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Victor Marques Aug 2010
Meeting new culture, new nation,
Feelings and thoughts behind imagination.
Country with peace and hope,
With friends we can cope.

The captain of Pia 785 flight,
Believes in God as a light,
I Was sitting in a window seat,
I came for a friend that I can't quit.

I saw eyes with care and peace,
That nobody can't miss,
People with noble heart you can see,
Country with respect for you and me.

Pakistan touch my poetic soul  that shines,
We learn with so many different minds,
Lahore has so many treasures to see,
Like a bird I'm free...

To all my global friends.

Warmest Regards,
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2012
Lembro meu Pai António Alexandre Marques

Na vida de todos nós,
Temos pais e avós.
Os dias passam sem despedida,
Amo meu pai toda a vida.

As videiras são teu paraíso,
Uvas do lagar se pisam sem aviso.
Vida por vezes sorridente,
Se ganha e perde num instante.

Foste podador da boa colheita,
Vinho que com Deus se deita.
As folhas das videiras avermelhadas, verdes e amarelas,
São teus anjos, tuas sentinelas.

Deus também amou o vinho,
Pois Cristo Sofreu sozinho.
As tuas memórias são sonhos lindos bem meus,
Amor eterno de filhos teus.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Antonio your name,
Agriculturist, grape grower.
Gotten passionate for the land,
For the Douro, Mounts.

That love that is not locked in,
He  sleeps in the hill, the mountain range.
He harvested sadness in the Colonial War.
He loved the Douro and Portugal.

He showed the land that joys would bring to it.
He  loved their children and wife Maria.
He planted grapevines that looked at the covered with star sky,
He  made  his wine with immaculate love.

The grapes are a love for all the life,
He  looked  for Rio Douro e Tua,
In  the memory of a people with glory,
With that tear that I feel now.
I comfort me in the duriense horizon,
Today, tomorrow and always.

Victor Marques
love, douro, Father
António, father,
judy smith May 2016
For the fifth year in a row, Kering and Parsons School of Fashion rolled out the ‘Empowering Imagination’ design initiative. The competition engaged twelve 2016 graduates of the Parsons BFA Fashion Design program, who "were selected for their excellence in vision, acute awareness in design identity, and mastery of technical competencies." The winners, Ya Jun Lin and Tiffany Huang, will be awarded a 2-week trip to Kering facilities in Italy in June 2016 and will have their thesis collections featured in Saks Fifth Avenue New York’s windows.

The Kering and Parsons competition, which is currently in its fifth year, is one of a growing number of design competitions, including but not limited to the LVMH Prize, the ANDAM Awards, the Council of Fashion Designers of America/Vogue Fashion Fund, and its British counterpart, the Woolmark Prize, the Ecco Domani fashion award, and the Hyères Festival. among others.

In the generations prior, designers were certainly nominated for awards, but it seems that there was not nearly as intense of a focus on design competitions as a means for designers to get their footing, for design houses to scout talent, or for these competitions to select the best of the best in a especially large pool of young talent. Fern Mallis, the former executive director of the Council of Fashion Designers of America and an industry consultant, told the New York Times: “Take the Calvin [Kleins] and the Donna [Karans] and the Ralph [Laurens] of the world. Some of these people had money from a friend or a partner who worked with them, but they weren’t out spending their time doing competitions and winning awards to get their business going.” She sheds light on an essential element: The relatively drastic difference between the state of fashion then and fashion now. Fashion then was slower, less global, and (a lot) less dominated by the internet, and so, it made for quite different circumstances for the building of a fashion brand.

Nowadays, young designers are more or less going full speed ahead right off the bat. They show comprehensive collections, many of which consist of garments and an array of accessories. They are expected to be active on social media. They are expected to establish a strong industry presence (think: Go to events and parties). They are expected to cope with the fashion business that has become large-scale and international. They are expected to collaborate to expand their reach, and while it does, at times, feel excessive, this is the reality because the industry is moving at such a quick pace, one that some argue is unsustainably rapid. The result is designers and design houses consistently building their brands and very rarely starting small. Case in point: Young brands showing pre-collections within a few years of setting up shop (for a total of four collections per year, not counting any collaboration or capsule collections), and established brands showing roughly four womenswear collections, four menswear collections, two couture collections, and quite often, a few diffusion collections each year.

The current climate of 'more is more' (more collections, more collaborations, more social media, more international know-how, etc.) in fashion is what sets currently emerging brands apart from older brands, many of which started small. This reality also sheds light on the increasing frequency with which designers rely on competitions as a means of gaining funds, as well as a means of establishing their names and not uncommonly, gaining outside funding.

The Ralphs, Tommys, Calvins and Perrys started off a bit differently. Ralph Lauren, for instance, started a niche business. The empire builder, now 74, got his start working at a department store then worked for a private label tie manufacturer (which made ties for Brooks Brothers and Paul Stuart). He eventually convinced them to let him make ties under the Polo label and work out of a drawer in their showroom. After gaining credibility thanks to the impeccable quality of his ties, he expanded into other things. Tommy Hilfiger similarly started with one key garment: Jeans. After making a name for himself by buying jeans, altering them into bellbottoms and reselling them at Brown’s in Manhattan, he opened a store catering to those that wanted a “rock star” aesthetic when he was 18-years old with $150. While the store went bankrupt by the time he was 25, it allowed him to get his foot in the door. He was offered design positions at Calvin Klein (who also got his start by focusing on a single garment: Coats. With $2,000 of his own money and $10,000 lent to him by a friend, he set up shop; in 1973, he got his big break when a major department store buyer accidentally walked into his showroom and placed an order for $50,000). Hilfiger was also offered a design position with Perry Ellis but turned them down to start his eponymous with help from the Murjani Group. Speaking of Perry Ellis, the NYU grad went to work at an upscale retail store in Virginia, where he was promoted to a buying/merchandising position in NYC, where he was eventually offered a chance to start his own label, a small operation. After several years of success, he spun it off as its own entity. Marc Jacobs, who falls into a bit of a younger generation, started out focusing on sweaters.

These few individuals, some of the biggest names in American fashion, obviously share a common technique. They intentionally started very small. They built slowly from there, and they had the luxury of being able to do so. Others, such as Hubert de Givenchy, Alexander McQueen and his successor Sarah Burton, Nicolas Ghesquière, Julien Macdonald, John Galliano and his successor Bill Gaytten, and others, spent time as apprentices, working up to design directors or creative directors, and maybe maintaining a small eponymous label on the side. As I mentioned, attempting to compare these great brand builders or notable creative directors to the young designers of today is a bit like comparing apples and oranges, as the nature of the market now is vastly different from what it looked like 20 years ago, let alone 30 or 40 years ago.

With this in mind, fashion competitions have begun to play an important role in helping designers to cope with the increasing need to establish a brand early on. It seems to me that winning (or nearly winning) a prestigious fashion competition results in several key rewards.

Primarily, it puts a designer's name and brand on the map. This is likely the least noteworthy of the rewards, as chances are, if you are selected to participate in a design competition, your name and brand are already out there to some extent as one of the most promising young designers of the moment.

Second are the actual prizes, which commonly include mentoring from industry insiders and monetary grants. We know that participation in competitions, such as the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund, the Woolmark Prize, the Swarovski, Ecco Domani, the LVMH Prize, etc., gives emerging designers face time with and mentoring from some of the most successful names in the industry. Chris Peters, half of the label Creatures of the Wind (pictured above), whose brand has been nominated for half of the aforementioned awards says of such participation: “It feels like we’ve talked to possibly everyone in fashion that we can possibly talk to." The grants, which range anywhere from $25,o00 to $400,000 and beyond, are obviously important, as many emerging designers take this money and stage a runway show or launch pre-collections, which often affect the business' bottom line in a major and positive way.

The third benefit is, in my opinion, the most significant. It seems that competitions also provide brands with some reputability in terms of finding funding. At the moment, the sea of young brands which is terribly vast. Like law school graduates, there are a lot of design school graduates. With this in mind, these competitions are, for the most part, serving as a selection mechanism. Sure, the inevitable industry politics and alternate agendas exist (without which the finalists lists may look a bit different), but great talent is being scouted, nonetheless. Not only is it important to showcase the most promising young talent and provide them with mentoring and grant money, as a way of maintaining an industry, but these competitions also do a monumental service to young brands in terms of securing additional funding. One of the most challenging aspects of the business for young/emerging brands is producing and growing absent outside investors' funds, and often, the only way for brands' to have access to such funds is by showing a proven sales track record, something that is difficult to establish when you've already put all of your money into your business and it is just not enough. This is a frustrating cycle for young designers.

However, this is where design competitions are a saving grace. If we look to recent Council of Fashion Designers of America/Vogue Fashion Fund winners and runners-up, for instance, it is not uncommon to see funding (distinct from the grants associated with winning) come on the heels of successful participation. Chrome Hearts, the cult L.A.-based accessories label, acquired a minority stake in The Elder Statesman, the brand established by Greg Chait, the 2012 winner, this past March. A minority stake in 2011 winner Joseph Altuzarra's eponymous label was purchased by luxury conglomerate Kering in September 2013. Creatures of the Wind, the NYC-based brand founded by Shane Gabier and Chris Peters, which took home a runner-up prize in the 2011 competition, welcomed an investment from The Dock Group, a Los Angeles-based fashion investment firm, last year, as well.

Across the pond, the British Fashion Council/Vogue Fashion Fund has awarded prizes to a handful of designers who have gone on to land noteworthy investments. In January 2013, Christopher Kane (pictured below), the 2011 winner, sold a majority stake in his brand to Kering. Footwear designer Nicholas Kirkwood was named the winner 2013 in May and by September, a majority stake in his company had been acquired by LVMH.

Thus, while the exposure that fashion design competition participants gain, and the mentoring and monetary grants that the winners enjoy, are certainly not to be discounted, the takeaway is much larger than that. These competitions are becoming the new way for investors and luxury conglomerates to source new talent, and for young brands to land the outside investments that they so desperately need to produce their collections, expand their studio space, build upon their existing collections, and even open brick and mortar stores.

While no one has scooped up inaugural LVMH winner Thomas Tait’s brand yet or fellow winner, Marques'Almeida, it is likely just be a matter of time.Read more |
Victor Marques Dec 2009
When things go wrong and you can't pay the bill,,
Lost everything even your true will,
Just look at the sky… blue sky.
Make your last try…

Life is a secret in every sense,
The moon and the sun are intense.
We plant seeds to grow..
Please make another blow.

Life is a constant fight,
You will see the light
sometimes you feel not so good, down,
Next day you have a golden Crown...

Life with clouds of doubt,
and you never know what comes about.
It may be near when you think that everything goes away,
You just discover peace and God in a true way.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Lynn Greyling Nov 2014
You watch me all the time
With eyes that see much more
Than the mirror often ever shows.

Softly pleading, watching quietly,
Following the purpose of my actions,
Reading me therein.

You are my mirror,
And my crazy logic
Reflects the recognition in your mind.

You understand what I cannot explain,
You are the beacon in my storm-sea.

When you touch me
You lift me high and slip me away
Into warm oblivion for one long moment…

The clickety-clack of wheels on the rail
Bring to me the reality of leaving behind
A dearness which is irreplaceable,
And unforgettable.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Juan Marques Lopes

Juan Marques Lopes lives in Vain;
To move one day is his only wish.
Free himself from a poor life with his wife,
For he knows he can do better than this.

One hundred years have come and gone,
Since the day that he was born;
To a Shepard’s daughter on a farmers land.  He was her only son.
Three decades ago he received a bite to the neck
And thought he would die from the blood loss.
For the pain to stop and to save his own life;
He said he'd sell his soul whatever the cost.

One moment of weakness and his soul was the Devils;
To do as he pleased, just to not die like this.
Freedom from death must come at a price;
For a vampires thirst craves the deadliest kiss.

Juan killed all his friends then he killed his own family;
To feed his thirst for blood and for power.
Three times a day, he must feed on their blood;
For he sold his soul to Satan, this is his last eternal hour.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Que grande a geração, a de Camões,
Saia de Belém, num pranto oral...
Dizia adeus a grandes multidões!
Olhava o horizonte pequeno Portugal

Traçado o rumo do futuro,
Passado o mar forte e indeciso,
Pegava no leme, firme e duro,
Sem dor, frio ou bramido.

As ninfas, rodeavam o leme,
O Sol, queimava a proa do navio,
O capitão nada teme
Naquele mar, escuro e bravio...

Victor Marques e Atavio Nelson

Chegamos a outros pontos,
Do globo esférico, sem saber!
Que hoje são contos,
Que ainda temos de ler.

Desde Ourique, Calado e Cala trava
Com turbantes brancos reluzentes
Os portugueses lutaram com palavra
Com alegria mostravam seus dentes.

Correram os desertos, tão estéreis
Na defesa de um Santo Universal
Pela cruz combateram infiéis
Dentro e fora de Portugal.

Oh.Isabel que suaves eram tuas flores!
Que rosas encarnadas pueris
Que as músicas sejam cantadas para seus amores
Prendes-te por milagre o teu Diniz.

OH Coimbra.que tiranas do fadário
Oh Sé velha, cheia de segredos
Que encantos lá havia do Hilário
Ainda hoje escritos nos penedos...

Santa Clara, no alto...que te vê clarissa
Jovem, esbelta coimbrã!
Foste, cedo freira e noviça.
Salva-me deste fado, minha irmã!

Olá Marquez, és do Pombal
Traidor, usurpador, ladrão.
NO ódio foste genial.
E TUDO, tudo metia no gibão.
Malandro, enganas-te o teu Rei
Iludiste-o, meu falso...e mandas-te
O Távora, inocente para o cadafalso

Maldito sejas!
Isso não foi Portugal...mas foi
No norte, que uma mulher
Forte, com seios apertados
E espada no dentes bem cerrados
Em serpente e com sua gente
Em zip filas genial
Deu a vida mas
Acabou com o Cabral

Sim ali, no monte
Naquele lugar Maria da Fonte

Só com gente destemida, como eu !
Tal como o Lusitano no Gerez
Esta pátria com um plebeu
Concebeu o Tavares com um grande

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2013
Bom dia a todos...Desejo que tudo corra na plenitude e vossos anseios e desejos se concretizem na abundância e plenitude. Boa vindima para aqueles que ainda continuam na tão nobre Colheita. Esta poesia é dedicada ao meu Pai: António Alexandre Marques e a todos os seus amigos e conhecidos.

Lembro-me de Ti meu querido Pai

As videiras cansadas pelo sol tórrido de verão,
O rio corre por amor e paixão.
Eu procuro a resposta que não acho,
Sou feito de uvas e do teu abraço.

As rochas xistosas esperam a madrugada,
As uvas amarelas e avermelhadas.
E tu meu Pai continuas aqui sepultado,
Pois o vinho foi teu amor, meu fado…

Palavras sábias de profeta que sonha e sabe,
Lembrança de ti e eterna saudade.
Nossa Senhora de Fátima te acolheu,
Eu anseio também para ser seu…

As uvas dão precioso fruto,
Eu continuo vivo e de luto.
O Douro sublime se consome e exalta,
Por ti Pai saudade quase me mata…

Victor Marques
pai, uvas, amor, saudade.douro
Victor Marques May 2014
Close to nature, close to God.
The rainbow up the sky,
saying hello, saying goodbye!
Rivers with solitude,
Children asking for food.
Close to nature, to you my friend,
Loving everything in the end!
Gratitude with smile on your face.
Nature full of grace.

Days of rain and sun,
Close to nature again, and again...
God the universe embraces,
All countries, all races.
Close with infinite care,
Fog is on the air,
The birds sing in melody,
Flowers, honey and the bee.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Nov 2014
Nascimento, vida e existência…

     Nascemos de uma forma sublime que parecendo uma banalidade natural é segundo o meu ponto de vista um milagre em todos os sentidos. Parece que o ventre da mulher foi feito e eleito o local divino para mostrar ao mundo a beleza do nascimento, vida e existência, comprometida com todos aqueles que tiveram o privilégio de um dia nascerem.
Nascemos, vivemos e existimos num planeta que procura respostas que não acha para uma imortalidade pedida a preceito em orações, congressos, ou aglomerações de seres que procuram nesta vida um culto a Deus que parece estar para caprichos e devaneios de tantos seres humanos que existem por existir.
Nascimento é vida e ao mesmo tempo uma existência comprometida com o universo que é gratuito para todos aqueles que conseguem perceber a magnitude da abundância que nos é dada com o nascimento, vida e existência.
     Nascemos nus sem nada para oferecer naquele preciso momento alegria a todos aqueles que parecem esperar um Messias salvador e apaziguador de corações por vezes divididos
e adulterados com vivências da  sua própria vida.
  - Que recompensa teremos nós depois de deixarmos de existir sob esta forma material que parece ser digna e ao mesmo tempo real?
-Será o nascimento o elo principal na vida, na existência e na morte?
- Será que Deus através da beleza e complexidade do nascimento quer mostrar ao homem através da sua existência a possibilidade de aspirar com a morte à ressurreição ou melhor a outra forma espiritual de continuar a existir?
- Será que não será mais fácil e rápida a morte do que o próprio nascimento?
     Nascemos, vivemos e existimos num planeta terra maravilhoso regido com mestria por um sábio infinito e Criador que sempre com precisão consegue dar ao ser humano deleites que irão perdurar na nossa vida até ao dia que depois de nascer, viver e existir morremos para ressuscitar no Amor Sublime de Deus nosso Pai.

Victor Marques
nascimento, vida e existência
Victor Marques Sep 2014
How to understand the importance of being alive
Wake up in the early morning without anything to say about,
Look forward to hearing from you my friend and would like to know what are your thoughts in the end of a sleeping night.
To live is the best way of getting the most important reward for your support and encouragement.
I tried to access myself and put some quality in the mystery of being alive.  My melody will be able to offer you amazing words of wisdom regarding  the importance of being able to get your free time to live your own lifetime.
     We all are aware of mortality, we believe some in eternal life or can you deal with death in a fare way. ?
Of course not...we started to make sure that everyone will be in touch with the fear of being out of life in a certain period of time.
Life's is wondering why you should have so many worries, so much trouble, so much pain, presumably the pressure on your own. ...
As life goes on I just don't know what to expect from me and to deal with so many different ways of getting the most of things, the most of life.
      People are going through the process of setting difference in others people life. We have been made so far much progress in helping others to support important causes.  Men will wonder why some are so confident, positive, and so grateful.
In our lives experience we can find givers and receivers.
I love them all and try to keep it simple and intuitive.
     Sometimes it can be found on the air gratitude, love from the heart.  Life is a good thing indeed.  Deep in so many senses. Clear like transparent water.
I really don't know what you think about your own life and the place where you can find life in general.
      I wake up every day full of life. People have to look close to the right to monitor the content of your choice to love and hug the offers of being able to care about life.
      So look at the moment when you were born,  your name was probably pronounced.  Your parents laugh  with tears.  Your life started with joy.
Victor Marques
life,  death
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The sky is light blue,
The river still there for you,
Horizon with candles waiting for the night,
Presents and tears without a fight.

Colored rainbow sleeps with the vines,
Port ruby, tawny, white can combines.
Lemon yellow or green is a good neighbor,
Drink a port with aroma and flavor…

A celebration and a very special moment at any time,
Drink a glass of port and you will be fine,
Don’t drink any other kind of wine,
Just ours because is divine…

Kindest regards from Douro Valley.
Victor  Marques
Michael Caio Mar 2015
I am the Grotesque
Marques de Sade
I am the Notorious
Giacomo Casanova

I lurk in the Dark Street
Impatiently for the Week
Enthralling and Charming
I smile (vile) with a dimple on my cheek

I see they are vulnerable
Seeking for a God
And that God I become
I am the fruit that will make them succumb

I destroy any trace of humanity left
It’s the Body that I want and Soul I shall bet

As I possess the Boy, *******, the Rich Lady or the Monarch
I cannot impede the images in my mind
Crossing this Arch
Unique Treasures I will find

In my sheets of satin  
The playground of Satan
Tortures of Pleasure
Take place as I make pressure
****** Ropes with humans Cries
Bites of Pain while the Soul fries

To my Chandelier I tie my Slave
I whisper in sinister voice: Be Brave  
My Hand goes where it wants
It has a Will of its own
Unlike its Subject
I shall make it my Object

My Tongue travels the nervous skin
Salt and fear sheen
Sustaining the Evil in me
And the Evil rises vigorously
The Tongue seeks it Moist or Hard
Something of Putrid smell and flavour

Spiking the rib cage with an Object of ******* nature
The Slave inhales Pain
And exhales Lust
I feel it in between the spiting in my Face
And the cries for clemency

I cannot understand why It doesn’t see the Artistry
Of the way I subdue IT to my Supremacy
Are the candles not too hot?
Is the ***** too cold?
Are the Faeces dry and old?
Maybe the splintery wooden **** Pug is slipping out.
Or the Rusty Chain around Its neck too loose

(It is impossible to please
So have this in mind when you fall in Love
You fall alone, you see
Like a Dead Dove from a Dead Tree)

And having that Epiphany
Altruistic acts shall be only for me

Do not close your Eyes
Do not pretend Death in Disguise
My Dagger is now sharp
Spread your legs
Let us see you Drip

Drop by drop
In my mouth ‘til full
White and Red viscous Miracle
Swallow Seeds and Swallow Beads

Now that Gratitude is paid
And the Ritual complete
It’s time to get Laid
Fornication until Testicular function is Obsolete

I use Pig’ Intestines for protection of my Hook
As ridicule to the Book
It’s funny and punning
The Pork really IS Possessed

The friction stinks
And Burns to my delight
The Pain that it brings
Shows It no Light

Is this the End?
The Nirvana my friend!!!
Can you feel it?
While you chase the Last Breath?

I Erupt and Explode
It Implodes – the Explosion is within.

Oh Glorious Dissatisfaction
Oh Dead Body that dangles

I wish IT could see what IT & I created
Superb Creation
No words can explain
Its Life was not in Vain
It was Art
For me to Manipulate

The Rush in my Veins
Quickly vanishes
Leaving me with this uncomfortable

Another Day another Dime
Another Day another Dame
Another Day another Dammed

I am the Ultimate Pleasure seeker

I am the Grotesque Artist
Definitely not for the week hearted.
This is probably one of the most horrible Poems I have ever written.
I just felt like writing something horrendous.
A little trip into a sick person’s mind that has some sort of meaning to what it does.

I hope you can read it and appreciate it for the Art behind it

Take a little trip into my mind.
Victor Marques Aug 2010
You have friends in the same war,
That you have never met before.
The world isn't the same anymore,
I came to Pakistan, to Lahore...

People playing everywhere,
Clouds in the air,
I looked for smiles and faces,
I found laces...

People like the Queen,
Simplicity that I Have never seen,
Windows open in Pakistan light,
I wish prosperity in their site.

Humanity is all about love,
God is looking for you,
The sky is above,
What can I do?

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Dec 2010
You come to the world  in a cloud of passion,
Naked with clothes and care.
You are naked somewhere,
You are naked of your generation.

We are naked of true feelings and true love,
Naked with a single glove.
The world is naked of the God,s power.
Naked having a cold shower.

We are naked of vision and respect,
Naked with clothes I can bet.
Just see the leaves on the ground,
Naked with my naked sound.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
naked, clothes
Victor Marques Nov 2010

The stars and the moon to  see,
Blind people smiling for free.
Horizons of orange and red in my mind,
Universe fair and kind.

The real world that universe show,
Seeds to plant and grow.
Sand of the desert   and water of the sea,
Lovely scenery, lovely scenery…

The nature in cycle rotation,
Universe as one nation.
The precision of time and your wish,
Sun set and the beach.

Men’s looking for priorities,
Students at universities.
Universe lost and unknown,
Crying all alone.

Warmest  regards.
Victor Marques
universe, precision, time
Victor Marques Nov 2010
We will never know,
God made the rainbow.
We have rain and snow,
The train just go.

We will never know the whole space,
Discover a new race.
Stars like sun in everyday,
Ghosts to live and stay.

We will have a soul,
Footballers with no goal.
Mens with no feet,
Angels we will meet.

We will live or die?
No treasure to buy.
We love until the end,
We never know my dear friend.

Wamest regards.
Victor Marques
know, eternal, life.
Victor Marques Dec 2009

The universe is fantastic we can say,,
We will act in a positive way...
The stars of the night still there..
The moon is always fair...

People with heart stay..
Living life day by day..
Sharing dreams always...
We think in a positive way...

The rivers without brothers,
The stars without mothers,
The night without the day..
We have a positive way...

Kindest regards from the best region for Port Wine...Douro Valley..
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Victor Marques Nov 2011
Grain of wheat

When I rise without sleep,
According to God to abandonment.
His love is projected on the horizon,
Cool is the water of its source.

The good God loves us happy,
Lady mothers his Empress.
Without faith the world and consternation,
The man without a heart.

Hikers with thirst and hunger,
God made man.
The Light is eternal and free,
God loves you and purifies.

We were very confident in our Lord,
It was divine, is love.
The grain of wheat that produces,
Love of God, Jesus.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Saudade solta ao vento

Na saudade solta ao vento,
Tenho amor com encanto.
Caminhadas eternas com esplendor,
Santificam teu amor…

Na vida dos sonhos inacabados,
Fado dos meus fados.
Sorriso doce e transparente,
Ser lindo, impaciente.

Sonho sempre sonhado,
Amor meu amado.
Sentimento do sentido sem lamento,
Saudade solta ao vento…

Victor  Marques
Victor Marques Jun 2011
Naturalista com amor

Escuta o chilrear dos passarinhos,
A beleza de seus ninhos.
Viver em eterna graça,
Na vida tudo passa.

O orvalho da manhã,
O canto da rã…
Amigo em tudo o que faço,
Vida passo a passo.

O cheiro das flores,
Ama teus amores,
O correr dos ribeiros,
Posar junto aos salgueiros.

Todos nus e sem nada,
Magia e bela fada,
Estrelas com seu esplendor,
Naturalista por amor.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Dec 2010
My beloved Douro Valley

The land where warm Sun sleep,
Vines and oak trees to greet.
Walls made in the past,
Grapes growing fast.

Love the vines,
Portuguese king planted pines.
My Douro River,
A friend and a giver.

Place where port is made,
British  put it on trade.
Lovely flavor,
Share with your neighbor.

The region with natural charm,
Producers without a farm.
Douro valley in a good mood,
Wine pairing well with food.

Warmest  regards.
Victor  Marques
vines, wine
Victor Marques Dec 2009
When things go wrong and you can't pay the bill,,
Lost everything even your true will,
Just look at the sky… blue sky.
Make your last try…

Life is a secret in every sense,
The moon and the sun are intense.
We plant seeds to grow..
Please make another blow.

Life is a constant fight,
You will see the light
sometimes you feel not so good, down,
Next day you have a golden Crown...

Life with clouds of doubt,
and you never know what comes about.
It may be near when you think that everything goes away,
You just discover peace and God in a true way.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Nov 2010
I try to understand life,
The universe and all about.
The rainbow is immaculate
Fields and the lake.

Birds in a blue sky,
Roses with perfume.
Stars and the moon,
Lovers saying goodbye.

Holly water for the insane,
People that lost the last train,
Horses in a free field,
Sand castles to build.

Millions of  stones that show nature in a pure state,
Bridges without any gate,
Nature sleeps , wake up and go,
Seeds to plant and grow.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
nature,seeds, grow
Victor Marques Jan 2010
Flowers are happy and free,
Smiles for the bee…
Power of positive energy,
Smiles for you and for me…

Fields with birds on the trees,
Smiles on the waves of seas.
Power of care and love,
Smiles for the sky above…

Sun sets of day and night,
Smiles for the poor and bright.
Power of God in every star of the universe,
Smile for the prose, for the  verse…

Kindest regards.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Jun 2011
Douro, Tua Socalco bem-fadado.

Bagos que passeiam sobre as ondas,
Amar estranha beleza,
Exaltar a cepa da vida e sua natureza,
Videiras com frescas sombras.

Rosmaninho, alecrim e loureiro,
Cheiro de meu eterno devaneio,
Aromas que nos desperta,
O Douro sempre em festa.

Amar o vinho não é pecado,
Cestos cheio de uvas e fado,
Vinhedos de Deus, do homem por labor,
Vinho sagrado, vinho do amor!

Lagaradas que te apaixona,
Peles de uva á tona,
Fermentação do saber por todo o lado,
Douro, Tua …teu passado.

Victor Marques  2/10/2007
douro, Victor, marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Douro Valley wine Trip

As far as you can see,
Douro Valley for you and me,
Terroir covered with colored terraces up the hill,
Baron Forrester was made of God Will.

Vines flourish in schist as in paradise,
English friends here you can find.
Treasures that nature give to us for free,
Douro Valley for you and me.

The trains and boats near the river for trade,
Port wine is divine and so well made.
Love for people with great hospitality,
Douro Valley for you and me.

The harvest time without an end,
Douro valley loves you my friend.
Lost horizon that you can see,
Douro Valley for you and me.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Dec 2009
You care and love the right wine,,,
You are great and always fine,,
Navigator of dreams, you love the fresh air...
Your smile is kind and fair...

Douro valley is a sacred place...
You will come, don’t wait...
The vineyards and the olive trees.
Are waiting for you and me.

The wine is in your imagination...
A kind of love and passion.
The universe cares with positive energy...
Red bottle is for you and me..

Kindest regards from the best region for Port wine, Douro Valley..
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Life is a stone that you give away,
Jewels and gold in the same bay,
Heart and only one race,
Victor is your soul mate,

Horizons of light and green blue,
Douro Valley, Loves you.
Marques family is a name and a legacy,
In paradise angels we will see.

The road is uncertain and sometimes fair,
You are my heart friend that I care,
God bless you and great abundance,
The flowers have smell and dance.

With my great respect for all the ones that are Friends of Andrew William JR.

A big heart hug from a friend for LIFE.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Victor Marques Nov 2011
Nossa Senhora da Aparecida

Na noite te pedi inspiração,
Divulgar teu nome e devoção.
As correntes do escravo Zacarias,
Velas apagadas Tu acendias.

A corrente to rio era muito forte,
O menino Tu livraste da morte.
Aqui em Castanheiro do Norte,
Te pedimos pão e sorte.

A fé em Deus, ele é amor,
Olhai para as vinhas do Senhor,
Ao Jorge e á D. Anita,
Agradecemos a festa  bonita.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Sep 2013
Saudade de meus avós

Procuro uma justificação plausível,
Para tanto amor que recebi.
Indago nas profundezas do universo,
Escuto conselhos sábios nunca dum homem só,
Amor eterno a meus avós.

Caminhadas por entre giestas sedutoras,
Rebanhos que alguém guardou.
Hinos ritmados que alguém sabe cantar,
Chilrear dos que sabem amar…

Rochas que se expõem ao vento,
Fustigam meu pensamento.
Chuva que regas vinhas, olivais e belos jardins,
Quimeras e o meu jasmim.
Tempos dum amor natural e medonho,
Folhas secas de Outono,
Inércia dum amor infinito que sempre vou ter,
Saudade de meus avós e do seu viver…

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Procurar sempre na imensidão palavras que se perdem no horizonte,
Me contentar com o recanto e água fresca de uma fonte.
Rios que correis , flor que sempre brota...!
Navios que deixaram de ser frota.

Altares que se veneram sem ter lindas rosas,
Mulheres bonitas que não são formosas.
Homens que se deitam com amores adulterados,
Penitência de sepulcros abertos, fechados.

Sentinelas dum castelo, cristão, mourisco.
Conquistador dum império nunca visto.
Sebentas maltratadas com riscos e tinteiros partidos,
Panteão Helénico de poetas desconhecidos.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Victor Marques Jul 2012
Os Homens e a natureza!

Quando me levanto sem o toque do galo, com o despertador de forma assustadora. Vejo um novo dia de eterna graça e bênção para todos aqueles que por um motivo se entrelaçaram em minha vida. Os comboios, aviões, carros seus ruídos e rapidez nos fazem cavalgar por imensos lugares que outrora eram esquecidos no tempo.
A natureza diferente de nós homens acorda com sinfonias de pássaros, grilos e rãs!
A ganância consome corações rotineiros e injustiçados de homens sem valor que são falsos profetas de um tempo sem ser tempo, de um mundo maltratado por esses mesmos homens,
Que se vestem de fato e gravata e exploram seus semelhantes.
Enquanto o homem se esquecer de que todo o seu irmão nasce, vive e morre por uma vontade sublime da criação de um Deus infinito. Por de lado o amor pelo luxo, dinheiro, poder e plena satisfação pessoal.
A natureza sim é plena, gratuita, nobre, singela. A harmonia de vales e montes sonolentos motivos de meditação, sustento e um amor infindável com seu criador me bafeja hinos cantados com belas harpas do tempo de David.

Um mundo de homens que deixam de ser homens, que o tempo deixa de ser tempo e que a natureza é mal-amada geram uma desconfiança e um sofrimento em todos os seres humanos que labutam por dias melhores na rotina do nosso tempo.

Ensinamentos de cada pedra que se pisa, de cada ave livre que esvoaça no céu, dos golfinhos que comunicam sem o homem os entenderem…

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Bandeiras levantadas pelos prisioneiros rendidos,
Salteador que não conhece o perigo,
Alheado do mundo vivo,
Corais do mar já esquecidos.

Conchinhas falam ao teu melhor amigo,
Solidário com o amor afável,
Pesaroso dum penar louvável,
Conhecedor do pouco conhecido.

Sentimentalista de sentimentos firmes,
Orador que ora com fraca voz,
Navios feitos de casca de noz,
Lago com bonitos cisnes.

Pintor de laços sentidos,
Flores que o campo nos deu,
Algas do mar que Deus acolheu,
Eu, tu e o mar envaidecidos.

Cordiais Cumprimentos.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Apr 2010
Olhar a  água do ribeiro,
Encostado ao sobreiro.
Paisagens feitas de qualquer jeito,
Douro e Tua sem leito.

Muros com primor e mestria,
Encantos teus que nos vicia,
Olivais que lindos sois assim,
Quimera do meu jardim.

Papoilas avermelhadas,
cepas mal tratadas.
Figueiras com figos,
Douro e amigos.

Não existe outro amor,
Douro te adorna com labor,
Os cavalos e rebanhos,
Rabelos dos teus enganos.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Sinto a tua falta

Perplexo com a cumplicidade, com a intimidade que nos liga,
Misto do amor, de uma saudade vivida.
Anestesiado pela sensação multicolor,
Paciente na cama do amor.

Pertinência dum amor sentido,
Porto sem teu abrigo,
Cadeia com grade prateada,
Musa multifacetada…

Pastoril é o quadro do meu pensamento,
Lençóis soltos ao vento,
Teus olhos com a maré alta,
Sinto a tua falta.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques May 2011
O homem e Deus

O homem assumido ou não,
Pedaço de terra, religião?
A intriga permanente do além,
A morte que sempre vem,
Mendigos procuram pão,
Ateus em procissão.

O homem consciente da sua mortalidade,
Flores renascem em felicidade,
Terreno faminto de amor e concórdia,
Deus, oh homem, misericórdia!

Homem e Deus da vida,
Comunicação imperativa,
Espíritos do homem da inquietude,
Paraíso de Deus, da plenitude!

O homem ser estranho que fracassa,
Deus da inteligência e da eterna graça,
O homem inventa e recria O Deus da noite e do dia,
Eu o venero e amo com piedosa alegria.

Victor Marques  21/11/2008
Deus, homem
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Nas angústias nobres e sonolentas em que se tudo se fecha e acaba,
As areias, as pedras das vinhas feitas do nada.
O sopro agrestes das vides refinadas pela tua coragem,
Voltamos ao Douro e á tua imagem.

Penduro minha mágoa na armadura de uma videira,
Nas entranhas de meu ser e junto á cabeceira.
Deus deu-me uma materialidade sem sentido,
Grito do amor e do gemido.

As pedras das calçadas que amaste até demais,
O chilrear que já não ouves dos pardais.
Eu sei que meu pai está no paraíso,
Tem Deus como Abrigo.

Cordiais Cumprimentos.
Victor Marques
Father, wines, vines
Victor Marques Feb 2014
Espero a madrugada

A noite escura estava cansada,
De esperar pela madrugada.
O galo ansioso por todos despertar,
Eu abandono-me a este fenómeno peculiar.

No ermo onde existe um Senhor da Boa morte,
Noite escura em Castanheiro do Norte.
Os cedros parecem ter luz,
Eu perdido no silêncio que seduz.

A noite aqui é simples, singular,
A madrugada de encantar.
Candeias de outrora, cavalos e suas ferraduras,
Madrugada de anseios e aventuras.

O vento sopra solitário e as mimosas são fustigadas,
As madrugadas que tantas vezes foram madrugadas.
E eu aqui sozinho espreito com curiosidade,
Uma madrugada sem tempo nem idade.

Victor Marques
madrugada, noite, espera

— The End —