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Micheal Wolf Jul 2016
I can't sing you a lulaby
Ive no words to help you sleep
I cant singng you a lulaby
Because you're not here with me

Oh I can't mend your broken heart
I cant take away your pain
I cant sing you a lulaby
It isn't for me to sing

Tomorrow you will wake up
So tired and so alone
Face the day half awake
Longing to go home

For no one sings a lulaby
No one sings to you
You wouldn't hear it if I did
The words wont get through

Night after night he dreams of you
It's all that he can do
Singing you a lulaby
But it never gets to you
Been on the back burner a while. May end up as a song
shelby warren May 2013
I lay my head down to sleep
In my cozy bed
As I weep

Because I'm thinking of you
The first time your eyes met mine
I wondered why

Now I'm not fine
You broke my heart
And now we are apart

Now I must say

To my family
My friends
To you

MY lover
My friend
Written in June 2006
maybella snow Oct 2013
i'm tired, not simply
physically tired
i'm exhausted
and sadly enough
i'm just waiting
for someone
to rock me
to sleep
Bobcat Feb 2018
There's a ghost in my room
That sings me to sleep
Whispering in my ear
A sweet symphony

With a simple melody
That has a heart mending remedy
But the words that it sings
I can't remember for the life of me

The voice is familiar
But can't put it to a face
I remember something similar
When my mind was in a better state

All I can hope
Is that it never leaves
Because if it were to depart
I don't know how I would sleep
Micheal Wolf Nov 2013
Lulaby to nowhere
A lament to none
Words at night spoken in your head
The ears supposed to hear them
Never in your bed
The passing moods of fancy
A whimsical delight
Head full of moving pictures
That haunt you in the night
So lulaby my brain cells
Hush and go to sleep
You have scrambled all reality
So just leave me be
Colleen Mulcahy Nov 2012
The wind carries my cries,
the rain pours down my tears,
but still you hear,
yet you dont seem to see.
All the hurt,
All the pain,
But I guess it was my fault,
for holding it in,
saying its fine,
then letting it out,
through my arms.
Watching it bleed.
Letting it flow.
but I wasn't crazy,
I just wanted you to see,
that there was hurt n' pian,
just too much for me.
Now you sing my lulaby,
as I sleep cold still,
and there will be no blood.
The wind will carry no cry.
The rain will pour down no tears,
cause you sang my lulaby,
that only the dead could hear.
anu Aug 2017
Singing lulaby to me

A Melancholic
U Could !!
Self lullaby
I am staring at the sky
Waiting for the moon to pass by
Gladly, I see Him right now
But suddenly the clouds, trapped him down

I can't even see any presence of my knight,
Waiting for another night to see the moon shines so bright
But even my mind tells me why,
That he'll never come back or sing any Lulaby.
Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
Lulaby in D minor. Random cadence.
Radiant. Pill passing as placebo. But deaadly as stricnine.

Spider hiding on the leaf. Baited breath.
taut with mephisto..

Fittest surviving by vibing on feedback.

Floating on experiences expediences. Called intuition ?
Seen it before, another stitch
For the quilt.

Mental flotsam. Jettisoned jetsum.
Protesteth greatly. Knows inately. ... the. Exception or rule.
Cumbaya. My lord. Cumbaya.
Zoe Lynne Sep 2013
Gasp for this thing you've never seen

                                    scream for that life you never knew

                                       cry for this hate you dont understand

                                              pray for your life to be something

                                    sing for everything else

                 sing me a picture ill paint you a song?
Do We Have A Deal?
                                     yes yes mr. whatever you say, just please let me go...

sometimes life throws you a curve ball
sometimes life wont play catch

                                                          Judge­ me please

                                                         ­ its what i begging

its what im calling for when i challenge life to entertain me

look at me, look through me, look to me, look past me and  

scream everything you cant see
scream everything you cant sing
cry the rest out for the world to see
and build you a bridge for

                                                         so why do you get a bridge

                                         what makes you so ******* special?

                                         your tears, the pain you've never felt

                                                           ­                                                    its stolen, all of it

                                                  cant you just ******* wait for it to come to you

                                              you know it'll get there on its own

                                           then who will you lament for

                                       then who will cry and scream

 who will sing a lulaby
too sweet to sleep to...
I don't know how to format things one here, also, its weird seeing this in text as its nearly ten years old
Jacquim Alvirez Aug 2018
If there is something,

That maybe I can just bring back in time

The echoes of voices of the angels sings,

Or maybe memories of you that gone it seems.

Life is a hell of a ride,

To meet different faces,

To meet different type,

To tie different laces,

To gone a different hype

If there is something,

I can make out of my past,

Is to hold your hand,

And to confess that I like you at last,

Not because of any money nor fame,

Nor power nor lust,

But simply because in all words and act

You are simply perfect

Too perfect that I kept it in

Just to be blown away like dust

Before I die,

If there is something,

That I can say nor see

''I wanna love all of you''

''Just the way it should be''

''Just the way it want to be''

''Just the way it gonna be''

Then i would close my eye

To let the angels take me,

And sing me my last lulaby

Knowing my heart and its voices,

Will stay near you,

Because that is the place it should be

I know,

Words won't be enough,

To tell you what I felt,

The moment I saw you,

The moment I know you,

The moment I hold you,

The moment when I hold you hand,

To dance to the ryhtm,

Without a sorrow,

Like a happy rabbit in its burrow

To dance and Love you

Like there is no tomorrow

If there is something

I wanna do before I go,

Is to say I love you,

All this time,

All this years,

It is only you,

Im Sorry

That I had fallen in Love With You.

The story of me fail to confess to a girl haha
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Thank you for reading
agdp Mar 2010
mellow tune, speed up now
i'm falling asleep so slow
the memory has as no woah !
but the sound still flows

the words change their view
and now I review,
all my ways
all today
as I lay, to sing to sleep
the child in my mind
runs over me
playing tag to hide
and seeking why, oh why

i'm singing to a tune
crooning to my own lulaby
© 3/22/ 2010 AGDP

Cody Veal May 2010
sometimes, i wish these words could hold you.
i wish they could wrap their consonents arround your shoulders,
and i wish their vowels could whisper secrets in your ear.

i wish that these words could make 700 miles seem like right next door.

i wish that these words could derail trains,
sink ships and clip the wings of even the mightiest birds.

what if, these words could stop you in your tracks,
send a chill down your spine,
and hum you the simplest lulaby.

what if these words could send your heart racing,
make your eyes well with tears,
and help your spirit soar.
(c) Cody Veal 2010
Megan Matthews Nov 2011
the snow trickles like blood off a cut,
and the wind howls off the mountain tops.
a certain kind of cold strikes in the veins,
of the those who sit around waiting like an old rickety clock.
those who are astray just waiting for the day that someone will finally say,
words that would never decay.
they will be shot into our brains deep down while we lay,
down for some sleep on the cold snowy day.
a mystical lulaby whispering in our ear .
oh my dear its quite too much of a lovely tune,
for you to doze off so soon.
InkHarted Jan 2021
My breath is soft but my heart is heavy
a tender child of another parent
lay still like a rock and as cold as the weather
the river is now red
her face went pale
my heart turned black
****** in the name of my people
did this child deserve to die ?
maybe I am tired
because all I see is my child
dead in my arms
rotting like a fruit
silenced from her usual laughs
and forbidden from smiling again
cradled to her slumber
by a twisted lulaby of my own.

word onto men left me to pretend bull's eye in the sky sweet lulaby
nature has a way to pretty words to display...
hallow leaves to comfort the soul painted on from years ago
wide eyed comfort out of a fragrance;
sweet loving fragrance...
Love under lock and key...
an exquisite sunset, 'O' paints pretty colors, before
a maiden's heart dances, piroettes beneath the straight,
moonbeams bointe to her fate as she waits patiently
a devine key will unlock her heart,
revelation will reward her patience
a paired key is waiting on the  other side of the moon
this key courts the perfect lock
moon shadows waltz serenely under a black velvet shy
shooting stars are messengers carrying her call for you

such is black velvet cake a bit creamy to taste it permeates your stomach's residue
"An eternity, I have waited, oh how long I've dreamed of you,
Every minute of forever you'll be locked in my heart".

Oh, hear her plea, please grant her desire
End her search for her dream to come true
Raprure from above..rain, a soothing lulaby, dreams your key is hers
Wishing herself away to sweet, tender oblivion,
She has waited too long for your key
Dark depths of hihility, infinite space
She will await you in the middle of the abyss
Dance towards the moonbeams, they point to your face
She prays your key will unlock her dream

"An eternity, I have waited, oh how long I have dreamed of you,
Every minute of forever you'll be locked in my heart".

Are you the keeper of the key to her heart ?
Come dance with her...under the moon
Worship her in the moonlight with a passionate dance
Whisper your secrets,  exchange your trinkets,
Your key matches her heart and her heart unlocks yours
Moon shadows waltz serenely under a black velvet cake
Shooting stars are messengers, telling the rest of the world,
You've finally unlocked her heart
Dance toward the moonbeams,
They point to your fate.
*** and black  velvet cake
Love under lock and key...
an exquisite sunset, 'O' paints pretty colors, before
a maiden's heart dances, piroettes beneath the straight,
moonbeams bointe to her fate as she waits patiently
a devine key will unlock her heart,
revelation will reward her patience
a paired key is waiting on the  other side of the moon
this key courts the perfect lock
moon shadows waltz serenely under a black velvet shy
shooting stars are messengers carrying her call for you

such is black velvet cake a bit creamy to taste it permeates your stomach's residue
"An eternity, I have waited, oh how long I've dreamed of you,
Every minute of forever you'll be locked in my heart".

Oh, hear her plea, please grant her desire
End her search for her dream to come true
Raprure from above..rain, a soothing lulaby, dreams your key is hers
Wishing herself away to sweet, tender oblivion,
She has waited too long for your key
Dark depths of hihility, infinite space
She will await you in the middle of the abyss
Dance towards the moonbeams, they point to your face
She prays your key will unlock her dream

"An eternity, I have waited, oh how long I have dreamed of you,
Every minute of forever you'll be locked in my heart".

Are you the keeper of the key to her heart ?
Come dance with her...under the moon
Worship her in the moonlight with a passionate dance
Whisper your secrets,  exchange your trinkets,
Your key matches her heart and her heart unlocks yours
Moon shadows waltz serenely under a black velvet cake
Shooting stars are messengers, telling the rest of the world,
You've finally unlocked her heart
Dance toward the moonbeams,
They point to your fate.
*** and black  velvet cake
Byron Feb 2013
I can understand my intense undertow of honest admeration for the fools and kings of this uni-world. Austin I've never felt so safe in taking my own life. I've never wanted to die so much more than you. Austin I've been thining lately abo........and who the **** are the ******* ****** sitting in my house in the room next to me like angry ants clawing at the bt of ground around my ears! Who are these **** monsters and goblins drentching at the sight of my own oneness with a trancendent hotel loby. Why am I loving on every angry thought I can come with. Why am I caring about the most ignorant breed pf poeple. Why can i never call out thier name? Aways a mistake. I am forgoten as a mystery-freak who looked aloof at parties and sat on the roof too long at night. I've really ****** mysef over today. I had no respect for myself, I had only a little music to spit out. It wasn't even good. It was just a lame lulaby I woud rip from a hyme I heard as a child in mass. The sus fourth resolving to the triumphant third. The purest harmony for you my sweetest love. I want you only for a minute or two and then I want to just impaile the nght sky into venus and larger spheres. Monogamy is a hell of a drug.

— The End —