y que mi soledad me la pongo como, un vestido ajustado con los labios bien pintados y la cara en alto.
He perdido tanto sabes? tu crees que voy a tener miedo a perderte? el miedo tu me lo quitaste hace mucho.
te aviso que me perdiste
te aviso que no te espero
te aviso amor que ya no te siento.
Dakota Apr 2024
I know the last while has been ******* you
You think you've lost your shine
But any time i see you smile,
You brighten the room more than the sun ever could

Existem bilhões de estrelas no céu,
Mas a minha favorita,
E a mias brilhante,
Está aqui comigo
Roses in a pitcher in a window at a suburban Starbucks. They’re still wrapped in the plastic from Publix. A koolaid pitcher. A kind gesture from a stranger to another.

Eating my roommates left over pastina (the kind he makes that I like with carrots and kale) room temp out of the *** while I load the dish washer

While I’m loading the dishwasher it begins to rain (ga is turning into Florida) but I like how the rain looks out the window in front of the plant cuttings I have rooting on the windowsill

The plant cuttings in the cute jars I don’t need to collect but still find joy in collecting

New leaves and how good it makes me feel to talk to them

A *** of tea I bought for two, and even though I’m just one now I can almost always still finish the ***


The tin of loose leaf jasmine, its golden color, and the instruction manual that comes with it. How to make jasmine tea.

Spending as long as I want in the grocery store or famers market

Produce makes me really happy
So does the bakery
So does planning a meal for friends
And so does buying flowers

Crying listening to npr in my car (this American life or wait wait don’t tell me)
Crying feels good sometimes and these programs make me feel closer to my mom even though we’ve almost always lived far apart

Making bread. I can only make focaccia right now and I’m generally bad at baking. This is teaching me a patience that I think I can have else where


Time in the water til you get pruny and your skin feels slick. This is a specific summer joy in a lake or a river
Maybe the ocean

Public pools and the way little kids really have no spatial awareness
When it’s hot in the summer a lot of parents/babysitters, grandmas, etc bring the little ones into the sun for a few hours. Wading through the 3ft section dodging little kids with goggles that come up gasping for hair all snot faced

The idea that maybe I want kids one day
It’s a nice

Talking about daydreams
Making big plans that you aren’t sure will happen, but there’s still joy in the giggling delusion you share with friends or lovers or strangers

The train, the light in the train, the knowing you’re on a train
I mean even Marta

Mushrooms. I think chanterelles changed my life. Brought me back to the day time. Brought me back to connection not involved a dime bag or 20 shots back to back. A day time connection. A natural one cultivated at the roots of oaks.

Oak trees are old.

Black berries grow everywhere in Georgia. I find them hiding along the fences under overpasses. Hushing traffic with their glistening dark pearls and red thorns. I’m not sure I’d eat those but they still bring me joy.

Honey suckle. I thought they smelled like jasmine so I told everyone I had jasmine in my yard. I was wrong. I love the smell and how far it travels. I love the tea I make from it sometimes.

Ash’s giggle and brightening personality
Danielle’s fierce loyalty and dedication
Mias softness, wisdom, and determination
Emma’s playfulness, her creativity, and wanderlust

Theo laying behind me on the couch
Using her as a pillow

Dog birthdays

The guy riding his moped with a plastic rain bubble around it on boulevard

Trying to place a prank call but giggling too much to finish saying anything. The adrenaline hits me despite my failure.
Jessica Apr 2020
Me molestan muchas cosas
Tu indiferencia
El silencio incomodo
La imposibilidad de una utopia
El que no haya encontrado a mi gente
Que hablen sin saber
Las cosas que no hice
Y las que no dije
Como las que dije también
el pragmatismo inhibido por el exceso de emociones
Cosas mias no resueltas
Y que jamas voy a resolver
Mi ignorancia
Y la tuya
Que me miren raro cuando hablo
Mi miedo a muchas cosas
Las veces que confíe cuando no debi
Y aquellas en las que di de mas
El fanatismo
la ausencia de mi voz por la intolerancia humana
Si nada te molesta, no estas despierto amigue

— The End —