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B Mar 2013
Thinking about pizza as I'm here
it's warm with the ovens going
the order has been placed
i sit and wait
and wait
and wait
no time erased, only 1 minute elapsed
I feel like I'm swimming laps
in a tomato sauce pool
with black olives for floaties
the sauce is well past my knees
so hungry
and desperate
just to get a slice
of this great American pizza pie
it makes my heart swell
my eyes not dry
i'm gonna get eat pizza until i die

and if there comes a day
when they say no more pizza no way
your stomach can't handle it
your intestines will flare
i'll say i don't care
pull the trigger in my underwear
crime scene investigates
saw it on the news
a man covered in pizza
and bottles of *****
they couldn't get in the door was unlocked
a wall full of pizza boxes had the entry fully blocked
but deeper inside was a man no one knew
cheese oozing under the doorway cracks like glue

i'm still here waiting for pizza
no more imaginary trap
i look at my watch
the tenth minute elapsed
the lifeguard gets out
he's done with his swim
his whistle blows
everybody back in
the pizza is ready
time to dive in
Joe Cole Aug 2014
Yep puppy sitting my daughters eleven week old
red fox Labrador *****
All long legs big feet and puddles of *** on the carpet
Oh dear, Mollie dogs not happy
This pup is into everything
The contents of my pockets now strewn over the floor,
Teeth marks in my very expensive cell phone
I wouldn't change anything
Its been eight years since Mollie dog was a puppy
And I'd forgotten what fun they can be
Anyway how do I explain to my daughter about
The scratches on Ambers' nose?
Well she learned the hard way about what happens
When a puppy investigates one of my boys
My boys Max and Merlin terrify the local dogs
CharlesC Jul 2014
awareness as our oneness
as energetic substance
surrounds and penetrates
really all in all..
yet we are here
my table
my pen
my paper
my poem
my self..
and what is awareness
doing this morning..?
investigating what it
makes of itself:
L B Oct 2017
“The autopsy will confirm no trauma to the body
no foul play”

Face down in the river
whose name means forked tongue
A crow investigates
where water frowned in flotsam
face down—muddied
hair, mustachio
jeans and striped tee

“name has not been released pending...”

...His loves
tattooed on upper arm

“Coroner awaiting the next of....”

He'll wait a while
for “Mom and Budweiser” to finally check in
He may have...

“He may have been... ...a resident of
The Cozy Care Home”

where he paid for the care
questioned the cozy whose agent demurs—

“The turnover here is just so rapid... steady current of guests
No one ever noticed....”
“...this is Jacqueline Henry with WBSH News”

“The autopsy will confirm...”
First of the month
to town on a mission
Just a short hop
from stone to stone
from day to day
from rock to a hard place
Looking for a short cut
to Tasty Cakes, bologna
Wise Chips and a 40
cross the gurgling,
glinting light and liquid laughter

...This river has a forked tongue...

...a resident
...a resident
who paid to get missed
who one week before
on the easy way of an April day...
Knocked down, gasping
knocked down
and yanked through his forty-eight years pulled through panic
by lean muscle of current
wishing for something...
for someone
to hang on to!
The autopsy will confirm

This river lies
The local river's name is Lackawanna, from the Native, meaning, "divided."
Neighbor kids found this body.  Another was pulled from the "Lacky" several weeks ago.  Small rivers can be so deceptive.

"40" --40 oz. bottle of cheap beer
There's an entire field of math
that investigates how fast
things move, one with respect another.
From hydraulics to ballistics,
to scheduling and logistics,
to expected birth rates -
healthy babies, happy mothers.
You can model how disease
moves through a populace with ease
or with diff'culty, as coefficients vary,
how heat and energies diffuse,
or how quickly I will lose
your rapt attention, if I choose,
choose to carry,
always carry,
  carry on the way I do.
If I carry,
always carry on,
  to interest just a few.
But hey.
A passion's still a passion
no matter what you're drawn to.

And with some level of abstraction,
maybe we could find an action,
a reaction,
  an expansion
that could yield a change or two.
Piece together some firm notion,
quantify that art in motion,
brew that bubbling new potion
that can build a better view.

Because there's got to be some level
where preconceptions start to end.
Where the Bell curve starts to bevel,
where your mind begins to bend.
Where names and labels scatter free;
it doesn't matter what you do.
Where fin'lly I can just be me,
where you can just be you.

Because it all comes back to how we move,
one with respect another,
always acting as behooves
someone with our label's cover.
Father, mother.
Sister, brother.
  Pusher, shover.
   Friend and lover.
Villain, hero.
Dime or zero.
  Caesar, Nero,
or just a guy.
A ****, a bro
a ****, a **
The man who knows
every disguise.
a physician,
  a scared little boy wishin'
  on a shootin' star swishin'
long across a midnight sky.
Theatrical protagonist.
Can you start to get the jyst?
We've got so many roles to play.
Who do we want to be today?
  Just who looks back behind our eyes?

A Freedom Fighter
Wrong righter
Fire started
Broken hearter
Wallet stealer
Dope dealer
For God's sake,
let it stop.

I've got too many roles to fill.
Just can't chill.
Can't calm down,
can't come around.
I'm so tired,
I'm so wired,
  I'm so scared of gettin' fired.
So much **** piles up.
Please, Barkeep, one more in my cup.
  And crank those ******' dials up.
Make chaotic volume flood,
'til the sound of pounding blood
  in my ears becomes a mud
layered thick around the brain,
until that **** that's so insane,
  becomes labeled as mundane.
Betrayal.  ******.  War.
Ya know, I've seen it all before.
  And I'd expect we'll see some more.
But that's okay.
I can breathe.
I'm listed here as understanding.
It's expected.
Let it go.
I'm listed here as undemanding.

It was for a blessing's name
that Cain betrayed his brother.
So becomes our choice of movement,
one with respect another.
Stationary, if not stable,
names fighting to define
people willing, if not able,
to leave their names' confines.

I know it could be simple
if we put our names to rest,
but like some aggravated pimple
grows my own list to contest.
I'm still a lover unrequited.
Still the guy who's ever-slighted,
I've got my Fightin' Irish side;
got both the drinker and his pride.
I still speak my simple credo,
have a Gemini's libido.
And by chivalry's demand,
will keep on offering my hand,
  knowing full well that you will stand
without assistance,
and insistence
that you don't need help from a man.

It gets out of hand so quickly
trying to cultivate ourselves
into what we think we should be.
We wind up bring off the shelves
more than we bargained for
and in the end,
the labels wind up wrong.
While well-intended
all we ended up with
is a spoiled song.

It started out four hands together
plucking out a little tune.
Silv'ry chords you sent to heaven
on a morning come too soon.
But the motif
stolen by the thief
of our own grand delusions,
Our minds,
just as we trained them,
racing off to draw conclusions...

What was once upon a time
beautiful simplicity
became muddled by the noise
of the entire symphony.
The blowing brass and sawing strings
of complicated history
confuse the senses, turn our tune into
a blurred cacophony.

And so we quit that silly game,
'cause it could never be the same
after we banished every name
except our own.
Then we could be
free from confinement on the "who,"
the "what," the "why" of what we do.
with me just me, and you just you.

So it is shown.
martin challis Jun 2015
The adolescent Currawong
not exactly stumbling or tripping
is parrot-like as a junior, a
hopper and stepper in
the art of stalking and hunting

In a series of quick-steps and bounces
she moves sideways, most emphatic as
a survival enthusiast

She gazes, investigates and gathers the curios,
insects, rich dark worms
one gesture at a time

She is vigilant and persistent
through the dust
the soil, the grass
with instinct and practise

through her teachers
she thrives

MChallis © 2015
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
The Clouded Sea

The sea lies flat setting just off shore a billowy cloud tenderly rests this sky voyager floats on the waves a misty guest
The two always complement each other one widely flows the other bestows willowy snow like scenes to enchant
The air stands between the swells and the moist over hanging shell set among azure blue once flight was the quest
The painter’s mind it does spark illuminations submerged in soulful wells truths transferred on canvas holds you in its spell

Who writes in the wind to the closest friends he sends these weighty thoughts stirred he will enclose them then disclose all
Yes the sea will tell of richness the boundless waves in their glorious spray will touch with magnificence this tribunal voice
Speaks every language has and knows the most dramatic utterances that blend with silence the soothing on the soul it falls
Text books widest roads it runs them all to their ends it investigates with tender’s breeze or with a squall it may favor a call

You sit among the cool frothing suds the sands grow no buds but oh what sights sea grasses grow amidst the dunes flume like
The gulls sail on the wind and delight with their aerial antics Pelicans fly in squadron formation seal and otter amuse and delight
The chill spreads inland, sweaters appear couples huddle close generating warmth cherished feelings rise ever as high as a kite
Smiles spread no Nordic blast can take away pleasure that is seated in oceanic sprawl the emotions deepen with the tide

The final pleasure you can’t ignore this chance to inter a cloud bank puffs of crystal standing two stories high float into the mist
Reach out swirl your hand in a circle make portholes turn slowly you are now engulfed in chiffon elegance a cumulus ball awaits
Step by step walk on moist softness feel the lightness as it springs then leaves delightful delicate prints only the unicorn will visit
The untraceable path through earthbound cloud at the sea shore for you it came to be just a puff of magic fluff for your embrace
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011
The Clouded Sea

The sea lies flat setting just off shore a billowy cloud tenderly rests this sky voyager floats on the waves a misty guest
The two always complement each other one widely flows the other bestows willowy snow like scenes to enchant
The air stands between the swells and the moist over hanging shell set among azure blue once flight was the quest
The painter’s mind it does spark illuminations submerged in soulful wells truths transferred on canvas holds you in its spell

Who writes in the wind to the closest friends he sends these weighty thoughts stirred he will enclose them then disclose all
Yes the sea will tell of richness the boundless waves in their glorious spray will touch with magnificence this tribunal voice
Speaks every language has and knows the most dramatic utterances that blend with silence the soothing on the soul it falls
Text books widest roads it runs them all to their ends it investigates with tender’s breeze or with a squall it may favor a call

You sit among the cool frothing suds the sands grow no buds but oh what sights sea grasses grow amidst the dunes flume like
The gulls sail on the wind and delight with their aerial antics Pelicans fly in squadron formation seal and otter amuse and delight
The chill spreads inland, sweaters appear couples huddle close generating warmth cherished feelings rise ever as high as a kite
Smiles spread no Nordic blast can take away pleasure that is seated in oceanic sprawl the emotions deepen with the tide

The final pleasure you can’t ignore this chance to inter a cloud bank puffs of crystal standing two stories high float into the mist
Reach out swirl your hand in a circle make portholes turn slowly you are now engulfed in chiffon elegance a cumulus ball awaits
Step by step walk on moist softness feel the lightness as it springs then leaves delightful delicate prints only the unicorn will visit
The untraceable path through earthbound cloud at the sea shore for you it came to be just a puff of magic fluff for your embrace
Joreian Smith Nov 2018
His last memory was my cold shoulder, as I with ease severed our bonds
Tears embraced the pain filled face, and nightmarish shrieks took ahold of me
Each step was strenuous, a colossal amount of weight
And it was not as though my body could not move, but that my heart was unwilling to leave
Why does it always rain on those who deserve the sun? Such is a question that has no answer
Perhaps if I filled myself with suppositions a bit longer, it would soon become natural
Regret swarmed my mind and thoughts, I could do nothing but ponder what could have been different
Under the blazing sun, on the smooth warm green grass that hugs us both
The calm delicate face of his hand asks mine for a kiss, and grasp one another tenderly, bashfully sharing warmth
Hazel orbs directed at my own, seemingly pouring inside sweet endearment
Of course, we were not the only stars in the sky, another match made in heaven were joyful right along with us
The blazing sun had duet with he moons, and in the finale the role of spotlight was handed to the moon
As it twirled onto the center the sun cast a spell of light making the moon a star to be seen by all
He lied their imperfect revealing every foible, the thick, viscous blackness oozing out his heart
And surely, I am no better on the inside, sorrow rolling on my cheeks, immortal wickedness enslaving me
Yet a lovely pair sprouted their feathery wings and flew towards us only to perch on us
One drew a smile and unease lifted itself from my shoulders
T’was an exquisite blissful night, and dreamy desires filled my mind
‘Could our love be as beautiful as the moon and the sun’s?’ one whispered
No, it cannot my imperfection will make sure of that
How I adore you who investigates my heart and still intends to come closer, but the closer you are the more we hurt, simply the act of smiling at another can trouble you for days
Being friendly with an old friend summons insecurity and jealousy, and suddenly endearment is no longer sweet
For I’ve cut the both of us too deeply with my selfish love, tis so cruel I always want what I cannot have
My last memory was his hand reaching out to me and his pleading face, as I in tears severed our bonds
Love doesn't exist. After all, no matter how much the moon may love the sun the earth harbors the moon to itself selfishly and if the sun were to get too close it could do nothing but watch as its love burns.
A spotlight shining 
down gives significance to my face 
and draws attention to the beings among the dark surrounding space.
The microphone 
a massive fit within my cotton mouth:  my voice amplifies a welcome to the crowd with booming sound. 
Too late now, 
No turning back I preach my lines with charm 
as every beady eye investigates my nervous calm.  
Need for alarm; my sweaty palms collapse a desperate grip upon 
the silent seated people unresponsive to my drum.
Rising from their seats,
they aim for their retreat- 
FINE! turn your back on poetry 
don't listen to my speech!
Copyright Christopher Rossi, 2010
Heidi Franke Dec 2023
There are no limitations. You
Receive help that
You never accepted.
It now encircles you.
By an outstretched hand.
No one bites it off.
Acceptance received.

The sun directly investigates
Any unwillingness
To not accept change. Bringing a pinch of new light.

Who would you have to be
Stepping into the
Other side?
Finding you are truly good enough.
That any other connection
From limiting beliefs
Unravels, like opening a pomegranate. One seed thinks it's all alone,
not seeing all the others encased in their own restrictions.
What if it were the perfect time? The full ripe fruit.

You are the right age! This is the perfect time!

What if the opposite were true?
What would you do? Even if a part of you did not believe it?

Bathe hence your confining insistences.
What is in your skyline? Your oceans horizon?
Supplied with new resources, a deliberate inventory, of unrestricted beliefs, if the opposite were true?
Then who would you have to be
To make it unmistakable?
Who would I want to be
If the opposite were true? Now, only now, as a matter of time.
Reflections on a learned patterned of thinking, leading to a false self identity.
Ellie Elliott Nov 2019
'i can breathe, i can breathe!'

i scream it into the air because there's space to scream it.
grass and trees and water as far as the eye can see,
even turbines spinning slowly,
i'm telling you now i have never felt like there was so much air before this moment.

i move upstream through the running water just to remind myself that this is real life and there are still difficulties
i laugh to myself though - it's never been this easy to bring myself back down to earth, because there's so ******* much of it

my vision is blurred from wet glasses. i'm delighted. the stress lines are melting from my face with the rain. i'm unashamed. i don't think i've ever been this free of pain. aaand hodor's howling from the top of the hill like a tiny wolf again.

side by side i walk through heather with my mother and i remember lantern-lit martinmas walks when i was four feet tall or thereabouts, and with the peppered scent of brambles and moulting leaves, i'm a child again and the leaves are mine to crunch and kick.

we pick wildflowers for the kitchen and blackberries for jam. we find ourselves going to extraordinary lengths to get the best ones, which of course, are always just out of reach. it becomes a quest for the unobtainables. but we come home with stained hands, faces aglow and two kilos.

bernie learns to fetch the ball and drop it and i almost cry because i love him so much. bernie investigates the deeper water of the river because daisy is swimming and i almost cry because i love him so much. bernie lays his damp head on my legs after a walk and falls straight to sleep and i almost cry because i love him so much.

the mist lies on top of the mountain like a protective blanket and i feel myself become one with the mud. i am the mud. the mud is me. i am a mud lady now. ever had muddy water flow over the top of your wellies and not feel remotely bothered? better than yoga.

never thought i'd ever be wishing for a wetsuit but here we are.

oh and, cold sunshine. gorgeous, crisp cold sunshine.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2014
Failure investigates your courage
To make up for the loss you suffered from!
Notes (optional)
Were you reminding me?
the famous equation E=mc^2,
investigates c­orrelation between
Mass and Energy?
Although,Hawking argues 
it b­egins this way—
a thought expressing itself in the
darkness of no­thing: 'no thing'
and then exploding itself across thevast expans­e of time,
we are composites of these deposits - 
particles shoot­ing
I saw a pair of shooting stars,
arc its way across the 
sable­ tapestry,
from the Big Bang of the universe
spewing its essence ­across the
facade of time.
I see a pair of shooting stars
Duane's­ cleft moon in concert
with the universe's Big Bang
both expendin­g themselves in the darkness
By: Angel. XJ/30/10/2018
Bob B Jul 2021
Watch the two traverse the country
Totally engrossed
In taking their ludicrous, idiotic
Show from coast to coast:

An alleged ***-offender AND
The wacko QAnon queen,
Representatives Matthew Gaetz
And Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Greene's inflammatory comments--
Obnoxious and inane--
Got her kicked off House committees.
She acts downright insane!

Gaetz remains on his committee
Which investigates
Situations such as the one
Involving himself--Gaetz!

They're stirring up the far-right base
While trying to make a splash,
Appealing to people's basest instincts
And raking in the cash;

Ranting about cancel culture
And communistic threats;
Raising fears about our border
With negative epithets;

Reinforcing Trump's Big Lie--
A plot that they endorse;
And criticizing Black Lives Matter,
Which they hate, of course.

If you wonder how long until
The two clowns will implode,
As long as they have an audience,
They'll take their show on the road:

An alleged ***-offender AND
The wacko QAnon queen,
Representatives Matthew Gaetz
And Marjorie Taylor Greene.

-by Bob B (7-21-21)
Lawrence Hall Jan 2023
Lawrence Hall

                                The Senate Protects Us from Evil

Russian ships creep up upon our coasts
Armed with tsircon missiles to make us ghosts

Police gangs “serve and protect” with beatings and scars
Anonymous in hoodies and unmarked cars

Each self-appointed Grand Inquisitor looks
Through school and public libraries for ***** books

The poor can’t afford to buy meat, bread, and eggs
And so
Congress investigates Taylor Swift’s…tickets
Muluuta Mugagga Aug 2019
A bad attacks in your body
pain commences its torture duty
reporting it to the treatment center happens

medic drains blood from you and investigates
the microscope doesn't spare your waste liquids too
without mercy ****** your soft skin
releases chemicals in your blood
orders you out of work-related pressure

days later
healing chases pain
a smile comes running.
Big Virge Apr 2021
Now I’m A Critical Thinker...
So REFUSE To Wear Blinkers...
When It Comes To Things...

Well To ME They Do...
But It’s Clear That Most Choose...

To Just... ACCEPT...
What Government Heads...
Are Quick To Present...
As Being What’s Best...
To... Apparently Help...

When Cards That They’ve Dealt...
Haven’t Served Folks Well... !?!

So That’s An Example...
That... Just Like Miss Marple...

My Thinking Roams.............................. .
And Investigates Quotes...
That Are Made By Those...
Who Behave Like **’s...
To Gain Control And Power Broke... !!!

As If They Don’t Leave People Bones...
While They Claim Thrones...
For Stones They Throw...
From Their Glass Homes...

And That’s No Joke... !!!

Cos I’m The Kinda Bloke...
Whose Tone Ain’t Loc... !!!

I’m A SERIOUS Head...
Who DOESN’T Accept...
... Weak Arguments...

Like Those Conveyed...
About Being Enslaved...
When It’s Clear That Blacks...
Are Quick To Attack...
Those Who Look Like Them... ?!?

Instead of Attempt...
To Use Their Strength...
To Attack White Men...
And Their Systems... !?!

And Africans Seem...
To... Only NOW See... ?!?

That What We Need...
Is To Stop The West...
From Feeding Disease...
And The Kind of Treatments...
That Embrace VACCINES... !!!

BEFORE They’re Used...
On Those In Europe...
As Well As... Americans... !!!

But Unfortunately...
They’ve Allowed The Chinese...
To Now IMPEDE...

African Progress...
By Allowing Them...
To Use Their Money...
DENY African Strength... !?!

It’s The Same Old Same...
That Bred Enslavement...
When Blacks Enslaved...
BEFORE White Folks Came... !!!

And That’s A... FACT...
NOT Some White Lie...
That Can Be Denied... !!!

It’s Really Quite Sad...
To Now See That...
We’re Still Trying To Claim...
That THEY Are To Blame...
For How WE BEHAVE... ?!?

And Now DON’T Care...
About Words That Declare...
Was Put In Our Brains...
By Those With Pale Face... ?!?

When Dark Skins STILL...
Aren’t The Ones Instilled...
At The Top of Blacks Hills... ?!?

But Now That We MATTER...
It’s Okay To Be BLACKER...
Than Black Slave Masters...
And Those Who Gathered...
Blacks To Be SHACKLED...
And SOLD Like CATTLE... !!!

Cos’ When You Think About It...
And Check Bobs Lyrics...

What Did He Say...
Back In... The Day... ???

“ Some Are Wolf,
In Sheep’s Clothing. “

And That’s Some Truth...
That He Was Quoting... !!!

When We Look At Black Youth...
Gang Wars ARE SELF LOATHING... !!!

Bob Also Said...

“ Man To Man Is So Unjust,
Children, Ya Don’t Know Who To Trust ?
Your Worst Enemy,
Could Be Your Best Friend,
And Your Best Friend,
Your Worst Enemy !
Some Will Eat And Drink With You,
Then Behind, Them, Su Su Pon’ You,
Only Your Friend, Know Your Secrets,
So Only He Could Reveal It “...

And Those Are Words...

And Historically...
Are Those... REVEALING...

That Critical THINKING...
Is Something NEEDED...

When It Comes To Much...
That Currently Runs...
As Well As What Feeds...
... Our Histories... !!!

What Suits YOUR VIEW...

But Believing FALLACIES...
Can Taint The Truth...

Is Indeed A WISE Thing... !!!

And In Times Like These...
Where We’re Facing Disease...
Political Fiends And New Technology...
That May REPLACE... Humanity... ?!?

It’s NOT A Time...
To Embrace Wearing Blinkers... !!!

It’s One For WISE Minds...

To Be...

... “ Critical Thinkers “...
I'd rather be one, than to not be, no matter what it stirs in other people !
When it comes to your thinking...

"Stand for something, or fall for anything !"
Travis Green Nov 2023
His huge ruling musculature
Makes me drool all over my lips
His broad, manly pecs are
The safest place for my face to embrace
His eye-catching abs grab my attention

I crave for him to wrap me
In his long, sculpted arms
Submerge me in his nakedness
Take in his unparalleled greatness
Inhale his macho fragrance

Feel his electric magnetic kisses
On my neck and breathtaking *******
Capture my breath, make me sweat
As his finessefully refined design
Runs through my mind

Glide into my gay world
Rain down his bang
Of gangbuster hurricane
All over my perfect structure
As my hands hold on
To his durable rear

Feel him squeeze
And tease my alluring hips
Lick and ******* ****** spots
Ignite my passion
Let me feel the magic of his tongue
His thick magic stick in action

Bang me, tame me, stupefy me
Rearrange and govern my guts
**** me hard until I combust
Give me a lustful gaze
Make me feel his relentless rigidness

Show me his top-notch motion
Make me drink his obsession-triggering potion
Float through space
The more he investigates my gayness
Keeps me in place

Makes me cry out in elation
Ram me deep, leave me speechless
Feel his superb muscular body all over me
His powerful piping-hot fire
As he rises to a heart-stopping ******
And discharges his salty, tasty, and creamy protein
All over my enormous, marvelous *****
Donall Dempsey Dec 2023

The paintbrush leans over the table's

vomiting a lurid green
drip by drip by,,,,,,,,

The still life has got
even stiller.

No longer 3 apples &
a pair of pears.

Now only
their cores.

turning a nasty brown.

An ant investigates.

To the ant the cores are
Mount Rushmores

only in apple and pear
instead of stone.

And Little Miss
( the painter )is

to be seen.

Little Miss is

The canvas holds the scene
prisoner in paint.

There in various shades
of green are

3 apples &
a pair of pears.

Stripped down
to their cores.

Looking curiously

Here a note
speaks in blue and green:

"Dear You
I got bored &

...was hungry.

Gone to lie
in the sun.

Singed: Me!"

A dead blue bottle
washed up on a window sill

pretending to be a jewel.

A cat enters the room.

"Me? How!" it demands.
Travis Green Dec 2023
He blows me away
When I behold his captivating manliness
His full, smooth beard
His aesthetically appealing lips
His fascinating, scintillating eyes

His entireness dances through my mind
His high-voltage dopeness
Courses through my veins
He makes me so *****
Makes me long for him
To explore every inch of my core

Spread my legs, possess my wetness
Caress my flesh, finesse my *******
Make me weak
Show me his inner freak
****** his thick meat
In and out of my tender, treasured depths

Venture deeper and deeper inside me
Grab my sweet sleek *** cheeks
**** me faster
Go in a circular motion
Stroke every inch of me

Enrapture me with his
Mind-blowing attractiveness
Let his big **** stick
Speak to my love tunnel
Feel it throb within me
As I gawk at his supremeness

Feel his passionate energy
Have ****, wet dreams of him
So addicted to his majestic magneticness
The way he gazes at me
Investigates and penetrates me

Dominates and stimulates me
Satiates my cravings
Makes me feel his slamming rams
Of pulsating pleasure
Leaves my slippery **** pit
Bathed in his rich, tasty man juice
nvinn fonia Dec 2023
citing and active areas of logic today are set theory, model theory and connections with computer science. Set theory addresses various ways to axiomatize mathematics, with implications for understanding the properties of sets having large infinite cardinalities and connections with the axiomatization of mathematics. Model theory investigates particular mathematic
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2021
Woke up from an unusual dream
Scary, but I wasn't frightened

Jesus Christ was crucified
The Buddha was enlightened

Socrates asked questions
Joan of Arc fought for France

Michael Clayton investigates
Shiva does his dance

I just call my sons
I know no mystic trance

But I read dearest Emily
A few poems that prayprance.
Zywa Jan 1
The state consists of a legislative, an executive and a judicial power. The judicial power organizes itself and functions independently of the legislative and executive powers.

The people who are in this country have equal rights and are treated equally in equal cases. The state does not take into account personal aspects such as beliefs, preferences and physical characteristics.

In the event of a violation or alleged violation of article 2, the state investigates the facts and acts in such a way that they are submitted to the judiciary for assessment.

Unequal opportunities are eliminated as much as possible by the legislator, both in current cases and preventively by organising public order in accordance with article 2.
Regula Aurea (The Golden Rule), Trias politica

Mahabharata (850 BC): One should never do to another what one considers offensive to oneself. This is the essence of the rule of all righteousness (Dharma)

Collection "The drama"

— The End —