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Anais Vionet Sep 2022
He wears, with me, the charms of love,
exchanging gentle whispers in storms
of fascinated, trembling union.

He shares with me blue velvet nights
of careful and unmeasurable bliss,
and titivates modest morning rebirths.

He cares for me, reproof us not, we make
no show of virtue, or counterfeit innocency,
but partage, in comfort, this open honesty.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Titivate: make more attractive, improve

innocency = a show of innocence
partage = share
Are you thinking this gonna  work ?

I am hoping
to get full love in short time,

Once again
Love me if you can will find me interesting
more n amore
... Just tell me
We will be happy
...innocent kisses

...just take care.
..someone is always watching you...

  don't ask me why!!!

..making things complex..


...then laugh for a little while

wait n watch
see the game of dark innocency, cheers!!!
be confident n please continue, everything
I know whatever I try..

pseudo love
.. I am writing so lengthy!
Just to convince you
Enslaved with the beautiful appearance of this lovely Creature, the innocency of the eyes and the sparkling hair.  I found solace in my bored lonely path. When I craved for companion, I was betrayed and disappointed although I learnt my lessons in that frustrating way.  Not only that I trusted this little pet, I named him Harvey because of the what comes with the beautiful name.  Now I write

Dear Harvey my baby pet as I usually call him,  I love you to the moon because of the gap you have filled although I know someday someone will fight the position with you but I promise you will always be my baby and sweet dog.
Boss Kally Okoye
Enslaved in the beauty of this Creature,
Your ever welcoming sight of innocency,
With your stainless hairs of flawless,
Like a sparkling Star that lit the darken soul.
As I explore your fur,
Your expression of joy,
Suppresses my crave for companion.

Before you came
In my bored lonely path,
I craved for a companion,
A beast in my kind
Turned me to a waste
A feeling of self pity

Disappointment and betrayal
Became a routine in which
I bathe my flesh
In a scorching hot of regret
Of a frustrating experience

Oh my lovely pet,
You gave a soul of love
To be his priceless harvey
A memory of Hope

Now I write

Dear Harvey my baby pet, I love you to the moon because of the gap you have filled although I know someday someone will fight the position with you but I promised you will always be my baby and sweet dog.

Yours precious
©Kally Okoye
Love from you to me
Naidu Chandra Nov 2017
But when I
look into your eyes
I see innocency........

But when I
Look into your eyes
I see obscurity

But when I
Look into your eyes
I could see thousand years
You and me spending together
Side by side
In each other's warmth
Growing old in each other's company .....
All rights reserved
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
My writings are in a wet paper
My morning starts on a floating wave
My memory in a missing time
Everything uncertain and unclear
All the de-petaled flowers of yesterday
Yet I am forced to live into which I am betrayed
Following a journey for a war of life.
Being a conqueror
When I return
YOU (life) are excited for another death.
Futile attempt, futile ego.
I deceive myself sincerely knowing much about YOU
But manage carefully not to know YOU.
YOU cling
To the murderous innocency of the child’s smile
To the unbearable softness of the winter morning sun
To the softest violence of the mother’s love
To the invisible darkness of the no-moon night
To the sharp look of the eye
To the vapors of a warm kiss on the fore head
Still much remain unsaid and untouched
Perhaps any say about YOU is unsay able
And all unsayables are the only sayings of you
Perhaps you are not available when I am there
But available when I am not there
The Seeker.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
kundanchandra Sep 2017
I saw her today.
She was in that park again.
Her innocent face drown me in inveterately of my thoughs.
It's been a while since i have beEn thinking about her.
My innocent love for her innocency...
My thoughts within me.
Akta Agarwal Apr 2021
Rose is the feeling of love which can be felt from heart
That love doesn't only mean life partner or girlfriend - boyfriend
It's define love of all type may be it of sisters, brothers, friends, parents, teachers etc
It's petals is so soft Which defines love, happiness and innocency
It's also have thorns which protects rose petals means innocence Otherwise anyone can hurt it Everyone hate thorns bcoz it hurt us But it protect that rose petals from hurting
Thorns define struggle,pain and hard work
This rose may it rose petals or thorns it not only define the expression love but it also define our life
bcoz our life is not different from this things
Love is beautiful emotions and that's why we love rose.
Without thorns there will not be any identity of rose petals
where as of course there is no work of throns without rose petals which means innocenceness.
Rose and throns
Allyssa Knight Oct 2015
Your spirit
Has faded from me like the last of water on my tongue.

Why did you allow me to cast you away with the least bit of sympathy and anger of a broken heart that only sings melodies for you?

I am lost
I isolate myself because I traded myself for just a taste of your caressive flesh against my pure innocency.

who is at fault for my defloweration ?
I am only young at night and then dead in the morning.


Now I am lost in the ways of the world.
who will be my light in the dark?
Why did you leave ?
A touchwood

With darkness
Above the limit


Of struggle.

A walk...
Line...of loneliness...
Dancing fairy...
Tale of struggle...
Touching daffodils cover ..
Rainy swing...
A swimming...
Desire of rose...
Rosy smile a mile...
Touchwood of love
Shivpriya Jun 2021
A lugubrious soul feels an upbeat song!

My famished roots
are crying their misery over
immaculate emotions, which
are heaving upward after knowing
a sedate truth!

I understand mere physically,
we may greet each other with our meeting hands.
But if we are not inside the point of
intersection, then I am afraid the darkness
would squall and bitterly weep again.

I know there's an another fact about the
dreary darkness that it would also glimmer
with its yearning for earnestness.
Even if it is after a little downcast!

- Make me pure like you!
So scintillating, bright and, exhibiting innocency!
zozek Jul 2022
Aw the mornings come by and go
through the vapor of the newly steeped tea
Carrying the innocency like that of the baby oil odor
And the freshly sliced tomatoes
Cut to gather the people of the house around
How do I long for you and the mornings we all rushed to catch up with life
A folder full of colorfully sketched moments
Sometimes left in the car to be carried back to kids at school
Decaf coffee sipped with good memories and a lot of laughs
Friends, jokes and giggles, happy smiles
Knowing that my name on the paper cup has been written correctly because you spelled it to the barista
Warms my heart
Akta Agarwal May 2021
With time I have forgotten that sweet lovely and innocent memories of my childhood
Now also whenever I do think of it,
its brings sweet smiles with sour tears
As I do missed that innocency, sweetness and friends
that time will never come again.

— The End —