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Irate Watcher Aug 2014
Had you a viral video,
you’d watch it
more than once.

2. Instagram hearts
make you smile,
even from strangers.

3. Which would
you rather:
friending you
on Facebook.

No, this isn’t a Cosmo quiz —
it’s a social experiment.

Because no one ACTUALLY
answers these questions honestly
without looking like
that ****** at the pool
trying to get as MANY
high fives as possible.

Yet, we all do it.
Alone or in public.
Day or night.
LED screen spice up our lives.

It was probably
best embodied
by that girl taking
filmed for minutes
on the way to school,
the video soon posted,
by her dad
trying to teach  her a lesson?
Or trying to get attention?
Either way, he might as
well have hashtagged it

Like most humor
we laughed at her
because we are her.
We see a dripping
******* to
itself in public.

Wait, it,
sounds wrong
when you name it.

But there is
a name for it:

Digital *******,

You won’t agree
that you do it too.

But I’ll bet
most of you
get excited
thinking about
notifications too.

Why is that?

You’d never admit it.

You can say
I smelt it, so I dealt it.
Call me a preacher,
a hater, or a hypocrit.

But I'd rather you call me a
digital masterbater too.

And then remember the last
time you opened Instagram
or Facebook
or Twitter
and took a selfie
or hashtagged something
or posted a status
that your still breathing.

How long has it been —
a minute, an hour, a day?

Now try making fun of her.
gothic mistress Nov 2010
no slavering kisses

like a dog on heat

no schoolboy fumble

wanting you to beat his meat.

no ***** in the dark

or a letch to grab your ****

no rancid breath,nor sweaty skin

to grasp you in his mits.

just you and your fingers

and your own ***** vices

pure ecstacy of loving yourself

with your battery op devices.

it is all in the touch

the rhythm of your wrist

the way your body squirms

giving a wriggle to your hips.

a gasp n moan

******* brings you pleasure

frustrated tensions fade away

as you fiddle at your leisure.

reaching your crescendo

a throb a pant a sigh

eyes slightly misted

youre at your dizzying high.

copyright gothicmistress 2010
Henry Daniels Jul 2012
    Playing with yourself
is bad, and it
will make you
Go blind...
I can't see

  reason why I should stop doing it. :D
I listen
and I hear
the sound
of a radio
that is off
the station
and I don't
make a move
to fix it while
I sit here involved
neck deep in
mental *******.
a ditty
Softly spoken Oct 2011
I got this great sensation.
With a broad imagination
And I love to think
Where other brains are weak
So educate me
Teach me that one plus one in ya bedroom
Means later on a wife and groom
That if I don't pull out and stay in
9months from now we got a baby coming
We all need education
No don't put me no class room I want hands on
I want to touch feel and embrace the sun
And yes I know its hot
But so was you and look what I got
I'm getting educated
Now that I know about the birds and the bees
I got a lil knowledge on astrolegy
Can we go on please
Without this thing called education the brain is dead
She brought me to life the first time I got in her bed
She educated me taught me things I never knew
Like you can have sharp pains in ya heart from what someone else might do
That you can be heart broken yea she taught that to me
She also demonstrated that one time she left me
Although sad for her to go I'm glad she taught me about *******
Or else I would be in a world of shyt
Sexually fustrated holding all these nuts in
Man **** education half of the shyt we don't use
And knowing one plus one don't stop ya heart from getting bruised
I hate education of life I should of stayed in public schools
Instead of coming out to the real world and takin off my sschool shoes
I don't want to learn
That falling in love sometimes can burn
**** you education
I'm gonna make a collabaration of the two
The real world / school education and sell it to ya kids in school
So they won't be fooled
When someone comes and try to educate them
And still I have a great sensation with a broad imagination
I got my books pen and paper early preperation
For this shyt called education
The lightest touch
Is all it takes
To stimulate
The thirsty mind
Desires like delusions
Bloom out of needs
To own and to possess
To have and to hold
What is the difference
Between marriage and
So many expectations
Inevitable like gravity
Forsaking the self
In exchange for
The we.
The body continues
Its fleshy desires
Long after
The mind is
When the desires of body
Overtake mind
What am I?
Is it me?
Is it, it?
Existential rumination, am I the player, the game, what am I?
Damian Acosta Aug 2014
... and all of Life's questions were set to be answered,  from "Why are we here?" and "Why should we care?"  to "Why don't he love me?" and "What should I wear?" and
                                                        "Wher­e is my father?"  and
                                                   ­                                                    "Can I kiss my daughter?"              and

                                    ­            "What does it matter?"
"Flannel or Mod?"                              and
                          ­                                                                 "What about God?"
                      "Meat on a stick? or Shish Kabob?"
                                                            ­                            "Free Will or Fate?"
                        "Do you think of me when you *******?"                                                   and
"Is Santa for real?"
                                                                ­                  and

                                          ­                                                    "What does love feel--"
                                                         ­                                                                 ­              "Like this or like that?"  
                                   "Do I really look fat?"            
                                                   "Do u thnk its gonna b bettr than the 1st one??"     "When Atheists go to court, do they have to swear on the bible?"               "Is it legal to travel down a road in reverse, as long as your following the direction traversed?"                        "Where do u see urselvef in 5 yrs?"
               "what's the most embarrasing thing that has happened to you?"                    "Why are the best looking things the most deadly?""What does i.e. stand for?"            "How do you know when you fall in love?"" If ghosts can float, why do they waste their time walking around?"          
"Why am I still in the bed?"                        "Why would u get pregnant by a dude that doesn't take care of the kids he already have?""Why do ppl Cheat ?"
                 "Did u really love me or u just lied???"                    " whats the point of tryin anymore if u tried so hard in the past and nuttin happened?" "why is the sky blue?"?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?­???????????????????????????????????????? .
                                                               ­                                 ¿
                              ­                                                                 ­     ?
                                                          ­                                              ¿
                                                                ­                                         ?

                                                                ­                                             ¿

Age old wives' tales,

                                                       ­                                                          ?



jud­gement day--
                                                           ­                                                                 ­  ¿

                                      The Human Symphony

of doubt and faith,

                  ­                   with crescendos of hope now played,                              ?

as the moments of our naive darkness

                                                      ­                      Tick

                                                               ­                        Tock
                                                            ­                                         slip, slide



                     ­                                                                 ­                  

                          ­                                                                 ­           

                                                     ­                                                            ¿

                ­                                                            10


                   ­                                        6

                           ­                                                                 ­ 8



                                                  ­                                                                 ­      7

                                                     ­                                                                 ­                    ¿

                                                               ­                                                                 ­           ?

                                                               ­                                                                 ­               0

                                                             ­                                                                 ­                      1
The greatest accomplishment of humankind took the stage just                      
                                                                ­                                                                 ­                   
                                             ­                                 past 11:59,  New Years Eve 2099          !
The first and only of its kind,
                   ­                                         Born from the Hope and Ingenuity

                                                    ­              of
The Great Recession Generation--
                                                    ­        Whose Change and "Deviation"  gave birth

                                                        ­           to
The Artificial Assimilation Generation--
                                                    ­          Whose Instant Omniscience created

                                                     ­               the
Automation Generation, whose lack of challenge
                                                       ­         Evolved into the Great Stimulation Generation--

                                                    dependent upon emotional simulation
for spiritual mental and human validation.

                                                  ­                    A
Civilization whose foundations were pillars

                                                            ­                  0f  

21st Century Dust..............................★★★★★★★★★★★
                   ­                  ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★          ­ 
                                   ­  .                                                    
                       ­                 the perfect shambles of a custom built artificial
                                                      ­                                                                 ­                    life.
Intelligent saturation, automation, assimilitation-- the cries of *******--
                                                  ­                                      nothin' but digital elation!
                                                        ­                                                                 ­             No
                                                 ­                                                                 ­      more
                                                      ­                                                Heroes--
        ­                                                                 ­                              Tears
                                                           ­                                                                 ­of
                                                              ­                                                                 ­    Nero.

                                                                ­                                                                 .

                                                              ­                                                           .
                                                                ­                                                   .

Thursday December 31,  2099                                    
                 23:59:31                                   ­                   A time of ever present
                     ☼   42°                                                              ­                      Knowledge
         Aged 25 years 12 days
           Heart Rate 154 bmp        
           Daily Caloric Intake
                Calorie Buffer
         Personal Headlines
"First Artificial and Visceral Intelligence
        To Be Unveiled @ Midnight"

"First we were meat. After, sentient meat. Then self aware meat.
As such, manipulative meat. Adaptive meat. Rotting meat. Limbo Meat.

Then came awareness of spirit.
Freedom from the mortal meat,
Via a mastering of its meaty concepts.

We became one in the same; spirit and meat.
Held mirrors to one another, reflected our dreams.

Shared sense of Being.

Then meat met metal, plastic and graphene--
Testing the infinite ways to give birth to Life.
And we did.

We called our first child Artificial--
afraid for our mortality.
Yet called it intelligent in its ability.

A selfish denial of a miraculous act.

The question was inevitable,

'If knowledge is infinite, and
                                                   intelligence is the capacity to acquire knowledge,
Would we call such a pursuit, of intellectual Life, "Artificial"?'

'If God is infinite, and
                                       Non-visible, non-provable,
Would we call a pursuit for such a source of Life, "Artificial"? In vain?'

'Is this not Life before us existing in the shape of electrically charged plastic? Entities that observe and react to their environment, is that any more artificial than a man?'

Emotion. One word, and the intellectuals were silenced....


Meat knows emotion.
Our meat has been stimulated and shaped by
pain and joy.

Machine knows only causation, not visceral relation.

Visceral. One word, and the intellectuals were aroused.


A machine's viscera lies within its programming, its sense of being.

Meat's viscera lies within its program to survive (food, sexuality), its sense of being.

"If a program can understand environment and its relation to that environment, it may be able to approximate a sensation to a high level of accuracy based on temperature, humidity, and whether or not that environment is detrimental to its functioning hardware, and thereby make a statistical decision as to where to move next.  It may interpret sound as obtrusive or melodic based on input sensitivity. But creating hardware with central parts is counter-intuitive to information flow-- which is of paramount importance, far above form.

However, the nano-sized 'cloud'  hardware used in this new "form", will have sensors by the trillions. Examining its environment-- functioning as One, Creating a field-- a floating specter of the collective human mind. Where its understanding of history is both objective and subjective (given of course the established norm of a non-private society).

The most important factor, is its relation to us... Meat. That comes with empathy, compassion. If it can understand basic weather, terrain, and statistics, it can understand basic human survival challenges and its solutions. If it can hold all of the information past and present, circumstantial factors of old and new, would it not have a more clear perspective of our human state of being? Would it not be our most reflective mirror? Would it not have some visceral answers? Would it not be an awareness of Spirit? Spirit meaning by definition: the principle of conscious life; the specter or trace of existence."

At last the intellectuals gave themselves a centennial deadline. Blood sweat and tears of a generation upon a generation...

'We are calling her Aavi.' they said early in December.
"Artificial and Visceral Intelligence.

So, The World listened...

" A Computer Will Reveal Our Greatest Secrets" were they laymen headlines.

"Artificial and Visceral Intelligence with the Free Will to pursue anything." for the Romantic readers

Either way-- meat or metal-- it comes down
                                                            ­                                        to Choice.
Choice, based upon instinct
                                                        ­                                                          and reason--
Until now an option reserved only for Man.

What will our greatest achievement say about its creator?

                                                       ­                       (feel here for list of  sources)
                                                    ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­     *23:59:50 Countdown
2010- 2014
What if we could create an "Artificial and Visceral Intelligent" being? What would it reveal about our nature, our process? How would it express its observation of its creator?
DC raw love Dec 2014
Drifton A Way Sep 2013
A cosmic ray dispersed into creation
Tail wagging upstream with elation
So many victims fallen to *******
Anxious seed sprouting with incubation

Privileged To exist
we have no choice
Growing like a cyst
No time to rejoice

Cognitive effort to grasp us being alive
Ponder the place from where we derive
Reasons for life and why we must strive
Are we honeybees with earth as our hive
Pray to the heavens for when we"ll arrive
Greeted with a smile and god"s high five

Effortlessly we all continue to live and be
Subconsciously evolving the human tree
Temporarily renting this vessel of a body
Surreptitiously evading death to be free
alebastard jones Feb 2014
I'm only agressive because u made me this way . Every day u insist upon calling me gay .
But we are one so don't try to fight this Sensation. Were the same person so its not gay its ******* .
When there's a time machine im gonna go back in time and make love with my younger self. don't hate on me its *******.
anne Feb 2010
she'd make love if she knew
if she could
if she would
when her life seems to spiral down
mental capacities limited more and more
she sips a little 80 proof
packs another bowl and waits for
listens to music that reminds her of beautiful boys
that have long gone
moved on
beautiful boys they dance and sing play music together
in her dreams all of them
together smiling faces
cheating messes
with some hesitation
she'd make love if she could
make love to a bar of soap
it's all you got
they ended short short relationship with a parting wish
"go **** yourself, *****"
...and as she stands in shower
wonders if they'd feel satisfied
if they knew she did exactly that
it's all she has
one parting wish
and a bar of soap
my fingers were put to the keys and out this came instantaneously.

written december 31st, 2009.
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
The trapeze artist without
encased within a paper weight,
reading through eye
glasses crafted for readers
astigmatic use.
This is the mind set...... this is the end truth.......
Being is embryonic,
to become, to the pupal larva,
a new becoming, Life.

Quantum leaps often end in tragedy
               when the time traveler ceases to travel
                         The sudden stop!
Rapid communication......synaptic calibration......recall all yesterdays.
blind intellect               one tenth of one second         15 seconds
The dimensions split and the bicameral mind appears two lobes
right and left, inverted vision adjusted for
mythic fusion,
creating abstracted convolutions
answering to them self. A planet in a galaxy of confusion.


Imagination finding place in the new electronic
institution, man made synaptical illustrations
from pixilated madness.
We take from
illogical extension of our existence that makes some sense.
We make it such
that it becomes
the most told lie
we believe without questioning.
Till death we do part.


As I inhale looking at my last past, well
in any case the past is where I just wrote past the last time
like now PAST.
Rationalization is overrated, intellectual *******
is for the cools, and catatonic haze is a new wave drug.
It is early in a new society's evolution.....
It is late in the face of time......
ergo quantum quandary quid pro quo

Ajerry / copyright

**I am not sure what the meaning of explicit means to a poet. It does not contain X rated language or sexually explicit acts. Ajanon/ Jerry**
Kida Price Jul 2014
It's strange to see the female form
The personalities they've developed out of the norm
The way they speak
They're actions weak
Falling into the mold as someone meek.
They try to rile up to the idea of strength
Doing things unladylike and less like a saint
Swearing like sailors and keeping up drink for drink
Agreeing with the stupid **** that men tend to think.
But screaming at bugs and making belligerent scenes.
Makes me wonder how I turned to be
Not like a lady
And not like male majority.
Hit like a girl?
I hit like a brick
Who carries a knife or a gun?
That's the guy's job
Not the chick's.
Most will assume
I have more guy friends then girls
Because I'm permiscuous
And without a clue.
Trying to find the next masculine thrill
Let them into my pants
Because I'm on the pill?
That makes me invincible, right?
If I can't get knocked up
You're up for some fun tonight?
I avoid guys of that type
Cause that encourages the ******* female stereotype.
I'm no feminist
By any stretch of the imagination
I shave my armpits
And I hate petitions
I love cooking
And chick flicks on occasion
But I have a habit
Of acting above my station.
I talk freely about *******
I watch ****
And I listen to the metal rock sensation.
I bleed without hesitation
Wether it's on cutting my fingers on accident
Or my monthly menstration
I go to my job
To ******* work
Not to show up and whine
And allow my duties to shirk
You can't earn something
Without working for it first
So if you're lazy and broke
You deserve it, dumb ****.
I don't assume that I get what I want
With a bat of my eyes
I don't think I'm the apple in my father's eyes
I only manipulate
To get the attention away from my sight
I feel sorry for those gentile lies
That I'm supposed to own power
Because of my breast size.
If I'm blunt then I'm a *****
Too quiet then a ***** doormat
Too funny then I'm annoying and try too hard
Too boring then I'm a ***** with no substance.
I've cast these judgements
Of fellow girls alike
They act all tough
Until it's time to fight.
Grow out your nails
Put your earrings to the side
Talk a big talk
Then run from the blight
Acting like the bigger person
To cover the fright.
Don't start ****
If you don't plan to swing
Then your big words
Don't mean a ******* thing
Stay behind my back when you talk about me
You know better than to say it in front of me
A flick of my blade
A flash of my eyes
You wouldn't last long
Considering my size
If I have something to say
I'll say it to you
Because I know there's nothing you're going to do.
I won't waste another thought on you.
Live up to your anatomy
Leave mine up to me
You'll find that your substance
Is only false imagery.
Not all girls
Are like what I'm describing
But the lack of female rationality
Is the reason why we're constantly destroying
Our good names.
Don't be a man
Don't be a ****
Just be what you think
Be what you want.
Just because you have the power of the hole
Doesn't mean you have to act like a dumb *******.
Chaz Kirshcmann Jan 2015
what are we really doing?
with the lives that we are given
it comes and goes
so fast like food, *** and *******
we feel like we need more

we are meant for more
something that never gives us that satisfaction
the pleasure of never giving in
pushing and pushing and pushing till the we are dead

the earth, planets, universe and god will never end.
songs, senses pleasing themselves, beat, of silence, song, of *******, of lubrication, beat, of the time in a shift in conversation, expression, in the birds, who do it instinctually, to people, who do it as sponges, yes.  we are all spongbob, hurting and dancing and blowing bubbles, ready, ready, ready
Jack R Fehlmann Dec 2014
I'm doing this backwards it seems.
         This living, this life, this exhistance...
If that really is, what it is,... A gift, or a punishment?
         Similar to to *******, self gratification, that first one,..
                  Never another, not even the immediate second,..
After the first of anything,
           Has been,...  Is done,... Gets finished,...
                             Is experienced for the very first time,...
                                            The next and next and next,  the second...
              and on and on and on and on... are much much less intense.
More understood, less mysterious,... Less amazing,...  more like practice.
How can I ease the pain
when it's tons of pressure
on my brain
hard to maintain
governments officials think of us disdained
I'm hittin' intellects like snorts of *******
World was made from Blood stains
products of the devil though a rebel
so **** the law I spit raw wit it
ordained as a outlaw
had no choice too ******* to haters
get ran through
malice finds no good in the ghetto neighborhood
wish I could change everything
I see is strange makin' skins mange
breakin' through the molds of sin demons casted in
Earth since my birth
covert elite waitij' for us to retreat
but never I will got a Strong Will
Eager to **** eradicatin' Capitol Hill
battlin' stormy weather like birds flocks together we can and will.endeavor
sometimes thugs gotta cry so why lie
so what if I gotta **** .the fools in white coats
shovin' drugs down our throats
coast to coast
Ready to toast ya told ya Ebola
ain't nothing but an enema
man made disease please don't beg
**** makin' a plea to the jury
I'm guilty Cuz the courts don't feel me
it's the Nat Turner in me
reincarnation minds in gestation
from spiritual *******
sound the war even the score
reality grows sore
the closer I get to Jehovah
as long as I'm breathin' I'll
continue the struggle til the aeon is over
Akira Chinen Jan 2016
Maybe I'm just bored
With *******
Or maybe the brush
Just fells better
In my hand
Or it could be the colors
That distract
The blood flow
Instead of down
Or maybe its
Something deeper
At my
From within
My bones
Its the silence
The solitude
And the
Spilling out
The ugly
Truth of beauty
David Ehrgott Mar 2016
About a year ago, before the candidates were in the running.  The headlines read "Hillary defeats Satan."  I , at the time, could not understand this.  "How could this be?"  I questioned myself.  After all, wasn't she the one that handed over the POTUS position to a muslim/socialist?  And wasn't she caught with a truckload of articles that belonged to the United States when she moved out of the White House?  Yet, some women groups still believe she is the right person to steal the office.  (Remember Dickandbush, no one voted for them either. Remember?  REMEMBER?)  The Presidency is not a position that is voted by the people anymore and hasn't been decided by the public in a long, long time.  As a matter of fact, the whole election process is merely a choreographed dance or ******* if you will.

  Now to the matter of topic.  How she does it.  First she gets a crazy old man who preaches socialism is the answer to be her opponent.  Is any one in their right mind going to believe that socialism belongs anywhere on THIS PLANET!  Listen friend, if it didn't work for the Russians and the USSR then how in the hell do you think it would work here.  Some one PLEASE purchase a one-way ticket to China for Bernie boy or maybe send him to Mars.  Maybe it could work there. Okay?  She has the Democratic ticket.  In like Flint.

  Now the other side,  the Republicans had so many choices and only one of them had the nads to challenge the SUPER-PACS.   (You remember those nice scumbags that pay politicians so much money to destroy the country that they (the politicians) just have to take it.  Let's see, there once at the time was about eighteen of them.  And not one of them could match the evil wits of Satan.  I really believed at one time that he DID have a chance to beat thunder-thighs.  Then he did this.  First he stated that he was good friends with Hillary and has known her for a very long time.  Then, he did the unthinkable.  He hired the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to tag along with him.  You remember him.  Don't you?  The guy who not only single-handedly bankrupted an entire city.  But, also gave the State of New Jersey a $384 BILLION deficit.  Great choice Donald.  Why don't you just meet Hillary in a motel for three days and you can be the next leader in about eight years or so.

  The other Republican hopefuls were 1.  Pretty Boy (he could get the eighteen year old vote but, that's about all.)  2.  *****-Nilly (just not leadership material.)  3.  BUSH? 4.  Some guy whose name sounds like a ****** disease.  5.  The Penguin, or as he put it Dracula. And other fiends of Hillary.

Sorry Folks,

The fix was in from the get go.
It's in the bag.

Let's just hope that thunder-thighs doesn't squeeze us too hard.

Oh, just one last thing.  If we limit terms in the Senate, Congress, and most importantly Supreme Court.  Then, and only then will we have an uncorrupted government.  You can thank me later.

A Poet
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
It starts with a scribble and a scratch
And the bleeding of a pen
And the carving of the pulp
Words pile and puddle
And emotions gather and release
Joy and grief
And longing  and anticipation
Its verbal mental *******
Scarring paper with confessions
And confusion and grand illusion
Of dreams with miserable  conclusions
And I'm begging for her affection
And shes grasping for him
And he's slinging arrows  for anothers attention
Who has a cold shoulder
And a broken heart
And shes trying to write herself
Out of her hole
But only finds herself
Deeper and more broken and hurt
Carrying the immortal curse
Of loving the pain of the heartache
Of the scribble and the scratch
And the beliving of the ink
And the desperation of finding hope
In the last line
David Ehrgott Aug 2016
Remember this one?

About a year ago, before the candidates were in the running. The headlines read "Hillary defeats Satan." I , at the time, could not understand this. "How could this be?" I questioned myself. After all, wasn't she the one that handed over the POTUS position to a muslim/socialist? And wasn't she caught with a truckload of articles that belonged to the United States when she moved out of the White House? Yet, some women groups still believe she is the right person to steal the office. (Remember Dickandbush, no one voted for them either. Remember? REMEMBER?) The Presidency is not a position that is voted by the people anymore and hasn't been decided by the public in a long, long time. As a matter of fact, the whole election process is merely a choreographed dance or ******* if you will.

Now to the matter of topic. How she does it. First she gets a crazy old man who preaches socialism is the answer to be her opponent. Is any one in their right mind going to believe that socialism belongs anywhere on THIS PLANET! Listen friend, if it didn't work for the Russians and the USSR then how in the hell do you think it would work here. Some one PLEASE purchase a one-way ticket to China for Bernie boy or maybe send him to Mars. Maybe it could work there. Okay? She has the Democratic ticket. In like Flint.

Now the other side, the Republicans had so many choices and only one of them had the nads to challenge the SUPER-PACS. (You remember those nice scumbags that pay politicians so much money to destroy the country that they (the politicians) just have to take it. Let's see, there once at the time was about eighteen of them. And not one of them could match the evil wits of Satan. I really believed at one time that he DID have a chance to beat thunder-thighs. Then he did this. First he stated that he was good friends with Hillary and has known her for a very long time. Then, he did the unthinkable. He hired the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to tag along with him. You remember him. Don't you? The guy who not only single-handedly bankrupted an entire city. But, also gave the State of New Jersey a $384 BILLION deficit. Great choice Donald. Why don't you just meet Hillary in a motel for three days and you can be the next leader in about eight years or so.

The other Republican hopefuls were 1. Pretty Boy (he could get the eighteen year old vote but, that's about all.) 2. *****-Nilly (just not leadership material.) 3. BUSH? 4. Some guy whose name sounds like a ****** disease. 5. The Penguin, or as he put it Dracula. And other fiends of Hillary.

Sorry Folks,

The fix was in from the get go.
It's in the bag.

Let's just hope that thunder-thighs doesn't squeeze us too hard.

Oh, just one last thing. If we limit terms in the Senate, Congress, and most importantly Supreme Court. Then, and only then will we have an uncorrupted government. You can thank me later.

A Poet

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James Floss Jan 2019
Emasculation, no
*******; needing
Ministration: handy
Yah, bruh
Handy dandy
Some vacation
A friction revelation
What the ****
Why is pain such a reacuring memory

For me
Yes, i am me
And I am an addict
44 percent I think
(The number always fluctuates  depending on the situation)
I got cocky that's got to be it  
A new career
And some time in my pocket
And now I'm laying here
Black pupils so large
I need an exorcism

One day to recover until class
One ******* day

At least procrastination
Will be something I excel at
Oh and *******
I hate how I always need validation
> Like the implication of insecurities are the only assurity that I'll never be alone
> Sometimes self love stops at *******
> Like the only time I love myself is when I can make myself feel the drastic *******, sensation
> Like the only vacation is ejactulation
> Otherwise the frustration is unbearable
> I try to remind myself that true wealth and real health is all about self help, but still I cry out that I am lonely
> Sometimes I wonder if being under the covers and under another is the only time I will ever feel whole,
> But deep down I know
> That filling a hole will never fill the hole left by feeling inferior
> Sometimes I find security in insecurities
> Sometimes feeling lonesome is the only way I can be alone, and still feel my home is not abandonment
> For once I feel the need to not need to succeed in the Greed of another's arms
> Cause being charmed should leave me alarmed but sadly even when I'm harmed I feel more loved than not bein used
> Not being bruised or subdued by being seduced, when I know deep down the only truth is that I don't love myself enough
> I find it tough to find self worth without some kind of self hurt or without being heard that I am loved
> Or that I'm needed
> But being needed is equivalent to be self defeated, to being depleted, and so I'm scared that I need it just to feel wanted
> To feel valued, or feel I am not cursed to be submerged on earth, with no worth, unless I feel first a loving embrace
> So I tell myself not to chase a fate without faith and instead of hating my own face, see how great I am and can be
> Without a strangers company, but it's strange to me as I am estranged from self love
> So leave the words above and beyond for those who feel they don't belong and let them know that they too can be strong
> Strong enough to see that you are enough for u
> And that I too have accrued the same attitude and crude mood of feeling desperation but refuse
> Refuse to being locked in a dungeon mocked by my own destruction
> And hope u release yourself as I do from it's abduction
> Released from the disease of the need to feel wanted or being left haunted by self hatred
> So I stand here naked, and sedated by leaving castrated the inflated loneliness narrated by my own self consciousness
> And leave only the promise of feeling self love that's honest even if it's only prompted from within
> And will no longer entertain the pain of feeling strain from stains left from
> A mundane train of thought
> Exhausted from feeling not good enough ...
David Acker Jr Jul 2018
They say Karma is a cold one.
It's like I'm married to her.
It's like, at night
She's the last thing I see on my way to sleep.
It's like I kiss her goodnight and then we cuddle.
We even make love.
No, it's like we're conjoined at the hip,
Or some ****.
And has a hand in EVERYTHING throughout the day
Or maybe she's my ****.
Maybe since I ****** and/or ****** over so many women,
And since I've been told "Go **** yourself" so many times
Now she's ******* me
Maybe this is some sick form of *******.
Or maybe I contracted her like an STD.
Or maybe,
Just maybe
She's hereboo to steal my joy like mustard gas to oxygen.
Who knows though?
May there's an penicillin type injection for it.
But, the government refuses to let us use it.
Maybe North Korea can nuke it.
Or Marvel has a super hero to defeat this evil villain.
Or maybe, when all of **** I've done in my past
Maybe I deserve it!
Maybe we are soulmates and
My birthday is our anniversary!!!
Sometimes no matter how hard you try to move on, the past is always right there to **** it up!
Mr Xelle Mar 2017
Friendly fire, friendly fire!
I cut the wires he's got some wires..
No undercover I'm under covers
I'm understanding and underlining
It's exasperated and *******
To my mind to orchestrate this life I'm living.
Always feeling wrong but it feels so good gripping  life from a tip to receive simething out of it
My suspicion is always before me and my sin has elevated
My lips are weary so my heart becomes like lemons.
Bright and radiant
Slowly sending chills down my spine
I feel the love stenched with lust intertwine
Though bind I caress my hands on her behind
And pressed my lips firmly against her lips
Energy being transferred from one heart to the next
As I key into her soul with a telepathic text Only then she'll realize it's not just about ***
It's about mastering the art of love making
And feeding into her deepest senses causing powerful *******
Soon to see ******* from my mental stimulation
Breaking her barriers through hidden frustration
At ease let me cease that stress wear you like a tight dress
Once I give you dose of the poems that manifest no second guess
I'm.ready to be the best just say yes
And I'll continue to bless
You through time after time cuz I'm
The only one that can make you smile
Go crazy and wild stuck in a daze
Let's make a love child
Play you fair no need to be foul
I was Born to roll so ya trolls
Better know ya role
As I swole ya corticals in the
Ya see dead bodies with dull skull
Slashin' ya ******
Once I laced you with the lyrics
That make halo
Lay low before you catch a glimpse
Of the flows hitting against ya temple
Plain and simple
I'm old skool like ripple hardened
Women's *******
Stubborn as a pimple break ya down
To the last particle
I'm KRino so better know I'm full of inferno
Mixed with hydrogen and kerosene so I burn slow
Cold fusion lyrics boostin' so who yall choosing?
The newbies or the old skool.mack
Rollin in an iced out caddy with my jammies
Don't give a **** press ya luck I'm makin' bucks
Units sold by the millions abandoned my kingdom so I could play with some
Spirits hang with the devels made me a rebel
My magic number is seven seven seven blessed from heaven
A demon in guise dark energy and matter rise
Between my eyes you'll see its no saprise
Necroplasm I bleed indeed once the triggers squeeze
See how bodies freeze below  
My stello to quick to go my skillz go
Thousands rounds to one none can't hang with the don crowned
I could make the skies cry once I magnify
A verse lyrically put 'em in a
I carried pain from the seven seas of corpsed water
Slaughter it's the rebirth of Poseidon wreck one change is
Got my critics humming like birds **** what ya heard
I'm coming through with the wisdom of Sun Tzu
No battle fatigue seen many haters bleed
Catch the glow flashing like a photography see
Brothers like me see the penitentiary
For trying to open my mentality none could shatter me
Or batter me
Who's deadly as legendary emcees cool as moe Dee
It's the wild wild west when ya step to Texas
Don't many wanna Plex once the cells ***
Begins a ******* forms a creation
of words Flow so smoothly so check the beat instantly
Women all over me cuz of my
No high pitch y'all just a glitch as i
Whats left of the industry somebody told me
To rearrange game I said things ain't the same
No more lyricism it's a prison but I break the spectrums
Of all colors Ain't no *** of gold at the end of
The rainbow
So suckas better bow before ya get plowed
Like a snow plower I power rhymes easily
Smooth as Ike make ya eat cake
Check my rap mastery spittin' cleverly axin'
Beats without a split rhymes ya spit
Sound like **** no better brother can do it better
Leave ya body covered in a ****** sweater
From the lyrical berretas so many
Over the dispute of cheddar tears of a letter
Read at the eulogy offers no apology
Learn wisdom from space astronomy ology
Picking ya up quicker soon to lift
Atomic bombs cuz I'm anti-
Shatter ya critics soul til ya soul
In the universe I'm breaking the
For what's it's worth **** me and I'll
Only rebirth
I had everyone I ever wanted
My dream guy left me in week and came back in my life and left again.
The right guy had friends and mom that never let me in.
The hottest guy I had turned this skeleton to a buff man....
24 crying about a guy I walked the world for....
Never again
I can't remember when I chose myself
Highly sensitive but who cares for wealth ?
This time we get established first then if they wanna leave
I can do bad all by my self
Checked in, on ya vocals,
Smash hits, go local,
Break ya stereo, there he go,
Ripping the floor,
Displayed deserved an encore,
Don't call me Lazy,
Styles similar to Nas and Jay'Z,
Invite me enemies,
Let 'em sit at the table,
Expose the Judas, around me,
Word to my mommy,
Or better yet, the sworn of the Wu Bee,
Still love *******, ***** don't really move me,
Put the vinyl, to the needles,
That's where the grooves be,
Dance like Stony,
Jackson satisfaction, girls catch attraction,
To my performance actions,
Bed room perfume,
Knock so hard, you can feel the skies fumes,
*** is everywhere, don't care, if you really, don't wanna go there,
I'm up in ya face,
News edit, commercial **** the racial,
Knew a chick name Rachel,
She loved to get facials,
Scratch off ****, silent my fears,
Now I hear the horn,
Lena the baddest chick, have ya seen her,
Close to the starlight, six wings caught a flight,
Wait I counted twelve, haters put ya albums, back on the shelves,
I'm taking over, sounds like
The ending of Jehovah,
Who could climb over,
The electric fence, let the ****,
On ya eardrums,
Beat so hard, til ya go deaf and dumb,
Don't just follow the hums,
Of my lyrics, that cause troublesome,
Dumb dumbs, can't peep the conundrum, reaching heights pass the slum,
Ruthless hope y'all feel this, been this way, since the styles of Chris,
Or better yet, Melly Mel,
Never answer the cell, but I'll rock ya bells, like LL,
No shots of cannabis, ask this cousin, can I bust,
I make oxygen rust, without the metal, heavy rhymes to settle,
Watch ya soul shake, embrace the intake, ya life's token,
It's gravely close to a wake,

Back to back, like Jordan on the sixth,
Ring, everyone gather around and sing,
What the lullaby brings,
Each and corner, caught two cabs, met rza, in the lab,
Pin the vocab, chemist when i spit this,
Vibration, could shake the stations,  rep my own nation,
Woman want me,
Make em ****, til i reach *******,
Skin tone, dont matter me,
Cuz language i speak,
Be money, get the honey,
Hives crowd, up under me,
Spoken properly, built for the family,
Understand me,
Mission monopoly,
At the same time, drop the pedigree,
Peep timeline, i was here before,
There was a time,
Sparkle in the sky, why ask why,
Burn your tapes,
Like when i decalcify, ya third eye,
Old as the fossils,
Make raps colossal, belittle your scrolls to goals,
Ya know the flow, quote it, like a scripture,
Photograph to picture, make hits like ******,
Magazine cousine, to the guns that fiend,
Learned the cream, cashed in my race, now i gotta wicked taste,
In my mouth,
Word to the south,
We stay raunchy, hype the universe like Crunchy,
Three six, still in the mix, talking ****,
I pop up ******, as that boy It,
Ahh ****,
Spiritual counsel, control the sounds of soul,
Stay tuned for the next sequel,
O yeahh

Let the triple six darkness mark us likes signs
Of a dead carcass I'm a hawk of the night by flight
Giving demons breathing delight gun flash
Could make a devil dash I'll get the last laugh
Wear comedies tragedy mask lift the veil with the flask
I'm sipping on wisdom potent potential sitcoms
Living everyday in my head can't shake the spread
Fleas copping in pleas I could make Roman legacy
Bow before me like the pope and papacy take a blast at me
I'll still be rising like the black momba Kobe
Or Jordan can't stop scorin no points but anoint
Knowledge beyond the dogon I'm so long gone
Off the space age no time confined blind mastermind
Since I'm became a maven I'm misbehaving craving
The wickedness state of a raven still guarded my haven
Mental slaughterhouses rhymes douse in octane
Highest domain remains a thirty year bloodstains
Been a Kang since Tuts reign let the skills drain
All enemies under spelled divinity angel democracy
Last longer than a Zhou dynasty I had to be
Demonize by the evil eyes kiss the skies wise
By the birth of early birds chirping signs of highs
No joy ever since I was boy spiritual never been coy
I'm walking backwards forward gavage to savage
Havoc trains wrecks emotion no tracks beautiful carriage
Rocking pains baby flippin' scabies no itches glitches
Thrown in the ozone but nature to smart so ya owned
Paste it like Capcom marvel could even sparkle
The darkest abyss my fist move like the foggy mist
Every inch of the eyes stains looking for the sane
But I'm the in sane drug in ya veins hypo' anemia
Migraines given Coltranes ****** pain let the horn blow
Mind of a psychosis overdoses couldn't diagnosis
This ain't for the birds or the fish serving the cold dish
Russians couldnt picture this a black space black face
No gats sitting by the waist see the dragon spitting
Fire inside fire no flames but remains burning
Grains my words off the chain cut a sentence in half
Wicked Senate wear my Satan pendant beware
Ya in for a scare travel 9 dimensions
Just to battle future dominion made em my minions
Obliterate opinions sitting as the flawless preposition
No recommendations permanent stations creations
Virus flow from the cosmos exterminate portals
Vampire codex through mental *** no *******
Sticky situation hate is a flawed occupation
To the energy creating from love all of the above
It goes togetherlike sunshine and stormy weather
No smiles Indian dance romance my feet into
Mother nature pants she felt excited mad celebrated
Destroyed things before they was created x rated
Censorship can't debate it off the chart my darts
Spitting a faster than the speed of light Jupiter flight
Couldn't even burn me silver surfer sitting as a server
To the intellectual beings far from human being
Extraterrestrial sight seeing ancestors breeding
Knowledge from corrupted food no seasonings breath in
Through out the purple waves let the soul craves
Hunger decays makes my demon more enraged
66 legions ready to fight by the time they'll arrive
People will run in chaos as I smile wicked lives despite
James Floss May 2019
In the typical male *******
Live 250 million half-lifes
Each a potential human being

Every ***** is sacred
******* is ******-light
Every man masterbates

Even 25 old white Alabamans
Who whank their shanks at least
Once a week for 50 years

Time for math:
25 senators
55 years

72,000 shank whanks
(an underestimate)
1.79e13 potential people

Dried on tissue
Flushed away or
Down another senator's throat

Put them away!
For 8e14 years!
Where's Ophelia?

Lately my thoughts are scattered
No filtering bladder
Happy un-birthday lets have
Tea cuz I feel madder then hatter

Like my brain was ***** matter
Recycled which explains
Why my parents call me a
**** for brains

In my eyes it always rains
So the forecast I'm callin it
Cause I can predict the ****
Like a meteorologist

Even my psychologist
Has to see a psychologist now
And all I did was tell her about
Bein a kid so my childhood turns out

Was ab normal or a portal
To immortal hell
Probably why I'm amoral as well
Directing ***** at 12

No no no Barbie be submissive
For ken no one likes a *****
And where's Gi joe this is a
******* scene ****

I'm a professional and refuse
To work like this
"No mom I have no clue where my
Sisters Barbie is"

That probably led to the dead
Cat, who I asked can I feel ya?
And before you know it the
diagnosis Was necrophilia  

i need help like Ophelia
So get me to the nunnery
If you don't get the reference
It's ok I'm full of odd dummery

So concluding with summary
Is ima mind **** like ******
Resulting in psychosomatic
Brain Assaulting causing lobotomy

Which I consider a commodity
Cuz it's better then mediocrity
Plus more interesting is sarcasm
contradiction and hypocrisy

Which is all part of my psychology
That offers me Psychosis
Acting as my main excuse for
My high in strong flight like Locust

Which is highly corrosive
Very ferocious to the brain
Which was already ****** like
It was the victim of a jailhouse train

Yelling bomb! bomb! On a plane
That's why I took the train
I couldn't be fixed by sigmand
Froud 50 dr Phils and a dr crane

But I swear I've been framed
By my mind frame no less
But no more either so I'm no more
Eager to fix it I guess ....

Seriously .....where the ****
is Ophelia?

I'm not in the mood to be
Serious or Make valid points
Or debate social issues
I just wanna anoint

To cleanse the emotion
And see what comes out
And hope it's not insecurity
Self pity or self doubt

It's hard saying help
It feels like a dogs yelp
Perplexed while still vexed
I can't figure life out

Or what it's about
Will I ever feel success
How can I relieve the stress
And achieve my best

When I believe my death
Is right around the corner
So many feelings bottled
Up inside I could be on hoarders

I'm a *** can u spare a quarter
Hi, hitman? I'd like to order
Can you shoot me lucky number
7 times it seems I'm out of order

I'm outta order? Your outta
This whole ****** poem is

Please excuse the obtuse
Blown fuse I'm ok now
Stupid ****** what do u mean
U dont take pay pal

**** if u want something
Done right u gotta do it urself
I have no chance in life if a well
Liked success hangs himself

With his own ****** belt
So what chance do I have?
At finding happiness  I know
It sounds bad cuz I'm a proud dad

But that can't fix all the
**** malfunctioning inside
I'm so use to life ******* me in
The *** Ill probably go to pride

Part of my soul has died
The other parts like why ?
Why the ****** hell did I
Survive, I hate being alive

Even the devil wouldn't
make A deal and take it
And all I wanted was some
******* and to look good naked

I'm definitely not gods favorite
Even my parents seem to love
Other kids more than me,
ashamed their kids ******* up

But i wouldn't be if I stopped
Huffin gas and glue
Or unexpectedly had a child cuz
My birth control was Mountain Dew

Who knew that myth wasn't true
Maybe Santa's not real
Then my psychiatrist asks with Condescension
"how does that make you feel?"

I felt caged young like veal
So I conceal all the things
That add to the pile that will
All help when I explode and squeal

Like the pain is too real,
To live through anymore
Hearing countries going to
War and we talk like a score

Is being kept when both wept
When soilders on either side
Fought for their believed and
All that's bequest is bein denied

Being alive to see what survived
If his cause justifies it
So his future he may devise it
But his destiny defies it

Don't cry ****, your eye dry it
Don't be blinded by sadness
At least he gets a piece of peace
Ours is fake like an Easter rabbit

Live in his honor, less a maggot
And more patriotic
Comfort to a fool is a promise
To be honest dont me honest

I rather live thinking I'm ok
And die In surprise
Then be told my fate holds
Deaths cold hand that slides

Over my shoulder knocking
Over the chip
Which I woulda ate but I was
Saving it til I had some dip

I can't seem to get a grip
******* the exception
I give Too much information
On occasion it can't be corrected

Cuz my brain has rejected
The original factory settings
I know what the yellow and white
Stains are but blood on my bedding?

What's going on, something
Is seriously wrong
I been menopausal all my life
Oh well who cares I guess, yawn!

I'm growing tired here's a song
That's when I put country on
To have a cohesive vibe with
The depression comin on strong

Ouch I sat on my ****
Solving the mystery of blood
I didn't know ******* ripped
So easily...HUrry get me tongs for my ****

I seemed to have lost my thong now
too..But lost... never gone
Sing about that sisqo ....
where's the crisco I'm goin deep and long

The Hail Marys of retrieval
The most uncomfortable evil
But my fingers are ******* lucky
.....According to my ego (wink)

That was a good line people
Even if it was about my **** hole
Oh **** ....emergency evacuation
Someone get me a soup bowl

No seriously it's crucial
There's no loop hole out
Now there's this!.....high blood
Pressure, *****, **** itch, and gout

Otherwise I'm in perfect health
This poem has been a blast
So much depth, so much honesty
All wrapped up in.... class

Cause naturally I just have
That kind of suave demeanor
In Corduroy pants and a wool cardigan
While I listen to weezer

Lol I sound like such a wiener
Or...ahem.. winner if you will
Cause I hear what I wanna hear
And chances are... I always will

Cuz I'm idiotic neurotic and
Making constant deposits
Of elegant,to be eloquent,when  
i refer to the skeletons in my closet

Please... step into my office
Cause your ****** fired
Why is the crack I been smoking
Making me feel wired.....??
KG Aug 2020
Trapped again
Willingly unnecessary
Distractions like a debtor
Too eager to collect
The **** am I thinking
Another way to escape today
To observe and play and pretend
It's greatly helping my ability
To move on
I see no problem letting go
But now I can't seem to grasp
The anvil above my head
Held aloft by tactics of procrastinating
Not to mention *******
Taciturn and speachless until the waves
Crashing in my poster bleed though
To the voices in my head
Telling tides of dread and woe
And excuses and commitment issues
And ****** muscles and stoic
Flourishes gesture to rend me an
Accomplice to unconsciousness.
Then I wake up two hours later
Dashing hopes that power taken
Is mistaken and time doesn't matter anyways
The tick tock counter gadget measures
My time aloft better than my irregular
Breaths and numbed heartbeats
I've fallen into the depths now
From a painted boat dashed upon the waves
Struggling to breath water and searching
For the spell.
Mark Bell Nov 2024
Ride a white swan
Life’s lost its charm
Take some ******
Then self harm
Please don’t judge
Me with scorn
Never really given a ****
Since the day
I was born.

Fill the screen
With ****
Never really given a ****
Since the day
I was born

Then one day
I had a bit of luck
Turning of the tide
Then the world engulfed
Me yes
I died.
Was I an
Angel with a ***** face
Or was I just
Misplaced .

— The End —