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LJP Jun 2017
Naprol napra jobban megvagyok gyozodve hogy isten szeret, ha fulem siket is e szeretre, hirvivo angyalt valaszt. Csak nekem formalva hogy mindenkepp megertsem. Íly onzetlen fenseges szeretet vajon kis szivem elbirja majd? Ugy erzem szetrobban, viszonozni szeretnem. Amit ugy tudok a legjobban ha boldogsagommal konyeket csalok szemebe
Penelope Winter Apr 2017
I replay it in my head

L osing our temper
O verthinking
V iolent words
E xaggerations

Y ou walked
O ut the door
U ncivilly

S till, I wait
T omorrow you might come back
I leave the door unlocked
L isten to our song
L et it play over and over again

I pour another glass

A llowing myself to
L ose my mind
W ondering
A pologizing to myself
Y our voice in my ears
S uffocating my thoughts

W ould it have ended differently
I f I had let you win
L et go of my pride
L ooks like we'll never know

- p. winter
i ******* up
Àŧùl Sep 2017
In your story you are the protagonist.

While *I am a dutiful caretaker,
I want you to let me sink,
Lower & deeper into your eyes,
Loving we have come to each other.

A* a true lover and admirer *I am,
Listen to my heartbeat someday,
When I will not miss your glam,
Amazing is this love they'll say,
Yours I will forever be the dam,
Shall I ever miss you madam?

Lean down I will to kiss you,
On your forehead, cheeks & lips,
Very softly I will be kissing you,
Entering you it will be a bliss.

You love and desire me so much,
Of your craze I am so crazy,
Unnatural your faith is.

My dream is coming true in you,
You I will always be so thankful.

Pushing my efforts I always am,
Oath of love is unbreakable here,
On this lovely and smooth tram,
Jinx they may but none we fear,
Always be happy with you I am.
My HP Poem #1665
©Atul Kaushal
MsMercedes May 2014
Listen and
I** will tell you
Excellent things and make you believe
Some of it was true
when I'm a wealthy man
I'll spoil you baby
every night we'll drink wine
I'll smoke my favourite cigar brand
we'll isten to to our favourite songs
upon our balcony that overlooks
the beautiful world in which we live
a party every Friday night
friends family and neighbours
will get down on our marble floor
and they will call us the king and queen
of revelry
Megan Pantaleon Jan 2017
Farewell, I speak, my love
As I've accepted that we aren't good enough
Reasons to leave are what we saw
Even back then, I had a glimpse of our flaw
Wherever I am, my mind speaks of you
End sooner, I whispered, as the wind blew
Lies that have made still gives me ache
Let the tears dry, there's no more to make

May the memories we've shared stay
You and I would sooner be okay

Listen to my heartbeat for the last time
Only this can shout your name's rhyme
Void of, we should, we must
E**ven the times we only had lust
here's me saying goodbye
Dorothy Quinn Feb 2014
Someone told me
you can't write (p)oetry ab(o)ut things
you don't want to romanticiz(e).

So for a long (t)ime
(because of w(r)ong people like (y)ou)
I d(i)dn't write drunk,
becau(s)e the(n) I c(o)uldn't
guard my feelings.

But now I'm drunk as hell
and no(t)hing in my life
is close to romantic
and I don't have to explain to you
why (b)oats, oc(e)ans, and words
are the only things
that e(a)se my open wo(u)nds.

I don'(t) have to tell you why
I don't scream or cry or f(i)ght
when I think about how many of my (f)riends
killed themselves.
I write instead,
and it's not romantic.

I am not
in love
with words.

I am
in love
with them
and they're no longer here,
breathing, holding my hand,
and singing me songs about rivers
and how we'll always find each other.

But we won't,
because there's not a
single f(u)cking romantic thing
about how I'll never hold their hands

So I drink,
and I write,
and I do not (l)isten
to people like you.
travesties Feb 2014
ripped her
satin gloves
apart till
the lace
and thread
spilt down
her lap
edging towards
the ground
falling as
as a breath
of air.

life into
the darkest
of your highway

you tell me
you will fall
you will hurt
but the time
you spend
clutching at
is worth
the bleeding
and torn
of skin

cross my
heart an
d hope t
o die tha
t i don't l
isten to y
our endl
ess cries
lovestargirl Apr 2018
(L)isten to the beating heart of this lost child

wh(o) was enveloped by darkness in a long time

who have lost his sight of lightness

who became a foster-child of dark(n)ess and silence

and orphaned by paradise and happiness

the (l)ost of human touch and acqu(i)ntance

searching for mea(n)ing in this wast(e)d time

of life and love that sadne(s)(s) unbuild
find the hidden message
LaserHalo Dec 2016
Hate me,
Envy me,
Love me,
Pity me,

My true self,
Everyone hates,

I am trapped,
Am I delusional?
L isten. Read between the lines.
O nly looking, is not believing,
S ecrets are meant to be hidden,
T o the self, most of all,

    If I am insane,
    If that is your verdict,
    I find myself truly wondering
    What do you make of others?

    Consider me a ghost,
    I will pass through walls,
    In my mind, I am invisible,
    Formless, bound to havoc,

    Now it's time, once again,
    To go back into the cave,
    Till this bizzare outcome,
    Comes to an end.
Saints, sinners, right, wrong, happiness, anger, love and hate.

Do you even know the difference?
Nikolas Dec 2021
A remény utolsó sugarát mentve
szálljon a nép a Földről fel,
Istenünk mondta hogy ha elesik szív,
itt nem ülni, itt tenni kell.
Vándorló képek és látomások
közepette tiszta vízként látom
igédet: bízok a kezedben s
mesteremnek adom a lelkemet.
Mert mondja embernek az Isten:
Küzdj, míg összerogyott lábad **** téged
a föld felett; küzdj míg van kiért,
s van miért még élni testedben.
S ha szíveden nyíl csattan s hasít
húsodba keményen, el ne vérezz s merj
nézni félelmednek szemébe:
így bízz a Szentlélekben.
Mert lesznek még majd jobb napok;
mikor az élet úgy dönt, ma nem harap;
s hagy téged élni a sors,
ha eddig nyugtod nem maradt.
Ha kétség támad elmédben s
álmodban zúz a valóság,
tépd szét az érzetet,
hagyd azt porladni lábadnál.
Ez van az Úrtól embernek, ha már
saját erejében nem hisz teremtménye:
remény és erő a felkeléshez,
végtelen szeretet és löket az újrakezdéshez.

— The End —